Telecommunication systems and computer networks
Kokoreva, E.V., Shurygina, K.I. (2020). Analysis of service quality indicators in a local positioning system based on ZigBee technology. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 1–9.
One of the topical areas of the digital economy is the development of services based on the use of systems for local positioning of objects. The article presents the results of analytical modeling of a positioning system built on the equipment of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficiency of data transmission in a ZigBee network. As a modeling tool, the mathematical apparatus of queuing networks (CeMO) was selected, which has proven its effectiveness for calculating the characteristics of various infocommunication systems. The method of analysis of average values was chosen by the authors to assess the quality of service indicators due to its computational simplicity and the adequacy of the results obtained. The authors have developed a structural diagram of the investigated positioning system. On the basis of the network architecture, a conceptual, algorithmic and software model in the form of a closed homogeneous queuing network has been developed and its characteristics have been calculated. The parameters obtained as a result of modeling make it possible to evaluate and analyze the quality of service indicators in the telecommunications segment of the local positioning system under study, such as latency, performance, network load factor and the probability of losses, which can be used for efficient traffic management in the telecommunications segment of the geolocation system based on IEEE 802.15.4 standard.
throughput, mean value analysis, queueing networks, ZigBee, geopositioning, time-probability characteristics, QoS, utilization, delay, queueing system
Programming languages
Demichev, M.S., Gaipov, K.E. (2020). Search algorithm for loopless routes . Software systems and computational methods, 4, 10–25.
The subject of this research is the search algorithm for loopless routes from transmitter to the recipient of network traffic in the conditions of a known network topology. In designing data transmission network, one of the primary problems is the formation of network traffic routing, due to the fact that heavy traffic often cause the occurrence of bottlenecks in form of the overloaded communication node, which results in speed reduction of data transmission. This article provides the search algorithm for loopless routes from transmitter to the recipient of network traffic; the result is presented as a set of loopless routes in accordance with the specified network topology. The article also provides the software code of the algorithm written in the C# language, as well as the results of test solutions of the specified topologies. The algorithm was developed via experimental and theoretical methods, on the bases of the available route search algorithms, such as Floyd's algorithm and Dijkstra's algorithm, as well as mechanisms of static and dynamic routing, such as RIP, OSPF, and EIGRP. The novelty of this work consists in elaboration of search algorithm for loopless routes from transmitter to the recipient in the conditions of the available network topology; and in comparison of the acquired results with other methods of formation phase variables. This algorithm allows generating a list of all loopless routes within the indicated network topology between the pair of interacting nodes.
router, graph algorithms, routing, phase variables, Loopless routes, graph, vertex, matrix, array, list
Programming languages
Adiyak, E.V., Berg, D.B., Panachev, A.A. (2020). Modeling of the development of financial autonomy of the local communities based on experimental data in the B2B segment . Software systems and computational methods, 4, 26–41.
This work is dedicated to examination of an important trend of recent decades – the financial autonomy of local communities. The object of this research is the enclosed on the territory production and consumption chains, which ensure certain economic autonomy to this area. The presence of enclosed balanced financial flows in these chains creates the conditions for autonomization of finances of the local community. The goal of this article consists in modelling of scenarios for the development of local community with enclosed production and consumption circuits. The research employs data analysis of bank transactions of the country’s largest bank conducted within one month between the legal entities of in city district with 75,000 population. The results of analysis reveal the cluster consisting of 59 companies (agents), the transactions between which comprise a circuit network. Within the cluster was outlined the core consisting of 12 companies that closely interact with each other. The author explores various development scenarios for the aforementioned 12 core companies to the size of cluster that consists of 59 companies. The target economic parameter is the volume of balanced payments within the network and its share within the total network turnover. The structural parameters of forming networks are calculated by SNA methodology (Social Network Analysis). The article discusses the potential of one or another development strategy for the local community in the context of autonomization of their finances.
Transportation theory, development scenarios, modeling, experiment, finance, B2B, autonomization, local community, closed financial flows, Experimental economic models
Systems analysis , search, analysis and information filtering
Buldaev, A.A., Naykhanova, L.V., Evdokimova, I.S. (2020). Model of decision support system in educational process of a university on the basis of learning analytics . Software systems and computational methods, 4, 42–52.
In recent decades, the potential of analytics and data mining – the methodologies that extract valuable information from big data, transformed multiple fields of scientific research. Analytics has become a trend. With regards to education, these methodologies are called the learning analytics (LA) and educational data mining (EDM). Latterly, the use of learning analytics has proliferated due to four main factors: a significant increase in data quantity, improved data formats, achievements in the area of computer science, and higher complexity of available analytical tools. This article is dedicated to the description of building the model of decision support system (DSS) of a university based on educational data acquired from digital information and educational environment. The subject of this research is the development of DSS with application of learning analytics methods. The article provides a conceptual model of decision-making system in the educational process, as well as a conceptual model of the components of DSS component – forecasting subsystem. The peculiarity of forecasting subsystem model implies usage of learning analytics methods with regards to data sets of a higher educational institution, which contain the results of work of the digital information and educational environment, and include the characteristics of student activity. The main results of the conducted research is the examined and selected methods of clusterization and classification (KNN), the testing of which demonstrated palatable results. The author examined various methods of clusterization, among which k-prototypes method showed best results. The conclusion is made on favorable potential of application of the methods of learning analytics in Russian universities.
risk group, forecasting methods, progress forecasting, electronic information and educational environment, educational analytics, classification, clustering, decision support, student progress, artificial intelligence
Mathematical models and computer simulation experiment
Konov, E.A., Sorokoumov, P.S. (2020). The available methods of computer modeling of biofilms and their development trends. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 53–68.
The object of this research is the available means of computer modeling of bacterial communities-biofilms. Such communities include the majority (95-99%) of bacteria and are ubiquitous. Biofilms are much more resistant than single bacteria to antibiotics and other antibacterial means due to weak permeability of intercellular environment and moderation of metabolism of some specimen of the community. Examination of influence techniques on biofilms is an important problem of biology; its solution requires various computer modeling tools that allow achieving significant scientific results. The subject of this research is the mathematical models used in modern techniques of biofilm modeling, and as well as the software for their implementation. The conclusion is made that the available methods of biofilm modeling are capable of successful reproduction of multiple behavioral aspects of these bacteria communities, including growth, destruction, and self-regulation; however, certain relevant problems are yet to be resolved. This is associated with the fact that the development of modern software for two-dimensional and three-dimensional agent modeling of biofilms – BSim, iDynoMiCS, CellModeller, require competent programmers for describing the interactions between simulated objects. Most promising direction in further development of this software implies a more active usage of tools for describing behavior and interaction of agents applied in the sphere of artificial intelligence, for example, fin-state automaton or production rules systems, with mandatory preservation of biological content of the models.
rule-based system, finite state machine, individual-based modelling, cell model, quorum sense, computer modeling, behavior model, agent model, biofilm, water treatment plant
Computer graphics, image processing and pattern recognition
Logunova, O.S., Kukhta, I.B., Reshetnikova, E.S. (2020). Algorithm development for 3D image visualization: algorithm of layerwise transformation in compression and spread of a digital cube . Software systems and computational methods, 4, 69–81.
One of the promising areas of software development is the modeling of shapes of various objects with graphical representation of the process itself. The relevance of creation of such systems is first and foremost substantiated by providing a potential user with opportunity to visualize the process of shaping the object under the influence of external factors. Such software modules are highly demanded in such fields as modeling of deformation of a steel ingot in manufacturing rolled steel, prediction of occurrence of defects caused by external influence upon objects of various shape, as well as visualization of work of technical equipment related to external impact upon the object, which changes its shape as a result of applied forces. Elaboration of such systems allows inventing emulators that are demanded in educational institutions, as they replace expensive equipment for training practical skills of the students. For example, in medical universities, such software and hardware systems can be used for acquiring practical skills of working with medical equipment, like installation of ultrasonography. The standard training process for carrying out ultrasound examination in a medical university consists of two stages: theoretical and practical. In the course of training, students are not allowed to use ultrasonography machine as many times to be able to acquire sufficient skills in working with medical equipment. Therefore, it is relevant to develop an assistant robotic system for training, which would serve as an emulator of an actual ultrasonography equipment. The first stage of implementation of such project is the development of a specialized software product that would allow visualizing the image of human organs in 3D format with an option of scaling, rotation and deformation, which occurs due to application of pressure on soft tissues using special joystick during ultrasonography examination.
simulation model, IT technologies, software, 3D-object, modeling, digital cube, visualization, polygon grid, 3D-modeling, algorithm