Theory, software and languages of concurrent computing
Vlasov, A.A., Mamaev, E.I., Maslyanskii, V.M., Shestakov, A.S. (2014). Implementation of computational operations and elementary functions by systems of Boolean functions. Cybernetics and programming, 3, 135.
The paper reviews existing methods of mathematical description and representation of algorithms for data conversion operations (arithmetic operations, calculation of elementary functions (EF) and others). The article shows that their main realizations in the computer at the various levels of the organization of computational process are software, firmware and circuit realizations. As a possible way of mathematical representation the authors consider table representation, representation based on the systems of Boolean functions and Turing machine based representation. The article presents a brief analysis of the known forms of representation of systems of Boolean functions (SBF), taking into account the means of implementation and evaluation of mathematical and technical complexity depending on the type of description. The representation of the data transformation algorithms as SBF maximizes parallelization of data conversion. It is shown that the computational complexity of the operation is determined by the power of the input and output sets and number of bits in input and resulting data. The representation of the algorithms based on systems of Boolean functions in the form of the PDNF is highly redundant which is shown on the example of some arithmetic operations. The authors make a conclusion about the need of minimizing the complexity based on the minimum and shortest form of SBF. As a way of implementing SBF in the FPLD the authors considered use of the universal logic modules (ULM), in technical terms that a lookup table (LUT). The article present methods of constructing SBF based on the ULM of four variables and methods of SBF SBF decomposition for its implementation in ULM schemes. Methods and research methodology include mixed methods analysis methods, methods of the theory of discrete mathematics, apparatus for analysis and synthesis of Boolean functions in particular, the theory of algorithms, methods of computational experiment. The article reviews the complexity of the mathematical representation of the data conversion operations and their implementation in the computer (arithmetic computations, elementary functions and some others). The authors suggest algorithms for implementation of the SBF in form of ULM scheme of four variables, study the algorithms for constructing such schemes based on the Shannon and Reed expansions. Based on the analysis of the input and output variables of data conversion operations the SBF synthesis for the formation of problem-oriented and specialized computer commands is carried out.
complexity of operations , Systems of Boolean functions , Arithmetic-logical forms, SBF decomposition, Shannon expansion, Reed expansion, FPLD, universal logic module , lookup tables, PDNF
Forms and methods of information security administration
Bogatyrev, S. (2014). Main trends in modern software systems for stock valuation. Cybernetics and programming, 3, 3654.
The subject of the article is the best achievements of foreign information systems, which shall be implemented while improving Russian information analogs. The article describes most advantageous and useful features of the American information system BLOOMBERG to identify them for improvement of national information systems by filling them with similar functionality. One of the main threats for the Russian national economy is related to the ongoing and expanding possibility of sanctions from western countries to our state. The sanctions get as more harmful as more our economy is integrated in foreign financial and stock markets and as financial institutes proved to be more dependent from services provided by the global infrastructure, including information systems. The author shows a convenient and efficient interface for the information system. The article brings a record of all opportunities of the leading information system for the analytical work in the evaluation of stocks, indicates the directions of their implementation in the development of the domestic infrastructure to diversify the domestic stock market. The author discloses the news feature of the system, presents enhanced by integrating the information blocks from different segments and areas of the stock market, describes the tools for technical and fundamental analysis, shows the possibilities for requesting the originals, based on which the indicators were formed. Implementation of the described above features of the leading foreign information system in development of the domestic analogs allows avoiding the painful consequences impending the domestic financial institutions, operating in the financial and stock markets. Active expansion of foreign information systems replaced and undermined the Russian systems on the market. Improving the domestic software using the described above features, taking into account the functions for analytical work with the system of stock valuation and their implementation in domestic software will allow to diversify the infrastructure of the Russian stock market and make the work of the Russian financial companies and banks more stable and successful.
database, stock valuation, information systems, technical analysis, fundamental analysis, financial analysis, companies reports, stock price, stock price chart, figures of technical analysis
Telecommunication systems and computer networks
Sorokin, O.L., Morokhin, D.V. (2014). Modules for measuring the processor and graphic card power coefficients. Cybernetics and programming, 3, 5564.
In the given article the authors examine the problem of applicability of determining the power coefficients for modern processors and graphic cards. The article presents the analysis of the existing methods of hardware testing and shows the solution that allows evaluating PC components with less time and more meaningful results. The approach suggested makes it possible to avoid marketing ploys used by the hardware companies for increasing profit. The use of the data received from the described module allows to gather real and full information about the power of your processor and video card. The subject of the study is not just in calculating the coefficient of each component of PC, but also in grading, that helps to relate the components against each other which and to judge the optimality of the assembly as a whole. During the developing of presented modules and studying of the existing software for this problem the authors concluded the impossibility of a full assessment of the power of modern graphics cards and CPU. The methods of a full load of PC components and their ranging were tried out for selecting the most accurate and less time consuming. Calculation of coefficients has been performed on more than ten assemblies of different capacities and has proved to be reliable and applicable to each specific set of processor and graphics card. Based on the research shown in the article it can be concluded that none of the existing testing system is capable of presenting the correct rating and the accurate enough information in a minimum period of time. The presented system developed during the study can be used in computer analysts and for private use and to test power.
components, coefficients, configuration, power, evaluation, modules, optimality, testing, processor, video card
Mathematical models and computer simulation experiment
Apartsev, O.R. (2014). Algebra of Generalization theory. Cybernetics and programming, 3, 6590.
The article continues provision of a rationale for a new philosophic point of view on the processes of Life and Consciousness, using Population Dynamics as the main mechanism of evolution of biological, psychic, social, and other systems. The presented study is the first step in developing mathematical analysis of population dynamics with the use of Ambivalent Generalization Theory for building an operational mathematical system for simulations and studies of arbitrary populations. Simplicity and consistency of the Theory allows not only to solve qualitative problems in the fields of different sciences, but also to build models of natural populations with any level of approximation to the original, if we ignore the limitations of the available computing power and the knowability of the initial parameters of these populations. The author is purposely not looking for a specific field of application for the new Algebra to focus the attention exactly on the methodological part of the universal approach. In fact, the article presents quite simple adaptation of the Ambivalent Generalization Theory on the language of mathematical objects, such as vectors and matrixes. The author expects a wide field of appliance for the new Algebra, and, if it so happens, it will be consequence of the ambiguity of the Ambivalent Generalization Theory in the description of the laws of populations evolving. In that case Ambivalent Generalization Theory will be a step on the way of giving mathematical basis for both biological and social sciences. For further stressing out the importance of such direction of development as the Theory of Population Dynamics the author points out one of the main conclusions of Generalization Theory, which is in the fact, that development of populations, in itself, is a mechanism for world perception and that the development of the Generalization Theory Algebra may become a new tool for materialistic scientific knowledge.
signal function, attribute, informational process, simulation, Ambivalent Generalization, Population Dynamics, mutation, creditization, conversion, translation
Simulation systems
Melikov, A.V. (2014). Simulation model of evaluating efficiency of Multiple Launch Rocket System units firing. Cybernetics and programming, 3, 91102.
The author developed a simulation model of evaluating efficiency of Multiple Launch Rocket System units firing that allows evaluating the effectiveness of shooting at a group of heterogeneous targets including sheltered and unsheltered manpower and armor, with a high degree of confidence, which is 93-95%. The article presents strategies for completing firing mission as well as general scheme of evaluating the efficiency of applying ground artillery fire and methodology of estimating efficiency of alternative solutions to individual fire missions for the various conditions of the combat situation. The system uses experimental and theoretical research method to calculate the index of the effectiveness of fire because some numerical characteristics used in theoretical method became available from experiments. The author identifies main factors affecting the performance indicators of Multiple Launch Rocket System units firing, common mistakes in preparations and characteristics of dispersion (shooting errors). It is proved, that the value of errors depends on the second moment, calculated relative to the point of location of the separate target or the center of group target, for which the preparations of firing data were held.
preparation error, dispersion characteristic , degree of grouping damage , indicator of the fire effectiveness, Multiple Launch Rocket System units, ground artillery, effectiveness of fire damage, method of statistical testing, numerical quadrature method, reduced damage area
Methods, languages and forms of human-computer interaction
Rozhentsov, V.V., Afon'shin, V.E. (2014). Technology of the technical and tactical training in team sports. Cybernetics and programming, 3, 103109.
The article studies features of technical and tactical training in team sports using information technology. The main arguments in favor of such learning technologies are demonstrativeness, interactivity, use of combined forms of presenting the information and implementation of self-directed learning that affects the quality of learning process. These features make it possible to create such conditions of the training process by which athletes can much quicker learn the patterns of movements with complex coordination structure unavailable in conventional organization of technical and tactical training. Technology of the technical and tactical training is implemented on the playing field with controlled light light-backlit defining the light zones. Some zones, highlighted, are forbidden for the athlete; they can be static or move around simulating opponents. Such zones prevent the movement of the athlete, simulating game situations. The athlete assess the simulated situation, predicts its development, chooses a rational path and moves along it with the ball to the free zone or passes the ball through the free zone to the opponent’s area or to another member of the team. Depending on the athlete's personal level the coach chooses a program that specifies the training mode and level of complexity. The technical and tactical training level of the athlete can be judged by the number of hits into the forbidden highlighted zone, by the ability to evaluate simulated game situation and predict its development, by the ability to use own technical and tactical skills. The technology can be used in technical and tactical training of teams in varying sports, specializing in football, hockey, handball, rugby, basketball and other team sports.
sport, sport games, training, technical competence, tactical competence, training, education technology, computer technology, information technology, game thinking