Knowledge bases, intelligent systems, expert systems, decision support systems
Lyutikova, L.A., Shmatova, E.V. (2015). Logical correction algorithms for qualitative analysis of the subject area in pattern recognition problems. Cybernetics and programming, 5, 1127.
The subject of the research are methods and algorithms aimed at practical solution of problems of pattern recognition in the weakly formalized fields of knowledge, such as medical field, technical field, geological reconnaissance diagnostics, forecasting and construction of expert systems. The solutions of such problems entered into use a large number of incorrect (heuristic) algorithms. The authors focus on such aspects as the need for the development of the theory of corrective operations, the necessity for the synthesis of correct algorithms minimum complexity, solving the stability issues by using mathematical methods. Special attention is paid to the construction of the algorithm, correct on the whole set of recognizable objects, based on existing algorithms and decision rules drawn up for the studied area. The logical approach may be a technology of constructing a theory of the synthesis of the correct recognition algorithms based on existing family of algorithms. The article shows that these methods allow creating algorithms that implement certain expert conclusion, despite the lack of adequate mathematical models of the relationships between image and its properties, incomplete and contradictory of data. The main conclusion of the research is in a logical analysis of a given subject area, in terms of variables valued logic. The authors propose approaches to the design of procedures for recognition of precedents on the basis of incorrect set of algorithms and constructed logical decision rules. The main contribution of the authors in the study of the topic is the proposed algorithm, expanding the area of the solutions obtained and correct on the whole set of recognizable objects. The novelty of the study is the use of variables valued logic that improves the correctness of encoded information and increase the expressiveness of the conclusions.
algorithm, training set, a set of data, knowledge base, the subject area, logic of varied values, clauses, the decision rule, operation logic of varied values, correct algorithm
Knowledge bases, intelligent systems, expert systems, decision support systems
Zhilov, R.A. (2015). Optimization of cognitive maps used in forecasting. Cybernetics and programming, 5, 128135.
The subject of the study is the need for decision-making in the semi structured dynamic situations, when the parameters, the laws and regularities of the situation are described qualitatively. Those are unique situations, in which the dynamics of the parameters of the situation is combined with the difficulty of predicting changes in its structure. Object of research are cognitive maps or computer systems for modeling cognitive maps. The author considers in detail such aspects of the topics as the complexity of the decision making when the information is insufficient and inaccurate, methods of optimization for cognitive maps used in forecasting. Special attention is paid to the optimization of data dimension algorithm and optimization of the cognitive maps structure. To optimize the dimensions of the data the author uses cluster analysis methods, optimization of the structure of cognitive maps is performed by automatic changing of the weights of the impact of concepts to other machine learning methods. The main conclusion of the study is the decrease in subjectivism of the cognitive map in predicting system. Authors' contributions to the study of the subject is a representation of the cognitive map as a single-layer neural network and the application of methods of neural networks training, proposed by Rosenblatt. The novelty of the study is in the new structure of cognitive maps.
cognitive map, concept, cluster analysis, neural network, machine learning, training set, fuzzy sets, dimension data, Euclidean distance, parameterization
Data encryption and data protection
Menshchikov, A.A., Gatchin, Y. (2015). Detection methods for web resources automated data collection. Cybernetics and programming, 5, 136157.
The article deals with the problem of automated data collection from web-resources. The authors present a classification of detection methods taking into account modern approaches. The article shows an analysis of existing methods for detection and countering web robots. The authors study the possibilities and limitations of combining methods. To date, there is no open system of web robots detection that would be suitable for use in real conditions. Therefore the development of an integrated system, that would include a variety of methods, techniques and approaches, is an urgent task. To solve this problem the authors developed a software product – prototype of such detection system. The system was tested on real data. The theoretical significance of this study is in the development of the current trend in the domestic segment, making a system of web robots detection based on the latest methods and the improvement of global best practices. Applied significance is in creation of a database for the development of demanded and promising software.
web-robots, information gathering, parsing, web robot detection, web security, information security, information protection, intrusion detection, intrusion prevention, weblogs analysis
Data encryption and data protection
Mironov, S.V., Kulikov, G.V. (2015). Technologies of security control for automated systems on the basis of structural and behavioral software testing. Cybernetics and programming, 5, 158172.
The subjects of the study are the basic methods and principles of testing software systems used in the interest of the safety evaluation and control of automated systems. The study provides recommendations on the methods of software testing for the most common threats to security subsystems such as firewall, audit; access control; integrity monitoring; password and encryption. The authors considered the possibility that the product could contain the following vulnerabilities: buffer overflow, incorrect handling of format means, race problems. The research methods include the methods of the theory of programming, theory of reliability, software engineering, error-correcting coding, information security, system analysis. The main conclusion of the study is that software testing is a powerful tool to detect both errors in the software and security vulnerabilities. Modern methods of behavioral testing allow to identify vulnerabilities without software source code and can be used successfully in the Russian market, where accessing the source code for testing purposes is almost impossible.
structural testing, software engineering, program testing method, Security Subsystem, software vulnerabilities, behavioral testing, testing programs, information security, safety of the automated system, threat security programs
Telecommunication systems and computer networks
Sibiryakov, M.A., Sukhikh, A.V., Ivanov, K.V., Koshpaev, A.A. (2015). Building a computing cluster based on the PCI Express communications environment. Cybernetics and programming, 5, 173180.
The article discusses the implementation of a productive and reliable cluster with low cost. As a solution, the authors recommend building a cluster system based on the PCI Express data input / output protocol. The main goal is to find ways to increase the productivity of the cluster system and its circuit protection. The subjects of the study are the algorithms for data transfer and processing on the switch, algorithms for search and displacement data in storage system, switch ports arbitration scheme. The research methodology includes structured systems analysis in the domain of the connection structures, the construction of cache storage, methods of constructing cluster systems. The authors propose the following structural and algorithmic solutions: a modified algorithm for address translation of the external PCI Express Switch; an improved method and algorithm for data searching and processing in the cache data storage systems based on a unique hash; formalization of all stages of arbitration algorithms for ports and virtual switch channels.
clusters, communications network, PCI Express protocol, data storage, a cache memory, switch, Port arbitration, address translation, hashing, FPGA
Automated systems of engineering process administration
Fatkhullin, R.R. (2015). Approach to integrated assessment of quality of educational institutions on the basis of the adapted methodology for assessing the effectiveness bodies of executive power subjects of the Russian Federation. Cybernetics and programming, 5, 181192.
One of the leading trends in the development of education in the world at present is the creation of a comprehensive quality assessment of education. In quality assessment of education we are faced with a huge number of different indicators, each of which can consist of a variety other indicators. Accordingly, the task of quality assessment of education in its mathematical formulation is multiobjective. With high rates of development educational standards, the number of such problems is growing. Today is actively developing an approach to the determination of the quality education, study various aspects, indicators and indices. Comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness educational institutions is a multi-criteria task for which you want to set the criteria and procedure for evaluation. For a comprehensive evaluation of educational institutions is considered an approach based on an adapted methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the bodies of executive power, approved by the Russian Government. In implementing these models can grow such important qualitative indicators of a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness quality educational institutions as an objective assessment, scalability, simplicity and ease of use. The results can be widely used in a comprehensive quality assessment of education in the region at different levels and types of educational institutions.
assessment of the quality of education, comprehensive quality assessment, multi-criteria optimization, performance evaluation, convolution of criteria, quality indicators, quality of work, adapted method of valuation, assessment of executive power, quality criteria
Automated systems of engineering process administration
Sorokin, O.L., Sidorkina, I.G. (2015). Analysis of the user information in the "Terem-4" unit for walling temperature measurement. Cybernetics and programming, 5, 193198.
The object of the study is software for walling temperature measurement. One of the manufacturers of devices for measuring the temperature of a walling is the company "Interpribor". It manufactures equipment designed to measure the heat flow and temperature. The equipment performs measurement of the temperature at different distances inside the wall n order to detect temperature differences. Finding moments of time with temperature differences is necessary to predict and prevent further the formation of condensation. Equipment of the given manufacturer has advantages in ease of sensors installation, highly scalable channel and low power consumption. The article consider the functional limitations of software used for calculations of walling thermal values. The authors investigate functional software solutions of "Terem-4" installed in temperature meter "Teplograph" for problems related to data access time during the measurements aimed at determining the steady state based on statistical data about the temperature of walling. In the studied software "Terem-4" requires interface modification in the presentation measurement and calculations of statistical data. The authors suggest the creation of a single database, improving the interface and linguistic software, and the implementation of additional functionality aimed at adding parameters. Developing a computer-aided walling design system is necessary to, first of all, for solving complex tasks of automation, control, monitoring and reporting of temperature in order to provide up- to-date information and the formation of the required heating loops for both facilities for the old fund and new building structures.
CAD, Walling, The heating circuit, Heat flow, Statistical data, The substation, Interactive form, Database, Visualization, Thermometer