Milushkov, V.I., Gatchin, Y.A. (2012). Using a binary search to optimize the query to retrieve data. Cybernetics and programming, 2, 19.
With the increasing popularity of DBMS its use inevitably begins to demand more and more resources. The first time is possible (and, of course, necessary) to lower the load through optimization of algorithms and / or architecture of the application. However, what if anything that can be optimized is already optimized, and the application still cannot cope with the load? In this article the methods and ways to use binary search to optimize the query to retrieve data are reviewed. Authors giv an overview of php + MySQL and solved the problem of the transfering the queue from fields without indexes to tables with primary keys, which significantly speeds up the query and the database itself. Proposed solution greatly accelerates the search for the desired item by reducing the search range but at the same time sacrificing some accuracy computations. For statistical reasons it is not critical if a few elements of millions will not be taken into account. Otherwise, it is necessary to make and complete epsilon zero search only after reaching the last level of the tree.
bisection method, scaling, search range, query optimization, binary search, data structure, index, primary key, database, DBMS
Knowledge bases, intelligent systems, expert systems, decision support systems
Davydenko, I.T. (2012). Complex technique of designing intelligent information systems based on the mass semantic technologies for designing computer systems. Cybernetics and programming, 2, 1017.
The base of knowledge is a key component of intellectual reference system. The development of this component is labor-intensive and time-consuming process, and therefore an important aspect of the design knowledge base is the organization of collective design. Based on the collective aspect of the design of a complex technique of intelligent information systems, the design of the semantic knowledge base model is detailed structuring of the knowledge base, i.e. asked to consider the structure of the knowledge base as a hierarchical system of interrelated subject areas of the knowledge base. In reviewing the process of designing the knowledge base model athor selected areas of work that can be distinguished in the creation of the model. Semantic knowledge base is a hierarchical structure of the system described by its subject areas, built over a given area of the main subject. The paper shows the complex technique of builing an intelligent information systems, based on the mass of the semantic technologies of designing computer systems at various levels OSTIS intelligence. The results in the work being tested in an open project OSTIS.
structuring, SC-code, subject area, design collective, intelligent systems, knowledge base, semantics, semantic model, design, model
Forms and methods of information security administration
Smirnov, V.I. (2012). Evaluation of the security of voice data in a dedicated room using instrumental calculation method. Cybernetics and programming, 2, 1824.
Preventing the interception of confidential negotiations of the selected premises technical reconnaissance is one of the main directions in the field of technical protection of information. The need for measures to prevent the interception of voice information through technical channels due to a number of reasons is high. First, the speech information has specific features (confidentiality, efficiency, documentation and virtual). Second, the means used pickup of speech information in the acoustic channel leakage is relatively simple and cheap. Third, there is a constant improvement of TCP. Methods to reduce the possibility of interception of voice information of the allocated space, traditionally divided into passive and active. To assess the speech intelligibility author used subjective and objective methods. The most convenient and reliable method is considered subjective articulation method discussed in this article. The paper describes an instrumental calculation method used at present for the evaluation and monitoring of voice data security.
information security, defining speech, leakage of voice information, articulation index, articulating measurement, allocated space, interception of information, intelligibility, threat, protection of information
Software for innovative information technologies
Fukin, I.A. (2012). Cloud management system for communication between educational institutions and employers. Cybernetics and programming, 2, 2537.
Creating conditions for effective process of interaction between subjects of educational cluster in the current institutional environment requires the formation of an information space of the participants. The need for complex algorithms and solving problems of information support of the interaction of subjects of educational clusters due to the complexity of control as learning process consists in the fact that the assessment of the quality of management and adjusting curricula, load distribution, class schedules are possible only after the completion of a certain cycle of learning, and a single information environment this segment of the labor market. In the article the problem of interaction between enterprises and educational institutions for training is reviewed. As a tool to deal with them author suggests to use the control subsystem interaction of stakeholders in education and labor markets control systems of educational process based on cloud technologies. Proposed solution is presented as a software module.
software unit, asynchronous control, quality control, distributed computing, cloud computing, cloud, control system, education, feedback, e-learning
Mathematical models and computer simulation experiment
Korobeinikov, A.G., Grishentsev, A.Y. (2012). The increase in the rate of convergence of finite difference method based on the use of middleware solutions. Cybernetics and programming, 2, 3846.
To study the characteristics of the process of functioning of any system of mathematical methods, including the engine, should be carried out formalization of the process, ie. a mathematical model. By mathematical modeling we mean the process of establishing compliance with this real object of a mathematical object (mathematical model), and the study of the mathematical model, which allows to obtain characteristics of this real object. A type of a mathematical model depends both on the nature of the real object and tasks of the research and the required reliability and accuracy of the solution of this problem. Any mathematical model, like any other, describes the real object only with a certain degree of approximation to reality. This paper presents a method for calculating interim solution in n-dimensional problem with boundary conditions, contributing to the acceleration of the convergence process of a finite difference method. In the practical implementation of this method the number of iterations to achieve a given residual was reduced to 10 - 100 times, due to the search of the intermediate solutions. Thus, this method can be used to significantly improve the efficiency of a finite difference method.
numerical methods, finite elements, finite differences, FEM, MKP, differential equations, mathematical model, stability, n-dimensional problem, mathematical modeling
Question at hand
Korobeinikov, A.G., Gatchin, Y.A., Dukel'skii, K.V., Ter-Nersesyants, E.V. (2012). Compatibility of borosilicate and fluorosilicate glass layers in the manufacture of optical fiber. Cybernetics and programming, 2, 4754.
Domestic manufacturers of optical fibers are facing the problem of acquisition of raw materials and reagents abroad, which becomes more and more acute - the price is rising, and customs procedures do not contribute to the revival of domestic production of optical fibers made of quartz glass. Consumption of fibers in Russia exceeds the 3.5 million km per year, while the consumption of 1 million km per year is a "critical point" after which is economically feasible to produce the optical fibers at its own factories. This situation has forced to go back to the establishment of the optical fiber production in Russia. Hence the importance of the finding a ways to manufacture quartz optical fiber with a minimum range of reagents used is hight. The solution of this problem is possible only on the basis of substantial modernization and simplification of technological process of manufacturing the optical fiber, so that on the basis of a limited number of domestic materials and reagents to produce fibers that are not inferior counterparts of leading foreign manufacturers of quality, but differ with advantageous cost.
signal, optical fiber, glass, vapor phase synthesis, quartz glass, fiber, critical point, optical fibers, modernization, optical fiber