Question at hand
Dobrynin, A.S., Purgina, M.V., Koinov, R.S. (2019). Parametric model of the active element of a multi-agent organizational system. Cybernetics and programming, 4, 16.
The subject of research is the parametric model of the active element (agent) of a multi-agent organization system proposed by the authors. This model can be used to build specific regulatory models of activities in organizations based on the preferences and interests of work performers. Unlike most models of the theory of management of organizational systems, where profit issues are highlighted, the proposed model is focused on the comprehensive consideration of the interests of employees of multi-agent systems. The key idea shared by the authors of this publication is that the evolutionary approach to the development of large and complex systems is preferable to the revolutionary one, since it increases the stability of systems and also contributes to the targeted and long-term development of unique staff competencies. The key difference between the considered model and the previously described in the corresponding literature on management theory is the use of the hypothesis of “economic behavior” as an equal factor in relation to other no less important characteristics of human activity, such as professionalism, experience, transfer of accumulated knowledge to the younger generation.
multiagent system, theory of active systems, control mechanism, organizational system, parametric model, control system, agent model, efficiency, agent, organization mechanism
Mathematical models and computer simulation experiment
Litvinov, V.A. (2019). On the sensitivity of particle flow to diffusion coefficient variations. Cybernetics and programming, 4, 714.
The subject of the study is the sensitivity of the experimentally observed characteristics of the particle and radiation flow to variations in the parameters of the model of interaction of particles with the medium. The object of study is the diffusion flow of particles propagating in an unlimited medium. The author considers the variations in particle flux due to changes in the diffusion coefficient both over time and at different points in space. It is emphasized that the expressions obtained in this work can be considered as a statement of the inverse problem in the form of integral equations of the first kind. The research method is variational analysis and numerical experiment. The justification of the method is based on a comparison of the results of calculations by the proposed method and those obtained by the numerical diffusion equation by the difference method. The main conclusions of the study are the expressions for the function of the sensitivity of the diffusion flux to functional variations of the diffusion coefficient. The novelty of the study lies in the formulation of the inverse problem of determining the functional form of the coefficients of the diffusion equation (thermal conductivity) through the function of the sensitivity of the particle flux to variations of the desired parameters.
interpolation, variations, differential equations, inverse problem, sensitivity, thermal conductivity, diffusion, numerical methods, green's function, functional
Automation of manufacturing and production planning
Naumkin, A.D. (2019). Ways of digital transformation of airport-airline interaction processes. Cybernetics and programming, 4, 1525.
Analysis of scientific publications shows that, at the moment, there is an insufficient number of published systematic studies that study the digital transformation of the processes of interaction between airports and airlines. The digital transformation of these processes, for example, ground-based services, has the potential to make better use of resources and improve customer experience. The aim of the study is to review the main areas of research, methods and applications focused on the digital transformation of the processes of interaction between airports and airlines. The main point of interaction between airports and airlines in this article is the ground handling service. The research methodology includes the following steps: constructing a working definition of the term digital transformation in the context of the interaction of airports and airlines, reviewing the value chain of ground service processes, reviewing reference materials that examine the processes of interaction between airlines and airports, highlighting the paths of digital transformation in accordance with their business processes within the value chain. The study of the digital transformation of the processes of interaction between airports and airlines contains, in my opinion, a number of research problems, namely:• the contradiction of the concepts of digital transformation in the context of the aviation industry;• lack of a resource containing a comprehensive overview of the main areas of research, methods and applications focused on the digital transformation of the interaction processes between airlines and airports;The results of the study are the key points highlighted by the authors and the proposed recommendations for future research in the framework of building models and methods for digital transformation of the interaction processes of business ecosystems of airports and airlines.
business processes, digitalization, business ecosystem, digital technologies, digital transformation, airports, airlines, digital space, ground handling service, digital transformation paths
Virtual worlds and virtual reality systems
Mezhenin, A.V., Izvozchikova, V.V., Burlov, D.I. (2019). Modeling of a virtual environment in cyber visualization and virtual presence technologies. Cybernetics and programming, 4, 2635.
The subject of the research is the modeling and visualization methods of a virtual environment and the construction of a point cloud of three-dimensional space, both in 3D modeling systems and on the basis of video data. Particularly considered is the problem of incomplete data and the issues of maintaining information relevant to analysis.The task of modeling a virtual environment is relevant in areas such as: visualization and analysis of spatial data of large volume; visualization of graph-analytical models; monitoring of the infrastructure area of the space of intelligent security systems, control and prevention of emergency situations; building three-dimensional maps of cities and three-dimensional surrounding space in simulators; location of robots; in CAD and medicine. As methods of modeling a virtual environment, the mathematical apparatus of parametric and nonparametric reconstruction of the distribution density of point objects of space according to the available sample is used. The result of the study is a conceptual description of the methods of modeling a virtual environment. Visually, the simulation results are presented in the form of a cloud of points of uneven density. To improve visual perception, the points of the model are presented in the form of heat maps with an adaptive scale.The following are considered as examples: analysis of the distribution density of data obtained from the video stream, when the individual components of the normal distribution mixture are used to visualize the entire distribution mixture; modeling a point cloud of three-dimensional space based on video data obtained as a result of shooting with a single camera moving along an arbitrary trajectory.The proposed approach will improve the accuracy and visibility of the virtual environment for subsequent visualization and detailed analysis of the simulated space.
modeling, augmented reality systems, virtual reality systems, virtual environment, virtual presence, cyber visualization, point cloud, heat map, video surveillance systems, 3D visualization
Theory, software and languages of concurrent computing
Chitalov, D.I., Kalashnikov, S.T. (2019). Development of a graphical shell for parallel calculations based on the OpenFOAM platform. Cybernetics and programming, 4, 3650.
Graphical interfaces are an essential element of human-computer interaction. They provide the formation of input data for programs and visualization of results. Commercial software predominantly comes with integrated graphical communication tools. At the same time, some open-source software solutions, in particular, the OpenFOAM platform, have no built-in interaction tools. This problem remains relevant because existing graphical interfaces have disadvantages. This paper presents a phased process for developing a graphical shell for implementing user interaction with the OpenFOAM platform - for setting up numerical experiments in relation to the tasks of continuum mechanics (MSS) in parallel execution mode. To achieve this goal, a list of tasks and necessary tools is defined: the Python 3.5 programming language, the PyQt5 interface element description framework, and the PyCharm integrated development environment. The diagrams showing the interconnection of the program modules and the mechanism of the program. The results of the development and testing of the application are formulated using the example of a project of one of the standard tasks of the MSS included in the distribution platform platform OpenFOAM. The scientific novelty of the study is formulated, in particular: serialization of the parameters of a numerical experiment using the Python Pickle module and database tables in SQLite format, the ability to create various versions of files with MCC task parameters, the ability to run console commands using bash scripts. The practical value of the work and further prospects are also determined.
graphical user interface, open source software, OpenFOAM, parallel computing, continuum mechanics, numerical simulation, Python programming language, PyQt library, SQLite DBMS, bash-scripting
Knowledge bases, intelligent systems, expert systems, decision support systems
Dushkin, R., Andronov, M.G. (2019). Hybrid design of artificial intelligent systems. Cybernetics and programming, 4, 5158.
The subject of research is the architecture of artificial intelligent systems, developed as part of a hybrid approach to artificial intelligence. The article offers the author’s vision of the process of constructing artificial intelligent agents based on a hybrid approach using organismic principles. An artificial intelligent agent with a hybrid scheme is a “cybernetic machine” operating in a certain environment and functionally interacting with it. Of interest is the way the agent interacts and makes decisions, in which information from the environment passes through many sensors, and then it is cleaned up and sensory integrated with further translation into a symbolic form for decision making based on symbolic logic and the operation of a universal output machine. As the main research methodology, a systems engineering approach to the analysis and construction of technical systems was adopted, as well as a functional approach as an additional research method. The novelty of the study is in the use of a hybrid paradigm for constructing artificial intelligent systems in conjunction with systems and functional approaches in the design of technical systems, which made it possible to generalize the available data on the interaction of intelligent agents with the environment and identify interesting patterns for use in the development of artificial intelligence systems. The main conclusion of the study is the possibility of using a hybrid paradigm to obtain artificial intellectual agents that have important advantages of the upward and downward artificial intelligence paradigm - the ability to learn and behave appropriately in an unknown environment and the ability to explain the reasons for their decisions, respectively. This important finding will advance research into explainable artificial intelligence.
functional approach, interaction with environment, cybernetic approach, system architecture, intellectual agent, hybrid paradigm, artificial intelligence, system design, system analysis, explainable artificial intelligence