Methodological problems of historical informatics
Karagodin, A.V. (2022). Databases of visual sources in the Internet: problems of heuristics (based on the example of studying the history of the Southern coast of Crimea in the early XX century). Historical informatics, 2, 1–17.
The article analyzes the experience gained by the author in the course of working with three online databases of visual historical sources in the context of studying the transformation of the Southern Coast of Crimea in the late XIX - early XX centuries. They are: the electronic State Catalog of the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as two crowdsourcing platforms - Pastview and . The author examines the origin, format, structure of these aggregators of visual historical sources, the information potential of the content, advantages and disadvantages of usage, examples of how visual information found using these databases contributed to solving specific historical and source problems. Different aspects of working with online databases of visual sources are considered in the context of historiographical discussions about the "digital turn" in humanitarian knowledge, the "visual turn" in the structure of the source base of historical research, disputes about the multimodality of the content of historical knowledge. It is suggested that soon online databases of visual sources will become as familiar an information search tool for a historian as electronic catalogues of libraries and archives. The emphasis is placed on the methodology of a systematic approach, methods of complex source studies that allow reconstructing historical reality by analyzing and comparing information extracted from sources of different types (written, pictorial and material) and types.
Moscow Lomonosov State University, The southern coast of Crimea, history of Russia, crowdsourcing, museum funds, visual sources, databases, comprehensive source studies, digital humanities, digital history
Databases and search systems
Trishin, I. (2022). The use of data management technologies in the creation of historical Internet resources. Historical informatics, 2, 18–27.
In this article, special attention is paid to the problem of preserving and distributing the results of virtual reconstructions of historical and cultural heritage objects by creating specialized electronic reference books based on the Wordpress website builder. Using the example of the handbook on virtual reconstructions of estates in the Moscow region, the author shows how, with the help of modern data management technologies, it is possible to configure the system in such a way that its filling and administration take place with the least amount of time on the part of the authors of publications and the directory administrator. The main problem solved by such a system is the elimination of the need for manual entry of each article and subsequent approval of the publication in manual mode. The author of the study presents an approbation of the use of data management technologies in historical Internet resources. The systems presented in the article are used in industrial data management systems, but their availability allows them to be used in other fields of activity, including as an auxiliary tool in scientific research. Automatic transfer of data from the user's web form to a new directory page significantly speeds up the task of filling an Internet resource. The proposed version of the directory was created using the MySQL database, the Apache NiFi data orchestrator and the Wordpress website builder. All the listed tools are free and available for download on their official pages.
Moscow oblast, MySQL, Apache NiFi, Databases, Wordpress, Suburban estates, Historical Internet resources, Cultural heritage, Virtual reconstructions, Source studies
Databases and search systems
Dyachkov, V.L. (2022). Databases on the history of local population migrations in Russia at the end of the XIX – XX centuries: information capabilities and processing methods. Part I. Historical informatics, 2, 28–49.
In the first part of the proposed article, the information capabilities and methods of processing in electronic databases (EBD) of the first two groups of sources on local population migrations in Russia at the end of the XIX – XX centuries are analyzed and illustrated: 1) pre-revolutionary parish registers, Soviet statistics of registry offices for individual rural and urban settlements, materials of All-Russian censuses population and other census documents containing information about the movement of the population at the micro level of individual settlements; 2) replenished "author's" EBDS of student genealogies (48 information parameters; about 150 thousand personalities as of April 2022) and surveys of women who have completed prolific activities (40 information parameters; 11.5 thousand respondents as of April 2022) The scientific novelty of the proposed study of the information capabilities of the first two blocks of representative sources on local migrations of the Russian population of the history of the period under consideration is provided, first of all, by strict adherence to the principle of historicism, obliging to take what is being studied in motion, in the totality of all its aspects and as it was in the real past. The principle of historicism dictates, in turn, the methodology for creating EBDS of traditional and unique mass sources on social history. Records in metric books, materials of registry offices, population censuses, surveys of elderly women and student genealogies with a truly historical method of obtaining and processing data turn out to be necessary, mandatory and often irreplaceable sources of knowledge and tools for uncovering the mobile socio-natural synergy of domestic new and modern history on the longest and continuous rows of complex demographic and sociographic information. Local migrations are the most important, but part of this synergy.
population census, registry office, settlement, demographics, social history, quantitative analysis, metric books, statistics, migrations, Database
Digital resources
Antopolskii, A.B., Volodin, A.U. (2022). Information System on Digital Humanities: an experiment of describing the Internet resources of Russian archives. Historical informatics, 2, 50–66.
The article contains a description of the results of the inventory of the Internet resources of the Russian archives, carried out in order to create a reference and information system on digital humanities (CISG). The objects that together form the infosphere of this discipline are determined. The problem of detailing the level of resources in their accounting and cataloging is considered. The criteria for selecting specific resources that are interesting to the user are discussed. The structure of the database of the projected system is given. The issues of using languages for indexing information objects are discussed. The quantitative characteristics of the inventory are given. The CG system should ensure increased visibility, citation and reuse of digital humanities objects created in Russia. In this study, the resources of federal archives, state archives of the subjects of the Russian Federation presented on the Internet were studied, as well as departmental archives in a small number, if they have socio-humanitarian content. The management bodies of the archives of the subjects of the Russian Federation were included in the database if they have their own website hosting resources of interest. Archives with dominant technical or natural-scientific content were not included in the study. Also, at this stage, the resources of municipal archives were not considered. The study also identified the main methodological problems of accounting and cataloging of Internet resources that need to be solved.
information system, information search, internet, internet heuristics, digital humanities, indexing, cataloging, inventory, internet resources, Russian Archives
Quantitative history
Antonova, E.K., Zinov'ev, V.P. (2022). Peasant farms of Western Siberia on the way to commodity-market relations: factor analysis of data from the Tomsk Provincial Agricultural Census of 1901. Historical informatics, 2, 67–86.
The article considers the application of factor analysis in the study of peasant farms of the Oyashinsky volost of the Tomsk province on the materials of the Tomsk provincial agricultural Census of 1901. The analysis of the primary materials of the agricultural census of 1901 was carried out on the basis of factor analysis, namely, the method of main components, which provides "compression" of information, explaining the many available features through a small number of generalized factors, which allowed us to consider the internal structure of the peasant economy of the agricultural and livestock specialization of the Oyashinsky parish, and also compare the results obtained with the results of factor analysis According to the census of 1901, the analysis of the socio-economic structure of peasant farms of agricultural and livestock specialization of the transition zone showed that the entrepreneurial way of life was leading in all peasant farms, but the general small-scale farms reduced the level of their involvement in capitalist relations. Peasant agricultural farms and livestock specialization of the transition zone of the Tomsk province at the beginning of the XX century never joined the developed capitalist relations. The materials of the 1901 census make it possible to analyze in detail the influence of various factors on the state of the peasant economy of Siberia at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries. These materials are suitable as a mass source for studying the peasantry of Siberia and for local research.
factor, Trans - Siberian Railway, peasant farms, Siberia, Tomsk Province, statistics, agricultural census, the principal component method, factor analysis, sign
Quantitative history
Kuzmin, Y.V. (2022). Production and development of four-seat airplanes in the XX century. Statistical analysis. Historical informatics, 2, 87–110.
The subject of the article is the worldwide production and development of four-seat general-purpose airplanes in the XX century. This is the most important segment of general aviation: more four-seat aircraft have been built than three- and 5-10-seat aircraft combined. One of the article's goals is to determine whether the requirements for products designed to transport four people by air are really changing. The methodology of the work is collecting information about all aircraft models built. Data about 871 models and more than 2500 records of their production are collected. For the first time, production pace and the number of new models of four-seated airplanes have been presented, country-by-country. Priority constructions are described. The dominant role of the USA and the stable duopoly of Cessna and Piper firms are revealed. It is shown that the demand for aircraft varies greatly in accordance with the socio-political situation in the world. The role of the USSR as one of the leading manufacturers of four-seated airplanes is revealed. It is shown that designers systematically respond to the decline in demand by increasing the intensity of design work, which, however, does not lead to the desired result - an increase in sales. Therefore, such behavior should be recognized as ineffective.
R & D in the aircraft industry, psychology of consumption, industrial history, history of the XX century, quantitative history, statistical analysis, historical databases, aviation history, aircraft industry, production and development
Geographic information systems and 3D reconstruction
Stepanova, I., Gavrilov, P.V. (2022). Land ownership in the Bezhetskaya Pyatina (Tver Region) at the end of the Novgorod independence period: localization in GIS. Historical informatics, 2, 111–149.
The article gives the historical and geographical characteristics of the Novgorod land ownership on the territory of the the Bezhetskaya Pyatina in Tver Region. The main sources of the research are the scribal books of 1498/99 and 1545 years. The work was carried out using geoinformation technologies based on the previously performed localization of toponyms of scribal descriptions of 1498/99 and 1545. Using the Voronoi Polygons module and further combining polygons on the basis of belonging to a specific landowner, an idea was obtained about the spatial location of the land holdings of the Novgorod boyars, residents, fellow countrymen, monasteries and the Novgorod archbishop in the churchyards-districts of Pyatina. The web gis is available on the Internet on the website of the Laboratory of Historical Geoinformatics of the IVI RAS. The composition of landholdings (a single territory or separate enclaves) is analyzed. Localization made it possible to establish that a number of relatives' possessions were located compactly, which made it possible to identify family possessions belonging to Yuryev, Ovinov, etc., dating back to large single patrimony of common ancestors. The largest by area were the vladychnaya volost of Udomlya and the volost of Ivan Loshinsky's Slezkino. There is also excessive land ownership by the end of the period of independence of Novgorod. The concentration of small landholdings of foreigners and those living in the west of Pyatina, in the Mlevsky churchyards, was also revealed. The data obtained as a result of the use of gis technologies on the size of land holdings were compared with information on the number of settlements in them from scribal books. The population indicators obtained for the most fully localized volosts on average amount to 0.4-0.7 settlements per 1 sq. km. The territories with the highest (in the south of Pyatina and in the basins of the Medveditsa and Mologa rivers and their small tributaries) and the lowest (in the north) indicators of population were identified. After the annexation of Novgorod to Moscow, almost all landholdings were confiscated and distributed to estates that were not comparable in size to the old volosts.
population, Voronoi polygons, GIS, scribal book, Novgorod land, parish, churchyard, pyatina, land ownership, settlement
Geographic information systems and 3D reconstruction
Lysenko, K.D. (2022). Virtual reconstruction of the Trinity Cathedral in Stavropol-on-Volga in the first half of the twentieth century: sources, methods and research technologies. Historical informatics, 2, 150–180.
This work is devoted to the current direction of historical urbanism – the creation of virtual reconstruction of objects of historical urban development. Specifically, the task of creating a 3D reconstruction of the Trinity Cathedral in Stavropol-on-Volga (currently Togliatti, Samara region) is being solved. This cathedral was rebuilt four times and moved twice, and in the end it was blown up and flooded during the construction of Kuibyshev (Zhigulevskaya) Hydroelectric power station in 1955. The main purpose of the study is the reconstruction of the final version of the appearance of the stone temple in the middle of the twentieth century. The work contains a study of the history of the cathedral, the urban area where it was located, as well as a description of the process of creating a virtual reconstruction and related problems. Due to the complete loss of the building, as well as the lack of development of its virtual reconstruction at the last stage of its existence, the creation of a 3D model of the Trinity Cathedral is an urgent project that will contribute to the preservation of the common cultural heritage of the city of Togliatti, and will also probably help attract public attention and investors who can help in the restoration and preservation of this monument historical and cultural heritage. The study was conducted with the support of the Togliatti Museum of Local Lore, which provided numerous materials for research with the desire to place the virtual reconstruction obtained during this work in its exposition.
terrain, Trinity Cathedral, 3D reconstruction, Togliatti, Stavropol, culture, cultural heritage, virtual reconstruction, texture, sources
Information technologies in archives and museums
Lysenko, K.D. (2022). Experience of using 3D reconstructions of cultural heritage objects in museum practice (on the example of the Trinity Cathedral in Stavropol-on-Volga). Historical informatics, 2, 181–195.
This article is a logical continuation of the author's article "Virtual reconstruction of the Trinity Cathedral in Stavropol-on-Volga in the first half of the twentieth century: sources, methods and research technologies", which contains a more detailed account of the history of the city of Stavropol-on-Volga and the Trinity Cathedral, as well as a description of the process of developing a virtual reconstruction. The subject of this study is the analysis of foreign and domestic experience in the use of virtual reconstructions in museum practice, as well as a description of the author's experience in preparing and placing materials for the virtual reconstruction of the monument of historical and cultural heritage in the museum exposition of the Togliatti Museum of Local Lore. The Trinity Cathedral, built in 1738 in Stavropol, was one of the very first buildings of the city. It was the city-forming and uniting Kalmyks, accustomed to nomadism, in one place on the basis of religion. Due to the complete loss of the building, as well as the lack of development of its virtual reconstruction at the last stage of its existence, the creation of a 3D model of the Trinity Cathedral is an urgent project that will contribute to the preservation of the common cultural heritage of the city of Togliatti, and will also probably help attract public attention and investors who can help in the restoration and preservation of this monument historical and cultural heritage.
virtual reality, museums, sources, texture, terrain, Trinity Cathedral, Togliatti, Stavropol, virtual reconstruction, cultural heritage
Peer reviews
Borodkin, L., Gasanov, A.A., Danilov, E.V. (2022). Historical network analysis: to the fifth anniversary of the profile international journal . Historical informatics, 2, 196–206.
This article is a review of materials published in the international journal Journal of Historical Network Research (JHNR), which has been in existence since 2017 and reflects the main approaches in the development of historical network research. This is a relatively new direction in historical science, reflecting the growing interest in the study of interactions, relationships in historical societies of various epochs and localizations. The methodological basis of historical network analysis is the methods of graph theory. A big role in these studies is given to the visualization of the results of the analysis of social networks with the help of special software actively used in the publications of the journal JHNR. Some issues of the journal are thematic – for example, reflecting the experience of using network analysis methods in the study of antiquity or the history of China. JHNR magazine is an online publication with open access, which creates a number of advantages for researchers of social networks. Thus, network illustrations are not subject to restrictions on the size or nature of the visualization. The article analyzes the experience of using network methods in the study of informal communications in the elites of Ancient Rome, relationships during coastal trade in Tudor England, network communications in the opposition community of the late GDR, as well as the network structure of the conspiracy of July 20, 1944.
network structure, criticism of sources, network actors, network communications, graphs, visualization, historical network analysis, social network, network analysis, JHNR magazine