Question at hand
Agibalov, O.I., Ventsov, N.N. (2017). Assessing Time Dependencies of the Genetic Algorithm Carried Out on CPU and GPU. Cybernetics and programming, 6, 1–8.
The subject of the research is the problem of choosing the most efficient hardware architecture to execute a stochastic population-based algorithm. The object of the research is the genetic algorithm carried out using the central processing unit (CPU) or graphics processing unit (GPU). In their research the authors give results of a computational experiment aimed at comparing time dependencies of the genetic algorithm executed on the central processing unit or graphics processing unit based on the number of chromosomes used. The authors also compare the overall time of task solutions and time necessary to initialize CPU and GPU. Due to the fact that it was impossible to obtain the precise time assessment of the genetic algorithm, the authors have developed a loose time assessment of GPU-algorithm for 3000 chromosomes. The research method is based on the experimental assessment of time dependencies of the genetic algorithm executed using CPU or GPU based on the number of species in the population. The computational complexity of the genetic algorithm for both types of processing units is approximately O(n)-O(n2). Based on the results the authors have stated that in cases when the population is 2000-2500 chromosomes, the genetic algorithm should be better executed using CPU and when the population exceeds 3000-4000 chromosomes it is better to execute it using GPU. Such unclarity of efficiency frontiers is caused by the stochastic nature of the genetic algorithm. It should be also noted that these frontiers for choosing the most efficient hardware architecture are right exclusively for solving the above mentioned task. The results will be different for simpler tasks and other hardware and software conditions. The present research focuses not only on the numerical assessment of efficiency frontiers but on whether such crossing point can be defined or not.
optimization of the algorithm, population, chromosome, genetic algorithm, graphics processing unit, time complexity, central processing unit, optimization, population-based algorithms, efficient frontier
Automated systems of engineering process administration
Ivanov, M.A., Savelyev, A.O., Saklakov, V.M. (2017). Software Design for Energy-Efficient Mechatronic Devices with Intelligent Control Systems. Cybernetics and programming, 6, 9–18.
Today alternative energy technologies are a well-established practice in the development of energy resources. The present article is devoted to a narrow aspect thereof, implementation of solar panels. Every year the number of solar panels put into commission increases by 25 - 35 %. The authors of the article offer their own solution in this sphere that allows to manage solar panels in real-time mode and provide for their automatic checkout and productivity analysis. Previous articles of the authors describe the development of the prototype hardware and the present article describes software methods and algorithms. The research method used by the authors to develop software is The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP or Saaty Method). The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors develop the software for implementing methods and algorithms of mechatronic devices complex divided into two modules, service software and software support of the control module. Implementation of this software has allowed to complete the alignment of automated collection and accumulation of information based on set working parameters, visualisation of these parameters of solar battery accumulators and transformers working as part of the solar electroenergy module even when data is lost or damaged or when emergency occurs.
Optimization of control systems, Intelligent control systems, Solar power engineering, Solar panels, electric drive, Mechatronics, Mechatronic devices complex, Database, Radio electronics, Software
Computer graphics, image processing and pattern recognition
Krevetsky, A.V., Urzhumov, D.V. (2017). Identification of the chain structure images within the groups of point objects via correlation of code elements of their contours. Cybernetics and programming, 6, 19–27.
Recognizing the image shapes of the groups of point and / or small objects (TRP) is a non-trivial task due to the incoherence and degeneracy of their elements. The task becomes furthermore complicated for TRPs with non-stationary configuration, such as "chains" and "congestions". The differentiation of these types of images holds an independent value, and it can also be used in order to branch out the algorithm for more detailed recognition of the TRP. In order to synthesize effective chain and clusters differentiators, it is important to determine the principle for describing the TRP form, as well as discriminatory characteristics, to determine the statistics and characteristics of decision-making in the presence of disrupting factors. The solution of this problem is achieved by the methods found within the theory of processing digital images and signals, the theory of contour analysis for the synthesis of algorithms used in order to describå and analyzå the shape of images, methods of probability theory and mathematical statistics for the synthesis of decision-making methods. The procedure for constructing a minimal spanning tree is used in order to link isolated TRP elements to a single object. Its shape is described by a chain complex-valued code which is its contour. The dependence between the width of the energy spectrum of such a contour or the value of the correlation interval of its readings and the degree of complexity of the form allowed the authors to choose the distinction between chains and clusters of the characteristic of the autocorrelation function (ACF) of the contour as a discriminating feature . The width of the ACF (correlation interval) and the correlation of neighboring elements of the contours of the TRP are studied as such characteristics. The corresponding algorithms for distinguishing TRTs of these classes as chain identifiers are synthesized. The characteristics of decision algorithms for various observation conditions are found. A comparative analysis of their effectiveness and applicability limits is also performed.
chain recognition, group point object, point group configuration, contour shape, contour complexity, contour autocorrelation function, minimal tree shape, contour correlation interval, correlation of contour samples, cluster identification
Automation of manufacturing and production planning
Lyachek, Y.T., Larisov, A.I., Musaid, A.O. (2017). Information support of topological CAD on the basis of cloud technologies. Cybernetics and programming, 6, 28–37.
The article presents the analysis of systems of designing of printed-circuit boards with the purpose of orientation of revealing of the best system for its use as base for the organization of designing of boards of electronic devices with use of Internet technologies. The authors proposes to use the TopoR topology system as a variant of the cloud version of the design system. For the optimal organization of information support for topological CAD, the files created during the design process are divided into different groups depending on the project being developed, the project operations performed, on the duration of their storage, etc. The choice of the system is based on an assessment of its subjective and objective quality of routing printed circuit boards. As a result of the analysis of the project operations of the system and the need to save the project files for their further use, the corresponding file types that define the design information base were determined. To build a database of project solutions (DBPS) in the cloud, the aturhos proposes to use a combined data storage approach. A semantic data model is given, and the universal DBMS Microsoft SQL 2012 was chosen as the environment for the implementation of the DB_Project. To administer and provide access to the DBPS, a management application DB_Project_Manager was developed in the MS Visual Studio environment in C #. On client machines, access to the DBPS is provided by using VMware vSphere Client 5.5.Testing of information support for the cloud version of the CAD "TopoR" showed the possibility of organizing teamwork on projects within the corporate cloud based on database technologies.
project operations, cloud computing, CAD “TopoR”, semantic data model, informational support, topological PCB, PCB, CAD, project files, database projects
Quality aspects and improving the margin of reliability of software systems
Golosovskii, M.S. (2017). Algorithms for automated determination of links between elements of software development project. Cybernetics and programming, 6, 38–49.
The subject of the study is to determine the links between elements of software development projects implemented with the help of tracing requirements on the basis of data from the monitoring systems of versions of the source code. Many well-known tracing techniques are dependent on the programming language, which limits their use in projects developed using multiple programming languages. Therefore, the research goal was to form a set of algorithms to build relationships between the entities the software development process (artifacts) on the basis of the source code and analyze these connections (the code should be independent of the programming language and easy to implement). The research methodology combines methods of system analysis, software engineering, software development, reliability theory, computer science and mathematical qualimetry. The main conclusions of the study are the algorithms for the automated determination of relations between the elements of a software development project, allowing to solve tasks perform impact analysis. High computational complexity of the algorithms developed can be reduced by the gradual formation of a global connectivity matrix as the project progresses. The accuracy of the developed algorithms can be improved, if the coupling element does not take the file, and the function or class method.
software application architecture, version the program code, program code, version control system, tracing requirements, program requirements, software development, program engineering, integrity control architecture, communication project elements
Knowledge bases, intelligent systems, expert systems, decision support systems
Tregubov, A.S. (2017). Development of adaptive context-sensitive interfaces using ontological models. Cybernetics and programming, 6, 50–56.
The user interface is an integral part of the software. To make its use easier for the user when working with the current task, it must be constantly optimized and simplified.This article is devoted to the development of adaptive user interfaces. The purpose of which is to facilitate the interaction of the operator with the system. Knowledge of the user, the context of the situation and the capabilities of the device allow such systems to adapt to the needs of each individual in order to make the interaction more simple, convenient, individual for each user. Data on the different characteristics of the user are vital to achieving the main objectives of such systems. To find a suitable solution, methods of system analysis, synthesis and abstraction were applied. As a result of the introduction of an additional meta-level, a new algorithm for constructing adaptive interfaces was synthesized during the operation of the data. In order to gather knowledge, several formal models were developed, which are necessary for organizing and comprehending the collected information. This article analyzes several solutions presented in the literature about user modeling, context and knowledge taking into account different approaches. In the article, their advantages and disadvantages are determined, and at last a proprietary ontological model is proposed that circumvents the described limitations.
stereotypical adaptation, adaptive interface, context definition, ontologies, user properties, building a user model, meta-level data, user laterization, adaptation of hierarchical interfaces, adaptive interfaces
Knowledge bases, intelligent systems, expert systems, decision support systems
Lyutikova, L.A. (2017). Using Boolean differentiation operations to minimize knowledge bases. Cybernetics and programming, 6, 57–62.
The object of the research is the subject area, which is a precedent relationship between objects and their characteristics used in solving image recognition problems.Intellectual analysis of data is one of the necessary stages in the solution of poorly formalized problems; therefore, in many cases the accuracy of the solution of the task depends on the method of building knowledge bases, analyzing them and minimizing them. The development of common formal methods for revealing logical patterns in any given subject area seems to be a very pressing problem, as it provides the opportunity to form optimal knowledge bases, which greatly simplifies the solution and improves its quality. In this paper, the author use the apparatus for differentiating Boolean functions to analyze and minimize knowledge bases, which are the directions of modern discrete mathematics and find their application in problems of dynamic analysis and synthesis of discrete digital structures. The main results of the study are a constructed logical function that analyzes the relationship between objects and characteristics that characterize them, which is an opportunity to reveal all the laws of a given subject area; as well as the method of minimizing knowledge bases obtained on the basis of logical data analysis, revealing a minimal set of decision rules, sufficient for solving the task.
axioms, Boolean derivative, subject area, decisive rule, knowledge base, logical operation, Boolean function, conjuction, disjunction, complex function