Quality aspects and improving the margin of reliability of software systems
Malykhin A.Yu., Slyusar’ V.V. (2014). On the possibility of debugging and testing of applications for the Android OS on a sample
application for the measurement of characteristics of electric transport. Software systems and computational methods, 3, 273–281. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65643
on the sample application for measuring characteristics of electric transport the
authors discuss debugging and logging in integrated programming environment Eclipse IDE
used for mobile software development under Android operating system. The article reviews a
practical example of classical black box testing approach for the mentioned Android application.
The authors show results of a brief study of the existing Android-specific information about
the ways and practical use of reporting an error to the developer directly. The experimentally
obtained data, a study during software development (getting an incorrect result followed by
testing, correcting input data and code, and, as a result, developing workable software). The
article shows specific methods of software testing, applicable only to software for Android OS,
as well as for software, receiving and processing data from sensors electric in transport. As a
result, the article reviews debugging, logging, white and black box testing, sending bug reports.
The authors also present samples of data that can be used for validation of the performance
of various parts of the program for displaying the characteristics of the electric vehicles.
testing, Android OS, Eclipse IDE, characteristics of electric transport, application, black box, white box, mobile devices, debugging, bug reports
Parallel algorithms for numerical analysis
Klimenko A.B., Trotsenko R.V. (2014). The solution of problem of resource optimization and computation scheduling using of
parallel annealing simulation. Software systems and computational methods, 3, 282–290. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65644
various metaheuristics, such as method of simulated annealing, are currently used
for solving the tasks of resource usage optimization and computation scheduling. Simulated
annealing is a serial method and it is difficult to parallelize it. However, different methods of
parallelization have been developed recently in order to improve the quality of the solutions
and the time of algorithm execution. The subjects of the study are the methods of parallelization for annealing simulation, in particular, the method of independent starts with and without
synchronization. As an example of simulated annealing implementation the authors select
the method with thermal scheme “quenching” as the fastest one. The article shows analytical
review of simulated annealing parallelization, with a selection of the most promising methods,
for which a series of computational experiments was carried out. Scientific novelty of the
work is in the discovery of new dependencies and trends that were not described previously
in similar studies. In discussing the parallelized annealing simulation with synchronization the
authors raise a question of the existence of the dependence of the quality of the solutions
with not only the number of computing devices, but also with the frequency of the solutions
exchanges. For asynchronous parallel simulated annealing the article shows a tendency to
solutions improvement with the increase of the number of computing devices, while for
synchronous simulated annealing a similar dependence was not found.
simulated annealing, parallel algorithm, optimization, computational system, resource optimization, parallel computing, resource assigning, metaheuristics, parallelization techniques, computation scheduling
Knowledge Base, Intelligent Systems, Expert Systems, Decision Support Systems
Le Vien Nguyen, Panchenko D.P. (2014). Software implementation of a medical expert system of differential diagnosis. Software systems and computational methods, 3, 291–297. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65645
Medical diagnostics is one of the most difficult tasks of practical health care.
Currently, there is a need for appliance of information and communication technologies in
medicine, especially in solving the task of creating diagnostic telemedicine systems. This is
the cheapest and easiest way to organize telemedical diagnosis at any distance. A user-patient
sends medical information to the system via telecommunication channels. The system prepares
the diagnostic conclusion based on a set of symptoms received in real time and outputs the
solutions to a patient. If the patient does not accept the decision, he may request the system
solution from expert physicians. In that case the system organizes the dialogue with physicians
in delayed mode. Then the system automatically generates and sends questionnaires to doctors
of the assumed specialty. Then doctors form the diagnostic answers to the questions and send
them by email. Thus, the telemedicine expert system for differential diagnosis is to perform
a medical diagnosis in a reasonable time after the patient enters detected symptoms. Also,
the system should allow the patient to communicate with physicians through the use of web
technologies that allow patients to receive medical diagnosis outside the clinic. The authors
suggest that architecture for this system should be based on the principles of creating web
applications and describe the basic levels of web-based systems. The article presents a scheme
of a database with a description of the tables for creating the system. This work is useful for
software implementation of the medical expert system of differential diagnosis.
medicine, diagnosis, expert system, internet, web-application, IIS webserver, ASP.NET web-forms, CMS DotNetNuke, DBMS MS-SQL Server, business logics
Knowledge Base, Intelligent Systems, Expert Systems, Decision Support Systems
Simankov V.S., Tolkachev D.M. (2014). Development of information-analytical system for obtaining relevant data and knowledge
on the Internet. Software systems and computational methods, 3, 298–311. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65646
the article is devoted to development of algorithms and methodical provisions
for obtaining relevant data and knowledge on the Internet. Under the relevant data and
knowledge the authors mean the information needed to solve a problem or task. The article
examines issues related to semantic data compression, providing semantic coherence of the
text, defining semantic similarity of texts or phrases, as well as with automatic search of brief
and accurate answers to questions. Research takes into account peculiarities of the Internet as
a source of huge amounts of unstructured information. The study uses a systematic approach,
theory of algorithms, algebra of logic, set theory and comparative analysis. The article presents
a general algorithm for the problem-oriented auto-reviewing. The authors raise the questions
of finding the semantic relationships between sentences. The article describes techniques of
generating an integrated review and identifying the semantic similarity of the two texts. The
authors developed an algorithm of finding the answers to question and show the results of
building the information-analytical system of obtaining relevant data and knowledge on the
data, knowledge, Internet, search engines, problem-oriented auto-reviewing, semantic connections, pronominal anaphors, regular expressions, semantic similarity, ternary expression
Knowledge Base, Intelligent Systems, Expert Systems, Decision Support Systems
Provalov V.S. (2014). Information technology in small business management. Software systems and computational methods, 3, 312–323. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65647
Small business is the most important sector of the modern market economy, the
efficiency of which is largely determined by the state of the economy as a whole. The main
features of the small business lie in the way of management and decision-making methods.
Modern information technology is a tool by which the effectiveness of management can be
significantly improved. The subject of this study is to determine the features of the use of
information technology on the basis of the analysis of the specificity of economic activity and
the management of this category of subjects of the market economy. The work is based on
general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis both published in the literature fragmentary
information on the subject and the results of own experience of the author, reflecting his
scientific interests. The author does not know any domestic publications on the subject despite its scientific and practical importance. In this regard, the article has a scientific novelty
in attempts to carry out a systematic analysis of the specific use of information technology
in small business. The presence of such specificity requires its consideration while building
the new management technologies and developing commercial software products for small
small business, information technology, management functions, industry specifics, infrastructure, resource limitations, integrated solutions, cloud services, susceptibility of technology, business information richness
Knowledge Base, Intelligent Systems, Expert Systems, Decision Support Systems
Shumov V.V. (2014). Complex approach to the development of border activities automation concept. Software systems and computational methods, 3, 324–343. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65648
In this paper the author concretizes the principles of modeling border activities and
considers the sequence of development of methods and models for border security and their
classification. The basic approach (the set of methods and techniques) to development of the
concept of automation is in consistent decomposition of the domain based on the classification
of measures. The elements of the domain are combined into a single system by identifying flow
through processes, by the use of cycles of border activity and border control. The suggested
classification of management methods for regime, prevention and border measures allows
obtaining a complete and consistent list of border tasks to be automated. The article also
reviews a methodology of automation of border activity, based on the decomposition of the
process of border security. Building the automation concept for border activity involves the
use of methods of systems analysis and systems engineering, ETOM methodology, the main
provisions of the theory of law, criminology, theories of security, border studies and border
metrics. In order to create a highly effective decision support systems in the field of border
security management the author classifies the methods of border security. The article considers
and substantiates the structure of regime, prevention, security, control and operational security
measures. The block diagram of the processes of the first level is build and includes two parts:
border security management processes and border units’ management processes.
border activities, border security, concept, automation, automation methodology, management methods, border measures, information models, mathematical models, principles of modeling
Simulation systems
Kondrat’ev V.S. (2014). Simulation modeling of the state management process for taxable base of administrative
units. Software systems and computational methods, 3, 344–356. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65649
The subject of the study of movements of an administrative unit tax base are
methods for constructing simulation models of the process of the tax base state management
both as an object in the composition of the administrative unit and as the possibility of
simulation of tax base movements for studying its’ behavior in further complicating of market
relations both in between enterprises of administrative units and in between its administration
and a single enterprise. Information technology of the state management of taxable base in
its imitation models (being a tool in its composition) is necessary for the administrative unit of
power and consists of a set of methods, ways and means for providing optimal allocation of
resources in the process of giving a real taxable base a desired state. The study of taxable base
motion as a real part of an administrative unit is founded on state management methodology
for any object considered in any subject area, presented in the form of a structural model of
the logical organization of methods and tools: - observation of the motion parameters of the
object; measuring the value of at least one parameter of the motion of the object; simulation
of the motion of the object; estimate of the parameters of motion of the object; the choice of
alternative and decision making; forming a control action on the process of movement of the
object out of the available resource. Scientific novelty of the proposed instrument in the form
of a simulation model is in a new logical organization (i.e., the process of establishing new
logical connections) of methods and tools that are part of the management process for specific
object as taxable base movements proceeding under the influence of the external environment
of competing subjects, systems and technologies from the infrastructure of the city and the
district. The benefits of the proposed simulation model of the management process for the
state of taxable base as part of the administrative unit is in the ability to successfully solve the
problem of expansion of taxable base today, because the decision is needed by the authorities
of any city, town, district and region. A tool allowing the authorities of the administrative unit
gathering knowledge about the options for solving the problem of taxable base expansion
is the mentioned above “Statistical Simulation Dynamic (SSD) model of the taxable base
management process”. The basis of mathematical “decision support system” software, which
is a part of the “Statistical Simulation Dynamic (SSD) model of the taxable base management
process” can be formed of algorithms using the methods of statistical decisions, game theory,
fuzzy sets and several methods of dynamic programming.
taxable base, administrative unit, simulation model, statistical dynamics, flow model of taxable base, decision-making process, hardware-software complex, noncooperative game, player strategy, game solution
Theory, software and languages of concurrent computing
Fominykh M., Smorkalov A.Yu., Morozov M.N. (2014). Extended stream processors texture generation model for 3D virtual worlds: evaluation
results. Software systems and computational methods, 3, 357–373. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65650
In this paper, we present an extended stream processors texture generation
model for displaying educational content in 3D virtual worlds. The model suggests conducting
image-processing tasks on stream processors in order to reduce the load on CPU. The main
objective of the paper is to provide the evaluation results of the suggested extended model
based on a series of tests. The extension of the model consists of using fixed pipeline features
of stream processors. The obtained results of performance evaluation confirm high efficiency
and veracity of the generalized mathematical and programming models for image processing.
High performance can be explained by specificity problem of generating educational content
for virtual words because the source data for the synthesis of images and the data area for the
resultant images are in the local memory of stream processors.
3D virtual worlds, image processing, stream processors, educational content, vAcademia, performance evaluation, mathematical model, programming model, performance, image synthesis
Computer graphics, image processing and pattern recognition
Urzhumov D.V., Krevetskii A.V. (2014). The study of sufficient statistics of distinguishing group of point objects with a chain and
cloud structures by the form of their hierarchical grouping graphs. Software systems and computational methods, 3, 374–386. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65651
the article describes a parameterization of models of radar images of groups of
“string” and “cluster” point objects. The authors study probabilistic characteristics of sufficient
statistics for their distinction, necessary for the selection of decision rules optimal according
to specified criteria under different conditions of observation. The article reviews a method
of modeling the distortion of observed reference chains that reduced all the diversity of
observations down to two parameters: curvature of the trajectory of the chain and degree
of deviations of observed coordinates of point objects from their reference position. This
technique allows formalizing and reducing the complexity of comparing competing methods
of identification chains. The paper lists features of software for testing competing algorithms
of distinguish group of objects. The authors suggest using ratio of the diameter of the graph
of hierarchical grouping of objects detected to the total length of the edges of this graph as
the statistics of distinguishing. Based on these mathematical models by statistical experiments
the authors obtained sample estimates of the laws of probability for distribution of the
sufficient statistic for distinguishing different values of model parameters. Taking into account
the complexity and the properties of the mentioned method of distinguishing chains and
groups the authors recommend it to be used in the construction of systems of recognition of
group of point objects in high priori uncertainty regarding the parameters of the conditions of
observation for groups with power not less than 10. The proposed architecture of the software
package allows testing detection algorithms with signature having various number and type
of parameters.
distinguishing, chains recognition, group points object, distinguishing group of objects, nonstationary form, outline analysis, recognition by form, analysis of the graph form, hierarchical grouping graph, structural analysis of the graph
Software for innovative information technologies
Malykhin A.Yu., Slyusar’ V.V. (2014). Implementation of a mobile application for measuring electric transport characteristics. Software systems and computational methods, 3, 387–392. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65652
The authors present a brief analysis of electric transport market and on this basis
make conclude the high relevance and demand for software applications for mobile devices,
measuring static and dynamic characteristics of electric vehicles. The article reviews modern
software and hardware for providing users of electric transport with relevant information
about the state of electric vehicles. The authors select the mobile operating system for the
realization of this idea. The algorithm of the mobile application is created considering the use
of hardware facilities to obtain the raw data. The authors build the application architecture
based on the main concepts and conventions of the selected mobile Android OS and study
of the technical documentation, review articles, book and publications on a given topic. The
article also demonstrates experiments on OS compatibility with hardware devices. The present
paper show the relevance of development the mobile application for measuring static and
dynamic characteristics of individual vehicles equipped with electric motors. The authors
give a brief analysis of competing hardware and software for the same purpose and create
the algorithm of the software application, which architecture is based on the methodology
of the Model-View-Controller.
OS Android, electric transport characteristics, electric transport, mobile applications, devices compatibility, software application algorithm, MVC architectural pattern, connecting USB-devices, USB-OTG, PowerWatcher