Software for innovative information technologies
Borodin, A.V., Azarova, A.N. (2015). Methods of classification and dimensionality reduction in case of visualization of performance metrics. Cybernetics and programming, 4, 135.
The paper deals with the methodology of an assessment of technical efficiency of network infrastructure. Much attention is given to research of methods of visualization of performance metrics on the basis of comparing of the evaluated sample with a set of alternative decisions in the conditions of stochastic nature of behavior of an external environment. The method of visualization of time response characteristics of access to resources of the Internet offered in operation is developed especially for demonstration of advantages which can be received when using the concept of "cognitive Internet". Unlike numerical efficiency characteristics the offered method of visualization allows to envelop "one look" a status of all channels of access in comparison with the optimum channel on the given time slot of integration. At the same time the method doesn't exclude possibility of sharing of the coordinated numerical efficiency characteristics. On the other hand it is important to mark that scope of a method isn't restricted to the specified applications.Methods of multivariate statistic analysis (methods of discriminant function analysis and principal component analysis) are the basis for algorithm elaboration of visualization of time response characteristics of access to resources of the Internet. The main result of the conducted research is algorithm elaboration and the software of visualization of metrics of productivity of infrastructure decisions in the field of ensuring access to Internet resources. Novelty of this research is defined not only novelty of data domain (technology of the cognitive Internet), but also the form of representation of results (a projection of the hodograph of time response characteristics of access to the most informative plane).
technical efficiency, performance metric, dimensionality reduction, principal component analysis, cluster analysis, visualization, characteristic vector, characteristic value, cognitive internet, discriminant function analysis
Computer graphics, image processing and pattern recognition
Ipatov, Y.A., Totskii, A.A. (2015). The study of images of dynamically changing scenes in the colorimetric space. Cybernetics and programming, 4, 3648.
The object of research is the image of a dynamically changing scene of artificial origin on the complex and statistically inhomogeneous background. The subject of research is the transformation methods and standard approaches of representation of color digital images in three dimensions. The study focuses on almost all basic colorimetric spaces used in building a clusters of object / background. Formation of the samples is carried out by the method of supervised learning. Calculation of objective indicators and comparison of subjective characteristics allows to determine the optimal color space for subsequent synthesis of algorithm for effective segmentation of this class of images. When solving the task authors used image processing techniques, probability theory, mathematical logic, mathematical statistics, the unit of mathematical analysis, linear algebra, mathematical modeling methods, theory of algorithms and methods of object-oriented programming. The novelty of the study is in determination of the optimal color space separation of clusters object / background for images of a given class. Visual characteristics of considered methods of representation of colorimetric spaces confirmed objective indicators of calculus. The main conclusions of the study is that RGB color space is the best choice for color segmentation algorithm synthesized as the representation of objects and the background form a weakly overlapping clusters.
dynamically changing scene, color space, color images, clustering, colorimetric model, convex hull, device-dependent color models, spot description of the scene, point description methods, recognition by points
Computer graphics, image processing and pattern recognition
Korobeinikov, A.G., Aleksanin, S.A. (2015). Methods of automated image processing in solving problems of magnetic defectoscopy. Cybernetics and programming, 4, 4961.
The subject of study in this paper is developed automated method of selecting of procedures of processing images gathered for the magnetic defectoscopy. The methods based on the analysis of magnetic fields scattering near the defects after the magnetization of these products are used to detect various defects, such as cracks, in the surface layers of steel parts. In areas where there is a discontinuity, the change of the magnetic flux is present. This effect is the basis of almost all existing methods of magnetic defectoscopy. One of the most known methods of magnetic defectoscopy of method is a magnetic powder: the surface of the magnetized part is covered with magnetic powder (dry method) or magnetic slurry (wet method). When using fluorescent powders and suspensions, the images of the studied details show visible defects significantly better. Therefore, it is possible to automate the processing of images. The paper presents an automated procedure for selecting methods of image processing. The authors give an example of processing image of steel parts for detecting defects using the luminous lines that appeared after applying the magnetic slurry. The study uses the methods of the theory of image processing. These are mainly extraction methods for defining boundaries of objects and morphological image processing. The main result of an automated method is the opportunity to obtain expert information on the basis of which it is possible to make a conclusion about the presence of defects in the test product. In the example given in the article authors show that the lines are continuous and have no sharp change of direction. Therefore, the conclusion about the absence of discontinuities (defects) in the product is made. In addition, authors point out that the binary image can be inverted at the request of the researcher.
smoothed image, contrast adjustment, edge detection, morphological filtering, image enhancement, image processing, magnetic particle inspection, deblurring, blind deconvolution, convolution
Computer graphics, image processing and pattern recognition
Aleksanin, S.A. (2015). Development of procedures of the automated choice of methods of the analysis and digital processing of images at the solution of problems of defectoscopy. Cybernetics and programming, 4, 6271.
In the article the author presents developed procedures of automated automated selection of methods of analysis and digital processing of images, used when creating domain-specific subsystems, in particular for defectoscopy. The relevance of the problem is caused by ever-increasing requirements for technical characteristics of modern equipment used in medicine, space exploration, information technology, etc. And this implies the urgency of the task of creating functions of automated selection of methods for digital image processing and analysis in defectoscopy. The described automated procedures for choosing methods for digital image processing and analysis were developed on the basis of modern methods of digital image processing. The main results of the present research of procedures for automated selection of digital image processing solutions for the problems of defectoscopy is that the use of this procedures, depending on qualification, can significantly improve the quality of digital photos. This will lead to better identification of defects, which in turn will allow to withstand all specified technical requirements for manufactured products.
morphological filtering, image processing, defectoscopy, Wiener filtration, Laplace's mask, convolution, blur image, edge detecion, smoothed image, deblurring
Methods, languages and forms of human-computer interaction
Basin, N.A., Ermakova, L., Shendrikov, A. (2015). Creating an online ticket booking system for "Planeta Kino" cinema theater network . Cybernetics and programming, 4, 7277.
The authors study the online-booking process, the subject of the study is an information system of network of cinemas. Based on the analysis of the existing information system network of cinemas the authors define the requirements for the system on-line ticket booking. The online booking module, implemented by means of the PHP, MySQL database and CSS, has the following functionality: the possibility to book tickets for the movie sessions (up to 6 tickets); displaying the date of a movie session with the day of the week as additional information; displaying the time of the end of a movie session, for the convenient of time planning for cinema audiences; showing the genre of the film, its duration and age restriction; presenting special offers and the average ticket price; previewing the occupancy of the cinema hall, without going to a separate Web page. The authors used by the method of deduction in which the conclusion on a common set of features is made based on a variety of partial signs. The authors also analyzed the existing module of online tickets booking of UCS Premiera. Developed online booking module was integrated with the information base cinema (1C: Enterprise). The booking system was tested during three months and then implemented in the "Planeta Kino" network of cinemas. Implementation of the online booking module enhances the role of the client's participation in the work of cinema, thus allowing the system to refer to the level of CSRP-Systems.
online ticket booking, Web-client, 1C: Enterprise, information system, film industry, database, sinhranizatsiya, business processes, software, CSRP system
Automated systems of engineering process administration
Lavrent'ev, B.F. (2015). Robotic informational construction for kids. Cybernetics and programming, 4, 7888.
The article reviews a of creation of simple, low-cost and highly successful robotic constructions made in the form of a fairy tale and epic heroes and its usage in kindergartens, in cultural and medical institutions with a view to a comprehensive education and development of children. Such robots, unlike the existing models, are highly informative due to the large internal memory. This robots help upbringing the child, instilling the communication skills and forming the correct behavior. The proposed class robots don’t exist among modern models. The robots created by children have external, internal and combined controls and external sensors and are made in form of fairy tale heroes. When used in children's institutions the robots will contribute to the comprehensive development and education of children, improving the efficacy of the treatment, lowering psychological stress, promoting the artistic and aesthetic education of children and rules of good behavior. The authors plan to carry out exhaustive research on the impact of information robot designs to the full development and education of children in preschool, cultural and medical institutions. The scientific novelty of the work is in the fact that it is proposed for the first time to form a separate group of children's fairy tale heroes-robots for childcare, health and cultural centers. The presented robots are characterized by low cost and high efficiency, great functionality through the use of internal, external and combined controls, external sensors, and a large internal memory.
kids, modeling, radio, automatic control, robot, information and computing systems, development, education, fairy-tale characters, software