Systems analysis , search, analysis and information filtering
Galemov, R.T. (2018). Compensation of the alternating drift of the objective function in solving the inverse problem of the manipulator kinematics in the conditions of a moving target. Cybernetics and programming, 4, 118.
The object of the study is to solve the inverse problem of kinematics, as an optimization problem, under the conditions of a moving target. The subject of the study is the consideration of the drift of the objective function, as a result of the movement of the target, in the process of optimization. To solve the inverse problem of the kinematics of a multi-link manipulator, in the conditions of the time-varying position of the target, an effective algorithm for search optimization has been developed. Its essence consists in estimating the drift velocity, the formulated objective function, at each step of the search and taking into account the influence of the drift of the target when choosing the direction of the search. The modification of the method for the variable drift velocity of the objective function is considered. Estimates of the drift velocity are calculated by the recursive least squares method based on two modes: continuous search and search movement with repeated experiments at each vertex. The drift effect on the value of the objective function is obtained by integrating the drift velocity estimates on the time interval between the measurements. The author proposes a method for taking into account the drift of the objective function in the optimization problem. The proposed method showed its effectiveness in optimization problems with one and several extremums, using the example of simplex search and the genetic algorithm, operating under conditions of unstable drift of the objective function. The experimental limits of the effectiveness of the application of the method are determined experimentally.
hybrid search, genetic algorithm, simplex search, drift estimations, moving target, direct search methods, inverse kinematics problem, cost function drift, optimization, extremum seeking control
Mathematical models and computer simulation experiment
Filgus, D.I. (2018). The method of forming the load on the arcs of the search graph of the shortest Hamiltonian path in relation to solving the problem of scheduling the implementation of multiple transactions and queries in a network database. Cybernetics and programming, 4, 1934.
The subject of the research is network databases of distributed computing systems. The object of the research is the model and scheduling algorithms for the distribution of workload in network databases. The author considers in detail such aspects of the topic as a model for solving the problem of optimizing the process of managing queries in distributed information systems. It is shown that in order to eliminate the queue of requests, it is necessary to choose the most appropriate way to select queries and the best method for implementing the selected method. Promising options for serving queries are group sampling, as well as group sampling with individual segmentation. Special attention is paid to the application and development of a method for solving problems of Boolean linear and nonlinear programming based on the rank approach, which have a small time complexity and provide the required accuracy for solving these problems, as well as developing a common approach to solving arbitrary problems of boolean programming. The research methodology is the methods and models for planning, optimizing and improving the performance of network databases of distributed computing systems. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that an increase in the number of constraints in problems of nonlinear Boolean programming leads to a decrease in the error of their solution, and the degree of nonlinearity itself does not significantly affect the magnitude of the error. From an experimental study of the developed algorithms for solving the problems considered in the work, it follows that in the case of the formalization of Boolean programming problems in graph formulation, in most cases it is possible to reduce the time complexity of the algorithms for solving them. The proposed model can be used to solve the problem of optimizing the process of managing queries in distributed computing systems.
deviation, transaction, branch and bound, ranked approach, optimization, request, dissipative structures, network database, hamiltonian path, algorithm analysis
Systems analysis , search, analysis and information filtering
Boltachev, E.F. (2018). On some aspects of the cybernetic approach to the management of organizational systems. Cybernetics and programming, 4, 3544.
The object of study is the control system. The subject of the research is solving the problems of managing organizational systems. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as existing approaches to solving problems of managing organizational systems, the structure of management systems, their parameters and relationships. Special attention is paid to factors that influence the process of adoption and implementation of the tasks of managing organizational systems. The roles and rules of behavior of the participants of the management system, the conditions of dependence of the results of activities and the actions they take are considered The research methodology is based on system analysis using logical linguistic and mathematical modeling, theory of sets and elements of game theory. The main conclusions of the study are the problem that occurs when the control system of an organizational system of a control object is included in the form of a passive element in the control system. The main contribution of the author to the study of the topic is the selection in the management model of organizational systems of a managed object as an active and autonomous entity. The novelty of the study lies in the implementation of the considered approach to the management of organizational systems on the example of certain aspects of the functioning of the internal affairs bodies.
rational behavior, object of management, subject of management, structure, management task, system of management, organizational system, uncertainty, preference, making decisions
Automation of manufacturing and production planning
Ulianov, R.S., Shikolenko, I.A., Velichkin, V.A., Zav'yalov, V.A. (2018). Prospects and problems of the methodology for the automated preparation of design solutions to optimize the work of lighting systems with controlled radiation parameters. Cybernetics and programming, 4, 4551.
In this paper, a team of authors examined issues aimed at the use of computer-aided design (CAD) systems for solving problems associated with the choice of the optimal parameters of artificial lighting systems. The object of research is the process of designing lighting systems. As a subject of study, the development of conceptual approaches to the formalization and automation of the processes that determine the choice of radiation parameters in rooms is determined. In particular, issues related to determining the relationship of approaches to the design of lighting parameters for traditional lighting systems and lighting systems with controlled radiation parameters are considered. The subject of the research is to determine the mechanisms for optimizing the parameters of the lighting system based on traditional criteria of the light environment and the criteria associated with the impact on human circadian rhythms, the formalization of development processes and the results of the design of lighting modes in an automated mode. The results of the study are a conceptual description of the method for automating the design of lighting modes for systems with controlled radiation parameters, as well as a preliminary presentation of the format of the output of the design results, which in the future ensures the availability of the output of the design results in both the traditional print form and the form prepared for broadcast in software code based on the respective programming interfaces of the lighting devices.
criteria, optimization, emission spectrum, automation, artificial lighting, design, CAD, methodology, mode of operation, problems
Automated systems of engineering process administration
Dobrynin, A.S., Koynov, R.S., Kulakov, S.M., Gudkov, M.Y. (2018). On the domain (situational) identification of complex non-stationary technological objects. Cybernetics and programming, 4, 5259.
The subject of the research are approaches to the identification of structurally distributed and complex non-stationary technological objects of automated control. The object of study is a non-stationary automated control system. The authors consider in detail the approach of domain identification of objects of automated control based on key (control) points. Special attention is paid to the issues of determining the adequacy of the model for a non-stationary object of automated control. The proposed approach allows iteratively correcting (refining) the object model upon the occurrence of control points (significant changes in the parameters of a multifactorial environment). The main methods of research were used elements of system analysis, natural-mathematical modeling. Additionally, known identification methods were used, incl. using test influences and conversion math models. The main conclusion of the study is the statement that a complex non-stationary technological object cannot be adequately described by a single mathematical model, therefore the identification of such an object must be done several times. The novelty of the research lies in the use of new elements of the domain identification of non-stationary technological objects at the control points, which allows adapting the control to the conditions for changing the multi-factor environment.
object model, variable structure, control system, automation, nonstationary system, technological object, domain identification, situational management, active experiment, test impact
Virtual worlds and virtual reality systems
Afon'shin, V.E., Rozhentsov, V.V. (2018). Technology for measuring the critical flicker frequency. Cybernetics and programming, 4, 6067.
The critical flicker frequency is the frequency at which a flickering light source is subjectively perceived by a person as luminous. It is shown that the critical flicker frequency method is used for diagnostic purposes when solving various scientific and applied problems. The subject of research is the conditions for using the method of critical flicker frequency. Their limitations are due to the need: a distraction from the work to be performed to measure the critical flicker frequency, to perform measurements in stationary conditions. The aim of the work is to expand the functional capabilities of the critical flicker frequency method by using augmented reality technology. To measure critical flicker frequency, light flashes with varying frequency are formed by a mobile device in the form of augmented reality. The novelty of the proposed technology is: 1) to increase the reliability of diagnostics by the method of critical flicker frequency due to its measurement in the course of the work performed; 2) carrying out diagnostics not only in stationary ground conditions, but also during ground, water or flight movements of the subject, which was previously difficult or impossible.
measurement, critical flicker frequency, diagnostics, fatigue, operability, ocular diseases, the properties of the nervous system, human functional status, technology, augmented reality
Telecommunication systems and computer networks
Iureva, R.A., Vedernikov, K.A., Timko, A.S., Perezyabov, O.A. (2018). Modern wireless technologies: problems of application for modernization of systems for the in-line diagnostics of gas pipelines. Cybernetics and programming, 4, 6873.
Currently, the main method of monitoring of operating gas pipelines laid by the ground, has become in-line diagnostics, carried out by scanning their inner surface. The use of automated cyber-physical systems of non-destructive testing of gas pipelines will increase the level of man-made safety. The article discusses the types of wireless technologies, analyzes the effectiveness of using WFi technology to modernize the process of non-destructive testing of the pipeline in real time. A hypothesis is put forward on the operation of the pipeline as a waveguide for wireless data transmission. To solve this problem, the methods of data transfer theory, graph theory, analytical and simulation modeling are used. The scientific novelty consists in choosing and justifying the choice of using the method of transmitting data from non-destructive testing results over a wireless link in real time based on the analysis of transmitted data and existing technologies, as well as upgrading the design of the cyber-physical system for in-line diagnostics of the gas pipeline laid underground.
robotic system, data transfer, nondestructive testing, pipeline inspection, wireless technology, WiFi, cyberphysical system, visual diagnoistic, WiMax, laser profilometry