Modern foreign policy concepts and doctrine
Gevorgyan, A. (2018). Conceptual Picture of Turkey's Foreign Policy after the JDP Came to Power. International relations, 4, 1–7.
In his article Gevorgyan explains the meaning of the main foreign policy concepts applied by Turkish government after the Justice and Development Party came to power. The researcher analyzes the main doctrines that played the crucial role in the development of the foreign policy of Turkey as well as all new ideas of the implementation of foreign policy and the main concepts Turkish government bases its geopolitical targets on. Gevorgyan demonstrates the historical and political content of Ottoman heritage which became an important factor of domestic and foreign doctrinal evolution of Turkey. To analyze the aforesaid issues, the author has applied the following research methods: historical method, systems approach, problematic/chronological, coomparative analysis. Analysis of Turkey's foreign policy is possible only when there is a proper analysis of concepts that make the foundation of the policy. Recent fundamental changes in the global affairs including the Greater Middle East have activated Turkey's foreign policy and have created the need to study doctrinal bases of this policy. To predict further foreign 'practical' policy of Turkey, it is necessary to analyze associated foreign policy doctrines. Foreign policy processes that followed the JDP's coming to power as well as analysis of such concepts as 'strategical depth', 'central state', 'problem-free neighborhood', 'energy hub' demonstrate that active foreign policy of Turkey has a well-defined conceptual basis, thus foreign policy realities are generally based on the concepts that give another view of Turkey's foreign policy and were offered by the JDP.
strategic depth, Ahmet Davutoglu, multi-dimensional foreign policy, Greater Middle East, Turkey, center state, regional power, JDP, foreign policy concepts, Turkey’s foreign policy
History of international relations
TIAN, E. (2018). Relationships Between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Kazakhstan Based on the Example of Cooperation in the Field of Education. International relations, 4, 8–17.
The subject of the research is the cooperation between China and Kazakhstan in the field of education from the moment when diplomatic between these two countries have been established. The aim of the research is to provide a review and summarize the main aspects of the educational cooperation between China and Kazakhstan since 1992 till 2018. The author of the article describes the role and place of educational cooperation in the relationship between these two states and analyzes legal acts and regulations that have been issued in the field of education adn signed by both countries. The researcher also analyzes such aspects of their cooperation as the increase in the number of exchange students in China and Kazakhstan, acceleration of the education integration processes in regional organisations and the spread of their languages and culture. The researcher has applied the interdisciplinary approach (history, international relations, etc.) and methods and principles of historical research. This ensured the systemacity, validity and objectivity of research. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author of the research summarizes the facts of cooperation between China and Kazakhstan in the field of education for a 30-year period. This is an understudied theme of research despite the growing cooperation between the countries. As a result of the research, the author concludes that educational cooperation between these two countries have achieved significant benefits, however, there is still a number of problems faced by the countries in the process of their cooperation.
Kazakh language, Confucius Institute, education integration, Shanghai Cooperation Organization University, Kazakhstan, China, education, humanitarian cooperation, Sino-Kazakh relations, Chinese
History of international relations
Gbadebo, A. (2018). The influence of Afrocentrism on Nigeria's Foreign Policy:from Independence to the Present Day. International relations, 4, 18–28.
The foreign policy of Nigeria has indisputably proven some homogeneity with the concept of Afrocentrism. Facts have shown that the country’s foreign policy has been very consistent in considering Africa as a centerpiece in spite of successive administrations and the varied systems of government it has experienced. Outlines, principles and objective embedded in the policy from the time of the first Prime Minister Tafawa Balewa who ruled from 1960 when Nigeria gained independence from the British, to the present administration of President Muhammadu Buhari have remained, owing to the country’s faithfulness to contributing to Africa’s development. In this accord, Nigeria has clung to the strong holds of self-determination and self-government in matters that touch its relationship with other countries, both regional and sub-regional. Having adopted the policy of non-alignment, Nigeria has stood in resistance to the external influence while maintaining diplomatic relations with them and concentrated on the integration of African countries. At the period of the country’s shift from Afrocentrism as core to its foreign policy to the direction of “Citizen Diplomacy” then to investment and economic co-operation, Nigeria never lost focus on African unity, economic diplomacy and decolonization of neighboring states. The present article reveals the details of Nigerian foreign policy, its influence on the country itself and Africa as a whole.
Nigeria, Afrocentrism, centerpiece, Africa, diplomatic relations, contribution, peacekeeping, Nigeria's leadership, foreign policy, neighboring countries
Question at hand
Ezhov, V. (2018). The Question About the Development of Energy Diplomacy in the People's Republic of China (Since 1949 till Present). International relations, 4, 29–41.
In his article Ezhov analyzes the development of energy diplomacy of the People's Republic of China, and what causes the interest of the PRC in diversification of energy resource importers. The author describes current and perspective ways of interaction and implementation of energy cooperation between the PRC and different regions or states. The object of the research is the energy diplomacy of the PRC that ramparts the reinforcement of the political and economic interaction and extension of inter-state cooperation as part of contemporary international relations. The subject of the research is the evoluton of the energy diplomacy of the PRC, institutional development of their energy economy, the main objectives and targets of the PRC energy diplomacy. The methodological basis of the research implies the principle of historicism that allowed the author to define the important role played by the energy diplomacy for China. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author discovers new opportunities for the reinforcement of the communication regarding energy issues between the PRC and foreign states adn efficient implementation of the energy diplomacy of the PRC. The author describes the reasons of China and foreign state being interested in each other's energy resources. The author also describes the most beneficial importers of energy resources to China and defines areas of energy economy that will be most demanded in the country and important for the development of the energy sector of China itself. The author concludes that China will continue to pay much attention to their energy diplomacy and invest in the energy sector of foreign states as well as to promote the gas importer diversification policy.
Asia, Energy potential, Energy cooperation, Renewable sources, National security, Diversification, Energy diplomacy, China, Africa, Central Asia
Question at hand
Kulumbegova, L.T. (2018). Politico-Legal and Ethno-Social Grounds for the Development of Unrecognized States. International relations, 4, 42–48.
The object of the research is so-called unrecognized states as well as analysis of politico-legal and ethno-social causes of the development of unrecognized states under modern conditions. The conflict between the identity right and the territorial integrity right today determines politico-legal processes that result in the formation of unrecognized states. At the same time, the process of the formation of unrecognized states has acute internal problems that may arise between the central government and ethnic and other shared identities. The research is based on the analysis of the aforesaid processes from the point of view of humanitarian values and applying the principles of scientificity, objectivity and historicism. In the course of the research the author has used methods of historical and political resaerch, in particular, monographic, descriptive and comparative historical methods. The main conclusion of the research is that the primary factor that forms an unrecognized state is the development of secessionism processes. Practically all secessionism movement may result in the development of an unrecognized state because the emergence of a secessionism movement automatically means segregation of a part of the state and population.
identity, self-proclaimed state, ethnic revival, territorial integrity, irredentism, self-determination, separatism, secessionism, Unrecognized state, ethnos
History of international relations
Al-Akwa'a, A.A. (2018). The Main Areas of Cooperation Between the Yemen Republic and the Russian Federation. International relations, 4, 49–59.
The subject of the research is the relations between Russia and Yemen and foreign policy of Russia towards Yemen. The researcher touches upon such aspects of the Russian-Yemeni relations as bilateral political and economic relations, development of the legal basis of modern Russian-Yemeni relations and the role of Yemen in Russia's Near East policy as well as the attitude of Russia to the Yemeni crisis. Al-Akvaa analyzes the attitude of the Russian Federation to the Yemeni crisis, in particular, Russia's policy that supports the neutrality and readiness to cooperate with all parts of the conflict which makes Russia a possible intermediate that may help solve the conflict. In the course of the research the author has used a set of numbers including analysis of researches and publications, descriptive narrative and comparative historical methods. The novelty of the reseasrch is caused by the fact that the author analyzes the history of the relationships between Russia and Yemen at this stage as part of both overall Russia's Near East Policy and bilateral political and economic relations. The researcher focuses on the development of relations between Russia and Yemen after the collapse of the USSR including the relations that rae based on the historical Soviet-Yemeni relations. The author also offers to discuss the opportunity of Russia's participation as an intermediate in the management of the Yemeni conflict.
Soviet Union, Near East, Yemeni crisis, Russian Federation, foreign policy, Yemen, Arab countries, Arabian Peninsula, bilateral relations, conflict
History of international relations
Trifonova, E.D. (2018). The Role of E. Primakov in Russia's External Policy Through the Eyes of French Researchers. International relations, 4, 60–65.
The subject of the research is the role of E. Primakov in Russia's external policy as viewed by French researchers. Trifonova analyzes Frency researchers' evaluations of E. Primakov's activity in late 90s and his influence on Russia's foreign policy in general. She focuses on monographs devoted to the newest period of Russia's history as well as researches of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation in late 1990s - early 2000s. The main research methods include historical, narrative, and comparative methods of historical research. The rationale of the research is caused by the fact that for the first time in the academic literature the author analyzes the views of French researchers on the foreign policy of the Russian Federation of late 1990s. Primakov is a famous scientist and politician who held different state positions, headed the Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service and being assigned for the position of the ministry of foreign affairs managed to fundamentally change the direction of external policy of Russia in early 1990s. E. Primakov managed to spin around the focus of Russia's foreign policy towards the East and post-Soviet countries. That was noted by French researchers, most of them believed E. Primakov to be one of the main makers of contemporary Russia's foreign policy. The main conclusion of the research is that E. Primakov's activity made a significant influence on Russia's foreign policy of late 1990s and development of this policy in recent years.
former Soviet republics, CIS, multipolarity, Russian Federation, French researchers, foreign policy, Middle East, NATO, ASEAN, West
Question at hand
Zhao, J. (2018). China-and-Russia Cooperation Within the United Nations at the Present Stage. International relations, 4, 66–72.
The subect of the research is the cooperation between the Peoples' Republic of China and Russian Federation within the United Nations as the parties of the bilateral relations that gained a complex and multilateral nature in the XXIst century from their economic cooperation to the support of individual political initiatives offered at international forumas. The author of the article examines contemporary issues of the matter and analyzes the relationship between these two states in regard to the political events that have been taking place in the Ukraine. The researcher focuses on the areas of common national interest of Russia and China within the framework of universal international organisation, the United Nations, and provides a detailed description thereof. At the end of the article the author concludes that the China-and-Russia relations are getting deeper and diverse and despite contradictions and disagreements, the parties follow their contractual and partnership obligations.
Relationship between China and Russia, International organization, Reform of the UN, Security Council, UN, Russia, China, Interralation, International terrorism, Security
International conflicts
Claure Quiroga, M. (2018). The Territorial Dispute Between Bolivia and Chile. International relations, 4, 73–81.
The article is devoted to the development of the Bolivian-Chilian territorial conflict. The subject of the research is the Bolivian-Chilian relations providing that Bolivia does not have access to the sea. The aim mof the research is to analyze the history of the problem, how it evolved and current state as well as to evaluate possible variants of the further solution of the matter and Bolivia gaining access to the sea. To achieve the research aim, the researcher has analyzed the regulatory basis of the Bolivian-Chilian relations considering the Bolivia has all rights to claim coastal areas. The research methodology includes methods of historical research, in particular, to analyze the evolution of the conflict, the author has applied the historical genetic method which has allowed to analyze the problem from the point of its origin till presence. Moreover, to accumulate and systematize empirical data, the author has applied the method of case analysis. In conclusion, the author states that long history of the problem makes it more difficult to find the solution, however, Bolivia has alternative solutions of gaining access to the sea and Bolivian government should consider these alternatives in case there aren't better resolutions of the Bolivian-Chilian dispute.
landlocked, international court, port, conflict, coast area, Chile, Bolivia, Pacific Ocean, Hague, diplomatic relations
International conflicts
Rastoltsev, S.V. (2018). Three Myths about 'Frozen Conflicts' in Post-Soviet Europe: Critical Analysis. International relations, 4, 82–94.
The object of the study is unresolved and intractable conflicts in the post-Soviet space in Europe. The subject is the stereotypical views that have emerged in the scientific literature and analytics during the study of these conflicts. First of all, from a critical point of view, the term “frozen” conflicts is analyzed, which is applied to unresolved conflicts, mainly in the post-Soviet space. In modern studies of frozen conflict, as a rule, not enough attention is paid to the terminology and the ratio of different levels of settlement, while the role of certain factors is often exaggerated. The methodology of this article is based on the principles of analysis and synthesis, historicism, comparison, objectivity and system, with which the author identifies the stereotypes that exist around the notion of “frozen” conflicts and revises them. A number of persistent myths that are associated with this term are being questioned: the very definition of conflicts of this kind as “frozen”, the crucial role in resolving a conflict of one of the levels - internal or external, as well as the idea of separatist regions as non-viable and insolvent quasi-state entities. More balanced and reasonable alternatives are offered to existing stereotypical approaches to the study of such conflicts. As a result, it is concluded that the revision of existing ideas about intractable conflicts can provide a more adequate assessment of the current situation and prospects for their resolution.
Transnistrian conflict, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, de facto states, protracted conflicts, frozen conflicts, conflict resolution, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, post-Soviet space, European security
Question at hand
Degterev, D.A., Butorov, A.S. (2018). International Status of Post-Soviet Countries: Traditional and Relational Approaches to Hierarchy Assessment. International relations, 4, 95–103.
This article is devoted to the analysis of the status of countries of the post-Soviet space in the system of international relations, studied in the framework of the traditional approach (in the context of the neorealist paradigm of the TMO) and relational (in the context of the constructivist paradigm). The article has applied the quantitative methods of analysis of the international potential of the post-Soviet countries, developed in the framework of the information-analytical system "Eurasia Index". These techniques allowed the operationalization of the main approaches to the assessment of international status and make a comparative analysis between the two approaches. For the traditional assessment of the aggregate potential of the countries of the post-Soviet space, the additive composite index of the national potential of D. Singer (the project "Correlators of War") and the Global Firepower Index are used. Within the framework of the relational approach, a network of embassies of foreign countries accredited in the countries of the former Soviet Union is analyzed, as well as a network of embassies of the countries of the former Soviet Union abroad. The findings allow to clarify the existing ideas about the international hierarchy that has developed in the framework of the post-Soviet subsystem of international relations. Of particular interest is the analysis of the dynamics, as well as the identification of discrepancies between the two methods of calculation, traditional (resource-based) and relational that is based on the international recognition of the country and the network of its diplomatic missions.
relational approach, national power, constructivism, quantitative analysis, international status, CIS, Post-Soviet space, network analysis, hierarchy, Eurasia Index
International economy relations
Pinskaya, M.R., Artem'ev, A.A. (2018). Drawbacks of Indirect Taxation System in the Eurasian Econmic Union and Ways of their Elimination. International relations, 4, 104–111.
The subject of the research is indirect taxation in the EAEU. The article is devoted to the issues of improving the mechanism of indirect taxation of cross-border transactions between individuals registered in different EAEU member countries. The purpose of the article is to identify deficiencies in VAT and excise taxation in the Eurasian space, in particular, when carrying out operations through duty-free shops, and to develop recommendations for their elimination. The authors have identified tax consequences for foreign goods when they are placed under the customs procedure of duty-free trade. The methodology of the research is based on a systematic approach, which allows to identify the problems of indirect taxation of foreign trade in the EAEU when conducting transactions with foreign goods in the application of the customs procedure of duty-free trade. The study is designed to fill the existing gaps between theoretical ideas about the principle of neutrality of indirect taxation and practical analysis of the real state of the problem by comparing taxation conditions for goods produced within the EAEU and foreign goods. The necessity of establishing a zero rate of VAT on operations for the sale of goods through duty-free shops has been substantiated. Recommendations of the authors can be offered to the Eurasian Economic Commission for the implementation of the results obtained in the practice of indirect taxation to increase the competitiveness of goods created in the territory of the Eurasian economic space, compared with goods produced in the territory of other non-EAEU states.
principle of neutrality, excises, VAT, indirect taxation, harmonization, foreign trade, Eurasian Economic Union, principle of country of destination, duty-free shop, customs procedure
Question at hand
Dolgov, K.D. (2018). East African Community. Successes and Failures of Regional Integration. International relations, 4, 112–123.
The subject of research in this article is the East African Community (EAC). To date, the Community is represented by six countries: Burundi, Rwanda, South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania. The focus of the article is on determining the trend of both economic and political integration after the countries gained state sovereignty. Also, emphasis was placed on the intensity of this tendency manifestation at different stages of the evolution of the commonwealth and the prospect of achieving the political unity of these countries within the borders of a federal state. Based on the principle of historicism and using the method of historical reconstruction, the author identifies the main determinants of integration processes in East Africa. The author also identifies factors hindering the formation of a federation and the formation of a new subject of international law in this region. The application of this method allowed to make a valid conclusion that the formation of a sovereign federal state based on the existing regional economic alliance (EAC) will be hampered, first of all, by the currently manifested and potential tribal and religious conflicts in East African countries. Also, the formation of a federal state is hampered by sociocultural, primarily linguistic heterogeneity and insatiable ambitions of the heads of state and political elites.
Federal state, South Sudan, Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, East African Community, Africa, Economic integration
World politics
Shlyundt, N.Y., Nefedov, S.A. (2018). Differentiation of Goals as the Factor of Accurate Assessment of Economic Sanction Political Efficiency . International relations, 4, 124–129.
This article examines the effectiveness of economic sanctions that are being applied today by states and their associations to realize a wide range of objectives. The authors, expanding the boundaries of the functional purpose of sanctions, propose the concept of differentiating goals, which, in their opinion, simplifies the assessment of the political effectiveness of this instrument of international influence. The authors distinguish between real and declared objectives of sanctions, substantiate the role of sanctions as a means of solving their own internal political tasks and communication tools within the international system, anticipating their results with a brief overview and characterization of stages in the studies of the effectiveness of sanctions. Solving the tasks, the authors turn to the content analysis of specialized scientific literature on relevant topics, classification method, highlighting historical periods and functional properties of economic sanctions, as well as to study specific situations that support the assumptions. The authors come to the conclusion that with the help of sanctions, states can pursue not only the goal to change the behavior of another state against which they are actually directed, but also other goals, often hidden behind official statements. Such goals may include elimination of domestic political problems and the transfer of signals to other participants of the international system, acting in a particular sanction case by a third party. They emphasize that the sanctions can serve the purposes connected both directly with the sanction and with the actual authorizing state, as well as with the goals concerning the international system as a whole, thereby marking new directions for research in the context of modern political science.
domestic politics dimension of sanctions, sanction goals, international system, political efficacy of sanctions, economic sanctions, foreign policy tools, world politics, international influence, international communications, differentiation of sanction goals
International institutions and the UN crisis
Wu, R. (2018). Participation of the Peoples' Republic of China and Russian Federation in Resolving the Global Management Issues as Part of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. International relations, 4, 130–137.
The article is devoted to topical international issues regarding the reform of the system of global governance, in the solution of which the work of international organizations and leading states of the world is involved. Speaking as influential players of modern international relations, China and Russia are striving to be active in resolving the pressing problems of our time through participation in the processes of multilateral diplomacy. The article will consider the approaches of state diplomacy within the framework of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank in addressing the financial and economic aspects of global governance. Analytical and systematic approaches were used as a methodological basis. Such a methodology allowed the most reasonably and objectively review and analyze the problems of the article, namely, the reasons for the intensification of foreign policy of states in matters of global governance and the immediate results of China and Russia on the problem of reforming world financial institutions. The author comes to the conclusion that the activities of China and Russia in the framework of reforming the global governance system, despite their protracted nature, remain one of the most important mechanisms for improving the global financial system, as well as bilateral interaction on a global scale, once again demonstrating the high degree of influence of states on the international the arena, as well as the strengthening positions of the developing world.
developing countries, global financial crisis, cooperation, Russia, China, global governance, World Bank, IMF, reform of the international institutions, alternative institutions
International economy relations
Nikolaeva, K.D. (2018). Development Problems of the Russian-Indian Energy Dialogue. International relations, 4, 138–147.
The article considers the process of forming Russian-Indian relations in the energy sphere, the development of the Russian-Indian energy dialogue is analyzed from the point of view of geopolitical and external economic issues. The object of the study is a set of Russian-Indian economic relations in the context of the implementation of the Energy Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030. The subject of the research is the general and particular problems of the development of the Russian-Indian energy dialogue. We consider the strengths and weaknesses of the Russian-Indian cooperation in the field of energy. The study is based on the dialectical method of scientific knowledge, involving the consideration of economic relations in their relationship and development. A systematic approach was applied, implying a comprehensive study of economic relations, and methods of comparative analysis were also required. The main directions of development of the Russian-Indian energy dialogue are systematized, special attention is paid to joint projects in the field of nuclear energy. The main problems of Russian-Indian cooperation in the energy sector are identified and summarized. It was concluded that, for both countries, the development of joint energy activities can contribute to the resolution of many problems of economic development.
Russian-Indian relations, Eurasian partnership, international problems, energy dialogue, international relations, energy strategy of Russia, nuclear energy, energy policy, foreign economic activity, energy security