Automated systems of engineering process administration
Lobastova O.A., Kalmykov B.M. (2013). Automation of the diagnoses with automated management system for healthcare institutions
“Patient”. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 320–322.
Automated management system for healthcare institutions “Patient” is designed for
automating the routines of the personnel of medical facility in accordance with the latest standards
and orders of examinations, diagnosis and treatment. The authors note that one of the most
important elements of the system is electronic patient record. Automated management system
for healthcare institutions “Patient” uses hierarchical descriptive patterns to fill electronic patient
record. This option allows to fully describe the patient, because the depth of nested levels
is unlimited. The article states that after the development of the storage method for electronic
patient record the interface for entering data about the patient’s condition was designed and
there were two possibilities: the screen form and tree of descriptions. The screen form is the
standard way of filling the electronic medical record while the tree of descriptions makes full
use templates. The conclusion about the state of the patient in electronic medical record is the
diagnosis, defined on the basis of medical history and results of examinations.
automated system, electronic patient record, templates, automation, information, tree of descriptions, screen form, technology, formula editor, data analysis
Knowledge Base, Intelligent Systems, Expert Systems, Decision Support Systems
Nagoev Z.V., Denisenko V.A. (2013). Synthesis of agent’s intelligent behavior based on a recursive cognitive architecture. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 323–329.
principles of cognitive organization of intelligent systems are closely related with multiagent
division of functions in a multicellular organism. In opinion of the authors, cognitive
centers in the human brain as well as in an intelligent system should be represented by active
systems that interact with each other on the basis of the principles of collective optimization of
parameters critical in the first place for preserving the integrity of the system and its survival.
The article reviews a concept and definitions that are related to the ability of perception of the
observer and his sensitivity thresholds. To implement the proposed formalization a library of
classes was developed using C++ programming language. The library describes constructions
suggested in the research. The paper describes only a part of the developed multiagent recursive
cognitive architecture, but the presented realization already makes it possible to study the simplest
cases of agent interaction. The research is directed on creation of self-organizing multiagent
emergent systems capable of emulation of the psyche functions, goal-setting and adaptive goal-directed behavior on the basis of reality semantization and making social ties.
intelligent systems, cognitive organization, recursive cognitive architecture, library of classes, reality semantization, agent, rational thinking, semantics, formalization, recursive agent
Knowledge Base, Intelligent Systems, Expert Systems, Decision Support Systems
Komartsova L.G., Lavrenkov Yu.N., Antipova O.V. (2013). Comprehensive approach to the study of complex systems. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 330–334.
the main techniques for evaluate proposed variants of solutions in design and studying
complex systems are simulation methods and methods of experiments scheduling. The accuracy
of decision making may be increased with the use of neural network (NN) to summarize the
results of simulation experiments. Predicted with such method the solutions are then tested on
the simulation model. The use of genetic algorithm makes it possible to find the corresponding
genetic operators that provide faster convergence for each specific task of simulation. A database
of experiments allows choosing a plan of experiment according to the type of parameters
of simulation model. One of the main problems that must be solved in implementation of this
technique is the choice of a suitable type of a neural network that will provide high percentage
of recognition and low training time. A three-layer feedforward network with a combined learning
algorithm based on the use of genetic algorithm and simulated annealing algorithm was
proved to be ths best neural network architecture for solving the given.
design, research, simulation methods, experiment scheduling methods, decision making, neural network, genetic algorithm, genetic operators, a three-layer network, simulated annealing algorithm
Data encryption and data protection
Savinov A.N., Merkushev O.Yu. (2013). Protection of biometric access control subsystems. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 335–343.
the article discusses the zero-knowledge authentication protocol based on the based
biometric fuzzy extractor and Elgamal cryptosystem. The authors review advantages, disadvantages
and practical aspects of the application of this protocol. The article describes the types of
biometric cryptographic systems (key release
cryptosystems, key binding cryptosystems, key generation cryptosystems), provides their brief
descriptions and reviews possible attacks. The authors state that there are two ways generating
a biometric key from biometric data that will meet the requirements of modern cryptography at
the same time having a low probability of type II errors. One of the major factors determining
the level of security for a key-based informational infrastructure is the eff ectiveness of its information
security access control subsystem functioning. The authors propose a zero-knowledge
biometric authentication protocol. The key element of reliability of the protocol is in a single
use of a session key “k”. There is no need to store confidential user data on the side of the access
control subsystem and it is the main advantage of the presented protocol.
biometric cryptographic system, fuzzy extractor, Elgamal cryptosystem, protection of biometric subsystems, access control, biometric authentication protocol, session key, reliability, authentication, threats
Data encryption and data protection
Gorokhov V.G., Syuntyurenko O.V. (2013). Technological risks: information aspects of public security. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 344–353.
the definition of technological risks diff ers not only in diff erent areas, but also in one
field of technology. The problem of technological risks in information technologies in modern
society of knowledge acquires strongly pronounced social character. Informatization, convergence
of computer, telecommunication and multimedia technologies provides a fundamentally
new level of civilization development, increasingly aff ecting human life and society. Is it
clearly positive? Does it help finding the path of sustainable development of civilization? Does
the development of information and communication technologies contain any new sources of
instability and threats? All of these questions require special studies and discussions. Currently
society of knowledge is fundamentally ambivalent. Modern society becomes a field of permanent
experiment with new informational technologies, the consequences of which can be not
only positive but also negative for both society as a whole and for its individual citizens.
technological risks, the knowledge society, information security, information technologies, negative consequences, expertocracy, technocracy, computer science, information society, internet
Virtual worlds and virtual reality systems
Smorkalov A.Yu., Sadovin I.A. (2013). System for transferring lectures into virtual world vAcademia using features of Microsoft Kinect
and stream processors. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 354–362.
the article reviews techniques and architecture of a system for transferring “live” lectures
into virtual world vAcademia. The system records lector’s voice and uses Microsoft Kinect
for capturing teacher’s gestures transforming this data into lector’s avatar animation. With
the performance capabilities of streaming processors the content of the projector’s screen used
by teacher is transferred directly to the virtual world and displayed in shared graphical workspace,
and the additional analysis of the image from Kinect video camera is performed to more
accurately determine the position of the body of the teacher. The stream processors allowed
eff ectively implement the projector’s screen transfer to the virtual world shared workspace
and also capture and recognize colored makers on the teacher’s body with little or no loss of
performance. Using Kinect for lecture capture together with capturing image from the projector
or interactive board and displaying it in the virtual world could allow teachers to use virtual
worlds as a powerful learning tool while remaining in the familiar learning environment. That
is the purpose of this research.
vAcademia, Microsoft Kinect, stream processors, image analysis, virtual world, lecture capture, presentation, slide lectures, motion capture, discrete wavelet transform
Mathematical models and computer simulation experiment
Denisenko V.A., Sotskov V.A. (2013). Development of parallel implementation of the modified Frank- Lobb algorithm for studying of
conductivity of defect 2D lattice with ties division. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 363–369.
the percolation theory in sufficient details studied how the problem both nodes and
links and the mixed problem of percolation theory. However, several experimental processes
show the probability variation of the horizontal and vertical communication in the communication
lattice structure with defects. In the real physical models such processes may occur, for
example, when spraying the conductive material onto the inclined surface or during gradual
solidification of the insulating matrix, which contains the micro-charged microparticles of a
conductor, and which is placed in the electric or magnetic fields, etc.. In addition, we can expect
that the presence of various defects in the structure aff ects both the mechanical and electrical
properties of materials. Unfortunately, due to considerable experimental difficulties it is not
always possible to determine the exact quantitative relationship between the number of defects
and physical parameters. Modeling of the relation between physical parameters and the number
of defects for anisotropic links is an important scientific problem. The number of such problems
is large and can be of a great practical value in the case of numerical solution of such problems.
The aim of this work is to study computer simulation of the combined problem of nodes and
links with the division of the probabilities of formation of horizontal and vertical relations and
the possibility of adding the Schottky defects into the lattice. The results of the research should
be the numerical values of dependencies of the conductivity G of the 2d square grid on the
values of probabilities: of the vertical connection P1, horizontal connection P2 and defects N.
Software, percolation, conductivity, modeling, cluster, high-performance computing, Open MP, MPI, parallel computing
Mathematical models and computer simulation experiment
Grishentsev A.Yu., Korobeinikov A.G. (2013). Problem definition for optimization of distributed computing systems. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 370–375.
the article describes a model and problem definition for optimization of distributed
computing systems. The results of the study are in good accordance with Amdahl’s law and
together with the game theory and optimizations allow finding the most successful solutions
in terms of efficient use of computing resources when designing or upgrading the distributed
computing systems. The article discusses the threaded model of distributed computing systems
of continuous time. The disadvantage of this model is the possibility of simulating only
threaded distributed computing system while the case of transferring of blocks of data requires
the discrete time system model. Modern distributed computing systems may contain multiple
separate computing units linked through communications network and located in diff erent parts
of the Earth and near-Earth space. The authors review block model of distributed computing
discrete time system. Such model allows examining both threaded and blocks data processing
and considering time of delay needed for data synthesis and transfer. The solution of optimization
task can be found by sequential search with appliance of game theory and optimizations for computational tasks, resource nodes.
threading model, distributed computing system, optimization, Amdahl’s law, discrete time system, direct graph, graph node, block model of distributed computing systems, computation channel time, game theory
Mathematical models and computer simulation experiment
Galanina N.A., Dmitriev D.D., Akhmetzyanov D.I. (2013). Goertzel algorithm for signals spectral analysis. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 376–383.
the article presents results of software realization of Goertzel algorithm for determining
the phase shift between two sinusoidal signals. The authors show practical appliance of
Goertzel algorithm for calculation of active component R of the complex impedance filter Z.
It is noted that the Goertzel algorithm is implemented in form of the filter with infinite impulse
response (IIR-filter) of the second order with two real feedback coefficients and one complex
coefficient in the forward loop. Modeling was carried out in the MathCad computer algebra system.
The article stated that the Goertzel algorithm allows to efficiently calculate fixed spectral
counts of the discrete Fourier transform without the calculation of the Fourier transform itself.
The authors point out that the Goertzel algorithm proved to be eff ective for computation of the
spectral components at high sampling rates and correct calculation of sampling counts. In the
Mathcad the authors built a model showing the working capacity of this algorithm. Using this
model the optimal parameters for further practical implementation of the Goertzel algorithm
were found.
Goertzel algoritm, phase shift, sinusoidal signals, complex impedance, feedback, direct link chain, Mathcad, modeling, sampling, fixed spectral counts
Mathematical models and computer simulation experiment
Korobeinikov A.G., Ismagilov V.S., Kopytenko Yu.A., Ptitsyna N.G. (2013). Measuring systems for electric magnetic fields of electric carts for electromagnetic safety analysis. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 384–396.
of road transport is currently one of the priority areas in science, technology
and engineering. One of the most complicated tasks for all manufactures of electric
vehicles is the problem of providing electromagnetic safety of users of the cars and ensuring the
electromagnetic compatibility of all devices located in the vehicle. In addition there is a concern
among citizens and media about the possible health risks and traffic safety due to eff ects
of electromagnetic fields, generated by strong currents in the power lines and cables of electric
vehicles. It is also noted that such currents and the magnetic fields generated by them may also
pose a risk for various electromagnetic compatibility of electrical and electronic equipment
of the electric car. In this regards the measuring and evaluation of magnetic fields along with
the determination of their topology in the electric car in real time is highly important task. The
article present a comparative analysis of the methods for the detection of magnetic fields in an
electric car appropriate to identified specific features of these fields. The authors review the task
of defining the main characteristics of magnetic field in the electric car. Based on these characteristics
the authors concluded that the most perspective magnetic field sensors for the purposes
of electromagnetic safety in the electric car are traditional geophysics magnetostatic sensors and modern sensors based on giant impedance.
magnetic field, magnetic field detectors, measuring of the magnetic field, road transport, hybrid car, electric car, electromagnetic fields, ecology, electromagnetic safety, electric cart
Computer graphics, image processing and pattern recognition
Sidorkina I.G., Kudrin P.A. (2013). Algorithm for determining the set of nearest points for 3D images recognition. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 397–408.
the article present a solution for the problem of choosing an eff ective algorithm for determining
the set of nearest points for 3D image recognition. The eff ectiveness of the algorithm
for determining the set of nearest points aff ects eff ectiveness of the entire image recognition
algorithm that uses the set of nearest points as a required step in the image recognition process.
The authors present an algorithm for determining the set of nearest points by dividing the space
into cubes, analyze the algorithm and shows mathematical relations of the algorithm time complexity.
The article illustrates a solution for the task of the algorithm for dividing the space into
cubes evaluating which consists of the splitting into elementary operations and expressing the
time of execution via microoperations through constants for obtaining the degree of complexity
and asymptotic relations showing the ratio of the algorithm execution time increase depending
on the size of the input data. The article provides the estimations of the degree of the time
complexity for the two implementations of the algorithm for dividing the space into cubes: sequential
implementation and parallelized implementation. The authors present the parallelized
implementation of the algorithm, obtain estimates its complexity and compare it by the time
complexity with the known algorithms.
image recognition, algorithm complexity, set of nearest points, algorithm efficiency, 3D image, image processing units, parallel algorithms, dynamic data structures, point distribution, vector space
Software for innovative information technologies
Moskvichev A.M., Ipatov Yu.A. (2013). Visualization of statistics with elements of Geographic Information System technology based
on the GeoFlow. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 409–421.
the task of visualization of information leads to a problem of acceptable and illustrative
representation of the research results. Traditional tools for this area are not fully capable of
solving the problem of visualization. Thus the visualization of data with geographic binding requires
time, resources and in most special stuff training. At the same time GeoFlow instrument
allows to quickly and eff ectively visualize data, analyze it and place as layers above the map.
The aim of this research is to identify potential features and benefits of the studied software
module, as well as the possibility of using it in practice when analyzing multiparameter geospatial
data. The authors study modular multiparameter statistic data with geospatial binding as well as modern methods of its visualization. The scientific novelty of this study is in the formulation
of the problem and in the solution of the problem of data visualization with geospatial
binding that allows to visually display changes, its’ trends and principles. Data visualized with
the presented program allows building dynamic scenes that increase the informativeness and
the level of understanding giving an advantage over other types of visualization. The described
method also allows adding 3D-visualisations over the map (such as animated diagrams) that are
lacking in modern GIS such as ArcGis, MapInfo, etc.
data visualization, GIS technologies, geotagging, GeoFlow, cartographic base, geostatistics, data analysis, visualization techniques, multi-parameter data, visualization software