Melikov, A.V. (2014). Multidimensional data organization in surveys information systems . Cybernetics and programming, 1, 1–16.
The author analyzes the advantages of multi-dimensional logic data organization in survey information systems. Author proposes a conceptual model of the process of questioning in the information system, characterized by the presence of processing the results of expert evaluation during their multivariate analysis to decision-making. The author developed a mathematical model of data transformation from the source to relational database storage. Such a representation of multidimensional data model provides a reliable and compact storage in the complex information structures and the ability to highlight important information in the data processing, all of which increases the efficiency of processing expert information, and facilitates the design based on it adaptive, integrable and dynamic information system survey. To achieve the objectives the author uses the theory of information processes and systems, database theory, set theory, graph theory. The author developed a new structure of the data warehouse, based on the algebra of tuples, which increases the reliability and informativeness of the conclusions derived from the data of expert interviews, excluding processing semantically equivalent information and reducing the number of empty values presented in tables hypercubes. The proposed structure of the data warehouse enables to analyze unexpected data not covered by the survey plan, thereby increasing saturation resulting from the processing of expert information terminals.
information system survey, database theory, multidimensional data model, data storage, set theory, algebra of tuples, graph theory, hypercube, measurement, attribute
Luchinin, Z.S. (2014). Method of referential integrity of the document-oriented database. Cybernetics and programming, 1, 17–22.
The subject of this study is a document-oriented database that can store semistructured information related to non-relational data storage approach. The basis of the study is in referential integrity. An explanation of the concept of referential integrity is given not only for relational databases. Based on the analysis of the relational approach to support referential integrity, the author proposes the task of handling large amounts of data in a distributed environment using the technology of document-oriented databases taking into account the structure of the data. The article proposes a method to maintain the referential integrity of distributed document-oriented database, based on estimates of links between documents. The method involves the introduction of two types of links between documents, namely the strong and weak links. These types of links mimic the strategy for dealing with foreign keys in relational databases. The author substantiates the introduction of this method as a separate unit from the database management system.
database integrity, referential integrity, relational databases, foreign key, document-oriented model, semistructured data, big data, replication, partitioning, foreing key
Knowledge bases, intelligent systems, expert systems, decision support systems
Sidorkina, I.G. (2014). CAD and intelligent educational technologies. Cybernetics and programming, 1, 23–47.
The article reviews the problem of theoretical justification of principles and concepts of computer-aided design for cognitive object, shows the distribution of educational courses. The author shows the integration of computer-aided design methods of realizing algorithmic synthesis represented by object technology of intelligent information processing. The proposed method of creating an educational resource opens the original direction for training in CAD. The main purpose of the use of intelligent tutoring technology in CAD is reviewed. The main feature of constructing an intelligent CAD system for designing an information object is the need to synchronize the process of automatic processing of project information and process of inference. The proposed formal representations allows to logically structure the properties of the design decisions, determine the semantic transformation rules based on causal relations domain to eliminate uncertainty on the basis of the known methods presented in this paper used to implement the teaching of intelligent technologies. Presented intelligent CAD technology is designed to empower and distributed educational applications. Currently, e-learning systems have demonstrated the benefits of using them.
CAD, intelligent educational technology, computer aided design, distributed educational course, technology, process of inference, design solution, causal relationship, e-learning, analysis
Automation of manufacturing and production planning
Pykhtin, P.S., Kamaev, V.A., Kryzhanovskii, A.I., Niklyaev, I.Y., Pykhtin, P.S. (2014). Planning of the mobile robot trajectory using a gradient of a function of investigations of the configuration regions of space . Cybernetics and programming, 1, 48–60.
The article proposes an algorithm for constructing the trajectory of motion of a mobile robot using quality assessment studies of various regions of space configuration (GIRRT). The described algorithm is based on the RRT algorithm and can significantly increase the effectiveness of the latter to meet the challenges in the search for ways of spaces containing a large number of narrow passages. The quality of research space configurations at a particular point in this paper refers to a numerical measure of the likelihood of building a successful trajectory connecting RRT tree and this configuration. A comparison of the proposed GIRRT algorithm and the classical RRT algorithm is given. A series of simulation way-finding experiments was held. While solving the task of finding ways in area with few obstacles, the GIRRT algorithm shows performance close to that of the RRT algorithm. In turn, when finding a way to the loosely coupled spaces (the space where there are areas for which the number of reachable configurations do not belong to the region itself, is small), the GIRRT algorithm demonstrates significantly better performance.
mobile robots, planning movements, RRT, path finding, space of configurations, quality study, Motion Planning, Narrow Passages, robotics, algorithms
Automation of manufacturing and production planning
Kruchinin, S.V. (2014). Development and using of CAD in the field of telecommunications. Cybernetics and programming, 1, 61–68.
The article is devoted to the principles of the development and application of computer-aided design (CAD) in the area of systems, networks and telecommunications devices. Particular attention is paid to the need for specialized computer-aided design, specifically designed for exact types of systems and telecommunication networks. At that time, conventional technology, with a large audience in the face of the whole community of Internet users, with the technological capacity of the equipment allows to direct all scientific and technical resources for the development of these technologies and software, the telecommunication architecture of networks require a separate research and development. The author proposes the use of CAD software for layout networks justifies this decision, tests methodology for the development of such CAD and draws a conclusions about the effectiveness of such a decision. In the study, the author uses the methods of mathematical modeling, theory of sets and graphs, methods of software design and system programming. In order to confirm the results of the study the author uses an experiment. Scientific novelty lies in the fact that the area of niche networks undeservedly ignored in the scientific literature, and not sufficiently represented in scientific publications, being the prerogative of engineering design. Used in the development of niche communications the technologies and methodologies do not receive scientific study and communicated to the scientific community. This article summarizes the experience of the development of CAD for designing niche telecommunications systems and the use of it, becoming a summing up the previous work of the author.
CAD, telecommunications system, niche telecommunication systems, topology of telecommunications, telecommunications, computer-aided design, networks, network topology, set theory, graph theory