Theory, software and languages of concurrent computing
Malashkevich, I.A., Malashkevich, V.B. (2013). An efficient algorithm for data decimation. Cybernetics and programming, 5, 1–6.
This paper presents an efficient algorithm for fast data decimation of discrete transformations. The article gives the characteristic equation and the implementation of the algorithm in Object Pascal. In the practice of digital signal processing the algorithms of signals spectral transforms (such as fast Fourier transform, Walsh, Haar discrete wavelet transform) are widely used. One of the expensive operations in these algorithms is the decimation of data - grouping of data with even and odd numbers. Traditionally this operation is performed by allocating additional memory. The authors propose an algorithm of grouping that does not require the use of additional memory for storing arrays and solve problems decimation of O (N) operations. It is shown that all the permutations of the elements are made through a series of chain movements, each beginning with the odd elements of the array data. The analysis of the algorithm for different values of N indicates the number and chain length varies. Test executions of the algorithm show its’ high performance.
data decimation algorithm, effectiveness, fast discrete transforms, characteristic equation, algorithm implementation, Object Pascal, digital signal processing, discrete wavelet transform, analysis of algorithm, grouping algorithm
Knowledge bases, intelligent systems, expert systems, decision support systems
Usmanova, I.V., Korovina, L.V. (2013). Evaluation of the quality characteristics of a document document flow in organization. Cybernetics and programming, 5, 7–17.
The article describes a multilevel model of knowledge representation for the evaluation of document flow state in organization. The authors propose network models for knowledge representation, the use of which enables the qualitative evaluation of the various current quantitative and qualitative indicators. The authors state that effective analysis of the document flows includes not only the assessment of the quantitative characteristics bur also requires a combination of the performance workflow and business processes indicators into one multilayered model. The authors give an overview of the comparative characteristics of neural and semantic networks and conclude that semantic network is the best choice for the analysis of document flow. The article reviews the process of analysis and evaluation of the present state of document flow based on the semantic networks on the example of “Iva-Trans” L.t.d. In conclusion the authors point out that the semantic network of forecasting is build of semantic statements, which in their turn are represented by semantic constructs with nodes as sub-graphs of the semantic network of concepts.
model of knowledge representation, document flow, indicators, business processes, analysis, expert system, knowledge engineering, knowledge base, neural networks, semantic networks
Forms and methods of information security administration
Prokhozhev, N.N., Korobeinikov, A.G., Bondarenko, I.B., Mikhailichenko, O.V. (2013). Stability of the digital watermark embedded in the region of the coefficients of discrete wavelet transform to the changes of the image-container. Cybernetics and programming, 5, 18–28.
The article deals with the stability of the digital watermark built-into the image-container through the use of steganography algorithms based on discrete wavelet transform (DWT), to external influences, such as JPEG lossy compression, filtering, noise and scaling. The author states that steganographic algorithms performing embedding can provide good secrecy of the digital watermarking, and tend to use the coefficients of correlation property between different planes of one subband having the same coordinates. It is noted that an important parameter when using steganographic algorithms based on the DWT is the choice of the level of wavelet decomposition. The authors describe the methodology which was used to assess the sustainability of the digital watermarking to to external influences on the image-container and experimental conditions. The authors also evaluated stability of DWT ti JPEF lossy compression, to Gaussian white noise, to scale the image to the image filtering. In conclusion the authors say that the results of DWT stability to external influences on the image-container confirm the theoretical advantage of using low-frequency plane wavelet decomposition in steganographic systems with high demands on DWT sustainability.
stability, digital watermarks, image-container, steganographic algorithms, discrete wavelet transform, JPEG compression, filtering, nois, scaling, algorithm
Software for innovative information technologies
Ponomarev, D. (2013). Software load sharing system for information systems. Cybernetics and programming, 5, 29–36.
The article presents the results of the development of software for calculating load distribution in information systems using tensor methodology. Applying tensor models allows solving the task for a wide range of information networks. The article states that for the purpose of the application of tensor analysis to the problem of analyzing the distribution of traffic information network a software system that implements certain stages of network analysis was developed. The author notes that the used mathematical apparatus is well formalized and it is possible to solve the problem of the implementation of the tensor methodology in software system using the available software tools. As an example of the developed software the author presents a research on the distribution of traffic on the network. In conclusion, it is stated that the further analysis of the values of the intensity distribution of load requires defining the type information distribution systems (lossy or expectation), and determining the required number of lines for a given level of losses.
software, load distribution, information systems, tensor methodology, information networks, structure of the primitive network, matrix components, transformation matrix, research, data analysis
Computer graphics, image processing and pattern recognition
Magomedov, A.M. (2013). Viewing a map with zoom and navigation elements. Cybernetics and programming, 5, 37–41.
This article gives a schematic view of a map of the region, customizable for various scale images selected from the list of maps of the region. The article discusses two problems: the map zooming and computation of shortest paths. The author considers the following problems: viewing of any raster image maps with minimal changes to existing software and finding the shortest path between two inhabited localities specified interactively. To solve the first problem the coordinates are recalculated ("zoom"). To solve the second problem the article considers "preparatory graph" with the vertices of two types: temporary - in sequential points along each selected highway, and permanent - in the points of intersection of highways. Edges of the graph are formed by the segments that connect adjacent points along each highway. At the end of one of the known algorithms for finding the shortest path in the graph is used. Stored arrays of temporary intermediate vertices are used for visualization of the found the shortest path.
map of the region, scaling, shortcut, coordinates, canonical map, preparatory graph, Dijkstra's algorithm, temporary vertices, permanent vertices, graph of roads