Methodological problems of historical informatics
Kabaev, D.A., Chernyaeva, L.L., Chernov, S.Z., Goncharova, N.N., Semenov, A.S. (2022). Archaeological DNA Data from the XII-XIV Centuries from Ancient Klyazma Settlements. Historical informatics, 3, 1–9.
PaleoDNA testing is becoming one of the most complex areas of modern biotechnology. Modern technologies make it possible to qualitatively extract DNA and test it by various methods, including the determination of the Y-chromosome haplogroup and mitochondrial DNA. The paper describes the results of determining the Y-DNA haplogroups of two ancient burial sites of the XII-XIV centuries from the middle course of the Klyazma. The data obtained make it possible to determine the Y-haplogroup by the markers identified in the study. The article describes the technology using bioinformatics methods and the result obtained, which with high probability determines the Y-haplogroups R1a-M458-L1029 and I1-Z58. This work summarizes the initial stage of research undertaken in 2019-2020. The first evidence of the presence of R1a-M458 and I1-Z58 among the Klyazma population of Northeastern Russia in the XII-XIV centuries not only supports the point of view of the presence of Y-haplogroup R1a for all medieval Russian lands (inhabited by descendants of Eastern Slavs), but also hints that a certain genetic unity with the western parts of the area of the Slavs may exist (since the most serious concentrations of R1a-M458 and I1-Z58 are observed in the western part of the Slavic area).
DNA, ancient DNA, DNA haplogroup, paleogenetics, DNA test, STR markers of the Y chromosome, sequencing, DNA sequencing, haplogroups, paleo DNA
Quantitative history
Iunusova, A.B. (2022). The Muslim Population of Ufa. Analysis and Visualization of the Data of the "Religious Census" of the NKVD in 1923. Historical informatics, 3, 10–34.
The subject of the analysis is the materials of the 1923 census of Muslim religious organizations in Ufa, compiled by the author into database «Muslims of Ufa according to the 1923 NKVD census». The issues of socio-territorial localization of the Muslim population are considered in the context of the functioning of a religious parish as an element of the urban structure. NKVD census (1923) testifies the territorial distribution of Ufa Muslims in accordance with the social characteristics of the parishioners, the most distinctive of which are class affiliation, type of labor activity, knowledge of the Russian language. Muslim parishes of the 1920 differ from modern ones. The former socio-territorial confessional organization turned into an ethno-confessional association without territorial boundaries and social homogeneity. Main conclusions: 1) the materials of the «religious census» of the NKVD (1923) have a high information potential for historical, socio-anthropological, religious studies; 2) 1923 data fixed social homogeneity of Muslim parishes in Ufa. A hundred years ago, the urban parish was the same organizational unit of the Muslim population as the rural one, uniting Muslims of a certain territory, social status, types of work, lifestyle, language of communication; 3) the materials of the «religious census» of the NKVD are important as a source for studying the social topography of the city, the history of religious organizations. The results of the analysis can be used in the study of ethno-confessional processes, in the teaching of history.
literacy, home ownership, busyness, mapping, data visualization, religious census, NKVD, database, muslims, Ufa
Quantitative history
Bezugol'nyi, A.Y., Borodkin, L.I., Leontyeva, N. (2022). Changes in the national composition of the Red Army in 1942-1945: multidimensional statistical analysis of data taking into account various categories of military personnel. Historical informatics, 3, 35–55.
The subject of the study in this article is the dynamics of changes in the national composition of various categories of the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War, the object of the study is the summary albums of socio—demographic data of the list of the Red Army, compiled in the period under review in the General Staff with a frequency of once every six months in a single copy as a generalizing reference material for the top leadership of the state and the armed forces. The purpose of this work is to analyze the changes in the national composition of various categories of Red Army servicemen (commanding officer (since 1943 - officer), junior commanding officer (since 1943 – sergeant), enlisted and cadet personnel) that occurred from mid-1942 to early 1945 (this period is determined by availability of source data). Based on the nature of the source under study, the research approach is based on the use of cluster analysis – one of the most well-known methods of multidimensional statistical analysis. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time, using cluster analysis, an analysis of statistics from albums of socio-demographic data of the Red Army roster during the Great Patriotic War, which became available to researchers only in 2017 and have not yet been fully introduced into scientific circulation, was carried out. The analysis revealed the main directions of changes in the national composition of the Red Army, in particular, general and special in the dynamics of the distribution of servicemen of various nationalities by military categories. The conducted research has shown that this source has a very high information potential for statistical research on changes in the national composition of the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War.
military history, national policy, History of the Red Army, peoples of the USSR, statistical sources, cluster analysis, multidimensional statistical analysis, The Great Patriotic War, World War II, history of the USSR
Quantitative history
Kuzmin, Y.V. (2022). Development of designs of four-seat airplanes in the XX century. Historical informatics, 3, 56–80.
The work is devoted to the analysis of a specific sub-branch of airplane construction and, at the same time, to the search of general laws of technology development. For the first time, a global picture of the development of designs of four-seat airplanes in the XX century is given, priority designs are identified. It is shown that the development of four-seat airplanes goes through two stages: the search (until the end of the 1940s), when popular airplane schemes periodically replaced each other, the airplane characteristics varied greatly, and the second stage of mature technology. In the second half of the XX century, both the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of four-seat airplanes remain almost constant and attempts to improve them did not lead to an increase in demand. The change of technology generations was replaced by coexistence, when each type of construction worked out during the previous period found its market niche. The division of phases, the transition from generation’s change to their coexistence, is clearly visible when analyzing both qualitative and quantitative data of airplanes. A paradoxical reaction of aircraft manufacturers to the decline in sales was found, expressed in increased design activity and an attempt to offer products with better technical characteristics. The inefficiency of such a reaction was shown. It is revealed that, contrary to widespread opinion, the change of technological solutions in production is faster than in development. As a result, most of the market is captured not by pioneers and not by retrogrades, but by followers – those who use modern, but already tested technologies in their products. At the same time, attempts to create and offer aircraft to consumers in a methodology that is no longer in demand have persisted unsuccessfully for decades.
general aviation, economics of the aviation industry, production and development, statistical analysis, historical databases, history of the XX century, airplane design developement, aviation history, airplane industry, psychology of consumption
Quantitative history
Lopatin, M., Stalmakova (Saenko), A. (2022). The Settlement of the Kaliningrad region: a question about the gender and age composition of the first settler families. Historical informatics, 3, 81–92.
The post-war settlement of part of the territory of the former East Prussia is one of the most important events in the history of the newly formed region, which was reflected in a key way at all stages of its formation as part of the RSFSR. The scale of the migration process makes it one of the largest organized by the Soviet government. In the article, based on the statistical analysis of the database currently being filled in, "Echelon lists of migrants to the Kaliningrad region. 1946-1947" and studies of the texts of memoirs of the first settlers collected in the 1980s and 90s, the sex and age composition of the first and most numerous migration wave is characterized. It was found that mainly families of 4-6 people were resettled, headed by a 40-year-old man. At the same time, there were 1.6 times more women among those over the age of 18. Two thirds of the arrivals were minors, the average age of which is 10 years. Despite the fact that the memories of the resettlement participants were recorded at a much later time, they are consistent with the statistical estimates obtained. The results of the work partially fill in the information that has been missing so far about the exact composition of the Kaliningrad migration, which, as can be seen, is significantly younger, and therefore more balanced in terms of sex ratio than the population of other regions of the Soviet Union.
database, statistics, oral history, gender and age composition, post-war years, migration, echelons, the first settlers, history of the Kaliningrad region, demographics
Historical process modeling
Shpirko, S. (2022). Variational approach in modeling the rural historical settlement: a model of a two-level hierarchy of centers. Historical informatics, 3, 93–113.
The subject of this study is the modeling of the spatial distribution of the medieval population. To take into account the conditions of heterogeneity of the territory in modeling, the author develops a variational approach proposed by S.M. Huseyn-Zadeh. The model is based on the idea of settlement, placement of the population on the territory as a process in which each of its participants is guided in their activities by achieving goals dictated by natural considerations, for example, maximum accessibility to their cultivated area, maximum proximity to the central settlement (center). Using the methods of calculus of variations and the concept of Pareto optimality within this approach makes it possible to identify and numerically describe the relationships between the optimal parameters of the system. In the previous paper, the author proposed a model of a one-level hierarchy of the placement of centers (central settlements). Additional analysis of historical material leads to the need to refine the model, namely, adding a hierarchy of centers to it. In this regard, this paper proposes a model of spatial placement with a two-level hierarchy of centers. The approbation of the proposed model is carried out on the material of the scribal books of the Shelonskaya Pyatina of the Novgorod land of the end of the XV century. The high degree of conformity of the obtained theoretical and empirical data allows us to consider mathematical modeling as an adequate and convenient auxiliary tool in studying the nature and dynamics of historical rural settlement systems. The possibilities of the proposed modeling also in terms of filling data gaps are demonstrated by the example of the task of reconstructing the approximate population of the Shelonskaya Pyatina of the considered time period.
hierarchy of centers, pogosts-places, linear regression, functional, Pareto equilibrium, population density function, calculus of variations, center placement system, scribe 's book, mathematical modeling
Information technologies in archives and museums
Yumasheva, J.Y., Hookk, D. (2022). Information Technologies in the Research Activities of Museums: from Digital Catalogs to Artificial Intelligence Methods. Historical informatics, 3, 114–155.
The article is of a historiographic nature and is intended to record the main stages in the development of hardware-software complexes and systems for creating digital images (DI) of museum storage items and their (DI) application in intra-museum activities: from solving practical problems of documenting the discovery (acquisition) of museum funds with historical artifacts, their existence in museums, conservation and restoration, creation and development of catalogues, to the implementation of historical and art history research, implemented using the methods of mathematical statistics and a wide range of modern approaches, technologies and scientific disciplines of Data Science. For the first time in Russian historiography, the expansion of the range of research tasks is considered, which has been going on from the mid-1970s to the present and has become possible, on the one hand, in connection with the growing understanding of the information potential of DI of museum objects, and on the other hand, with the digital transformation of traditional technical and technological methods of analysis of museum items, highlights the history of design and development of specialized hardware and software systems; an original periodization of the identified processes is proposed, a brief description of each of the 4 identified stages is given (including a methodological breakthrough that occurred at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries) and the results of the most significant scientific projects are described.
methods of technical and technological analysis, identification of the author's style, dating, authentication, scanner, digitalisation, digital catalog, digital image, museum storage items, Data Science
New methods and techniques of processing historical sources
Latonov, V.V., Latonova, A.V. (2022). Application of the Theory of Self-organized Criticality to the Analysis of the Liberal Agenda in the Press of 1815-1825. Historical informatics, 3, 156–165.
The subject of the research in this paper is the liberal agenda in the Russian press of the pre-Decabrist period. The object of the study is the newspapers published during this period. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that the proposed study searches for pink noise in the data that were obtained from the press of the first quarter of the XIX century. The paper shows that the public consciousness of this period was in a state of self-organized criticality. Previously, the state of self-organized criticality could be found only in systems that arose at the end of the XIX century or later. The difficulty of the problem considered in this paper is that there are almost no mass sources for such an early historical period, and very few of the available ones lend themselves to formalization. The novelty of the conducted research lies in the application of the scientific tool of the theory of self-organized criticality to data having origins in the first quarter of the XIX century. The main conclusion made by the authors of the article is that the public consciousness in the pre-Decabrist period was in a state of self-organized criticality. For the analysis, statistics of publications in newspapers and magazines were collected, which served as a reflection of the liberal agenda relevant to the period of the genesis of the Decembrists. The paper shows that the sequence of publications on liberal information issues in the Russian press in the period 1815-1825 contains pink noise. Fourier analysis was used to determine it in the dynamic series.
statistics, self-organized criticality, Fourier analysis, the era of Alexander I, newspapers, media, press, liberal agenda, liberalism, pink noise