Malashkevich, V.B., Malashkevich, I.A. (2012). Efficient data structure. Cybernetics and programming, 1, 16.
The efficiency of information retrieval systems depends significantly on the structure of the data. The selected data structure determines the speed of data operations (search, insert, delete), and the necessary cost of memory. Due to the importance of the problem of optimizing the structure of data in modern scientific and technical literature are well represented implement a variety of data structures and analysis of their effectiveness. A wide range of known effective data structures uses the properties of linear arrays of data, and binary trees. The article deals with one of the special data structure known as a digital trie (Trie unlike Tree). Search speed in the proposed structure is the statistical value and the worst value is characterized by O (log (N / 2)) and the average value of O (log (N / 2) / 2) operations. It also has the best memory cost in comparison with the traditional characteristics of a digital tree. Thus the aturhos propose and implemented an efficient data structure - "vertical" digital tree, which is characterized by high-speed data retrieval and low memory consumption.
key, feathered trees, red-black trees, array of pointers, digital tree, tree structure, data structure, node, memory costs, search
Ivanov, A.Y., Sinitsyn, A.P., Nesvyazin, I.A. (2012). Pathfinding System for 3d Space. Cybernetics and programming, 1, 611.
The article is devoted to the extension of the navigation graph (NG) method for 3D space pathfinding systems using numerous NGs relevant to each object instead of a single graph. This method significantly reduces the volume of manual work for setting NGs as well as the general time of algorythm without distoring the adequacy of the path being found.
3D space, navigation, graph, pathfinding
Knowledge bases, intelligent systems, expert systems, decision support systems
Grakova, N.V. (2012). Building a semantic model of project management. Cybernetics and programming, 1, 715.
Project management systems are widely used at present. They are designed to support and control of the project life cycle. The project is a temporary effort of labor-time event, which corresponds to the following features• defined start and end dates; • defined a list of costs and quality conditions; • the existence of unique activities, including risks; • availability of certain boundaries that must be followed. For the project it is vital to control all phases of its development. The approach proposed in this paper aims to solve the problems of control during all phases of project development through the integration of project management system with a system of management which need to be automated. It should be noted that the approach is not universal in the sense that its use is limited to a narrow range of tasks. These tasks include: the task of managing the joint development of documentation, the task of organizing a mass event (i.e. a conference), the task of developing a knowledge base and a number of others.
machine knowledge processing, agents, ontology, semantic model, intelligent system, knowledge base, life cycle, project management, automation, management of development
Knowledge bases, intelligent systems, expert systems, decision support systems
Koronchik, D.N. (2012). User interfaces of intelligent systems. Cybernetics and programming, 1, 1622.
The user interface is the only way the user interacts with the system software. Therefore, it should be fairly simple, intuitive and easy to learn. Designed by modern products user interfaces for the most part are fairly complex system. The main problem in these interfaces is that it is difficult to work with them for a user with a low level of skills. This in turn reduces the number of customers and reduces the operating efficiency. Designing user interfaces of intelligent system is more difficult for a number of reasons, which makes the development of technologies for their design more relevant. The article describes the principles and techniques that helps to design user interfaces for intelligent systems that can be easily integrated and are based on existing components. On the basis of the proposed technology user interfaces of some application systems were already designed. That makes it possible for authors to make conclustions about the performance of the proposed approach.
user, semantic technology, semantics domain, knowledge, intelligent system interface, user interface, number of tasks, complexity of the interface, man-machine interaction, usability
Knowledge bases, intelligent systems, expert systems, decision support systems
Zhitko, V.A. (2012). Intelligent user interface for question answering systems. Cybernetics and programming, 1, 2330.
Due to the rapid development and spread of computer systems in various spheres of human activity is to reduce the actual cost of training new and adapting already active users of new versions of systems. To the greatest extent this applies to the field of information and information systems. It is caused by a wide variety of applications, ranging from bying tickets online to complex customer support systems. The variety of such systems and the principles of interaction with them, used in practice, hinders their free use. Promising in this case is the use of a natural language familiar to the user for a dialogue with computer systems. Using the familiar to the user natural language for dialogue with computer systems is implemented by means of natural language and speech in user interface, which has a number of advantages: minimal user training to work with the system (depends on the specific implementation of the system and its operating capacity), simplicity and high speed setting arbitrary requests to the system and the high level of the domain model (is like one of the benefits, as well as a prerequisite for the successful implementation of such systems).
knowledge base, morphological analysis, intelligent systems, semantics, component design, question-answer system, natural language user interface, output machine, interface, training
Data encryption and data protection
Korobeinikov, A.G., Kutuzov, I.M., Kolesnikov, P.Y. (2012). Analysis methods of obfuscation. Cybernetics and programming, 1, 3137.
Modern computer technology makes it a variety of tasks relevant to the field of information security. For example, for the protection of copyright in the images methods of steganography are used. To solve the problem of proving authorship (or vice versa) code obfuscation techniques are used. Obfuscation (from Lat. Obfuscare - obscure, obfuscate, and English. Obfuscate - make non-obvious, confusing, confusing) or obfuscated code - is the process of bringing the source code or executable program code to the form, that keeps its functionality, but complicates the analysis, understanding algorithms and modification during decompilation. Currently, there are special programs called obfuscators that performes obfuscation to solve the task in different ways. The article discusses the techniques of obfuscation from the most basic to sophisticated polymorphic generators obfuscators performing the mathematical transformation of the code, as well as the relationship of obfuscation and efficiency of program code execution and reduce the size of the program. The authors describe further development of obfuscation techniques.
optimization, obfuscator, recognition, methods of obfuscation, concealment of information, information protection, copyright, steganography, obfuscation, decompilation