Educational software systems
Zudilova T.V., Voytyuk T.E. (2016). International joint Master’s degree program ‘Software in Infocommunications’. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 11–22.
In their article authors focuse on the issues related to developing the structure and content of the international joint Master’s degree program ‘Infocommunication technologies and communication networks’ taught by the Department of Software Systems at ITMO University and Lappeenranta University of Technology in Finland. The relevance of joint education programs is caused by the need to increase the academic mobility of teachers and students, to arrange and carry out international researches in various spheres as well as to improve the quality of training of highly skilled professionals who teach and conduct researches at the international level. The following methods have been used to develop the structure of the joint education program: statistical data analysis to prove the demand for the programs of this kind; and pedagogical experiment to adjust the program and create the most optimal structure of the program. The authors of the article describe the results of the implementation of the aforesaid joint education program including the structure of agreements between the two universities running this program and adjustment of the program to Russian and international standards. The authors also define the list of research trends for Master’s degree students and develop the assessment procedure as well as the procedure for defending Master’s thesis before the joint board of examiners.
Master’s thesis, education program structure, double (joint) degree, Master’s degree program, software development, infocommunication technologies, joint education program, board of examiners, international cooperation, infocommunication
Forms and methods of information security administration
Ponachugin A.V., Odintsov I.V. (2016). Control system for Spotting Out Online Users’ Unauthorized Activity . Software systems and computational methods, 1, 23–31.
The article is devoted to the main types of users’ unauthorized activity and analysis of existing approaches to the data security on the Internet, their design and technical implementation features. The authors of the article examine the control system designated not only to monitor but also to prevent malicious activity in corporate computer network. The authors also demonstrate the construction of the security system as one of the main organization departments and the system maintenance after it has been implemented. The authors provide the list of the main information leakage channels. After that, the authors unfold the problem step by step from the methods used by intruders to get unauthorized access to the corporate computer network to the actions the data protection system must perform. The authors describe the full chain of actions to be completed by the security system. The results of the research allow to compare the existing methods and services protecting the computer network from unauthorized access both outside and inside the enterprise. The authors also develop the recurrence scheme for creating the security system, outline the scope of functions to be performed and analyze the security of the services used.
neuronet, system vulnerability, intruder, security, computer networks, Cisco, Internet, computer system, unauthorized access, confidential information
Automation of manufacturing and production planning
Lyachek Yu.T., Larisov A.I., Musaid A.O. (2016). Creating the topological cad-system based on the corporate cloud . Software systems and computational methods, 1, 32–41.
The article deals with the issues related to the users’ access to the system of topological PC board layout without buying the license for the system because the price of the license may reach dozens or even hundreds of dollars which is not of economic benefit to the majority of developers. This leads to the growing popularity of cloud technologies that allow to get access to the design systems based on inexpensive licenses. Thus, the authors of the present article analyze different services of cloud CAD and define the most popular services. Then the authors compare different kinds of CAD PC board layout and offer to use Topological Router as the topological router created on the cloud. According to the author, Topological Router has the most beneficial features. In addition, the authors define the platform for deploying the cloud. The main research method used by the author is the comparative analysis of parameters and features of CAD PC boards and cloud deployment platforms. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that so far there haven’t been any practical implementation of WEB-oriented PC board design systems. The test case of the corporate cloud on the basis of the VMware platform has proved it possible to use cloud technologies in creating public access to the topological CAD. To deploy the full function corporate cloud and provide access to virtual CAD through web-interface it is necessary to install the additional server VMware vCenter Server 5.5.
CAD, PC board layout, cloud technologies, topological router, ‘TopoR’ CAD, VMware ESX Servr, public cloud, corporate cloud, vendor cloud, selection factors
Data encryption and data protection
Yur'eva R.A., Komarov I.I., Dorodnikov N.A. (2016). Designing the information interloper model for the multi-agent decentralized control robotic system . Software systems and computational methods, 1, 42–48.
The primary objective of the interloper is to keep a swarm of robots from performing their functions by any means including their destruction. The primary goal of the information security system is to provide the proper security level for the swarm of robots against any natural or artificial hindrances for it is necessary to take into account not only the information safety but also physical security of actors. For the physical security of a wide range of facilities (the authors offer to call them 'facilities under potential interloper's influence or FPIP) it is very important to prepare the list of potential threats, especially design threats. The list would allow to design a necessary system for the physical protection of a particular facility and to evaluate its efficiency. The composite element of the design threat is the interloper modeling and therefore development of such a model is a high priority. According to the guidline documents, the interloper model should be based on both the featurs of the facility and performed technological operations (stable factors) and variable factors, i.e. social conditions of the territory where the facility is located, social relations, psychological traits of a particular group of workers and/or individuals as well as the global, country's, regional environment, etc. Therefore, the model should take into account all kinds of factors that are related to various aspects of the reality and often divorced from one another. The authors of the present article analyze the offered interloper models from different points of view. Nevertheless, these models are interconnected, so examination of these connections is one of the goals of the vulnarability analysis. In case the obtained characteristics of the operational interloper model are below the desired characteristics of the design interloper model (for example, the number of interloper agents that can be potentially involved in the destructive activity is lower than the number of interlopers which activities are to be prevented by the designed Information Security System according to the design project prescribed for the facility, i.e. Z>Ó), then the decision about sufficient facility hardness can be made meaning there is no need to perform unscheduled actions (facility vulnarability analysis with ISS performance evaluation, improvement of ISS, changes in the task execution technology, etc.).
information security, multi-agent robotic system, decentralized control, interloper model, modeling, robotic system, destructive influence, swarm robotechnics, disorganized behavior, protective measures
Mathematical models and computer simulation experiment
Zaretskiy A.P., Kuleshov A.P., Gromyko G.A. (2016). Application of Gaussian functions to Mathematical Modeling of Endocardial Signals. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 49–57.
The subject of the research presented by the authors of the article is the mathematical models of endocardial signals from the main electrophysiological parts of the heart with the specified amplitude-time characteristics of information fragments. The authors of the article offer the mechanism for extending the mathematical models in order to generate normal and/or pathological states of the atrioventricular system conducting endocardial electrical impulses. The article contains the results of the comparison of modeled and actual endocardial signals recorded in the course of minimally invasive eletrophysiological examination. These results demonstrate that the designed models are appropriate and applicable for modeling endocardial signals coming from different parts of the heart. The research method used by the authors is the mathematical modeling using Gaussian functions approximating set elements of the endocardial signal coming from different parts of the intracardial space. The main conclusions of the research are the following: - the authors have proved that Guassian functions are applicable for the aforesaid purposes; - they have also described possible modifications of used functions for modeling signals from other endocardial spheres such as the left atrium pulmonary vein entry, mitral aortal zone and other zones clinical electrophysiologists are particularly interested in; the authors have also demonstrated how the research results can be implemented in the form of the hardware and software complexes using the modern methodologies for assessing efficiency of treating complex heart rhythm disorders.
radio frequency ablation, asymmetrical function, heart conduction system, electrophysiological study, Gaussian functions, endocardial signals, atrial fibrillation, heart process modeling, atrioventricular conductin
Mathematical models and computer simulation experiment
Mustafaev A.G., Mustafaev G.A. (2016). Mathematical modeling and numerical calculations of resonant tunneling effect. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 58–63.
The research is devoted to one of the physical nanoelectronic effect – resonant tunneling. The authors provide numerical calculations for constructing the MIS-structure based diod and modeling its characteristics. The metal-oxide-silicon semiconductor in the severe depletion mode next to the doped semiconductor has a similar structure. The authors establish the MIS-structure energy band diagram, define energy levels and wave functions of an electron in the quantum well and during tunneling and calcuate the probability of tunneling based on the amounnt of the voltage applied. In the course of calculations the authors use the PTC Mathcad Prime 3.1 visual environment for mathematical modeling and technical computing. The results of the computer modeling allow to define external limit voltage including the amount of voltage that leads to the dielectric breakdown. In addition, the authors define the qualitative dependency between the MIS-structure voltage and the height and width of the energy barrier. The model developed by the authors takes into account the joint influence of several factors which is proved by the coordination of recorded current voltrage characteristic with the experimental characteristics.
nanoelectronics, wave function, MIS structure, energy band diagram, quantum well, modeling, resonant tunelling diod, semiconductor device, quantum transport, quantum effect
Computer graphics, image processing and pattern recognition
Bondarenko M.A., Drynkin V.N. (2016). Evaluation of composite image information value in multispectral vision systems. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 64–79.
The subject of the research is the algorithms for evaluating the information value of composite images. Composite images are formed by multispectral vision systems including multispectral enhanced vision systems used in aviation. These systems show the external space for pilots even in bad weather conditions or late at night, thus increasing operational capacities of aerial vehicles. These systems combine information incoming from physically different sensors into one composite image that is supposed to have essential information features coming from all combined video channels. The research is b ased on the computer modeling of image combination in the two-zone TV-thermal enhanced vision system using the actual images made by the visual sensors. The authors offer a new structural-semantic qualitative evaluation of the information value of composite images based on the preservation (distortion) of various information depending on their spectral energy and space characteristics. Based on the aforesaid method of evaluating the information value, the authors compare different methods of combination of images for the two-zone enhanced vision systems.
image analysis, evaluation of the information value, information value of images, visual perception, composite images, combination of images, human-machine interfaces, computer vision systems, multispectral system, enhanced vision systems
Software for innovative information technologies
Kurakin P.V. (2016). New-Generation Specialized Systems of Mathematical Calculations. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 80–94.
In many sectors and state administration agencies there is a great need in the software designed for specialized calculations like a popular MATLAB system combined with the Simulink graphical programming environment, but dealing with a particular database and task descriptions and not requiring any special payment. The main disadvantage of the MATLAB+Simulink package (apart from its price) is that the Simulink library of graphical primitives is in fact limited by popular and typical engineering calculating tasks. The author of the article emphasizes the need to develop the kind of programming environment which would be based on the freely distributed software. The programming environment described by the author supports on the 'client-server' concept and bases on the Java platform and web-technologies. The client uses the visual graphics editor implemented as a browser application. The server transmits data (task configuration) to the Octave calcuation package and vice versa, calculation results are transmitted to the browser. Data is transmitted online as the JSON line. The author creates the original programming architecture for specialized mathematical calcuation systems based on the freely distributed software. Taking into account the subsystem that stores the task configuration (and needs to be developed further), this architecture becomes the basis for creating specialized systems of the decision making processes in many spheres. The architecture provides a wide range of opportunities for further development.
mathematical, calculations, Java, JavaScript, Octave, Python, systems, support, making, decision