Knowledge bases, intelligent systems, expert systems, decision support systems
Davydenko, I.T. (2013). Semantic model of the knowledge base of intellectual help system. Cybernetics and programming, 2, 1–11.
The work is devoted to the basic principles underlying the design of complex technique of semantic models of knowledge bases of intelligent information systems. The knowledge base is one of the key components of intelligent systems for various purposes. In developing the knowledge base is essential to ensure not only the ability to store knowledge and navigate through it, but also the opportunity to work on the creation and modification of knowledge distributed team of developers. The paper proposes a technology for component design of a knowledge base, based on unified semantic networks with the basic set-theoretic interpretation. This technology is a set of models, tools and methods for the design of knowledge bases. Semantic model of intellectual system knowledge base is a formal interpretation of the semantic space, which is known for intelligent system at the current time. This model is part of the technology component design knowledge base of intelligent systems based on semantic networks.
structuring, systematization, semantic network, intelligent system, semantic space, knowledge base, semantic model, design, technology, verification
Computer graphics, image processing and pattern recognition
Kharitonov, A.V. (2013). Overview of biometric identification methods. Cybernetics and programming, 2, 12–19.
The article lists the main biometric parameters. The author reviews methods of identification that are used widely in Russia. Biometric identification helps to solve the problem of unification of all existing user passwords to one and apply it across the board. The process of extracting fingerprint features begins with an assessment of image quality is calculated orientation grooves which each pixel represents the direction of the grooves. Face Detection is the most acceptable method of biometric identification in society. Identification of the iris consists of image acquisition with localization of an iris and then forming a code of the iris. As the two main characteristics of any biometric system it is possible to use Type I and Type II errors. Identification based on the iris pattern of the eye is one of the most reliable biometric methods. Contactless method of obtaining data in this case suggests simplicity of use of this method in various areas.
biometric identification, iris, face recognition, fingerprints, personal identification, biometrics, algorithm, database, biometric methods, password
Telecommunication systems and computer networks
Ipatov, Y.A., Krevetsky, A.V., Shmakin, V.O. (2013). Designing a distributed ground system for monitoring forest fires. Cybernetics and programming, 2, 20–28.
In this paper we propose a new systematic approach to monitor forest fires over large areas. Established architecture of the complex, as well as effective methods of centralization and decision-making. Scientific and technical challenge is to create a system of distributed video surveillance to solve the problem of early detection of forest fires. This article discusses the existing fire detection approaches: the use of specialized towers, fire detection methods from the air, with the use of aircraft of various classes, a holistic approach to forest fire monitoring system uses satellite monitoring, video monitoring system. The described system is designed for the detection of forest fires and the determination of their spatial coordinates in real time. For the operation of the software complex towers and existing infocommunication data transmission medium can be used. This article analyzes existing approaches in the field of forest fire monitoring. A new systematic approach to problems of this kind, which is characterized by high performance and maximum efficiency of the concept solutions with minimal resource costs.
GPS, GLONASS, real time, distributed system, forest fires, monitoring system, design, integration, access, systems approach
Systems analysis , search, analysis and information filtering
Gatchin, Y.A., Lovlin, A.Y., Vasil'ev, E.A. (2013). Modernization of the automated software system for state employees testing . Cybernetics and programming, 2, 29–35.
The article deals with the basic functionality of the automated complex "Konkurs-Kadry", the authors review its shortcomings and formulate the requirements for the modernization of the software product. In assessing the professional and personal qualities of candidates for the vacant position based on the relevant qualification requirements for vacant position and other provisions of the official rules for this position, as well as other provisions established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the State Civil Service. Testing on issues related to the implementation of official duties on a vacant post is an integral part of tender procedures. The purpose of this paper is the need to identify and formulate the requirements for the modernization of the complex "Konkurs-Kadry." The article shows a way to modernize the automated testing of complex for testing candidate for the vacant positions of state civil service "Konkurs-Kadry." The rational implementation of the proposed ideas can turn into such important qualitative indicators of the complex as the simplicity and convenience of use, reliability, flexibility.
database, access, software, testing, personnel competition, automated complex, modernization, mode, requirements, test generation
Systems analysis , search, analysis and information filtering
Korobeinikov, A.G., Ismagilov, V.S., Kopytenko, Y.A., Petrishchev, M.S. (2013). The study of the geoelectric structure of the crust on the basis of the analysis of the phase velocities of ultra geomagnetic variations. Cybernetics and programming, 2, 36–43.
This article presents the results of experimental studies of the geoelectric structure of the crust held in Karelia. For research the authors established 5 highly ternary magnetovariational stations GI-MTS-1 separated by 5-10 km apart. The frequency of data recording was 50 Hz. To analyze the changes in apparent resistivity with depth at all 5 locations the authors perofmed processing of input data by two methods - magnetotelluric and phase-gradient sensing. To determine the apparent resistivity in each of the magnetic stations authors determined the apparent magnetotelluric resistivity of the earth's crust and changes in the system of resistivity with depth. Preliminary processing results revealed a number of conductive layers in the earth's crust at depths of 2-3 and 15-20 km, probably related to the shungite-bearing horizons. Comparison of methods for the interpretation of magnetotelluric and phase gradient sensing has shown their good match.
frequency variations, resistivity, magnetic station, phase gradient sensing, magnetotelluric method, geoelectric structure, research, experiment, earth crust, geomagnetic disturbance