Quality aspects and improving the margin of reliability of software systems
Knyazkov V.S., Volchenskaya T.V. (2013). Markov models for performance evaluation of parallel computing. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 10–27. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62445
the article discusses a hierarchical approach to the analysis of the complexity of parallel
computing process implementation. The authors introduce the concept of elementary homogeneous
and elementary heterogeneous computational processes on which the analysis of
the heterogeneous branching parallel processes and heterogeneous computational processes
is based. The article shows that complex parallel process and heterogeneous computational
processes can be represented in the form of discrete Markov processes of a special type. This
approach allows to transform such processes to a classical discrete Markov processes with a
consecutive change of states.
Software, efficiency, parallel computations, computing, computational structures, Markov models, organization of computations, conveyor computations, computations with parallel objects, optimization of computations
Quality aspects and improving the margin of reliability of software systems
Kubasheva E.S., Gavrilov A.G. (2013). Methodology of the Web-application quality evaluation. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 28–34. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62446
the article offers a methodology for the websites quality evaluation. The key feature of
this methodology is that it is based on the governmental standard requirements and it contains
more quality characteristics than other methodologies. Additionally, the proposed methodology
allows to evaluate a web-project in its entirety, as well as to work on its separate parts (i.e.
pages, sections).
Software, quality, web-development, metrics, methodology, standard, script, design layout
Forms and methods of information security administration
Korobeynikov A.G., Kuvshinov S.S., Blinov S.Yu., Leyman A.V., Kutuzov I.M. (2013). Generation of digital watermarks in image files. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 35–44. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62447
the article presents a problem of creating digital watermarks for image files. The authors
analyze the main characteristics and requirements to the digital watermarks, introduces a mathematical model of digital watermark generation for “hard” and “soft” stegodetectors. The
article analyses the algorithm of message implementation and it proposes the application of the
described stego algorithm for solving the problem of copyright check to a specific multimedia file.
Software, digital watermarks, format methods, steganos algorithms of spatial area, steganos algorithms of the field of transformation, multimedia, media space, copyright, copyright protection, inter-format conversation
Automated systems of engineering process administration
Korobeynikov A.G., Ptitsina N.G., Ismagilov V.S., Kopytenko Yu.A. (2013). Calculation of the magnetic field topology in the electric vehicle using the phase-gradient
method. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 45–55. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62448
electrification of the read transport now days a priority in the development of science,
technology and engineering due to the many factors and risks such as climate change, health
of the people, energy dependence, cost of the raw materials. When operating the electric and
hybrid vehicles it is important to control the magnetic field in real time, for example, for fire and
electromagnetic safety. This article presents a developed method of magnetic field measurement
on board of the electric vehicle with consideration of the specific of these fields. The method is
based on the differential methods of measurement and minimizes the quantity of magnetometric
Software, electric vehicle, magnetic field, electromagnetic safety, measurement of the magnetic field, phase-gradient method, differential measurement methods, road transport, ecology, health
Knowledge Base, Intelligent Systems, Expert Systems, Decision Support Systems
Gulyakina N.A., Davydenko I.T., Shunkevich D.V. (2013). Method of designing a semantic model of the intellectual reference system based
on the semantic networks. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 56–68. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62449
this article considers the methodology of semantic models designing for one of the
most important classes of intellectual systems – intellectual reference system. The methodology
is based on use of semantic networks for encoding the information stored in knowledge base.
The method is built on two principles: the principle of evolutionary design and the principle of
collective design. A distinctive feature of this approach in designing intellectual systems is that
at the each step of the designing process a working prototype of the system is available, which
speeds up putting the developed system in operation both for testing and end-users and significantly increases the life cycle of the product.
Software, methodology, design, system, knowledge, semantics, artificial intelligence, model, component, subject field
Knowledge Base, Intelligent Systems, Expert Systems, Decision Support Systems
Emaletdinova L.Yu., Katacev A.S. (2013). Fuzzy-rule-oriented cascade model of the complex object state diagnostics. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 69–81. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62450
the article emphasizes the need for a new knowledge representation model for increasing
the efficiency of the expert diagnostic systems in social and technical fields of study.
The authors present a fuzzy-production model, which allows the rules of the field of study to be
described on a set of data of different types, represented both in clear and fuzzy scales. The authors
develop a methodology of grouping the parameters, describing the object of diagnostics,
to construct the cascade of parameters in accordance with the stages of the diagnostic process.
The cascade of production rules is build upon the base of given model and method allowing to
diagnose the state of a complex object. The authors describe the algorithm of a logical conclusion
on the cascade of rules. On the solution of the medical diagnosis problem the author shows
the effectiveness of the proposed approach, poses the problem of the future studies.
Software, fuzzy, model, diagnostics, knowledge, expert, system, acceptance, decision
Knowledge Base, Intelligent Systems, Expert Systems, Decision Support Systems
Golenkov V.V., Shunkevich D.V., Davydenko I.T (2013). Semantic technology of designing intellectual problem solvers based on the agent-oriented
approach. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 82–94. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62451
the authors describe the open semantic technology of designing intellectual problem
solvers. Special attention is given to the method of designing solvers and operations, which
composes these solvers. The technology is a multilevel system and each level is responsible
for specific functions during the problem solving. The special purposes agents function at each
level and each level contains a supervisor agent responsible for the agents’ work optimization.
The article shows a description of the supervisor agents’ algorithms and the principles of the
organization of such systems in the whole.
Software, intellectual system, intellectual problem solver, logical conclusion, semantics, agent, supervisor, hierarchical structure, algorithm, technology
Virtual worlds and virtual reality systems
Ryzhenkov M.E. (2013). Editing of the 3D educational content. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 95–105. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62452
3D-record of a lesson is a powerful tool for education in virtual worlds. However,
as with the video records, the 3D-record needs to be edited by the teacher to turn into a high-quality educational content. As opposed to a video stream a 3D-record is a complex sequence
of changes of synchronized properties bound to the timeline that starts from the beginning of
the lesson. 3D-record editing capabilities require solving number of technical problems related
to the size of the original data, removing unnecessary resources, speed of the record replay and
the size of the network packages. The article is devoted to these issues.
Software, 3d-content, editing, virtual worlds, 3d-record, education, synchronization, multimedia, resources, collection
Computer graphics, image processing and pattern recognition
Ipatov Yu.A., Krevetskiy A.V. (2013). Detecting the texture transitions in the images of the wood cellular structure samples. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 106–115. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62453
creation of the automated systems in the field of biotechnologies is an important
area of scientific and technological research and development. Solving the problem of
objective measurements, accuracy and time limits during the analysis of the images of
wood samples is the main purpose of this work. The article presents the algorithm of detecting
the texture transition border in the early and late wood on digital images optimal
by the criteria of likelihood maximum. The author describes a hardware and software
system that runs the synthesized algorithm on the base of methods of recognition and
analysis of the images of the wood cellular structure, which minimizes time-consuming
operations and improves the result quality. The article shows and analyzes the characteristics
of the work of the developed software for real digital images. The results of this
work can be used for engineering and scientific researches in the field of forestry to improve
their reliability and performance.
Software, image analysis, texture boarders, coordinated filtration, borders detection, software, biotechnologies, image recognition, algorithm synthesis, digital processing
Computer graphics, image processing and pattern recognition
Smorkalov A.Yu. (2013). Mathematical and software models of the texture generation on the graphic stream
processors. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 116–128. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62454
the article proposes generalized mathematical and software models for static and dynamic
texture generation on the stream processors. The mathematical model allows to evaluate
the efficiency of different approaches to the texture generation. The given methodology provides
high performance due to the ability of choosing the optimal method of texture generation and
can generate not only textures predefined by the developer, but also arbitrary dynamic textures,
displayed according to the incoming external data.
Software, stream processors, image processing, post-effects, graphics processors, wavelet transforms, texture generation, static textures, dynamic textures, procedural materials
Software for innovative information technologies
Galanina N.A., Dmitriev D.D. (2013). Synthesis of FFT on FPGA using the system of residual classes. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 129–133. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62455
the presence of the DSP-block and a large number of I/O ports in modern FPGAs
allows to use them for a successful synthesis of the digital signal processing algorithms. The
system of residual classes involves multithreading of computations, thus FPGAs are very well
suited for the implementation of these algorithms, since the computations in the channels of
the system of residual classes are carried out in parallel and independent from each other. It is
known that the FPGA is a microchip, the logic of which is not determined on creation but is set
up by programming in specialized software, such as Quartus II. Developers of the special processors
DSP are highly interested in the realization of FFT using the system of residual classes
on FPGA Altera Cyclone II.
The article shows the results of the development of the conriguration file for realization of FFT
using the system of residual classes on FPGA Altera Cyclone II in the development environment
Altera Quartus II using the Verilog language of the hardware description. The author describes
the FPGA work under the developed configuration file. The article presents timing characteristics
and estimated calculation errors.
Software, FPGA, residual classes system, fast Fourier transformation, discrete Fourier transformation, Verilog, Quartus II, configuration file, residual classes system module, residual classes system deduction