Forms and methods of information security administration
Borodin, A.V. (2016). The linear congruent sequences of the maximum period in programs obfuscation. Cybernetics and programming, 6, 119.
The article is devoted to development of the system of practical methods of protection of software against refactoring for purpose of lowering probability of infringement copyright for used algorithms. As the basic method of protection offered approach, which feature is use of the linear congruent sequences as bases for morphism of an order of layout operators of programming language to the execution order of the program, required by functionality. The specific technology of an obfuscation programs written in scripting languages, in particular on Microsoft Visual Basic, is offered. Also the notation of formal understanding of a level resistance of the considered system of methods is discussed. For the formal description of concept of an obfuscation programs and a level resistance of an obfuscation used the set-theoretic formalism. Several results of the number theory is used in article for reasons for existence of the solution of the task obfuscation in the offered setting for any program. The main result of article is new practical approach to an obfuscation programs, written in scripting languages, which can be to a certain extent generalized on language systems of other nature. Also in article the paradoxical result is shown - the obfuscation code can correspond completely to a paradigm of structured programming when saving the declared level of resistance to refactoring.
code refactoring, obfuscation, machine code, linear congruential generator, lexical analysis, source code, computational complexity, spaghetti code, structured programming, VBA
Computer graphics, image processing and pattern recognition
Urzhumov, D.V., Krevetsky, A.V. (2016). The Architecture of the 3D Scene Generator with Point and Small-Sized Object Groups. Cybernetics and programming, 6, 2029.
The subject of the research is the architecture of the 3D scene generator containing point and small-sized object groups with coordinate and impulse noises. The authors examine methods of constructing software class hierarchies based on the set requirements for construction algorithm integration and noise contamination. The authors analyze the process of constructing a universal interface for scene algorithm construction which does not have the feature of being excessive in relation to container classes for parameters and repeated implementation of identical algorithms for different types of data while reserving a possibility to vary input parameters of the generation method. The universal nature of the interface for sample generation procedures and integration with noise contamination procedures and data integrity check are ensured through organizing weakly connected hierarchy based on generalized functors using a type list. The authors define the main classes of abstractions necessary for modeling the main types of objects that have parameter specifications of observing conditions for an opportunity to analyze the accuracy of further recognition. The generator has a particular feature to support point primitives and their groups, stochastic models of group objects and distortions, extensibility of object model types and noises and possibility of being integrated with user's programs in order to analyze efficiency of recognition methods.
class hierarchies, software package architecture, scene analysis, small-sized object groups, group point objects, image recognition, pattern recognition, 3D scene modeling, model visualization, recognition efficiency analysis
Computer graphics, image processing and pattern recognition
Krevetsky, A.V., Chesnokov, S.E. (2016). Recognition of Partially Masked Group Point Objects by Most Similar Local Description of Their Form. Cybernetics and programming, 6, 3037.
Group point objects (GPO) are multitudes of isolated background-contrasting dots united by one common feature. Many apps use a method of mutual arrangement of group point objects. Implementation of well-known methods for recognizing GPOs gets difficult when an observer has only part of GPOs constituting one of famous classes within his or her sight. Possible deviations of point objects from their standard positions additionally complicate the task to recognize partially marked GPOs. In their research the authors perform recognition of GPOs based on most similar local description of configuration with adjacent elements of GPOs. Cylindrical sections of the abstract vector field with sources in GPO elements and restricted scale of long-range interaction are used as local descriptions. Local descriptions of GPO configuration are viewed as discrete complex-valued codes. The module and argument of each reference correspond to the strength and direction of the vector field action. Similarity of such description of forms on the basis of the dot product module ensures invariance to GPO observation angle and does not depend on GPO shift in picture. Recognition features prove efficiency of the reviewed method for recognizing partially masked GPOs in a practically significant scope of random fluctuations in GPO element coordinates.
vector field, analysis of point scenes, spatial compactness, recognition of group objects, point field, associate solid image, cylindrical section of the field, group point object, invariance to rotation, complex coding
Forms and methods of information security administration
Kovaleva, A., Zakirov, V., Turbov, A., Tretyakov, A., Ponomarev, D. (2016). Modelling Threats to Security of M2M Connectivity in Wireless Networks. Cybernetics and programming, 6, 3846.
The subject of the research is the security of information systems. This trend is one of the most important in the development of the modern society which is conditioned by the growing trust in technologies. The decreasing role of a human in modern processes has led to the creation of such technologies as M2M connectivity and IoT (Internet of things). Conversion of a great amount of data into electronic data and presence of autonomous elements, for example, in transport infrastructure have created the need to defend such systems from law breakers. This is due to the fact that there may be serious consequences in case of losing control over the system. The present article is devoted to deliberate influence of a law breaker in a general case. The authors of the article describe the main successive steps of attacking the information system that are typical for the majority of security threats. The authors underline the fact that certain preparatory measures and the need to suppress traces of crime are needed. The authors describe the mechanism of influence using the method of the mathematical tool 'Petri-Markov nets' as the most appropriate for this process. The net consists of positions and branches and the goal set by a law breaker is achieved when the entire network is passed through. In their article the authors describe two nets for modeling the influence of a law breaker, these are a simplified net and a more complex net allowing to take into account more details of a law breaker's behavior. The first Petri-Markov net allows to consider the main steps towards the attack and uses the system of integral-differential equations to describe it. Unlike the first one, the second model takes into account one's opportunity to return to the previous step when problems with the execution of a threat by a law breaker arise. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors use mathematical models to make a detailed description of the process of attacking the information system. They offer two models that will be needed to ensure information security. They allow to better understand a law breaker and give opportunity to define the most vulnerable points of the information system requiring elimination or additional control.
integral-differential equations, transition matrix, mathematical model, Petri-Markov nets, offense, attacker, attack, security, protection, information system
External threats and countermeasures
Baltaev, R.K., Lunegov, I.V. (2016). Reduction of Errors When Extracting In-Built Information in the Steganographic Information Protection System with a Blind Decoder that Has a Minimum Change of Image Pixels and Maximum Image Fill. Cybernetics and programming, 6, 4755.
The subject of the research is the steganographic information protection system (SIPS) based on the method of the direct spectrum spread with minimum change of image pixels and maximum image fill. Special attention is paid to the problem of creating a SIPS with a blind decoder because the original image strongly influences the correct extraction of in-built information. The authors examine such aspects of the topic as the application of the autoregression process and error-correcting codes in order to reduce the number of errors during extraction of in-built information. The methodological basis of the research involves methods from the theory of noise-resistant coding, methods of digital image processing, and methods of mathematical statistics. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author defines the optimum block size (32x32 pixels) that enables the two-dimensional autoregression process (AP) to provide the maximum number of correctly extracted in-built bits. Moreover, the authors analyze efficiency of applying BCH Code, Reed-Solomon code and LDPC code for restoration of in-built data. They demonstrate that LDPC code combined with the algorithm of 'soft' decision making 'Belief propagation' option is the most efficient for reducing the number of errors when extracting in-built information by the stenographic method on the basis of the direct spectrum spread.
direct spectrum spread, digital images, hidden data transmission, noise-resistant codes, autoregression process, BCH code, Reed-Solomon code, LDPC code, steganography, information protection
Question at hand
Iureva, R.A., Vedernikov, K.A., Andreev, Y.S. (2016). Engineering and Technological Solutions in the Process of Developing Robotlike Inspection Systems for Controlling Conduit Pipes. Cybernetics and programming, 6, 5663.
Intratubal diagnostics is part of a set of non-destructive control methods allowing to define internal defects of conduit pipes by the means of technical diagnosis. The main goals of intratubal diagnostics are to define defects in the conduit pipe metal, welded joints, conduit pipe geometry, types of defects, their location and position inside a conduit pipe. To achieve these tasks, a cyber physical system certain requirements set for is usually developed. The present article is devoted to a group of companies 'Diakont', one of the world leaders in the sphere of high technological solutions of security arrangements and increasing efficiency in nuclear, petroleum and thermal power industries. The purpose of the present research is to analyze engineering and technological solutions used in the process of developing a robotlike complex for intratubal diagnostics at 'Diakont' company. The rationale of the research is caused by the growing demand for cyber physical systems related to explosion safety and low cost. Thus, creation of a cyber physical system for controlling conduit pipes is a challenging task. As a result of peculiarities of the environment where intratubal diagnostics are performed, there are strict explosion safety requirements for details and parts of the diagnostic suite. Moreover, the system must have a number of engineering specifics aimed at passing shaped objects, inclined and vertical parts of conduit pipes. The authors' contribution to the topic is their analysis of existing technological solutions made in the process of developing cyber physical systems for controlling conduit pipes.
high technology systems, technotronic security , explosion safety, robotlike system, intratubal technical diagnosis, non-destructive testing, technological solutions, engineering solutions, cyber physical systems, conduit pipe control
Mathematical models and computer simulation experiment
Urazaeva, T.A., Smirnova, S.Y. (2016). On the Experience of Using Various Pseudorandom Number Sensors in Random Search Algorithms for the Global Extremum of Functions. Cybernetics and programming, 6, 6469.
The subject of the research is the methods of optimization, in particular, methods of random search for the global extremum of functions. The object of the research is the problems of the random search connected with the replacing the flow of equally distributed truly random numbers with pseudorandom sequences. The authors have created a simulative example that can clearly demonstrate limitations of the method of equal random search in case when the period length of a pseudo-random sequence used is comparable to potentially achievable number of target function calculations in the given group of traditional calculations. The authors demonstrate that there are serious limitations of the random number generator installed in the VBA-subsystem of the Microsoft Office package when using the option of random search in algorithms. When synthesizing the model target function, the author has used the methods of algebra and analysis. The main results of the research is the statement about impractibility of using the pseudo-random number generator installed in the VBA-subsystem of the Microsoft Office package in random search algorithms and recommendations on how to replace the installed sensor with the new generation generators such as Mersenne twister.
stochastic optimization, optimization, continuous function, nonlinear programming, linear congruential generator, smooth function, Mersenne twister, Rosenbrock function, objective functions, extremum
Systems analysis , search, analysis and information filtering
Atadjanov, J.A. (2016). Models of Morphological Analysis of Uzbek Words. Cybernetics and programming, 6, 7073.
The subject of the research is the models and algorithms of the morphological analysis of texts, the category of suffixes and rules for using them in the Uzbek language. The object of the research is the processes of defining roots in Uzbek sentences according to morphological rules of the Uzbek language without using additional dictionaries. Developed methods and models are oriented at specific features of the Uzbek language, its structure, peculiarities of word forms for further comparison, standardization and search for analogous texts in data bases. Research methods used by the author include morphological analysis of texts, abstract programming, method of finite state machines and flow charts and methods of mathematical modeling. In order to create the antiplaque program it is important to research the specific characters of the language of a text. The article presents an approach to morphological analysis of Uzbek words. The approach is based on the analysis of words according to the finite state machines (FSM) method and based on defining the root of the word according to the word order in Uzbek language.
abstract programming, word parser, morphologic rule, automata theory, normalization of words, determining the root, suffixes, finite state automaton, affixes, analysing natural language
Automation of manufacturing and production planning
Mikhalkov, V.A., Sokolov, Y.M. (2016). Implementation of Modern CAD in the Circuit Engineering of Electronic Devices. Cybernetics and programming, 6, 7482.
Automated schematic design of analogous electronic devices is associated with certain difficulties created by the high degree of their parameters inhomogenuity. At the present time it is impossible to carry out a full automation of designing analogous microelectronic devices, i.e. their engineering without human participation, especially in the process of solving tasks of structural synthesis. However, tasks of structural and parametric synthesis can be successfully solved by the maximum use of the engineer's competence and conduction of a close dialog interaction between the engineer and computer. This is in many ways conditioned by a wide range of analytical programs installed in modern CAD of electronic equipment. In their article the authors provide a review of opportunities of the NI ELVIS system for experimental research of analogous electronic devices. They also view the joint application of the Multisim and NI ELVIS systems to the process of engineering analogous electronic devices. Combination of Multisim and NI ELVIS systems in the process of a course engineering of analogous electronic devices allow students to get the best idea of working conditions at today's engineering organizations and, in particular, to minimize the load of manual calculations. Students perform the following circuit engineering procedures: selection of the scheme for an analogous electronic device; 'quick look' calculation; modeling of the chosen scheme by using the Multisim software; experimental research of a device by using the NI ELVIS system.
operational amplifiers, computer simulation, teaching, practical work, analog circuit design, NI ELVIS, LabVIEW, Multisim, comptuter aided design, analog electronic devices
Knowledge bases, intelligent systems, expert systems, decision support systems
Zinkin, S.A., Pashchenko, D.V., Puchkova, U.N., Mustafa, S. (2016). Integrating Methods of Conceptual and Behavioral Modeling of Discrete Event Systems: I. Synthesis and Analysis of a Conceptual Model. Cybernetics and programming, 6, 8395.
The object of the present article is information processes in asynchronous discrete event systems. Examples of such systems include organization-economical, production and computer-based systems. The subject of the research is the methodology of formalization and analysis of asynchronous discrete event systems based on integration of artificial intellect and behavioral discrete event modeling methods. As an example of a relevant topical area the authors of the present article view a section of flexible automated manufacturing systems (FMS - Flexible Manufacturing Systems). The methodological basis of the research involves the logic of predicates of the first and second order, formal description of abstract machines, artificial intellect models and Petri conceptual nets offered for the first time. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that as a result of their research and based on their conceptual and behavioral model of an asynchronous discrete event system, the authors define formalized directly realizable specifications, for example, typical for further realization of the wireless network system running the flexible production process. The first part of the article demonstrates that semantic networks with events, role and causal connections between objects (scenario networks) may sufficiently present logical, structural and procedural paradigm of intelligent systems including the system of situational management. The authors have also formalized the process of building scenario models based on conceptual graphs which allows to use the aforesaid models as part of expert simulation models of the situation management system. They demonstrate that a conceptual presentation of scenarios allows a natural transfer towards building the knowledge bases based on the relational approach which improves the performance function that makes changes to the conceptual model and knowledge base (for example, when the topical area is changed). Demands for the knowledge base built on the basis of the conceptual graph may be formalized in the language of abstract machine networks which simplifies further design of a human-computer interface of the intelligence system based on famous languages like C++, C#, SQL, Visual Prolog, etc.
requests, relational database, robot-based manufacturing, casual relations, role relations, scenarios, conceptual graphs, semantic networks, intelligent systems, abstract machines
Knowledge bases, intelligent systems, expert systems, decision support systems
Talipov, N.G., Katasev, A.S. (2016). The Decision Support System for Distributing Tasks Related to Maintenance of the Register of Personal Data Processors Based on the Fuzzy-Production Model. Cybernetics and programming, 6, 96114.
The subject of the present research article is the development and practical implementation of the intelligent decision support system that distributes tasks related to maintenance of the personal data processors register. The object of the research is the task of a rational choice of task performers in the system of electronic flow of documents run by the territorial body of the Federal Supervision Agency for Information Technologies and Communications. The authors examine tasks of defending the rights of personal data owners, scheme for processing and distributing these tasks of keeping the registry of personal data processors, analyze the problem of manual distribution of tasks and set a goal to automate an efficient distribution of tasks between performers. To achieve the research target, the authors offer their own fuzzy-production model that has been developed especially for these purposes. This model allows to rationally distribute tasks of different difficulty levels based on the expert evaluation of competence, working capacity and work load of performers. The authors also give a description of the decision support system and algorithm for using it in the process of tasks distribution. The scientific novelty of the authors' approach to achieving the aforesaid goal is caused by the fact that they offer an automated distribution of tasks between performers based on developing and practically implementing the fuzzy-production model. They also provide original fuzzy-production rules to formalize expert knowledge concerning a rational selection of tasks performers taking into account their competence, working capacity and current work load. Analysis of the adequacy of this fuzzy-production model as well as efficient solution of the set goals based on the developed system has proved that it is possible to considerably decrease the intellectual load of an expert in the process of tasks distribution as well as increase the speed of the decision making process by 80.3 percent.
software package, fuzzy-production model, tasks distribution, applied subsystem, unified information system, personal data operator, electronic flow of documents, decision support, inference algorithm, intelligent system