Martyshenko S.N., Martyshenko N.S. (2015). Computer technology of revealing and evaluations of priorities of regional social and economic problems solving (on an example of Primorski kray). Software systems and computational methods, 4, 345–364.
The object of the research is a computer technology of processing qualitative information. The authors used cognitive the approach for data processing. As information base for building cognitive models of finding the solutions of regional social and economic problems the authors use the opinions gained as a result of discussion of problems in expert groups, at interrogations of the population of region, at innovative seminars. Cognitive modeling is applied in finding administrative solutions in economic, sociological, ecological and others semistructured systems. The authors give special attention to understanding of social and economic problems and phenomena. The understanding of a problem is a prerequisite of a finding of comprehensible decisions. The method of processing of the qualitative information is based on typification. To increase an overall performance of computer technology the authors included elements of intellectual system in it. The developed computer technology allows processing big amounts of not structured information received during monitoring of social and economic processes. An advantage of the technology is in simplicity of use. It can be used by a wide range of the users familiar with the EXCEL environment. The knowledge formed in the processing of open questions by one researcher can be easily shared with other researchers in the form of a file that can essentially facilitate their work.
structural analysis, data analysis, expert system, knowledge bases, questionnaire, typologization, qualitative data, cognitive model, computer technology, social and economic processes
Quality aspects and improving the margin of reliability of software systems
Ponachugin A.V. (2015). Problems of functioning and maintenance reliability of modern computer systems. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 365–373.
In the middle of the last century the problem of functioning and maintenance reliability has acquired the status of scientific. This was facilitated by the active development of computer systems. Implementation and support of information systems are long, difficult and complicated processes, which affect how the future interactions between users and the system. The article discusses various approaches to the allocation and use of time required for supporting information system. Author analyzes the importance of supporting information system at all stages of its life cycle. Author reviews different approaches to ensuring the reliability of the operation and maintenance of the various classes of information systems. The article gives a defined list of recommendations for ensuring functioning of the information system at different levels of management. The study shows an analysis of existing software and hardware tools and methods related to maintenance and reliable functioning of information systems. The author concludes: the maintenance of computer systems is equally important at all stages of the life cycle and occupies a considerable share of time in the work of the information technology department and is inextricably linked with the indicators of reliability of information systems. Also, the author suggests the technique of the use of software tools for the control of characteristics of information system.
durability, life cycle, reliability, soft agents, support of information system, computer systems, infallibility, obsolescence of the information system, design of information systems, automated control systems
Automation of manufacturing and production planning
Gusev D.V., Klimov R.S. (2015). The software of a priori estimation of indicators of quality of professional work of an operator of ergatic system. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 374–389.
The use of structural (structural and algorithmic) methods of describing the work of operator of ergatic system, describing it in terms of its reliability and efficiency, allows to structure activities, to reveal the logical mechanisms of information processing and decision making and determine the serial-parallel nature of individual operations execution. However, the solution of these problems, especially in-near-real-time requires large amount of computation. Therefore, automation of a priori estimation of indicators of quality of professional work of an operator of ergatic system using structural methods is an important practical task. The research methodology combines the methods of software engineering, ergonomics, probability theory, mathematical statistics, reliability theory, object-oriented programming. The developed software system for a priori estimation of indicators of quality of professional work of an operator of ergatic system based on structural method allows to automatically determine the minimum acceptable runtime of operator (crew) activity, important for evaluating the potential effectiveness of ergatic system under all conditions of operation.
software engineering, engineering psychology, ergonomics, structural method, modeling activities, modeling of the labor process, design ergatics systems, quality assessment activities, software element of activity
Mathematical models and computer simulation experiment
Myl'nikov L.A., Fayzrakhmanov R.A. (2015). The role of simulation and computer software systems for management decision making at realization of trade innovative projects in production and economic systems. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 390–406.
The subject of research is the decision support process in production and economic systems caused by the implementation of trade innovative projects and related economic and mathematical models and management methods. The object of the research is production and economic industrial enterprise system focused on implementation of trade innovative projects. The special attention is paid to the issues of design and usage of information systems based on simulation modeling for decision making support and studies of trade innovative projects at different stages of development. The study is based on theory and methodology of decision-making and management of social and economic systems, the provisions of the management theory, general systems theory, control theory, system analysis and operations research, methods of economic-mathematical modeling and simulation, statistical analysis, micro-economic forecasting. A special contribution of the study is in demonstrating that the decision making support in the management of the trade innovative projects in the industrial and economic systems requires the use of simulation modeling techniques based on econometric models and methods involving information systems. Also the requirements for the information system structure for emerging management challenges are developed.
management, production system, software, production planning, innovation project, algorithm, decision support, simulation model, method, mathematical model
Software for innovative information technologies
Mal'shakov G.V., Mal'shakov V.D. (2015). Technique of normalization of the alphabet of search for quality improvement of entity identification based on data frequency characteristics. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 407–413.
Using frequency distributions of data as identifier it is possible to find data of one system in other systems intended for interaction and coordinate their work. In this case entity identification of a subject domain is done using the alphabet of search. An alphabet of search is a set of lexemes with frequencies of their use in the data, stored as records of a relational database. Object of the research is a technique of normalization of the alphabet of search for improvement of quality of entity identification in a subject domain using frequency characteristics of their data. The technique requires deleting lexemes of the alphabet found in other lexemes of the alphabet with similar frequency of repetition in entity. The methods of the research include the system analysis, the theory of the information, the theory of algorithms, algebra of logic, the theory of sets, the comparative analysis, methods of the intellectual analysis of data and methods of development of the software and databases. The authors prove experimentally (on an example 178 entity), that the given technique allows to reduce the volume of the alphabet of search in 5 times on average, that considerably increases speed of identification entity under frequency characteristics of their data. By reducing the quantity of shorter lexemes the technique of normalization allows to reduce an error of recognition on average by 0.02036 per identification as shown by experiments.
correlation, frequency analysis of data, entity, search, the alphabet, normalization, database, software, identification, method
Computer appliance implementations of numerical analysis and its mathematical models
Oleynikova S.A. (2015). Numerical methods of optimization of project planning with the presence of the time and resource constraints and the generalized resource criteria. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 414–427.
The objects of the research are the complex service systems, the distinctive feature of which is the stochastic duration of the servicing of the complex of mutually dependent works that define the project. The aim of the work is to develop a schedule of service requests taking into account restrictions on the time of service and on the amount of resources. As an optimization criterion a generalized resource criterion is selected. This criterion allows describing such modes as uniform system load, maximum load, etc depending on the preferences of the user. Methods of building the schedule are based on the numerical algorithms, which are formed with the help of heuristics. This heuristics are determined by the analysis of the existing approaches and specific objectives of the study. As a result the study proposes a complex of numerical methods that constitute the basis of the software for building the schedule service applications. The novelty of the study consists in the application of heuristics that provide a suboptimal schedule in a reasonable time. As one of the applications of the results the article shows the optimization of functioning of the wagon repairing production.
numerical method, heuristics, resource criteria, time constraints, optimization, algorithm, back-tracking, schedule, software, wagon repairing production