Computer graphics, image processing and pattern recognition
Dubanov, A.A. (2021). Analysis of velocity and trajectory in the group pursuit tasks. Software systems and computational methods, 3, 1–10.
This article discusses how to the goal pursuers can simultaneously achieve their goals in the group pursuit task. The proposed pursuit model suggests the pursuer to follow the set motion pattern, which is structured at each point of time. Such trajectory is a compound curve that takes into account the curvature constraints. The time of achieving the goal of each pursuer depends on the velocity and minimum radius of curvature of the trajectory. Multi-factor analysis of velocity modules and minimum radius of curvature of the trajectories of each pursuer for simultaneous achievement of their goals is the focus of this research
Attainment, Multifactorial, Trajectory, Line, Curvature, Target, Pursuer, Persuit, Parallel, Plane
Forms and methods of information security administration
Simavoryan, S.Z., Simonyan, A.R., Popov, G.A., Ulitina, E.I. (2021). Functionality of the system of information security in automated data processing systems in the conditions of external intrusions by analogy with the human immune system . Software systems and computational methods, 3, 11–24.
This article is dedicated to construction of the system of information security in automated data processing systems that function by analogy with the human immune system. The subject of this research is the development of the procedure for countering external intrusions of viruses, spam, and other destructive software programs in automated data processing systems. The object of this research is the systems of ensuring information security in automated data processing systems and human immune system. Methodological research on elaboration of the procedure for identification of intrusion is conducted via methods of artificial intelligence, systemic analysis, theory of neural and immune systems in the sphere of ensuring information security based on the achievements of systemic analysis and a systemic-conceptual approach towards information security in automated data processing systems. The main result lies in the developed general procedure for the functionality of the system of ensuring information security in countering external intrusions in the form of block-diagram and its description. The procedure is based on the idea of similarity in functionality of the mechanisms and procedures for protection against external intrusions in both, human immune system and automated data processing system, as well as drawing parallel between them. The main peculiarity of the developed procedure lies in its applicability to the accepted classification of the initial external environment of intrusion onto physical, information, field, and infrastructure environments. Such approach guarantees the novelty of the development from the perspective of constant updating of human immune system countering mechanisms to the external intrusions and its application for each environment in applicable to automated data processing systems.
neural systems, intelligent systems, intrusions detection system, information protection, information security systems, human immune system, artificial immune systems, cellular immunity, humoral immunity, systems approach
Automated systems of engineering process administration
Sviridova, O.V., Rybanov, A.A., Filippova, E.M. (2021). Development of the structure of information system for supporting the activity of nonprofit horticultural partnerships . Software systems and computational methods, 3, 25–39.
The developed automated system of information support for nonprofit horticultural partnerships (NHP) is intended for automation of management accounting of the economic activities of NHP. The effective management of the activity of nonprofit horticultural partnerships requires operating full, accurate, objective and timely economic information. This can be achieved through management accounting of the economic activity of NHP. The subject of this research is the methods of automation of control, monitoring and support of the establishment of management reporting of NHP. The object of this research is the information systems functioning within the “client-server” architecture. The research methods include the apparatus of relational algebra, theory of sets, optimization and mathematical statistics. It is noted that the activity of many NHP is carried out in the so-called “manual mode”, i.e. all necessary documents the employees fill by hand, and all calculations are by means of calculator. This substantiates the relevance of this research. Leaning on the conducted comparison of software products-analogues based the Saati method, the software “Info-Accountant for NHP” is chosen as a prototype. The author determines and describes the main algorithms of the developed system, the peculiarity of which is the formation of balance sheet and reports of its implementation, calculation of membership fees, introduction of the function of subsystem of NHP reference books(of the owners of land plots, streets, tariffs, expenditures, etc.). The output data is provided in form of a chart on the display form of the report subsystem. The scientific novelty lies in the suggested approach towards automation of accounting: development of the forecast for pumping up the budget based on the previous periods.
activity chart, business process, cost estimate, management accounting, document flow, HNPP, automated systems, algorithm, directory, calculation
Systems analysis , search, analysis and information filtering
Makarova, I.L., Ignatenko, A.M., Kopyrin, A.S. (2021). Detection and interpretation of erroneous data in statistical analysis of consumption of energy resources. Software systems and computational methods, 3, 40–51.
Monitoring and analysis of consumption of energy resources in various contexts, as well as measuring of parameters (indicators) in time are of utmost importance for the modern economy. This work is dedicated to examination and interpretation of the anomalies of collecting data on consumption of energy resources (on the example of gas consumption) in the municipal formation. Gas consumption is important for the socioeconomic sphere of cities. Unauthorized connections are the key reason for non-technological waste of the resource. The traditional methods of detection of stealing of gas are ineffective and time-consuming. The modern technologies of data analysis would allow detecting and interpreting the anomalies of consumption, as well as forming the lists for checking the objects for unauthorized connections. The author’s special contribution lies in application of the set of statistical methods aimed at processing and identification of anomalies in energy consumption of a municipal formation. It is worth noting that the use of such technologies requires the development of effective algorithms and implementation of automation and machine learning algorithms. The new perspective upon time-series data facilitates identification of anomalies, optimization of decision-making, etc. These processes can be automated. The presented methodology tested on time-series data that describes the consumption of gas can be used for a broader range of tasks. The research can be combined with the methods of knowledge discovery and deep learning algorithms.
average, smoothing, municipality, gas consumption, energy consumption, search for anomalies, statistical analysis, unauthorized consumption, gas accounting, optimization
Mathematical models and computer simulation experiment
Pekunov, V.V. (2021). Design of K-W-NET model of turbulence based on K-W/V2-F models with the neural network component . Software systems and computational methods, 3, 52–58.
The subject of this article is the models of turbulence based on introduction of neural network components into the widespread standard semi-empirical models. It is stated that such technique allows achieving significant acceleration of calculation while maintaining sufficient accuracy and stability, by training neural network components based on the data acquires with the use of fairly accurate and advanced models, as well as replacing and complementing separate fragments of the initial models with such components. An overview is give on the existing classical approaches towards modeling of turbulence, which allows determining the V2-F model suggested by Durbin as one of the most advanced, and thereby promising, with regards to subsequent neural network modifications. The author offers the new model of turbulence based on K-W models paired with a neural network component trained in accordance with the V2-F Durbin model. All necessary ratios are provided. The properties of the obtained model are examined in terms of the numerical experiment on the flow over of a single obstacle. The results are compared with data acquired from other semi-empirical models (K-E, K-W), as well as via direct neural network model. It is demonstrated that the proposed model, with less computational labor output in comparison with other models (excluding direct neural network, which, however, is less accurate), provides high precision close to precision of the Durbin model.
aerodynamics, flow near obstacle, feed-forward network, numerical experiment, continuous media mechanics, Durbin's model, neural network, turbulence model, calculation speedup, semi-empirical models