Educational software systems
Kolsanov A.V., Nazaryan A.K., Ivashchenko A.V., Kuz'min A.V. (2015). Network component of information space of modern surgical simulator. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 11–20.
The article is devoted to building a network component of «Virtual Surgery » information environment (a range of surgical simulators). The system is being developed in Russia and has no direct analogues in the world. The authors analyze requirements for modern surgical simulators. The article reviews characteristics of information environment of endovascular simulator, endoscopic simulator and a highly realistic three-dimensional anatomical atlas. The authors study the possibility of creating a remote database of shared information resources for the operation of simulators including a database, informational support, means of communicating for remote users, ways of software actualization. The authors suggest architecture, set of functions and informational resources of internet-portal for organizing a unified information environment for simulators users. The results will help to organize the network community of users, develop a flexible implementation of authorial surgical techniques on remote equipment, provide ways for exchange of topical models, operation scenarios, results, and, as a result, improve the use of promising trend of simulation technology in medical education. The development of this network component is an important step in the development of universal hardware and software platform for building surgical simulators.
simulation training, surgical simulator, network resource, information environment, database, software, architecture, script, three-dimensional model, scene
Forms and methods of information security administration
Zavodtsev I.V., Gaynov A.E. (2015). Developing a mechanisms of collecting initial information and converting its’ presentation format for security events monitoring systems. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 21–31.
Mechanisms to collect and convert the format of presentation of the initial information are essential in the functional structure of management systems for information security incidents. Therefore, the paper discusses the development of a module for events translation, which provides merging registration events into one point. And it is also important to have the ability to implement transfer of raw data from single sensors into the consolidated database system of correlation. This requires development of a mechanism of data aggregation with further normalization and prioritization which provides source data compression for subsequent decision making on the presence / absence of information security incident over the current period. The authors carried out the development of the mathematical apparatus for translation events module for perspective management systems for information security incidents, which provides merging registration events from many sources into one point. In this paper the authors propose a mechanism for gathering and converting the format of presentation of the initial information, including: a procedure for data converting before transporting by assigning alpha or numeric identifier to fields of registration logs line by line and splitting these identifiers into groups; procedures of categorization and prioritization; algorithm for aggregating data about events, based on the calculation of the sample coefficient of correlation between signs of elementary events.
event of information security, information security, incident management, management systems for information security incide, data extraction, registration logs, data normalization, events categorization, eventss prioritization, data filtering
Forms and methods of information security administration
Sosnin Yu.V., Kulikov G.V., Nepomnyashchikh A.V. (2015). A complex of mathematical models of configuration optimization for means of information security from unauthorized access. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 32–44.
The subject of study is the problem of formalized description of conflicts arising in the protection of information from unauthorized access, for more information on possible action potential enemy and their consequences for the benefit of the selection and implementation of the defense strategy of information in automated systems. The initial data are the list of objects of the automated system and the value of the processed information to them; a list of information security and their cost; a list of possible methods of implementing the threat of unauthorized access to information, cost and efficiency. The result is the most effective means of protection configuration information for each object with the estimates of the effectiveness and cost of its implementation. Methods used: game theory, probability theory, reliability theory, system analysis, the theory of the collection and processing of expert information. The application of the developed models of information security processes for optimum configuration of information security for which each option protection system is characterized by unique quantification of having a clear physical meaning (security measure), so it is possible to choose a specific embodiment of the object of protection of the automated system by the criterion of maximum security (with cost constraints) or minimum value (for fixed requirements for security). Furthermore, the optimization of the composition and structure of information protection system design and in changing the original data is not time-consuming.
evaluation of data protection, threats to information security, security risk management, modeling of information security, modeling of information threats, information security management, information protection, information security, unauthorized information exposure, criteria for data protection
Methods, languages and forms of human-computer interaction
Urvanov G.A., Dan'shin V.V., Dyumin A.A., Chepin E.V. (2015). The system of human interaction as an agent of mobile robotic system. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 45–51.
The article reviews a system of management of robotic system in which a person acts as an executant. Here both person- executant and robot- executant are equal agents of the heterogeneous complex. It is supposed that agents of the heterogeneous complex regardless of the characteristics have a common goal and are able to adjust their actions during the execution of the task. The authors describe the structure of interactions within the heterogeneous complex. The article provides information on the implemented system of interaction with human as with agent of mobile robotic system. The authors describe structure of human-computer interaction in the heterogeneous robotic system. The heterogeneous robotic system is considered as a multi-agent system. The novelty of the approach described by the authors in the article is in considering the person as an equal agent of multi-agent system equal to intelligent robots. The prototype of the system of interaction with a person as an agent of robotic system was developed and tested in the faculty robotics laboratory of MEPhI. At present researchers are focused on improving the quality of interaction and unification of interaction system.
control system, robotics, multi-agent systems, human-computer interaction, voice messages, heterogeneous systems, mobile robots, intelligent systems, robotic systems, speech recognition
Automation of manufacturing and production planning
Baykin V.A., Stetsyuk A.N. (2015). The formalization of technological control procedures of the life cycle of complex engineering systems. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 52–58.
The subject of the study are technological procedures for monitoring the life cycle of complex engineering systems, which are implemented by a sequence of operations of data collection, processing and accounting information, analysis and formulation of the problem, followed by managerial decision-making. It is shown that the problem of synthesis of model of monitoring procedures of the action plan for the creation, operation or testing of samples of complex engineering systems for the formal statement are adequate to the monitoring and classification task. That allows applying the methods for solving such problems to solve the given problem. Research methods include structured systems analysis, complex systems theory, the theory of reliability of quality control, information and logical design and set theory. The study shows that the implementation of a number of transactions within different procedures is advisable only when the input data for the considered operation change. Using the results of execution of the same operations with the same source data, considered when performing various procedures, is one of the ways to optimize process control procedures of the life cycle of complex engineering systems.
management control procedure, automated quality control, formalization of procedures, classification procedure, complex engineering systems, technological preparation of production, control of the life cycle, system life cycle, model of control object, diagnosis of the state of the object
Systems analysis , search, analysis and information filtering
Golosovskiy M.S. (2015). Information and logical model of software development process. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 59–68.
The author studies the early stages of the software life cycle on the quality of which the quality of the result of software development essentially depends. An analysis of the experience of the practical application of the widely used waterfall (cascade), iterative and incremental models of software life cycle showed that they do not fully meet the needs of the practices. However, there is a possibility of the synthesis of a new model of the life cycle of software that combines all of these three models. The research methodology is based on the models of the software life cycle, structured systems analysis, software engineering, and information and logical modeling. The main conclusions of the study lies in the model of the software life cycle (for the stage of its development), presented in notation UML-diagrams, which consists of the stages of initiation of development, setting the increment, execution of the increment and completion of the development. Practical implementation of the developed model provides a reduction in the time required for software development and preparing the necessary project documentation.
life cycle stages, structured systems analysis, software development, life cycle model, information and logical modeling, software engineering, program life cycle, software, software tools, system engineering
Mathematical models and computer simulation experiment
Oleynikova S.A. (2015). Recursive numerical method for the experimental evaluation of the distribution law of the duration of the project in network planning and management tasks. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 69–78.
In this paper a problem of network planning and management with a random duration of individual operations is considered. The subject of the study is the law of distribution of the random variable which describes duration of the project. The aim is to estimate such law. The urgency of this problem is related to the need to improve the accuracy of the known existing assessments which do not take into account the specifics of the distribution law of separate works determining the project. The main difficulty of the practical solution of this problem is the need to calculate the multiple definite integral, wherein the number of individual integrals not known in advance and determined by the number of works that make up the critical path of the project. As a result, the numerical method based on recursion is proposed, which allows to numerically estimate the desired distribution law. Scientific novelty of the results is in obtaining estimates of the distribution law of the duration of the project that improves positional accuracy over the existing analogues. Without loss of generality developed a recursive algorithm can be used for a wide class of problems in which the unknown distribution of the sum of random variables with known distributions of the individual terms.
project management, the sum of beta-values, beta-distribution, distribution law, duration of the project, probabilistic and temporal characteristics, mathematical model of risks, PERT, recursion, numerical method
Computer graphics, image processing and pattern recognition
Esev A.A., Lagoyko O.S. (2015). Automated image processing technique in aircraft systems visual monitoring of the situation outside of the cabin. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 79–88.
The article presents a technique of automated image processing in aircraft systems of visual monitoring of the outside the cabin environment for use in the design and subsequent testing of such means. The method was developed taking into account specifics of ensuring the safety of aircraft in the night time and characteristics of modern optoelectronic systems used in manned and unmanned aircraft. The authors describe a technique of calculating the maximum range of the evaluation of low-level television imaging systems used in the composition of assets and systems of aircraft equipment. The research methodology combines the methods of system analysis, design, electro-optical systems, design and testing of aircraft equipment, methods of quality control of complex systems. Scientific novelty of the results is in the fact that they were obtained specifically for ensuring the safety of aircraft and can be used in the interests of rational justification characteristics, design of quality control and testing of similar systems intended for use in equipment ergonomics systems for various purposes.
electronic optical transducer, automated image processing, distance of visual detection, system of image visualization, monitoring the situation outside the cabin, night vision goggles, safety of night flights, charge-coupled device, qualimetry technical systems, aircraft equipment
Computer graphics, image processing and pattern recognition
Vyatkin S.I. (2015). Photorealistic visualization of terrain based on the shape texture using graphics processing units. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 89–107.
The object of research is a new way of defining and visualizing a photorealistic terrain. The method to render a terrain as easily as a texture is proposed. A terrain model is coded as differential height map, i.e. the carrier surface is defined by algebraic means and only deviation from this basic surface is stored in the each node. Such a modeling method simplifies creation of smooth detail levels and shading. The data of height grid is not a subject to geometry transformations as the triangle vertices are. The geometry transformations are only required for the carrier surface. During the recursive voxel subdivision on each level, we project the centers of the voxels onto basic plane. The computed coordinates, as well as in the case of ordinary RGB texture map, will define address in the so called "altitude map" or "shape texture". The altitude corresponding to this address and a level of details is calculated, and are used to modify coefficients of the base plane equation. As a result will be obtained a surface modulated with the values from the altitude map. Visualization in real time on graphical accelerators is implemented. The method is based on the analytic geometry in space, differential geometry and vector algebra, interpolation theory and matrix theory, based on mathematical modeling and computer science. The main conclusions of the study are: the ability to generate the terrain using the same mechanism as for the texture color to display the terrain and changing levels of detail. The image interpolation is used for filtering heights dynamically similar to color texture. In comparison with the known methods the proposed method computation time substantially does not dependent on the resolution of the height map when generating a terrain.
regular elevation grid, graphics processing units, scalar perturbation functions, levels of detailisation, shape texture, voxel-based terrain, height-based terrain, irregular elevation grid, ray-tracing method, non-polygonal representation of terrain
Software for innovative information technologies
Lushkin A.M. (2015). Mathematical software of automated predictive flight safety monitoring. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 108–117.
The paper presents a study of procedures of automated monitoring and regulation of the safety of aircraft, as well as procedures for the automated control of the changes in the air-operated transport system. Analysis of the dynamics of the safety of aircraft is required to obtain an objective assessment of the effectiveness of corporate safety management system and its planned development, that is a requirement of the standards of the International Air Transport Association and recommended practice of ICAO. A detection of unacceptable values in the current or forecasted level of the safety reflects the state of aviation transport system, characterized by a potentially high risk that requires a rapid response from analysis of aviation incidents and prerequisites to them to determining the cause of unacceptable changes with subsequent regulations in safety management. To solve this problem author uses results of regular monthly monitoring of the current level of safety in the airline statistics of aviation events registered in the safety management system of the company, which was then processed using the theory of probability and mathematical statistics. The novelty of the research is in created software for automated predictive safety monitoring of airlines using statistical detection of potentially dangerous changes in the level of safety, based on the analysis of retrospective information obtained as a result of monitoring of the safety of the flight, taking into account the requirements of international standards in the field of civil aviation.
monitoring of aircraft incidents, flight safety management, flight safety risks, statistical criterion, monitoring flight safety, statistical analysis, aviation avariology, management of risks, retrospective analysis, statistical forecasting