Gribanova-Podkina M.Yu. (2014). Software implementation of product accounting based on FIFO technology. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 411–417.
the article reviews a model of supplies accounting based on the FIFO technology.
The mentioned technology allows consequent write-off (or consumption) of raw materials for
the production, starting with the earliest deliveries while recording the price of each consumed
shipment. The descried technology is in demand while accounting goods, as it enables
determining the availability, price and quantity of product on stock. That helps, for example,
to recalculate real product cost at any time. The implementation of the system is formed of
database and client-side components, which carry out registration of supply and consumption
of goods. The feature and novelty of the proposed approach is in redundancy in the logical data
model that creates a more transparent mechanism for registering deliveries. The mentioned
above implementation can be considered as a general scheme for write-offs of raw materials
technology using FIFO principle in automated information system on any software platform.
FIFO, information system, software, automation, cancellation of raw materials, software implementation, flow of goods, logical model, database, client-server application
Mokrozub V.G. (2014). Functional and procedural models in technological equipment design. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 418–430.
the article presents a functional model (diagram) of the process of designing
technological devices. The diagram includes steps of structural and parametrical synthesis of
the device and its elements. Based on the functional design model the procedural model is
created. It’s meant for converting the information flow defined by the terms of reference into
the information flow for the working draft. Terms of reference defines a set of device functions,
conditions of its interactions with user, workspace and environment. Working draft includes
sketches, specifications, calculations and other documents. Functional diagram is created
using IDEFO technology. Procedural model is represented by a set of formal statements, ways
of converting input information flows in the output information flows. Procedural model of
designing technological devices is characterized by the use of the following models: information
and logical model of the designed equipment, model of processes taking place in the device,
model of manufacturing technology of the technological equipment. The developed functional
and procedural models can be used as a base for creating intelligent automated systems for generating project documentation with minimum human involvement.
technological device, functional design model, procedural model, computeraided design, intelligent systems, mathematical provision, information model, hypergraph, product structure, working draft
Kruglov A.V., Yugfel’d I.D. (2014). Designing database for an Android application for calculating the cubic capacity of
roundwood. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 431–436.
the article is devoted to design a database for an Android application for calculating
the cubic capacity of roundwood. The authors analyze advantages and disadvantages of
different ways of storing data and chose the best way taking into account the predetermined
conditions. The authors also developed and presented a structure of the database designed
considering specific characteristic of the information being stored: a need to group different
records logically related to the same entity, establishing relations between tables. The best
way to store data was obtained in comparing different alternatives. While choosing a suitable
database structure the authors analyzed input information, highlighted the general properties
of the data under consideration and grouped it input tables. The novelty of the research lies
in the uniqueness of the research subject. As a result of the study a database for an Android
application for calculating the cubic capacity of roundwood was designed. The database
structure is designed considering all characteristics of stored data, as well as the hardware
capabilities of the platform. The developed module is included in the application, and it made
a favorable impression.
DBMS, database structure, OS Android, mobile devices, SQLite, binary data, blobs, image storing, roundwood cubic capacity, reports generation
Vorob’ev A.A., Lagoyko O.S. (2014). Information and diagnostic systems for built-in condition monitoring of aircraft. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 437–445.
The subject of the study is the technology of improving operational reliability
of aircraft state aviation. The object of the study is a computer-aided tool for controling the
technical condition of the aircraft. The authors substantiate the importance of practice for
optimizing the requirements for means of ensuring the maintenance and repair of aircraft,
for their continuous and complete information support. The article shows possibilities of
providing more efficient use of information gathered by the system of operational control of
the aircraft, in the interest of the control of their condition and to ensure its speedy recovery.
The paper presents an expediency of supplementing the operational control of aircraft by specialized information-diagnostic built-in control system of their condition, providing
information interaction between the controlled part of the aircraft (which is subject to control)
and control devices. The authors describe a system of indicators of the reliability of self-control
state of the built-in control system. Methodology of the research is structured systems analysis
and domain information and logical modeling of data collection and processing. The article
reviews the modern approach to the creation of embedded control systems for aircraft,
lists the requirements to them and offers basic mathematical relationships for calculating
estimates of indicators characterizing the accuracy of the test results. The novelty of the study
is in showing the expansion of the list of priorities used in aviation means for the operational
control of aircraft in order to create information systems and diagnostic tools for controlling
its technical condition.
onboard automated system, information and diagnostic system, informatization of built-in control, diagnostics of technical state, intelligent aircraft equipment, the accuracy of control, in-service inspection, built-in control automation, aircraft condition, fault tolerance of complex systems
Automation of manufacturing and production planning
Solntsev V.I., Somov M.V., Skuratovskiy N.I. (2014). Automation of ergonomic expert evaluations of noise protection means. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 446–455.
the article describe a workstation, designed to reduce the time of ergonomic
expert evaluations of personal and collective noise protection means by automatic gathering
and processing information in the interests of ergonomic expertise of any kinds of means and
their combinations. The authors formulate principles of selecting means of noise protection
and provide general technology of automated ergonomic expert evaluation of noise protection
means, based on the technology mentioned earlier. The research methodology is based on a
combination of the results of the structural system analysis, information and logic simulation
and design automation of information-measuring systems. As a result of the research a sample
automated workplace for ergonomic expert in noise protection was built for the first time.
The workplace provides high quality of ergonomic expert evaluations of hearing protection
devices while reducing the time of evaluations by providing automated data gathering and
automated processing of information for the benefit of ergonomic expertise of any samples
of noise protection means in any combinations.
ergonomic expert evaluation, automated workplace, information-measuring system, personnel protection means, hearing protection device, systems design, expert system, working conditions monitoring, designing means of protection, hardware-software complex
Knowledge Base, Intelligent Systems, Expert Systems, Decision Support Systems
Sedov V.A., Sedova N.A. (2014). Self-evaluation of the quality management system using the fuzzy sets theory. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 456–463.
in this paper a complex model based on the theory of fuzzy sets is proposed for
the automatic analysis of the results of self- evaluation of quality of management system of the
structural unit of the university. The model consists of 11 modules, each module is a fuzzyproduction
subsystem. The article shows a graphical representation of the membership
functions of the input linguistic variables, a fragment of the base of fuzzy productions rules
consisting of 125 rules, a sample of surface of fuzzy inference and a demo of the proposed
model. The authors use fuzzy inference algorithm, suggested by E. Mamdani, implemented
in FuzzyTECH software environment. The novelty of the presented complex fuzzy-production
model is in the use of the theory of fuzzy sets, which have not yet been applied in analysis
of the results of self-evaluation of quality of management system of the structural unit of
the university. Testing of the model on situational examples proved its adequacy in simulated
quality management system, self-evaluation, efficiency evaluation, fuzzy set, fuzzy-production model, linguistic variable, term-set, universal set, fuzzy productions rule, surface of fuzzy inference
Data encryption and data protection
Goryainov S.I. (2014). Rebuilding of binary trees in Huffman algorithm. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 464–471.
the subject of this study is the time required to complete a full rebuilding of a
binary tree, as well as the degree of compression of text in Huffman algorithm. The author
defines dependencies of both time of program execution and the level of text compression
from the length of string formed of random set of unique symbols, from the length of string
if it consists of fixed set of unique symbols and in the case of the fixed length of string having
different number of unique symbols. It is shown that the time required to rebuild a binary
tree is a small part of the total time of the program execution. An algorithm for constructing
the character codes comprises the following steps: 1) reading the text from file; 2) counting
different symbols of the text; 3) filling and sorting the data array; 4) building binary tree. Some
sources state that the approach with full rebuilding of a binary tree is ineffective. However, that
statement is not supported by relevant facts. The author proves through the analysis of texts
of varying length and different sets of unique characters, presented in tabular and graphical
form, that the rebuilding of a binary tree has little effect on the program execution time.
Huffman algorithm, binary tree rebuilding, compression of text data, program execution time, thrifty information encoding, prefix encoding, unique symbols, the degree of text compression, length of input string, average approximation error
Mathematical models and computer simulation experiment
Chernukha V.N., Kasterskiy S.M., Aprel’skiy E.N., Zamyatin V.G., Kurenkov A.S. (2014). Mathematical modeling of the pressure regulator in the aircraft cabin. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 472–483.
the authors in detail review pneumatic pressure regulator, which is has essential
value for on-board systems of aircraft oxygen supply in order to build a mathematical model
of the regulator. The subject of the study is building a mathematical model of pneumatic
pressure regulator considering factors having a significant impact on vital functions and
work of the flight crew. This ensured the construction of adequate mathematical models,
describing the functioning of pneumomechanical pressure regulator in the cabin of aircrafts,
which are essential for safety in high-altitude flights. Mathematical modelling of pressure
regulator considering factors having a significant impact on vital functions and work of the
flight crew: factors that characterize the atmospheric space as a habitat for the crew; factors
related to the dynamics of flight; factors related to various types of emergencies in case of
which the flight becomes impossible. The study of the mathematical model built allowed the
authors to identify that: dry friction of the main valve significantly impairs the dynamics of the
regulator, but has almost no effect on its static error; dry friction of the control valve significantly
increases the static error of the controller, but has almost no effect on the dynamics of the
regulator; the presence of self-oscillations of small amplitude and high frequency together
with the elimination of the dead zone of the controller changes the structure of dry friction,
removing the dry static friction etc. The results obtained are essential for the design of aircraft
life support systems.
life support system, high-altitude flights, aviation cybernetics, pneumatic mechanical regulator, preasure regulator, model of dry friction, model of pneumatic regulator, computational experiment, transition functions, oxygen supply system
Computer graphics, image processing and pattern recognition
Vyatkin S.I. (2014). Conversion of functionally defined forms. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 484–499.
The author studies geometrical transformation of functionally defined three-dimensional shapes. The paper suggests description of geometrical objects using functions
and implementing the methods of transformation of the describing function for geometric
operations such as projection, offsetting, set-theoretic and functions of metamorphosis
including morphing nonhomeomorphic objects as well as more complex geometric
operations: sweeping by moving solid object and twisting of objects. Of all existing methods
the functional representation is the most accurate way of describing object geometry, needs
less space for storing data required. Functional representation provides compactness and
flexibility in setting surfaces and objects obtained as a result of logical operations on volumes.
Using functional representation of objects makes it possible to implement new effects on
objects due to the introduction of operations on functions. It can be useful in modelling some
complex movements of object and particles in scientific applications and games. The method
of the research is based on the use of systematic and targeted approach in the evaluation of
algorithmic solutions, theory of sets and analytic geometry, interpolation theory and matrix
theory, mathematic modeling and theory of computing systems. The main conclusions of the
study are: the possibility of implementing complex geometric operations (metamorphosis,
projections, offsetting, twisting, sweeping) on objects; proposed method of describing threedimensional
scene objects using reference surfaces and functions of the perturbation has a
more compact description in comparison with known methods of specifying functionally
defined objects; in comparison with known algorithms the rendering algorithm determines
the point on the surface of functionally defined objects in less time due to the smaller number
of calculations; the proposed functional description of objects simplifies the implementation
of the mentioned above operations on geometric functions of the perturbation.
geometric objects, geometric operations, perturbation function, quadrics, collision detection, three-dimensional morphing, set-theoretic operations, local deformation, global deformation, visualization
Software for innovative information technologies
Burakov S.V., Zaloga A.N., Pan’kin S.I., Semenkin E.S., Yakimov I.S. (2014). Applying a self-configuring genetic algorithm for modeling the atomic crystalline structure
of a chemical compounds using X-ray diffraction data. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 500–512.
the article is devoted to evaluation of possibility and effectiveness of the use of
self-configuring genetic algorithm of global optimization to automate the task of determining
the atomic crystal structure of new substances by its powder the x-ray diffraction. The suggested
version of the self-configuring genetic algorithm was studied on the problem of determining the
known crystal structure of a Ba2CrO4 chemical compound, which required finding the location
of 7 independent atoms in the elementary cell of the crystal. To analyze the effectiveness and determining the convergence rate of structural models to the true structure of the substance
in the process of evolutionary search the authors performed several dozen launches of selfconfiguring
genetic algorithm with different population sizes of structural models and types
of genetic operations. The essence of the self-configuration method is in the fact that choice
of optimal genetic operators of selection, crossbreeding and mutation from the suggested
set of possible variants is performed by the self-configuring genetic algorithm itself while
solving the problem. The probability for the operators of being selected to generate the next
generation of population of structural models adapts based on the success of evolution by
using these operators on the previous generation. This leads to the automatic selection of
the best operators providing convergence of structural models to the true crystal structure.
One of the main problems that prevent the use of stochastic evolution of genetic algorithms
for structure analysis is the need for a non-trivial empirical selection of genetic operators.
Applying the self-configuring genetic algorithm to automate the selection of optimal genetic
operators in the task of modeling atomic crystal structure of chemical compounds by the X-ray
diffraction data is suggested for the first time. In determining the crystal structure of Ba2CrO4
using self-configuring genetic algorithm the convergence rate to the true crystal structure
reached 80%. This creates the possibility of developing an automated evolutionary genetic
algorithm for structural analysis based on the X-ray diffraction data.
evolutionary algorithms, genetic algorithms, self-configuration of genetic algorithms, crystal structure, X-ray powder diffraction, full-profile analysis, determination of crystal structure, self-configuration, diffraction pattern, genetic operators