International economy relations
Adebayo, K. (2020). Russia’s Assistance to Nigerian Economic and Educational Development(1999 – 2019). International relations, 2, 1–8.
Abolishing poverty and ensuring improvement of educational development indicators have been described as some of the objectives for international assistance. This study seeks to comprehend the role of Russia in the development of the African continent’s most populous country, Nigeria, the factors that limited their success and the opportunities for increasing effectiveness of such efforts. Russia intervention in Nigeria economic and educational development took a new turn after Nigeria returned to democratic rule in 1999. The existence of the largest Russian investor (RUSAL) in the Nigeria, the investments of LUKOIL in Nigeria which currently exceeds $450 million, and other well-known Russian companies, including the largest Russian producer of agricultural machinery "Rostselmash", have all made impact in Nigeria economic development. However, the major problem of this duo cooperation lies in the legal ratification of their framework. In Educational sphere, this study ascertains that yearly, more than 100 Nigerian students are given the opportunity to study at Russian universities through Russia-Nigerian intergovernmental agreements. To date, more than 10,000 Nigerian specialists have been trained in Russia. The study drew upon both modernization and dependency theories in advancing understanding on the subject matter. The study employed qualitative method of data collection. Data was analyzed using content analysis.
agreements, bilaterial relations, intervention, educational development, economic development, Russia, Nigeria, development, international assistance, democratic government
Theory and methodology of international relations
Chikrizova, O.S., Purbayram, E.M. (2020). Post-Soviet research in Turkey. International relations, 2, 9–17.
This article is dedicated to peculiarities of studying post-Soviet space by think tanks of the Republic of Turkey. It is described how it is accepted in the works of Turkish authors to nominate the countries comprising the post-Soviet space, the subregions this geopolitical areal is divided into, as well as the most relevant Soviet problems explored by the Turkish scholars. For realization of the set goal, the authors firstly determined the circle of think tanks dealing with the problematic of post-Soviet space, and secondly examined the reports and publications provided by their experts in order to define a range of terms used in these works for designating the “post-Soviet space”. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that this article is first to analyzes the publications of the Turkish think tanks, namely for the purpose of determination and systematization of concepts that characterize the post-Soviet space. The research involves a significant volume of reports and publications in the Turkish and English languages for maximum coverage of the works dedicated to post-Soviet problematic. A tight connection is established between Turkey’s foreign policy priorities and problems viewed in reports of the think tanks. The acquired results allow to deeper understand the motives determining the vector of Turkey’s foreign policy in separate post-Soviet republics, as well as underline the divergence in views of the Turkish and Russian authors upon the problematic of post-Soviet space.
Russia, Post-Soviet studies, Turkic world, Central Asia, South Caucasus, post-Soviet space, think tanks, Turkey, foreign policy, Turkish-Russian relations
Question at hand
Kovalev, A.A. (2020). Addressing the problems of security of the Arctic Region from the perspective of regime theory in English-language scientific literature. International relations, 2, 18–33.
The goal of this article consists in studying the key concepts of regime theory that exist in the modern English-language literature and relate to the problem of integral security of the Arctic Region. This goal is achieved through analysis and classification of basic theories and hypothesis of the English-language authors. The ongoing confrontation of civilizations mainstreams examination of the fundamental Western concepts pertinent to the problems of international security, including from the perspective of regime theory. An important and relevant objective for the Russian leaders would be to understand the essence of political reasoning of the opponents, since the Western politicians are serious about the theoretical conclusions and practical advice of social scientists. The research considers the variety of existing hypothesis and approaches (based on the power, interests, etc.) towards solution of a range of crucial issues associated with different aspects of using the regime theory applicable to the Arctic Region. The variety of research concepts is fairly wide, but unlike the mass media, scholars usually pursue peaceful and diplomatic solution of the existing and emerging problems. The majority of Western research confidently state that the Arctic Region will remain peaceful in the future. In the examined works, the author clearly traces an appeal to a common political sense, rather than emotions, which to a large extent is achieved due the regime theory.
international standing, stability, hegemonic, the negotiation approach, the microeconomic approach, game-theoretic approach, globalization, the theory of regimes, The Arctic, international law
Regional configurations of international relations
Iuniushkina, A.S., Shapovalova, K.A., Kudakaev, R., Pon'ka, T.I. (2020). Positions of China and the United States in Indo-Pacific Region. International relations, 2, 34–54.
This article examines the main factors of the emergence of Indo-Pacific Strategy, the balance of powers between China and the United States in the Indo-Pacific Region, and their investment policy into contiguous countries of the region. Special attention is paid to contradictions between China and the United States in the region, as well as the impact of D. Trump’s Indo-Pacific Strategy upon U. S. relations with China. The article explores the main integration structures of Indo-Pacific Region, goals and tasks set before them. The novelty of this research is defined by fact that in incipient competition between the two countries for the leading positions in Indo-Pacific Region is traced in the advanced by China concept “One Belt, One Road” and U. S. strategy of “Free and Open Indo-Pacific”. The author comes to the conclusion that currently there is no unified integrated interregional authority that is capable of solving the entire range of problems faced by the countries of Indo-Pacific Region. However, the United States gradually lose its leading position in the region, yielding to PRC. China’s domestic reforms, aimed at improvement of interregional financial and economic ties, contribute to creation of a positive image of the country and strengthening of PRC’s position in the Indo-Pacific Region.
leading position, military strategic, investment policy, economic cooperation, strategy, competition, US, balance of forces, P. R. China, Indo-Pacific region
Challenges and threats to international security
Gamerman, E.V. (2020). Migration and security in Northeast Asia: political and economic aspects. International relations, 2, 55–69.
The subject of this research is the migration processes with regards to national, regional and international security. The author examines threats to security of the Far East related to external and domestic migration; as well as similar processes in the countries of Northeast Region and their impact upon the state of regional security overall. The goal of this work is to analyze this phenomenon in Northeast Asia, and the influence of migration processes upon regional security. The link between migration and security is bilateral. On one side is security of the countries and societies directly affected by migration; while on the other – security of actual people who comprise the migration flows. The research employs the comparative and historical approaches, which allow analyzing the peculiarities of formation of the “agenda” of regional security in the Northeast Asia, including the questions of migration, as well as trace the transformation of national approaches towards ensuring regional security along with the threats themselves in the sphere of migration. The Russian political science does not currently contain works that view the problems of migration in Northeast Asia in the context of regional and international security (despite the fact, that there is multiple research on migration overall). Migration is a not a potential challenge, it is a real threat to security. None of the countries in the region was able to avoid the influence of at least separate aspects of migration processes.
political aspects, threats, regional security, Russian Far East, North-Eastern Asia, China, migration, crime, society, countries of the region
History of international relations
Pokudov, Z.V., Tumanin, V.E. (2020). The concept of “American exceptionalism” in U. S. foreign policy on the example of the doctrine of George W. Bush. International relations, 2, 70–80.
The subject and key goal of this research consist in analysis of the impact of “American exceptionalism” concept upon U. S. foreign policy at the initial state of George W. Bush presidency. It is demonstrated how the phenomenon of “American exceptionalism”, being an intrinsic part of messianic idea of the United States, found its reelection in the foreign policy course of George W. Bush, particularly in the doctrine that virtually outlined the contours for the “global war against terrorism” and subsequent military operation in Iraq in 2003. In order to achieve the indicated goal, the author sets two tasks: deconstruction of the phenomenon of “American exceptionalism”, and demonstration of how these components were integrated into the Bush’s doctrine. Foreign sources and historiography allowed demonstrating the evolution of the phenomenon of “American exceptionalism” and its conceptual grounds. For tracing the patterns of the impact of this phenomenon upon the U. S. foreign policy course, the author applied historical-genetic method. The use of specific-historical analysis illustrated the influence of the phenomenon of “American exceptionalism” upon the U. S. foreign policy course overall, and the doctrine of George W. Bush in particular. The conclusion is made that the phenomenon of “American exceptionalism” gradually shifted from the field of U. S. domestic policy towards foreign policy; and the September 11 events prompted final consolidation of “American exceptionalism” in the U. S. foreign policy. The novelty of this work is defined by the fact that impact of the phenomenon of “American exceptionalism” upon establishment of the doctrine of George W. Bush is analyzed in detail for the first time.
military factor, George W. Bush, american exceptionalism, Bush Doctrine, EU, USA, International relations, terrorism, internationalism, regional studies
Sociology of international relations
Moshkova, T. (2020). The impact of Russian-speaking community of the state of Israel upon Israel-Russia relations. International relations, 2, 81–91.
This article is dedicated to examination of a large and rapidly developing community of the State of Israel – the “Russian Street”, and its influence upon Israel-Russia relations. The author considers such aspects of the topic as: the differences between “Great Aliyah” of the 1990s and the first wave of repatriation of the 1970s; factors that formed the unique “Russian-Jewish” identity among the “Russian street” representatives; political and economic potential of the “Russian Israel”, key areas of cooperation of two countries, and the role of the “Russian” community thereof. In the course of this research, the author applies the means and procedures of formal logic, specific-sociological approach, and interpretation tools of various sources. The main conclusion lies in the following thesis: if in political regard the community does not produce a decisive influence upon the actions of Israeli authorities, then in economic aspect, it unequivocally contributes to strengthening of economic ties between Israel and Russia. Russia’s initiatives on the development of different forms of economic, cultural and media cooperation can stimulate the expansion of influence of the Russian-speaking community.
foreign policy, migration processes, Aliyah, Russian language, Russian lobby, repatriates, Russian Street, Russian-speaking community, the State of Israel, intergovernmental cooperation