Political modernization of international relations
Wang, T. (2024). Learning Chinese in Russian Federation Schools: Status and Trends. International relations, 2, 1–10. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2024.2.70331
This scientific article is devoted to the study of the Chinese language in schools of the Russian Federation, its status and trends. The relevance of the research topic is due, first, to the growth of the popularity of the Chinese language in the Russia among schoolchildren and students of higher educational institutions; secondly, by strengthening bilateral relations between the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation in the context of «power transit» and restructuring of the international situation. The study is based on neo-liberalism, which views international relations as a non-anarchic structure with the primacy of international law, institutions and international trade. The main conclusion of the study is the characteristic of the history of the study of the Chinese language in Russia as cyclical. The practical interest of the Chinese language acquired only at the end of the 19th century and developed until the deterioration of relations between the USSR and the People’s Republic of China, when the orientation of the Chinese language in the Soviet Union changed from practical to scientific. Chinese is taught in schools in the Russian Federation on an equal footing with other foreign languages. The popularity of the Chinese language among schoolchildren is growing every year. Among the key problems of learning the Chinese language in Russian schools are the lack of teaching staff against the background of increased interest, the lack of teaching aids, the lack of native speakers, the concentration on learning Chinese at universities. The scientific novelty of the conducted research lies in the analysis of the history of the study of the Chinese language in Russia from the time of the reign of Peter I to the present day, the comparative analysis.
Power transition, Popularity, School, University, Chinese, USSR, Russian Empire, Russia, China, State Exam
Challenges and threats to international security
Li, V.N. (2024). Cooperation between Russia and China in the field of countering international terrorism as a factor in ensuring international stability. International relations, 2, 11–23. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2024.2.70444
The interaction between Russia and China is a coordinated cooperation on a wide range of issues and problems. The parties are developing a strategic partnership, an important aspect of which is cooperation between Russia and China to ensure global and regional security. The effectiveness of such cooperation directly depends on how successfully the Russian-Chinese partnership will develop, aimed at countering new challenges and threats to security. One of these threats is international terrorism, primarily in its Islamist form. The study examines the specifics of bilateral cooperation between Russia and China in the field of combating international terrorism. The author has studied the forms and tools of bilateral cooperation at the global, regional and national levels. The article notes that cooperation between Russia and China in countering terrorism takes place on the main global platforms (the UN, the SCO). The study uses historical-comparative, historical-typological and problem-chronological methods, which allowed the author to study the approaches of Russia and China to measures to counter terrorism in the context of exacerbation of non-traditional challenges and threats. Russia and China, as permanent members of the UN Security Council (UNSC), contribute to the management of global security and ensuring international stability through the development and implementation of UN Security Council resolutions on combating terrorism, participation in projects of the UN Counter-Terrorism Center (UNTC), UN peacekeeping operations. In the regional subsystem, the SCO is an important platform for countering terrorism and ensuring international stability, within which countries have built an effective regulatory and institutional framework for combating terrorism. The article proves that at the bilateral level, the parties have created a mechanism for interaction between law enforcement agencies and special services. In addition, the parties are jointly involved in the fight against international terrorist groups involved in the Syrian conflict. The author concludes that the counter-terrorism system built in Russian-Chinese relations makes a constructive contribution to ensuring international and regional security from non-traditional threats.
regional security, Central Asia, RATS, peacekeeping operations, strategic partnership, SCO, UN, international terrorism, China, Russia
International economy relations
Hoang, V.T., Bui , T., Vo, T.T. (2024). Vietnamese-Chinese tourism Cooperation 1991-2022. International relations, 2, 24–31. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2024.2.70398
The study is devoted to the cooperation between Vietnam and China in the field of tourism from 1991 to 2022. The relevance of the topic is considered due to the long-term historical relations between the two countries, which play a key role in the regional context. With the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1950 and their normalization in 1991, relations have become stronger and more stable, covering various fields, including tourism. The object of the study is the cooperation between Vietnam and China in the field of tourism, and the subject includes directions, formats, mechanisms and prospects of cooperation over the specified period. The purpose of the work is to identify the specifics and analyze trends in the development of this cooperation, highlighting the historical background, formats of cooperation, directions of tourist flows, mechanisms of interaction and development prospects. This study is based on the theory of international relations, in particular, liberalism, to analyze the dynamics of Vietnamese-Chinese relations in the context of tourism in the period from 1991 to 2022. The study was conducted using systemic and socio-cultural approaches, as well as using mixed methods, including data analysis, interviews and a literature review. The scientific novelty of the study lies in a comprehensive analysis of the impact of the modern international context on Vietnamese-Chinese cooperation in the field of tourism. The main focus is on the prospects for sustainable development of the tourism industry, emphasizing the importance of qualitative and quantitative improvements. The findings of the study point to the active development of tourism cooperation between Vietnam and China over the past 30 years, noting the constant growth in the number of tourists. Cooperation is expanding and deepening through the use of various mechanisms, such as improving the legal framework, improving the quality of services, developing new routes, developing tourism products, introducing smart tourism and protecting cultural heritage. Thus, the article provides a comprehensive look at Vietnamese-Chinese tourism cooperation, emphasizing its importance for both countries in the context of integration and development of the region.
problems, achievements, format, factors, conditions, tourism, cooperation, China, Vietnam, prospects
Resource competition
Katerenchuk, D.V. (2024). Oil and gas in Lebanon: shattered expectations. International relations, 2, 32–41. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2024.2.70542
The article is dedicated to the peculiarities of the oil and gas policy of the Lebanese Republic – one of the few countries in the Middle East that does not engage in hydrocarbon extraction. The issue of oil and gas production in Lebanon remains insufficiently studied, although certain aspects of Lebanon's oil and gas policy have been touched upon by Russian scholars in the context of the Lebanon-Israel multiyear maritime border dispute. The author examines Lebanon's attempts to discover oil and gas in the 20th and 21st centuries against the backdrop of the complex political and economic situation in the country, describes the procurement process, in which Russian companies were also involved, and addresses the legislative framework for hydrocarbon production and exploration. The article explores the prospects of significant hydrocarbon reserves in Lebanon, with special attention paid to exploration in the country's exclusive economic zone (EEZ). According to experts, Lebanon possesses substantial oil and gas potential, as evidenced by the discovery of significant gas deposits offshore Israel and Cyprus. However, initial drilling in Lebanon's EEZ did not confirm the presence of commercially viable hydrocarbon reserves. It is concluded that the unstable political situation in the country, as well as the dispute with Israel over maritime borders, significantly hindered exploratory drilling offshore Lebanon. The unsuccessful tender process in recent years indicates Beirut's insufficiently effective oil and gas policy. The author believes that even if confirmed oil and gas reserves are discovered, Lebanon's economic crisis cannot be resolved in the foreseeable future due to weak governance and a lack of developed infrastructure for hydrocarbon export.
Oil, TotalEnergies, Novatek, Mediterranean Sea, Middle East, France, Syria, Israel, Lebanon, Gas
History of international relations
Zelenov, D.A. (2024). Specifics of Austrian military-political course after the end of the cold war. International relations, 2, 42–52. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2024.2.70569
Since the end of 1980th Austria has significantly been changing the model of its military-political course and taking into consideration neutral status of the State concentrates major efforts on activity in special international organizations including their military actions. In this regard the object of research is the military-political model of Austrian Republic in postbipolar epoch. Consequently, the subject of the article is changes and crucial determinations of Alpine Republic military-political line at the end of 1980th – 2020th. To cover this object-subject area problems and ways of neutrality transformation in 1990th – beginning of 2000th are analyzed. Along with that special attention is focused on Official Vienna’s activity in special international organizations in security sphere (UN, OSCE, EU, NATO) mostly diplomatic and legislative issues in first two cases and participation in military and training missions. The historical-genetic and comparative methods which allow to notice historic backgrounds and to compare Austrian efforts in security field are used. The scientific novelty of the research implies wide set of sources in German and an attempt to unite concrete Austrian steps in integral system. Crucial conclusions are determination of motives and features of Austrian policy transformation in security field. Its first characteristic is narrowing the interpretations of the neutral status with the subsequent opportunity to use national armed forces in the settlement of armed conflicts outside Austrian borders. The second consequence is description of interaction and two-component model of the UN, OSCE, EU and NATO instruments use. The first two are applied for promotion initiatives in regional conflicts settlement and foundation of legislative base for disarmament and avoiding militarization of other spaces. The last two provide the use of military measures for stabilization of conflict regions with avoiding of direct use of bundesheer.
KFOR, SFOR, military training missions, Preview conference, neutrality, UN, OSCE, NATO, EU, Austria
International economy relations
Xue, F. (2024). Sino-Russian cooperation under US and European sanctions: Chinese car brands flood into the Russian market. International relations, 2, 53–63. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2024.2.70497
This article uses a realist theoretical framework to thoroughly investigate the motives, processes, and multifaceted impacts of Chinese automobile brands entering the Russian market. The research findings reveal that the transnational market strategy of Chinese brands is based not only on the pursuit of national interests and economic independence but also on a flexible response to changes in the international political and economic structure. Amid the economic sanctions imposed by Western countries on Russia, a power vacuum has emerged in the Russian automotive market. Chinese automobile brands accurately identified and swiftly seized this opportunity, successfully entering and expanding their market share in Russia. This move has not only increased China’s influence in the global automotive industry but also further strengthened the strategic partnership between China and Russia. From a geopolitical perspective, this economic activity has also bolstered political and economic cooperation between China and Russia to resist the pressure from Western governments. This study enriches the application of realism theory in the field of international political economy and provides new perspectives and insights into understanding the motives and strategic choices of national behavior in a complex and changing international environment. By examining the case of Chinese automobile brands in Russia, this research contributes to the broader discourse on the strategic interactions between major global powers and their implications for the international political and economic order. The analysis highlights the importance of adaptive market strategies in achieving national objectives and underscores the interplay between economic strategies and geopolitical dynamics. The insights from this study are valuable for policymakers, scholars, and practitioners interested in international trade, political economy, and strategic studies, offering lessons for navigating the complexities of global market dynamics and international relations.
Chinese automobile brands, economic cooperation, national interests, power vacuum, realism, automobile market, Sino-Russian cooperation, Western sanctions, strategic partnership, geopolitics
Political modernization of international relations
ZHANG, Y., Kerimov, A.A. (2024). Conceptualization of the category of "soft power" in political science. International relations, 2, 64–76. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2024.2.69892
The subject of the study includes the analysis and interpretation of the concept of "soft power" in the context of political science. The purpose of the article is to investigate the phenomenon of "soft power" in the context of the definition of Western and Chinese scientists and to analyze the balance between "soft power" and "hard power".The modern world is going through a profound large-scale development, changes and restructuring. Economic, political, social and cultural contradictions are accumulating, which leads to an aggravation of the dilemma of global governance, an escalation of international conflicts and a new round of national ups and downs. These processes have become typical symbols of international society in the new era, and the study of the conceptual paradigm of the use of "soft power" in the global governance model has become the subject of research by many scientists in the field of international relations and political science. In preparing this study, the author used: systemic, neo-institutional, comparative and other approaches. Methods of analysis, synthesis, analogy and comparison in the context of identifying common features and contradictions of Western and Eastern models of foreign policy in the context of the implementation of "soft power". An analysis of the scientific literature of Chinese and Western scientists gives grounds to assert the distinctive and original nature of the Chinese definition of "soft power", as well as the positioning of China as such a force in its own foreign policy projections. It has been established that Chinese "soft power" not only goes beyond the original ideological sphere proposed by the author of the concept of "soft power", but also has characteristic Chinese features, and also demonstrates enormous theoretical and practical strength. Special importance is given to the traditional culture of China, which is the basis and advantage of cultural "soft power" and emphasizes its unique advantages. The soft power of China's national culture is visibly reflected in national cohesion, and the strength of national cohesion depends on its core value system and the recognition of its core values in the world.
Joseph Nye, Resource Diplomacy, China, national interests, ideology, cultural diplomacy, public diplomacy, soft power, international institutions, international relations
Non-government agents in international relations
Alibalaev, M.M. (2024). International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and its contribution to the development of Humanitarian Diplomacy. International relations, 2, 77–87. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2024.2.70930
This article deals with the role of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in the development of humanitarian diplomacy. As one of the largest humanitarian organizations in the world, the IFRC plays a key role in coordinating and providing assistance in emergencies, as well as in strengthening international cooperation and advocacy. The article analyses the main areas of IFRC activities, including its efforts to provide humanitarian assistance in areas of armed conflict, natural disasters and other crisis situations. The mechanisms of the Federation's interaction with state structures, international organizations and non-governmental actors are considered, and their effectiveness is assessed. Special attention is paid to such aspects as resource mobilization, development and implementation of emergency preparedness programs, and support and protection of vulnerable groups. The author provides a detailed analysis of key initiatives and programs implemented by the IFRC, such as the “More Than Aid” strategy, the “Time for Humanitarian Action” initiative and climate change programs. The article uses general scientific methods and the method of situation analysis, which made it possible to determine the scope of scientific research and clarify the basic concepts and categories associated with the formation and development of the phenomenon of humanitarian diplomacy. In the process of preparing the article, such general scientific methods of cognition as analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, comparison, analogy, abstraction and generalization were used. A comprehensive and systematic study of the topic of the article is missing in the science of international relations. The article concludes on the relevance of the IFRC's activities for the development of humanitarian diplomacy and gives recommendations for strengthening its role in the future. The author proposes strategic directions to improve the IFRC's engagement with various actors in the international arena and to coordinate humanitarian efforts better globally.
international relations, international organizations, armed conflicts, non-state actors, Red Cross, IFRC, Red Crescent, ICRC, International Humanitarian Law, Humanitarian Diplomacy
Matosian, A.E. (2024). The emergence of “soft power” as a tool of the Republic of Korea's foreign policy. International relations, 2, 88–96. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2024.2.70864
Over the past few years, the East Asian states, notably the Republic of Korea, have been effectively implementing soft power strategies. The concept's founder J. Nye himself draws the attention of the scientific circles to the fact that “the potential of the countries (note – the East Asian region) is rising year by year. The research of soft power of the Republic of Korea is of utmost interest, as the Republic of Korea managed to revamp its economy and political institutions in a very short period of time, establishing its position in the international arena and becoming one of the “significant” cultural exporters of today. The purpose of this paper is to outline the specifics of soft power development as one of the foreign policy and public diplomacy mechanisms of the Republic of Korea. For a more accurate understanding of the use of soft power as an instrument of foreign policy of the state under study, historical and socio-cultural methods were involved. The research also included the following approaches to the study of soft power: structural and functional, discourse analysis, and the institutional approach. The scientific novelty lies in the elaboration of the author's definition of “soft power”. “The Korean Wave” provided an additional opportunity for the government of the Republic of Korea to take advantage of soft power as a foreign policy strategy to promote Korean cultural values in a globalizing world. The Republic of Korea's emergence as a cultural power on the world stage has been facilitated by the phenomenon known as the Korean Wave or Hallyu. This phenomenon is characterized by the extensive spread of Korean popular culture, including music, TV series and films. Hallyu brought with it cultural and social implications, especially for Asia, as the Republic of Korea changed its role from a recipient to a donor of popular culture in the region. The Republic of Korea is a prime example of the effective use of culture as its soft power, showing that global presence through creative products can significantly influence a nation's economy and international position.
Korean Wave, East Asia, Cultural Diplomacy, Pop-culture, Hallyu, Foreign Policy, Public Diplomacy, Republic of Korea, Country's Image, Soft Power
Ponomarenko, A.P., Babintseva, E.A. (2024). Official Development Assistance of Austria after 2021. International relations, 2, 97–112. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2024.2.71074
Assistance to developing countries, or the so-called “Third World” countries, is one of the areas of foreign policy activity in modern developed countries. It is provided to recipient countries in the form of loans, grants and other transfers to solve, first of all, social and economic problems. The Republic of Austria has a small territory and population, but at the same time it also has an efficient economy that encourages a high standard of living and a status of permanent neutrality allow it to play the role of a donor country for this type of assistance. In Austria, such policy is divided into two directions: “global” and “domestic”. Despite the commitment of many countries to "global" Official Development Assistance (ODA), the Republic of Austria ranks recipient countries of financial assistance in terms of its own national interests. In particular, the largest volumes of financial assistance are provided by Austria to the countries of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. In this regard, the author considers the activities of the Austrian state in this area as the implementation of the most important element of Vienna’s “soft power” policy. This article is devoted to the policy that Austria pursues towards countries in need of economic, financial and humanitarian assistance. The key element of this policy is the “domestic” Austrian Development Cooperation Program (ADP), aimed at establishing economic ties and providing financial assistance to countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America (primarily the Caribbean), as well as to the other poorest countries in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. Using methods of description and analysis, the article examines the historiography, foundations and essence of this policy in Austria, and also analyzes the new edition of one of the fundamental documents – the Three-Year Program of Austrian Development Policy from 2022 to 2024.
ODA, recipient country, donor country, conditionality, EU, OECD, ADA, Austria, carbon neutrality, humanitarian aid
Theory and methodology of international relations
Wang, J. (2024). Characteristics of the new globalization and the new globalization politics of China. International relations, 2, 113–120. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2024.2.40982
The article takes world politics and the new globalization as its research subject, and the object of study is the characteristics of the new globalization and China's development initiatives for the new globalization. With the spread of "counterglobalization" and the impact of the coronavirus epidemic in recent years, the new wave of counterglobalization is a tool for developed countries in Europe and the United States to maintain their hegemonic position. In the face of changes in the international economic and political landscape, China, as an agent of the international order, must respond and adjust all aspects of domestic and foreign policy. By advocating a community of human destiny and a new model of development, China offers solutions to other developing countries and gives new impetus to globalization, contributing to better global governance. The concept of "new globalization" has demonstrated its prospects and values; it is increasingly recognized by the countries of the world. "New Globalization" is not only a holistic global concept, but also a global ethic, thus demonstrating China's responsibility and moral sensibilities (moralism) in the new era.
New Globalization, Collaboration, China policy, Xi Jinping, Community of One Destiny, Belt and Road, Global Governance, Chinese Foreign Policy, Globalization, Political Development
World politics
THABET, A.M. (2024). Possible expansion of BRICS in the Middle East. International relations, 2, 121–133. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2024.2.40745
The article examines in detail the prospects for the inclusion of major oil countries in the Middle East, such as Saudi Arabia and Iran, in the BRICS organization, the political, economic and military aspects of such a move, as well as BRICS need that, especially in Russia and China, in order to get rid of the current global financial system based on the dollar, which is actively used by the USA to punish states. The importance and novelty of the article are evident in the presentation of the political transformations of the BRICS countries and the reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran and the subsequent reduction of tensions as a result of growing political and economic cooperation and integration with the countries of the Middle East. The entry of the energy-producing countries of the Middle East into the BRICS organization is a necessary step for disengagement of the dollar from energy, which began in 1971. The study presented in this article concluded that the countries of the Middle East have military capabilities, natural resources, as well as development programs and projects to diversify sources of national production, which makes them a strategic addition to the BRICS. Many countries in the Middle East are seeking refuge from the hegemony of the United States of America by opening up to counter-alliances represented by the BRICS and joining the organization's development bank to achieve stability and promote the development of these countries.
Saudi Vision, China Industrial Zone, Russian Industrial Region, Petrodollars, Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Middle East, BRICS, Bretton Woods