Theory and methodology of international relations
Katkov, A.D. (2019). State sovereignty: problem of its interpretation and historical evolution of the principle. International relations, 3, 1–14.
Despite various modern limiting processes, sovereignty remains the crucial and fundamental principle for the state and the entire international law system. However, the interpretation of sovereignty and prospects of its development are the topic of continuous debates in the academic circles. Therefore, this article examines the comprehension of the principle of sovereignty by academic community and its key peculiarities. The subject of this research is the historical development of the concept of sovereignty – the evolution of its understanding by historians through the course of time. From the methodological perspective, the article is based on cross-paradigmatic approach and is close to “integralism”, which encompasses the ideas of realism and liberalism, and suggests a comprehensive analysis of international relations (and discussion on the topic of sovereignty in particular), acknowledging their complex character overall. Special relevance the topic of state sovereignty gained in the late XX century, due to restructuring of the entire system of international relations as a result of dissolution of the Soviet Union. The author comes to the conclusion that sovereignty remains the paramount principle ensuring the existence of states, and despite the difference in approaches and representation on the future of sovereign, majority of the authors acknowledge the significance of the principle as such, underlining its fundamental character for the development of international relations.
international relations, historical development, supremacy of state, post-bipolarity, state, international law, independence, sovereignty, foreign policy, limitations of sovereignty
World politics
Chikhachev, A.Y., Shatravka, A.V. (2019). French policy on arms exports: Near East accent. International relations, 3, 15–27.
France is currently one of the leading players in the global arms market. Its MIC is capable of producing various types of military technology, while its order portfolio amounts to billions. The government plays a major role in this trade and treats arms sales as a valuable political vector. This article expands on the essence of French approach towards arms exports and explores its key principles and priorities. The work touches on such characteristic traits as regional sales structure. The work is structured on case-study methods, with utilization of comparative historical analysis. It starts with general positions relied upon by the French government in its arms exports policy, then their practical implementation on the example of Near East Arab countries (the region with the most of its MIC clients). The authors determined that French policy regarding arms exports is based on at least two theses: 10 arms exports is an additional source of revenue for the military industry of the country; 20 sales of military technology can help establish relations with other countries.
Saudi Arabia, Emmanuel Macron, defence industry, defence cooperation, strategic autonomy, foreign policy, arms trade, France, Qatar, Egypt
Russian foreign policy
Kuznetsova, V., Kargovskaia, E. (2019). Cooperation between Russia and Spain in the area of education during the 1990’s – early 2000’s: difficulties and ways to overcome them. International relations, 3, 28–37.
The object of this research is the bilateral Russia-Spain relations (1990’s – early 2000’s), while the subject is cooperation between the countries in the area of education. The authors attempt to examine and analyze the joint activity of Russian and Spanish government with regards to education policy during the 1990’s – early 2000’s. The goal of this study consists in determination of various advantages and disadvantages, as well as future prospects of such collaboration. Relevance of the topic is substantiated by the rapidly developing relations between the two countries, as well as the worldwide globalization in the area of education. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that although multiple publications cover the topic of Russia-Spain relations, the intergovernmental cooperation in the area of education has not yet become the subject of serious study. In conclusion, the author determines the various forms of international partnership of two countries in the area of education, their advantages, difficulties, and ways to overcome them.
double degree program, Russia, Spain, international relations, cooperation, politics, culture, education, Mobility Activity, Bologna Process
Regional configurations of international relations
Kovalev, A.A. (2019). Driving forces behind the changes in the Arctic and their impact upon regional security. International relations, 3, 38–50.
This scientific article explores the climatic, economic and political aspects of development of the Arctic region. Changes in the climate leading to active melting of the ice, as well as discovery of new seaway routes, presence of vast unexplored world reserves of oil and gas lead to increased commercial, human and state cooperation in the Polar North. With the increased activity and interests towards the region, emerge new security problems. Destabilizing factory can become the increased presence of the NATO bloc countries in the region. The methodology of this research includes general scientific, comparative, historical logical and specific politological methods (situational analysis, method of expert evaluation). This research allows determining the driving forces behind the changes in the Arctic and the problems met by the Arctic states. The author examines the current structure of governance in the Arctic, with accent on the dominating institutions in the region, as well as answer the question of how ready are these institutions to respond to security challenges in the region.
the continental shelf of the Arctic, northern sea route, Arctic coastal States, UN, NATO, Arctic, international relations, international security, security, Arctic Council
International conflicts
Makhmutova, M.I. (2019). Problem of the Israeli separation barrier in the Palestinian National Authority . International relations, 3, 51–65.
The subject of this research is the impact of the Israeli West Bank barrier upon the daily lives of Palestinians living in the West Bank of the Gaza Strip. The barrier that Israel began building in 2002, one the one hand strengthened the occupational policy and expropriation of Palestinian property, and on the other helped strengthen Israel’s security. In the everyday life, Palestinians faced not only the problem of crossing from Palestine into Israel, but also moving within the West Bank, which negatively affected the Palestinian economy. This work is based on the principles of analysis, synthesis, validity and objectiveness, while its methodological base consists of comparative analysis and systemic approach, underlined by examination of the object as a complex of interconnected elements. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the very positioning of the problem, in which the author attempts to describe the complexity of the bureaucratic system of Israel for Palestinians, who are forced to adapt to the “pass system”. The work also points out the problems faced by the inhabitants of the “restricted zones”, residing between the barrier and the “Green Line”. The author points out the consequences of the erection of the separation barrier, as well as the protests of Palestinians against the Israeli policy.
seam zone, green line, Intifada, Israeli Wall, Gaza Strip, West Bank, Israel, PNA, israeli occupation, israeli-palestinian conflict
Information warfare
Sebekin, S.A., Kostrov, A.V. (2019). China’s philosophy of war and cyberwarfare: traditional conceptual foundation for non-traditional operations. International relations, 3, 66–81.
This article is devoted to the research on applicability of the key principles of the traditional war philosophy of China, such as the tactic of disinformation-psychological effect upon the enemy, principle of benefit, “subdue the enemy without fighting”, “using the weak to defeat the strong”, “attacking weakness rather than strength”, doctrine of “people’s war” and “thirty-six stratagems” towards cyber operations and cyber conflicts. The authors also explore the fundamental ideas of traditional war philosophy used by modern war theoreticians of China in development of theory of cyber/information warfare. Specific examples of implementation of traditional concepts in cyberspace are presented. This topic is relevant and has practical importance, since study of conducting cyber operation in other countries, especially in China with a vast conceptual foundation, is necessary for development of own doctrine for conducting cyber/information operations. The main conclusion consists in the thesis that Chinese doctrine of cyber/information warfare is being actively developed based on the ancient philosophy of war intrinsic to Chinese culture. In one way or another, while searching for solutions to today’s problems, Chinese theory of cyber/information warfare looks for solutions in its historical military practice.
military-philosophical thought, cyberwar, philosophy, cyberspace, cyberattacks, cyberoperations, informatization, cybersecurity, The Art of War, stratagems