Vashkevich N.P., Dubinin V.N. (2012). Questions of development of the operational
semantics of IEC 61499 function
blocks. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 5–6.
This paper identifies a problem of
defining the formal semantics of function
blocks (FB) under IEC 61499 standard and
deve lops a conceptual ground for building a
model for semantic of the functional blocks
on the basis of abstract state machines. A
for mal definition of a notation for representation
of the operational semantics of FB is
given along with the variants of the fun ctional
and structural organization of the
semantic models of FB systems. The described
notation can be used to define the
opera tional semantics of FB, functioning
within the confines of the cyclic, sequential,
synchro nous, and other models of execution.
Software, function block, IEC 61499 standard, operational semantics, abstract state machines, execution model, functional structural organization, distributed systems, formal notation
Programming languages
Galochkin V.I. (2012). The tasks of the final round of the Interna
tional Internet-Olympiad in Informatics
and Programming for students of Russia
and neighboring foreign in 2012. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 10–16.
The article contains the solution
of all nine Olympiad tasks. The subjects
of those tasks are related to the construction
of rational data structures, integer
arithmetic, computational geometry, graph
computations, heuristics sele ction and extremes
finding. An algorithm of finding the
maximum bandwidth on graph edges for two
nonintersecting paths if given. This algorithm
with almost no change can be used to
find two nonintersecting paths on a graph
of minimum total cost. The article discloses
a way to determine the possibility of a
non-rotating separation of a flat geometric
figure in a polygon shape cut. One of the
problems has significantly increased the dimen
sion of the source data com pared to the
known problem. The article suggests a solution
with two different ways of solving the
task, depending on the dimension of the original data. The rest of the tasks are alike to
well known, but require a different solution.
Those are the problem of placing queens on
the chessboard and the problem of optimum
sawing lumber.
Software, international, olympaid, internet-olympaid, student, programming, informatics, problem, algorithm, solution
Educational software systems
Korobeynikov A.G., Kuvshinov S.S., Blinov S.Yu., Leyman A.V. (2012). The analysis of the stenographic algorithms' creation and operation principles. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 17–27.
The article shows the main problems
solved by steganos algorithms in the
media space, reviews the main elements of
stegosystem. Author analyzes the basic proper
ties and gives the classification of di gital
watermark systems. The article inc lu des the
analysis of main directions of deve lopment
and functioning of modern ste ganos algorithms.
Steganos algorithms for graphics
containers are analyzed.
Software, graphic container, clas sification of digital watermarks stegosy stems, mediaspace, stegosystem, stegonos algo rithms of spatial area, stegonos algorithms of transformation domain, format met hods, digital watermark, digital images
Forms and methods of information security administration
Kuleev V.V. (2012). The architecture components of the spelling
verification system for Finno-Ugric
languages. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 28–36.
The article reviews the architecture
of a developed system for spelling verification
of Finno-Ugric languages. The architecture
of this system is divided into functional
units, each of them is given a detailed
description. The article contains graphics
showing the relationship of functional blocks
of the system. The author also discusses the
main advantages of the proposed system in
comparison to existing solutions and gives a
diagram of the developed system.
Software, spelling verification, spell check, computer linguistics, natural lan guage processing, system architecture, finno-ugric languages, spell-checker, functional blocks, linguistic components
Methods, languages and forms of human-computer interaction
Trebukhin A.G. (2012). Intellectual system of automation circuits
designing. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 37–42.
In this article the author shows that the
process of building a system of technological process automation requires creating a hie rar chy of
interconnected dia grams: struc tural – functional
– an electronic circuit dia gram – wiring diagram.
The author des cribes basic components of the intelligent
CAD «Controlics». The article shows basic
principles of a new method of automatic generation
of functional circuits, based on a compact
representation of a set of measuring and executive
circuits in the form of trees of circuit solutions and
the allocation of some branches of the tree into
special templates from which to derive functional
diagrams. The author presents an algorithm that
allows to identify and to exclude from consideration
the schemes that are technically unrealizable
on the level of the electrical connections. A formulation
of the problem of generalization of functional
circuits structures based on rough sets theory
and stages of its solution is given. As a result the
author deÞ nes production rules, the application
of which allows generation of control systems circuits
in automatic mode. The article describes the
methodology, software and technological features
of the proposed method and functional features required
for the implementation of the software.
Software, design, scheme, connection, chain, pattern, verification, generic, heuristics, products
Automation of manufacturing and production planning
Savinov A.N. (2012). Analysis of the first and second level error
causes in the systems of authorization
based on the keyboard handwriting recognition. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 43–52.
This article is devoted to the method of
keyboard handwriting recognition as a way of
authentication or identiÞ cation of operators in the process of user authentication. The author
discusses causes of errors of the Þ rst and second
type in biometric systems, describes the concept
of threshold value for the access control subsystem.
The article describes the main ways of
reducing the chance of data errors, proposes development
of a biometric access control system
with a high degree of adaptability. The author
offers to use a machine learning comparison of
the model and given handwriting, suggests the
use of individual detection thresholds.
Software, biometrics, keyboard hand writing, type I errors, type II errors, re cognition, identification, authentication, autho rization, access threshold
Data encryption and data protection
Rebrun I.A., Borodina N.I. (2012). Automatic evaluation of the indistinct
attri bu tes of graphic objects. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 53–59.
In this article the authors discuss the
ways to automate the growing method of diagnosis
– a tezigraphy. It has long been known that
biological ß uids crystallize when dried. Under
pathological conditions, the crystallization properties
of biological ß uids change. As a result of
the studies it has been found that this method is
very sensitive and can be used on a preclinical
stage to diagnose the viral and infectious diseases.
To determine the nature of the disease it is
necessary to analyze the obtained images of biocrystals
to describe their shape and determine the
way of distribution by the number of attributes.
The article gives the algorithms and methods for
automated evaluation of the image attri butes on
the image samples obtained during the tezigraphy researches. The article inves tigates the segmentation
algorithm based on edge detection using
Þ ltering algorithm for calculating the areas
and detecting attributes of form and algorithms
of modeling and fractal analysis in the consideration
of tree and other complex crystallogramms.
The authors pre sents a program, which allows to
obtain esti mates of the distribution in area, perimeter
and other characteristics of the crystals,
as well as statistical data for a variety of crystals
grown on the same surface.
Software, tezigramma, biochip, seg me ntation, sign, analysis, image, form, object, salvia
Computer graphics, image processing and pattern recognition
Sidorov K.V., Filatova N.N. (2012). Automatic recognition of human emotions
based on the reconstruction of the speech
samples attractors. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 60–66.
The article reviews the methods of automatic
pattern recognition of the speech signals
recorded at the moments when announ cers
proved positive emotions from speech samples
on the same subjects recorded in a testees’ neutral
state. This article investigates the abilities
of nonlinear dynamics methods for evaluation of
informative indicators of emotional state. Studies
were performed on the basis of analyzing the
reconstruction of attractors of the speech signal.
The authors analyzed different ways of selecting
optimal parameter values for the reconstruction
of the attractor (the time delay between the elements
of the time series and embedding dimension).
Authors proposed the new quan titative criteria
for classifying samples of the speech signal
of a person experiencing emo tions based on the
estimates of the maximum vector reconstruction
of the attractor in four quadrants. The research
was based on frag ments of the Russian-language database (Tver). A model of emotional body language,
which consists of a database of two levels
(phrases and phonemes) was formed and served
as a basis for evaluation of the efÞ cie n cy of the
developed software module of the automatic recognition
of human emotions.
Software, speech, speech signal, emotional state, time series, emotion, emotion recognition, nonlinear dynamics, attractor reconstruction, classification
Computer graphics, image processing and pattern recognition
Filatova N.N., Khaneev D.M. (2012). Respiratory noise recognition algorithm
based on the neural class models. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 67–79.
The article describes an algorithm
for detection of respiratory noise, based
on the idea of growing pyramidal network
adapted to operate with fuzzy descriptions
of objects in the learning samples set and
enriched with the linguistic interpreter for
the processing results. The article contains a
general functional diagram and detailed description
of the individual stages of work. To
describe the symptom space and the interpretation
of results authors used the theory of
fuzzy sets. The functioning of the algorithm is
carried out in two modes: training and recognition.
Neural classes models, contained
in the constructed network, are interpreted in
fuzzy statements, which are then used in the
learning mode and provide a set of production
rules for the algorithm of fuzzy logical
inference. The given algorithm has a software
realization, the article presents the results of
testing its software implementation.
Software, classiÞ cation, recog nition, graphs, fuzzy logic, breath sounds, auscultation, respiratory sounds, model, algorithm
Computer graphics, image processing and pattern recognition
Korobeynikov A.G., Sidorkina I.G., Blinov S.Yu., Leyman A.V. (2012). Algorithm of information classification
for solving the problem of spam filtration. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 80–88.
In this article authors consider the
problem of spam determination and filtering
based on the support vector machine.
A modi fication of construction of a separating
hyper plane using Fejer mappings is
given. Authors suggest replacing the projection
operation with the sequence of mapping
operations to allow the work with the
time-varying data, specific to the problems
of classification of documents.
Software, classification of informa tion, spam, strong separability problem, Hil bert space, support vector method, the hyperplane, Fejér mapping algorithm conver gence, filtering
Software for innovative information technologies
A.G. Korobeinikov, I.G. Sidorkina, S.Yu. Blinov, A.V. Leiman (2012). Algoritm klassifikatsii informatsii dlya resheniya zadachi fil'tratsii nezhelatel'nykh soobshchenii. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 89–95.
Programmnoe obespechenie, Klassifikatsiya informatsii, spam, metod opornykh vektorov, feierovskie otobrazheniya