Educational software systems
Korobeynikov A.G., Markina G.L., Aleksanin S.A., Akhapkina I.B., Bezruk N.V., Demina E.A., Yamshchikova N.V. (2015). Using the MAPLE system of computer algebra in studying the generation of systems of the ordinary differential equations. Software systems and computational methods, 2, 139–144.
Nowadays the teachers while lecturing various courses on the ordinary differential equations often use program systems of symbolical mathematics or computer algebra, for example MAPLE well known for its efficiency. In the process of training in computer modeling, teacher often face a problem of designing a mathematical model of the studied process. Because the fundamental laws of nature are formulated as a rule in a language of the differential equations, there is a need to teach the students to design mathematical models. The authors present a solution of the problem of the automated generation of mathematical models on the using a systems of the ordinary differential equations based on Maple system. The paper presents an example of this solution. The given algorithm of generating systems of ordinary differential equations can be easily modified for a specific task. During the course on ordinary differential equations it is necessary to give students the tasks develop the algorithm by themselves. This allows students to develop a culture of logical thinking, which will properly establish cause and effect of physical processes and phenomena from the formal implementation of interdisciplinary connections and practical orientation of training. All of this will undoubtedly contribute to a better knowledge of the disciplines of applied mathematics and other subject areas.
Generation of differential equations, Logistic system, educational process, mathematical model, ordinary differential equations, digraph, MAPLE, Transport task, Decision methods
Educational software systems
Milovanov M.M. (2015). Educational process management system for the Moodle distance learning system. Software systems and computational methods, 2, 145–149.
The article describes the experience of creating extensions for Moodle distance learning system within Siberian State Industrial University. The author present an analysis of available solutions and compares approaches of using third-party components for Moodle system and basic functionality. The article substantiates the use of Moodle system without third-party plugins. The research presents main features and disadvantages of using different features of Moodle and third-party plugins. The author gives brief description of used features of the developed application. The method of the study of the problem of integrating distance learning systems is based on the optimization of educational process in the framework of modern approaches to education. In developing of the additional functionality for the system the author used practice-oriented approach in improving features of the system. Using Moodle allows to modifying the functionality without interfering with the source code of the system. The developed system extension can significantly speed up the educational process.
educational process, plugin, learning, distance learning, distance learning system, education, moodle, software, software development, functional programming
Quality aspects and improving the margin of reliability of software systems
Mironov S.V., Kulikov G.V. (2015). Analysis of the potential methods for software testing without source code. Software systems and computational methods, 2, 150–162.
The article considers the prevailing contradictions between the nature of the vulnerabilities in source code, safety requirements limitations of regulatory and methodological basis of tests and software developers who do not provide the source code for testing purposes. Methods of software products analysis that do not require the source code of programs, are widely used abroad but in our country are not well known yet. The article investigates the question can such methods and means increase the effectiveness of certification testing of software. The authors determine the necessary changes in the regulations to open up the possibility of applying the methods of testing programs without source code in the certification tests. Methods used in the study: software engineering, analysis of complex systems, the theory of reliability of complex systems, the synthesis software, compiling software. The paper shows that the use of methods for testing without source code allows to find such common vulnerabilities in the software that can’t be effectively detected because of the regulatory restrictions for the presence of source code. The experience of certification tests on the absence of undeclared features and program bookmarks, as well as independent software testing allows to determine the priority areas for improvement of the regulatory, based on the application of the methods of testing software without source code.
evaluation of data protection, software security, detection of undeclared features, detection of software bookmarks, software testing, software certification, software vulnerability, identification of vulnerable programs, signature analysis, testing programs
Knowledge Base, Intelligent Systems, Expert Systems, Decision Support Systems
Golosovskiy M.S. (2015). Methods of selecting the geographic information system for the study of marine areas. Software systems and computational methods, 2, 163–169.
The aim of the research is to solve the problem of choosing the application of geographic information system, optimal in performance for use in the interest of the study of maritime and coastal zones. Some software products presented on the market of geographic information systems can be used as alternatives. The assessment quality indicators are individual ratings of basic features implementation: building contour relief; calculation of the flooded area; construction of three-dimensional models; create custom layers; the creation of custom objects. The presented solution is based on a modified fuzzy analytic hierarchy process method. Methods use in the research: qualimetry complex systems, analysis of hierarchically organized structures, fuzzy logic, geoinformatics, matrix calculus, computational mathematics. The main conclusions of the study is that the use of a modified fuzzy hierarchy analysis method allowed to find a solution to the problem of choosing an alternative embodiment, a hierarchically organized system meets the quality criterion with given functions of mutual preferences of criteria and alternatives, obtained on the basis of expert opinion aggregation domain.
preference among criteria, geographic information systemi, analytic hierarchy process, hierarchical convolution, fuzzy hierarchy, linguistic preference function, group selection of alternatives, preference for alternatives, geoinformatics, monitoring of water areas
Knowledge Base, Intelligent Systems, Expert Systems, Decision Support Systems
Golosovskiy M.S., Esev A.A. (2015). Technology of base of psychological and didactic tests synthesis for computer-aided learning systems. Software systems and computational methods, 2, 170–181.
The subject of the research is the synthesis of the base of psychological and didactic tests for monitoring the level of knowledge, implemented through a system test control system of computer-aided learning systems. The functioning of such systems is based on the implementation of adaptive testing as a process of automated selection of test items (test questions) of a such level of difficulty, in which the objective accuracy of the level of student's knowledge measurement reaches a maximum. A base of control tests, combining psychological and didactic tests is an important part of such system. To carry out the research the authors used methods of pedagogical science, structural systems analysis, expert assessments, database design for automation systems. As a result of the research the authors developed and successfully tried out the synthesis technology for base of tests in computer-aided learning, allowing implementing adaptive management of education process by providing training influences appropriate for individual psychological characteristics of each student and providing a level of training of students with automated control of their level of motivation and commitment.
standardized test scores, adaptive testing, automated control of knowledge, computer aided learning, educational informatics, base of tests, didactic tests, psychological tests, system of tests, management training
Knowledge Base, Intelligent Systems, Expert Systems, Decision Support Systems
Skuratovskiy N.I. (2015). Software for hearing protection ergonomic expertise . Software systems and computational methods, 2, 182–194.
An important step in the early stages of the life cycle of hearing protectors is an ergonomic expertise. For its implementation a software complex was developed. It provide interactive input of values of operational, technical and economic characteristics of all samples of used individually hearing protectors (ear muffs, helmets, earplugs, protection against air acoustic vibrations and etc.), obtained using objective (direct measurements) and subjective (survey respondents) methods for further calculation of the integral index - the coefficient of ergonomics as a weighted convolution of indicators. Methods of the research: a systematic analysis, expert information processing, ergonomics, programming, software engineering, ergonomic qualimetry, computer science, cybernetics. By using the developed programs author provided standardization of the procedures of ergonomic examination of personal protective equipment from aircraft noise, creating and filling a database of economic expertise (with both primary information and integrated assessments) and most importantly timely detection and elimination of design flaws that reduce the usability of developed remedies, which, as a result, improved the comfort of their usage by aviation specialists. Software solutions are created using the ActionScript (Flash) and have the certificates of state registration.
computer-aided system, expert system, acoustic efficiency, noise protection, software package, ergonomic expertise, life safety, weighted sum of indices, ergonomic qualimetry, software
Knowledge Base, Intelligent Systems, Expert Systems, Decision Support Systems
Yanin D.M., Barkovskiy S.S. (2015). Technology of classification and identification of duplications of intellectual property in automated systems. Software systems and computational methods, 2, 195–204.
The article reviews a procedure of solving the uncertainty in identifying the similarities and duplications between the results of intellectual activity, due to the presence of semantic and pragmatic ambiguity in natural language form of results description. The aim of the study is to provide identification of duplicate results of intellectual activity in an automated mode, in which experts only manage its settings by determining the composition of the classifiers used in the construction of relations of similarity, simplification of inter-agency coordination based on the results of intellectual activity and integrity of the database, as well as increasing the reliability and efficiency of the procedure identifying duplicate the results of intellectual activity by combining the frequency-semantic methods and formalized expert knowledge. The research methodology is based on a system analysis, pattern recognition, synthesis databases and knowledge bases, the automatic processing of natural language texts. The authors developed an approach for building knowledge bases classes for information representations of the results of intellectual activity that would classify its different types and systematize knowledge about the classes of intellectual property through the use of the author's method of automated classification and identification of duplications of intellectual property.
pragmatic ambiguity, semantic ambiguity, classification of scientific results, expert information, research coordination, database, natural language, results of intellectual activity, description of the scientific results, avoiding duplication of information
Systems analysis , search, analysis and information filtering
Alekhin M.D., Alekhin F.D. (2015). Method of processing information in bioradiolokation monitoring the state of a pilot. Software systems and computational methods, 2, 205–216.
The subject of the study is an automated functional state bioradiolokation control of pilot to ensure accountability of such an assessment in the process of operation of the aircraft in real time. The developed methods and algorithms of data processing for the first time enable the correct mathematical treatment of physiological signals that are not limited to the pilot motor activity in their registration by taking into account nonstationarity and intraspecific variability in processing signals. This, in turn, significantly increase the potential for non-contact monitoring of the status of the pilot. Methods used in the research: a systematic analysis, filtering radio signals, wavelet analysis, artificial neural networks, mathematical cybernetics, pattern recognition. The developed technique of monitoring of bioradiolokation of condition of pilot enables the diagnostics of dangerous (for reliable professional activity) states in terms of the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory system. Implementing the results of the study provides the possibility of increasing the reliability of operation of aircraft through the use of non-contact monitoring of the state of flight personnel in order to improve the reliability of their professional activities and account evaluation of the current state circuits control the aircraft.
medical informatics, mathematical cybernetics, loop control of the aircraft, artificial neural network, wavelet analysis of signals, bioradiolokation monitoring, monitoring of the state human, ergatic management system, pattern of signal, automated signal processing
Software for innovative information technologies
Milovanov M.M. (2015). Development and implementation of a software system for trading algorithm testing. Software systems and computational methods, 2, 217–224.
The current development of the stock market requires development of infrastructure, software upgrades and new tools. In this regard the commission of trading on the stock exchange must also carry out the new methods. The development of modern information technology allows using computer resources for the study of the behavior of the stock market, for analysis and optimization of transaction algorithms on the stock market based on certain rules. The article describes the development of a tool for testing trading algorithms. As methodology the authors used the method of observation. As the object of observation the authors used financial assets such as stocks, futures, indexes. The article describes building of a software product that includes the features of a system of trading algorithm development combined with all the benefits of prototype software for creating, testing and optimization of trading algorithms, simplifying the end-user experience. The developed information system for testing trading algorithms has high performance due to use of LUA programming language.
stock market, C#, LUA, .NET, programming, software, data analisys, testing, optimizition, development
Computer appliance implementations of numerical analysis and its mathematical models
Il'in A.V., Kuleshov A.P., Zaretskiy A.P., Blinov A.A., Poteryakhina A.V. (2015). Program complex of dynamic wireless monitoring of PQ-cardiointervals. Software systems and computational methods, 2, 225–237.
The subject of research is the development of software for wireless dynamic monitoring of PQ-interval of electrocardiographic signal, that allows to visualize the results of monitoring in a form convenient for clinicians. In addition to the PQ-cardiointervals monitoring the auhotrs developed a software system that provides visualization and basic interpretation of clinically relevant parameters, such as the area of scattergram, amplitude of cardiogram, electrocardiosignal original spectrum, the amplitude and frequency of the respiratory wave. The proposed set of diagnostically informative parameters allows to monitor and detect electrophysiological atrioventricular conduct disease in real-time. The presented methodology combines research methods of filtering a digital signal processing time series, probability theory, mathematical statistics, medical informatics and software engineering. The developed software package implements the original algorithms of contactless wireless monitoring and recognition of R-wave and PQ-interval of the electrocardiogram. By improving the signal processing, using a combination of quantitative and visual presentations of results of processing, the presented solutioin provides enhanced verification of diseases of the conduction system of the heart on a modern computer hardware and software platform.
medical diagnostics, detection of dangerous health conditions, monitoring of human health, visualization of time series, electrocardiosignal processing, wireless cardiomonitoring, contactless cardiomonitoring, medical informatics, mathematical cardiology, biomedical engineering