Trub I.I. (2016). Analytical probabilistic modeling of bitmap-indexes. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 315–323.
The study is devoted to bitmap-indexes as a tool of improving efficiency of processing search queries and reporting in the current database. The subject of research is mathematical model of dependence of the number of indexes, required to build a sample that meets the request, on the intensity of adding records to the database and query the specified range of values. This characteristic is most significant for evaluating query processing performance because it determines the number of disjunction operations on bit strings, required to get a result set. This problem arose entirely from the practical needs due to the critical impact of the speed of building of reports on customer value commercial products - database applications. The methodology of this study is probabilistic analytical modeling based on representations of the original data in the form of Poisson process and the use of the apparatus of mathematical analysis (integral calculus and summation rows) to get the final results. The novelty of the research is to develop a suggested mathematical model, which allows to put a wide range of problems of the analysis and optimization. The problem is solved – the author presents the formula for the distribution of the number of indexes, and the average number of indexes in a single query. For each result author evaluated reliability on the basis of an alternative approach or plausible reasoning. The paper sets the tasks of constructing a probabilistic model for the distribution of any type of query processing and optimization using hierarchical bitmap-indexes. It should be noted, that formulated problem and the results obtained have an independent theoretical value within the queuing theory without regard to the application area.
integration and summation, balance equations, queueing theory, poisson distribution, fetch request, database, combinatorics, disjunction, bitmap-indexes, analysis and optimization
Korovina L.V., Usmanova I.V. (2016). Influence of a condition of a clerical work on efficiency of organization activity . Software systems and computational methods, 4, 324–332.
In this article questions of increase in efficiency of organization activity due to enhancement of a clerical work are considered. Influence of a condition of a clerical work on effective management of processes of activities and the organization in general is researched. The authors proved that for improvement the quality of management it is necessary to support the sphere of a clerical work in an urgent condition by means of the purposeful analysis of a clerical work and processes of activities as information sources for documents. For the solution of the specified task it is offered to use the automated information system using methods of engineering of knowledge. The main method of a research within this work is the theoretical analysis of the processes of activities realized within functioning of the organization, and also structure, content, traffic routes of the documents accompanying implementation of processes. Scientific novelty of work consists in: 1) research of influence of a condition of a clerical work on efficiency of organization activity; 2) reasons for feasibility of application of engineering of knowledge in the course of the analysis of a condition of a clerical work of the organization. The results of the study can be used in the development of a new system and enhancement of the existing system of the analysis of a condition of a clerical work.
automated information system, office-work problems, management problems, state indicators, set of documents, processes of activity of the organization, analysis of office-work, methods of engineering of knowledge, efficiency of activity, forecast
Forms and methods of information security administration
Ivanov S.E., Khlopotov M.V., Ivanova L.N. (2016). Building the office security system based on Z-Wave network. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 333–339.
The subject of this study is a comprehensive office security system based on Z-Wave network. The authors design a comprehensive system for office monitoring based on the Z-Wave network with mobile control feature. Office security is based on a comprehensive system of monitoring and controlling equipment, devices, condition sensors, fire alarm. The designed integrated security system includes the management and control of the major office facilities: the status of the fire alarm sensors, state of basic electrical devices and the status of the mechanisms of locks of doors and windows. The authors present JavaScript-based functions for running the control and management of the office security system. A method of managing complex security system through the mobile device with the Android operating system is suggested. The paper contains basic commands to control devices in the Z-Wave network. The designed complex security system significantly increases the level of security and allows to continuously monitor the appropriate device via the mobile app. The authors show technologies and the equipment necessary for the construction of an office complex security system. Low cost of building this security system allows to widely use it in all areas of business.
controllers, mobile app, mobile device, sensors, Android, control, office equipment, Z-Wave radio protocol, security system, Z-Wave network
Knowledge Base, Intelligent Systems, Expert Systems, Decision Support Systems
Galochkin V.I. (2016). Enumeration of decision trees on the AND-OR tree with monotonous restrictions. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 340–347.
The author reviews widely used in artificial intelligence systems AND-OR trees with specified parameters in the terminal arcs or vertices. The parameters are defined recursively on the decision trees with the use of continuous convolution functions monotone in each argument. The author solves a problem of enumerating convolution functions satisfying the system of restrictions on the parameters. Earlier a linear complexity and memory algorithm for the case of a single additive index was presented. But even for two parameters there is no polynomial-time algorithm for solving the problem. The author suggests two “branch and bound” algorithms . The first algorithm implements a consistent selection of subtrees for allowable solutions using restrictions on separate parameters. The second algorithm can effectively cut off the unacceptable subtrees. The basis of the both algorithms is the concept of the minimum AND-OR tree subsest on monotonic restriction. The first algorithm is more applicable in the presence of a large number of solutions of the system of inequalities because it allows to choose the solutions as sets of AND-OR tree subtrees. The second algorithm is applicable in a case where the system of inequalities has a small number of solutions.
system of constraints, system of inequalities, decision tree, AND-OR tree, AND-OR graph, enumeration, algorithm, artificial intelligence systems, monotonic function, complexity of algorithm
Knowledge Base, Intelligent Systems, Expert Systems, Decision Support Systems
Talipov N.G., Katasev A.S. (2016). Software package for assigning tasks in the automated systems of electronic document management based on fuzzy decision-making methods. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 348–361.
The subject of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of assigning tasks in the automated systems of electronic document management on the basis of fuzzy methods of rational choice of alternatives. The object of the research is the problem of a rational choice of employee for the task based on qualifications, performance, workload as well as difficulty of the assignment. The paper focuses on three job assignment strategies: based on the method of maximin convolution, additive convolutions and fuzzy-production model. Particular attention is paid to the software developed on the basis of the proposed methods. The authors present an example of its operation, as well as the results of studies evaluating the effectiveness of allocation tasks for the performers. As the methods of research authors used methods of fuzzy rational choice of alternatives: maximin convolution, additive convolutions and fuzzy-production model. These methods are used to assign tasks the automated systems of electronic document management. The main conclusions of the study are:
- method based on fuzzy logic inference has shown the best results, most closely consistent with the intuitive representation of an expert on rational choice assignments performers;
- maximin convolution method is a pessimistic approach, that does not take into account the good side of the alternatives;
- method of additive convolution is an optimistic approach in which low scores on the criteria have the same weight as compared to the high marks that affected its low accuracy.
A special contribution to the authors of the study is in developing an effective fuzzy-productions tasks assignment model as well as the implementation of the software system for performing the necessary calculations to evaluate its effectiveness. This determines the scientific novelty and practical value of the study.
additive convolution method, maximin convolution method, software package, fuzzy-production model, decisionmaking, tasks distribution, electronic flow of documents, rational choice of alternatives, fuzzy inference, personal data operator
Knowledge Base, Intelligent Systems, Expert Systems, Decision Support Systems
Martyshenko S.N., Martyshenko N.S. (2016). Information technology of construction cognitive models. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 362–374.
The subject of study is computer technology for research automation by the construction of graphical cognitive model. Cognitive modeling helps better understanding of the problem situation on the basis of a qualitative analysis of the system. Cognitive modeling has been used in the development of management decisions in economic, sociological and environmental and other semi-structured systems. The essence of the cognitive approach is to develop effective management strategy, based not so much on intuition, but mostly on the orderly and verified knowledge of the complex system. Population surveys or polls of expert groups can be used as the source of such knowledge. The developed method of constructing cognitive model involves building a model in two stages. At the first stage a rough model based on identifying the most common opinions of large groups of the population is built. At the second stage, the model is improved by involving small groups of qualified experts. This stage allows to determine quantitative assessment of the links cognitive model. The authors developed a set of tools to automate the work of researchers in the development of cognitive models. The advantage of the developed computer technology is that it allows the user to focus on the researched topic, without spending time on routine calculations. The study proves that the developed software tool has the following features: efficiency, reliability, flexibility, processability, availability.
cognitive models, questionnaire, computer technology, automation, multivariate analysis, data processing, algorithm, data model, socio-economic problems, peer reviews
Data encryption and data protection
Yur'eva R.A., Komarov I.I., Maslennikov O.S. (2016). Development of the method for detection and identification of hidden destructive impact on the multi-agent robotic systems. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 375–382.
Increased information security risks in multi-agent robotic systems create a need for new and known assessment in terms of security algorithms. Such risks include the loss or inaccessibility of data, spreading false information about the purpose of grouping and the use of distorted information, lack of energy resources. Authors note that common approaches to information security in multi-agent robotic systems so far are not formed. The research is aimed at developing a model of information security in multi-agent robotic systems taking into account the specifics of the technology. Existing scientific and methodical apparatus and technical solutions of ensuring information security in multi-agent systems are not applicable to the tasks of ensuring information security in multi-agent robotic systems due to the specific technology and a special type of threat models and the offending patterns associated with them. Existing methods of providing information security of multi-agent systems do not provide a comprehensive solution of the problems of information security in the multi-agent robotic systems, since they do not take into account the specificity of their composition and structure. Scientific novelty consists in the development of software models of information security risks in multi-agent robotic systems. An advantage of the method is the ability to detect new types of attacks without having to modify or update the model parameters, since the invasion of the offending system can be described as a deviation from the nominal behavior.
hidden destructive effect, identification of the destructive impact, feature space, informative signs, information attack, data protection, swarm intelligence, information security model, decentralized control, multi-agent robotic system
Systems analysis , search, analysis and information filtering
Menshchikov A.A., Komarova A.V., Gatchin Yu.A., Polev A.V. (2016). Development of a system for automatic categorization of web-page. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 383–391.
This article reviews the problems of automatic processing of web content. Since the speed of obsolescence of information in the global network is very high, the problem of prompt extraction of the necessary data from the Internet becomes more urgent. The research focuses on the web resources that contain text, unadapted to the automated processing. The subject of the research is a set of software and methods. A particular attention is paid to the categorization of ads placed on specialized websites. The authors also review practical aspects of the development of a universal architecture of information-gathering systems. The following methods were used during this study: analytical review of the main principles of development of systems of automated information gathering and analysis of natural languages. For obtaining practice-oriented methods of synthesis and analysis results were used. A special contribution of the authors of the study is in developing an automated system for collecting, processing and classification of the information contained on the web-site. The novelty of the research is to use a new approach to solve this problem by taking into account the semantics and structure characteristic for specific sites. The main conclusions of the study are the applicability and effectiveness of the classification method for solving this problem.
machine learning, web robots, information collection, classification system, web-sites categorization, text analisis, parsing, data processing, crawling, big data
Computer graphics, image processing and pattern recognition
Krevetskiy A.V. (2016). Aspects of the continuous associated image formation in problems of the group point objects recognition. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 392–402.
The issues arising in the implementation of the technical approach to the recognition of the group point object (GPO) images on the basis of the binding elements of the continuous associated images (CAI) are considered. The basic CAI formation models of the point scene defocusing are analyzed. For bell-shaped and rectangular impulse response obtained defocusing filter selection rules limiting circuit CAI level with maximum fault tolerance quantization of the image brightness. Concretize methodology harmonization CAI model parameters with the density of the GPO members. For clarity and simplify the operator interface work with models CAI highlight - radius of the filter impulse response the ratio of the radius with a threshold localize spatially compact objects is obtained. Synthesized numerical method for the formation of base procedure ASO, characterized by one - two orders of magnitude higher performance than with an approach based on the fast Fourier transform for compact GPO. The method is based on the filtering properties of the deltoid brightness distribution GPO elements and limitations of the low pass filter window size based on the number of quantization levels of its impulse response. The results are aimed at ensuring the quality of the detection procedures, permits and GPO recognition in noisy images, set in a one-dimensional, two-dimensional and three-dimensional spaces in their technical implementation.
spatial compactness, model optimization, spatial localization, point scene analysis, image recognition, point field, continuous associated images, group point object, fast filtering, numerical methods
Computer graphics, image processing and pattern recognition
Karimov A.I., Ostrovskiy V.Yu., Butusov D.N. (2016). Theoretical and practical aspects of machine painting. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 403–414.
The article describes the technical, algorithmic and software components machine art system designed to automate the creation, reproduction and restoration of artistic images by simulating the method of mixing colors on the palette and brush application. The system consists of a robotic arm, which provides applying paint on the basis, and automatic palette - a special device for mixing paint and supplying the desired color mixture to the working tool of the robot, controlled by special software. The algorithms, used in the system of image processing, belong to the field of artificial intelligence. Mathematical and software components of the described system have been tested on a set of test images. An experimental stand was built work out the basic elements of the mechanical part of the system. During the study a new image processing algorithms along with specialized software and hardware have been created. For the first time software and hardware system for mixing paint for a single brush stroke has been developed. This automated palled allows implementing a full-color painting in fully automatic mode. The presented machine art system can be widely used in various branches of the fine arts, design, restoration, while creating paintings, murals, decorative design with technical objects, household items, light- resistant for durable printing and so on. In the future authors plan to create a system for large-format images and introduce a feedback system.
non-photorealistic rendering, tinting, cybernetic art, color mixing, robotics, polygraphy, robotic painter, machine painting, brush stroke placement, artificial intelligence