Knowledge Base, Intelligent Systems, Expert Systems, Decision Support Systems
Dolinina, O.N., Pechenkin, V.V. (2017). On the transition to the waste collection management using an intellectual system by "Smart City" project. Software systems and computational methods, 3, 1–15.
The object of studies involves waste collection by trucks in urban aglomerations within the "Smart City" concept. The authors provide detailed evaluation of the problems concerning the construction of waste disposal schedules, since these schedules currently do not correspond to the state of fullness of garbage containers, and they also do not involve optimization of the routes for specialized transport are discussed in detail. The object of research in this article concerns formation of a multi-criteria optimal route for garbage disposal, which takes into account the fullness of trash containers, the travel time, and expert knowledge of the current road situation in the area of the route. The research method involves construction of a hybrid intelligent system that takes a decision to model a dynamic optimal route based on graph theory, modeling fuzzy expert knowledge that takes into account the road situation. Scientific novelty is due to the development of a hybrid approach to managing the removal of domestic waste in large megacities, which uses several technologies for optimizing the timetable. These technologies include mobile technologies that link the system hardware and software components into a single whole, take into account the current state of the road network, and expertise to evaluate the schedule. Route options are calculated using an optimization algorithm for constructing several options of the shortest route. The article presents one optimization criterion for choosing a route for servicing container sites - the time necessary to maintain sites with household waste. It is obvious that the dynamic nature of the chosen mathematical model of the entire system allows the addition of other optimization criteria. These criteria for the schedule formation may involve fuel consumption rate, material resources, the requirement of equal load level of all trucks. The advantages of the said system involve the simultaneous consideration of the situation with the filling of containers for waste, the road situation for the routes, as well as the expert rules.
hybrid control system, smart city, schedule, gabbage collection, expert system, optimization criteria, mobile technologies, Mamdani method, fuzzy rules, dynamic network
Forms and methods of information security administration
Lyapustin, A. (2017). Security of the Multi-Agent Platform. Software systems and computational methods, 3, 16–24.
The research is devoted to the topical issue of ensuring security of heterogeneous information platforms applying the multi-agent threat detection systems. The object of the research is the multi-agent platform. The author pays special attention to such aspects of the topic as security of multi-agent platforms, managing threat detection agents, interaction between different threat detection agents, and vulnerability of multi-agent platforms. The author also analyses tendencies for developing new distributed security structures. In his research Lyapustin offers a mutl-agent structure that can be used by security service as well as a general scenario for deploying security policy in threat detection multi-agent systems. In terms of theory, the results of the research demonstrate the need to extend the scope of the multi-agent approach and integrate it with the intelligent analysis of information systems development and operation. The result of the research is the concept of a secure multi-agent platform that can be used in the treat detection multi-agent system.
threat detection agent, heterogeneous information platforms, multi-agent platform, intelligent protection system, threat detection, information security, analysis systems, detection algorithms, agent platform, multi-agent system
Knowledge Base, Intelligent Systems, Expert Systems, Decision Support Systems
Lyutikova, L.A., Shmatova, E.V. (2017). Search of Logical Regularities in the Data Using Sigma-Pi Neural Networks. Software systems and computational methods, 3, 25–34.
In this article the authors offer a method for constructing logical operations to analyze and correct the results of the operation of sigma-pi neural networks designed to solve recognition problems. The aim of the research is to reveal the logical structure of implicit regularities formed as a result of training the neural network. The method proposed by the authors restores the training sample based on the values of the sigma-pi weighting coefficients of the neuron, analyzes the relationships of this structure and allows to detect implicit regularities, which contributes to the increase of the adaptive properties of the sigma-pi neuron. To solve this problem, the authors perform a logical-algebraic analysis of the subject area within the framework of which the cigma-pi of a neuron is trained, a logical decision function is constructed, its properties and applicability to the correction of the work of a neuron are investigated. It is widely known that the combined approach to the organization of the recognition algorithms increases their effectiveness. The authors argue that the combination of the neural network approach and the use of logical correctors allows, in cases of an incorrect response, to indicate the object closest to the requested attributes from the sample on which the sigma-pi neuron was trained. This significantly improves the quality of the automated solution of intellectual problems, i.e. ensuring the accuracy of achieving the right solution by using the most effective systems for analyzing the original data and developing more accurate methods for their processing.
decision function, operations on algorithms, algorithm, predicate, logical function, neural networks, neuron, corrective operation, logical-algebraic approach, Classifier
Mathematical models and computer simulation experiment
Trub, I. (2017). Numerical Modelling of the General Task of Bitmap-Indices Distribution. Software systems and computational methods, 3, 35–53.
The subject of the research is the mathematical model in the form of recurrent integral relation system that describes the distribution of unit intervals where at least one random stream event with the arbitrary distribution function has happened. The author of the article examines numerous aspects of the numerical implementation of this system such as the Laplace transformation access method, numerical integration near discontinuity points, stability of calculations, validity check results, and particularities of real number machine arithmetic. Trub pays special attention to the connection between calculation data and semantics of the applied problem which solution is represented by these data. The methodology of the research is based on the probability theory (distribution types and qualities), numerical mathematics methods (numerical integration, interpolation, Laplace transformation), software implementation of the mathematical model and computing experiment conduction. The main conclusions of this research is the validity and numerical implementability of the mathematical model created by the author of the article as well as substantiation of the numerical solution for arbitrary distribution of the random stream events distribution. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author develops a numerical solution of the bitmap-indices distribution for Weibull distribution, gamma distribution, logarithmically normal distribution, etc., and analyzes dependencies of different kinds such as the indices density function and average number of indices for the specified interval length.
binomial distribution, Simpson method, stability of calculations, discontinuity point, quadrature expressions, numerical integration, numerical methods, Laplace transformation, probability density function, improper integral
Mathematical models and computer simulation experiment
Vagina, M., Nigmatulin, R. (2017). Some Bounds for the Сompletion Time of Competing Jobs in Batch Planning. Software systems and computational methods, 3, 54–60.
The subject of the research is the graphical models for solving the problem of minimizing the completion time of competing jobs in batch planning. Great interest in such problems is explained by numerous applications that arise in the theory of graphs, in the planning of production and transport routes, in the calculation of distribution, etc. In general, there is no effective algorithm for solving these problems. Particular attention is paid to the use of the coloring of the conflict graph, which makes it possible to build estimates of the minimum execution time for all jobs. The main research methods were methods of graph theory and computational experiment. Particular attention was paid to the graph coloring. Based on the coloring of the conflict graph, two-sided estimates of the minimum execution time of competing tasks for batch planning are constructed. All the estimates found are attainable. They are linear combinations of time slots for executing work packets. The coefficients of the linear combination are expressed through the different characteristics of the conflict graph, its subgraphs (for example, the chromatic number, the density of the graph).
completion time, full subgraph, chromatic number of graph, minimal coloring, conflict graph, graph theoretic model, batch planning, competing jobs, minimum time, work schedule
Computer graphics, image processing and pattern recognition
Arzumanyan, R.V., Sukhinov, A.I. (2017). Theoretical Analysis of the Hilbert Curve Efficiency for Sliding Filter Image Processing. Software systems and computational methods, 3, 61–69.
The subject of the present research is the theoretical research of Hilbert curve properties that allow to arrange an efficient access to image pixels during slider filter image processing by using Hilbert curve as a image point traversal order. The effect is achieved by means of reducing the number of repeated memory operations during adjacent image pixels and equally distributing restored pixels at horizontal and vertical steps between image pixels. The research method is the theoretical analysis. The validity of theoretical results is proved by previous experimental researches the authors of the present article refer to. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors give a theoretical substantiation of previous experimental researches. The authors give their evaluation of a number of memory operations that can be avoided during image point traverse along Hilbert curve depending on the size of a sliding filter. The authors also carry out a comparison with other continuous traversal orders (such as horizontal steps between pixels from the point of view of counting distribution of readings during filtration.
graphical computing, continuous traversal order, memory access pattern, memory bandwidth, high performance, theoretical analysis, sliding image filter, image processing, Hilbet curve, image memory layout
Computer graphics, image processing and pattern recognition
Ignatova, A.M., Zemlyanova, M.A., Stepanko, M.S., Ignatov, M.N. (2017). Defining Morphometric Properties of the Micro-Disperse Aluminum Oxide System by the Image Analysis Method. Software systems and computational methods, 3, 70–85.
The subject of the research is the morphometric properties of Al2O3 (aluminum oxide) micro-disperse system. The authors pay special attention to the fractional composition and particle sphericity factor for defined particle groups constituting the disperse system. The authors state that image analysis allows to use the sphericity factor for evaluating elements of the particle surface combined with the interpretation of a real geometrical shape of individual particles. This allows to better define the dispersion factor as an important property of a disperse system because this parameter may be a measure of substance activity in a disperse system. Digital images for analysis ere obtained using a scanning electronic microscope with a high resolution S3400N HITACHI (made in Japan). Images were analyzed using a universal software ImageJ-FiJi. The object of the research was the powder Al2O3 of Sigms-Aldrich brand (article 265497, α-phase, particle average size is 10 micron). The powder was made at mills with spherical grinding bodies. The main conclusion of the research is that image analysis is a powerful tool that can be used to define physical properties of disperse systems. For the first time in the academic literature the authors focus on analyzing angles created by particle brim peaks. By calculating the dispersion factor, the authors have demonstrated that data obtained during particle image analysis allows to increase efficiency in defining the real factor of particle dispersity with the average validity of 5%.
Aluminium oxide, disperse systems, surface texture, granulometry, sphericity factor, morphology, image analysis, dispersion factor, microscopy, metrology
Computer graphics, image processing and pattern recognition
Varepo, L., Trapeznikova, O.V., Glukhov, V.I., Pritykin, F.N., Khomchenko, V.G. (2017). Algorithm for Construction and Visualisation of the Geometrical Model of a Mechanical Part. Software systems and computational methods, 3, 86–96.
Improvement of the quality of mechanical parts and products is one of the high-priority tasks. This task is achieved by increasing accuracy, automation of control and implementation of a single concept of part accuracy assurance at all stages of life cycle. The tool to solve this task is a universal algorithm created by the authors to construct and visualise a geometrical model of a real part. The scientific novelty of the resaerch is caused by the fact that the authors take into account information capacity of elements, coordinate planes and axes and materialized sets of parts bases. The practical important of the algorithm is proved by the results of using it as a method of regulating dimensional and geometrical accuracy of a mechanical part. In the process of building a geometrical model, the authors have used the modular principle where a possible number of freedom degrees deprived by each element of the module is known beforehand. Geometrical model's properties, notes and recommendations are input in the form of a matrix into the data base. The geometrical model starts with the image of a generalized coordinate frame OXYZ on a one-three view contour drawing of a mechanical part. The number and image of coordinates and initial calibration accuracy of each main base are determined by the number and image of movements that haven't been spent by the base for creating a generalized coordinate system. Angular coordinate sizes and graduation errors are calculated starting from coordinate axes with the 4 and 2 information capacity and marked on projections perpendicular to turning point axes. Linear coodinate sizes and their graduation errors are calculated along relevant coordinate axes together with the reference coordinate values including zero values. The surface of elements which bases materialize coordinate systems and executive surfaces have an inclined form that is visualized on the model as the main wavy lines tangent to the elements. The main feature of this approach which also reflects the novelty thereof is that it allows to objectively evaluate all necessay geometrical characteristics of a mechanical part based on the principle of unity of bases. The algorithm offered by the authors may form the basis for developing the automated quality management system in the processes of mechanical part design and production.
accuracy, geometrical properties, coordinate plane, coordinate axes, automation, control, visualisation, set of bases, algorithm, geometrical model