Yanik A.A..
Problems of assessment of social and economic impacts from space technologies development (European experience)
// Space Research.
2019. № 2.
P. 9-19.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8817.2019.2.32140 URL:
This papers analyses problems related to monitoring and evaluating social and economic impacts arising from the development of space economy, especially space technologies. Using the best practices of the European Space Agency, various approaches to creating evaluation systems are considered. Special attention is paid to the Copernicus Program, mainly to the ways of identifying, measuring, and assessing the benefits for the economy and society resulting from its implementation. This research systematizes the main types of benefits that can be monitored. The author shows that interdisciplinary approaches are essential for solving theoretical and practical problems related to obtaining reliable data for decision makers in space technologies investments. Moreover, the formation of analytical skills in identifying social impacts is necessary for experts who realize the assessment procedures.
Economic Impact, Social Impact, Regulatory Impact Assessment, Impact Assessment, Impact Measurement, Investments, Space Economy, Space Policy, Copernicus Programme, European Space Agency
Kolczynski P..
The new European Union space policy in order to maintain Europe’s position among space leaders
// Space Research.
2019. № 2.
P. 20-31.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8817.2019.2.32162 URL:
This paper analyzes the current EU space strategy and confronts it with existing global challenges in the space sector. The ultimate aim of this research is to recommend a well-adjusted space policy for the European Commission to ensure effective and sustainable exploration and use of outer space for the benefit of all EU member-states. In order to draft the most efficient space policy, the uniqueness of Europe’s space sector is studied. This paper argues that the EU space policy has to focus on guaranteeing European autonomy in access and use of outer space. The author extensively analyzes the challenges and opportunities related to dynamic development of private space sector’s activities. Emphasis is made on the significance of symbiotic cooperation between the public institutions and private companies regarding mutual benefits. The paper concludes that it is the right time for the European Union to build a bold and prospective space policy.
Space Economy, European Union, European Space Agency, European Autonomy, Space Law, European Space Policy, Outer Space, European Commission, European Space Strategy, Space Governance
Yanik A.A..
National Space Council: Historical Aspects of the Implementation of the Mechanism of Coordination of Interests in the Development of the U.S. Space Policy
// Space Research.
2018. № 2.
P. 1-33.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8817.2018.2.28564 URL:
The subject of the study is more than half a century history of the formation and development of the U. S. National Space Council, as an element of the space policy development system, that designed to harmonize the positions and interests of various stakeholders. Particular attention is paid to aspects that demonstrate the complexity of the introduction of these mechanisms into the governing practice of the space sector of the U.S. economy. Although the process is not yet completed (regarding compliance with the current state of affairs to the target model) the analysis of American experience allows identifying useful public management practices in the very competitive area of the global economy. The work was carried out with the using a comparative analysis of the legal acts and documentary sources.
Coordination of Interests, Space Law, Space Policy, Space Economy, Space Activity, Economic History, USA, National Space Council, Space Strategy, Management
Yanik A.A..
Space programs and the problems of estimating societal impact of the Big Science projects
// Space Research.
2017. № 3.
P. 216-227.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8817.2017.3.68660 URL:
The research subject is the activities of innovatively developed countries in the development of theoretical models, metrics and mechanisms helping to estimate societal impact of large-scale research projects (Big Science) as, consequently, manage the current and long-term impact of the development of science and innovations on socio-economic progress. Special attention is given to the need to estimate societal impact of expensive space programs. The purpose of the research is to determine the experience that could be used in Russia and to elaborate recommendations for its using. To solve the research tasks, the author uses general theoretical and empirical methods and interdisciplinary approaches. Though the positive impact of the Big Science projects on social development seems obvious, the newest scientific works don’t provide any evidence based proofs of this thesis. In the context of increased public attention to the quality of national resources management, it becomes extremely important to develop scientific instruments helping analyze the presence of interdependence between the increase of expenditures for large scale scientific projects and the growth of innovativeness of changes. In the Russian Federation, this sphere is at the initial stage of formation. It seems reasonable to activate such projects within the Scientific and Technological Development Strategy of the Russian Federation for 2017 – 2019.
Societal Value, Social impact, Societal impact, NASA, Large-scale research, Big Science project, Space Program, Space, Assessment Methods, Science Policy
Pind'yak P..
Strengthening the EU's positions in space: on the adoption of the Space Security Concept
// Space Research.
2017. № 1.
P. 28-35.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8817.2017.1.68558 URL:
The recently unveiled EU Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy presents bold and ambitious plans in several increasingly important domains for Europe, including outer space. The EU has committed itself to securing an autonomous access to space, providing security for its space-based assets, and promoting the adoption of a voluntary code of conduct in space. With the evolving dynamics in astropolitics, space security has become an ever more important aspect of space activities. Clearly, the EU has a vested interest in space security, whereas space-enabled services form an important part of European economy and contribute to the effective implementation of its energy policy, migration, border control as well as domestic and international crisis management. Since the EU is currently in the process of drafting a European Space Strategy, it should seize the opportunity to take stock of its existing space programs and lay out a promising way forward. The research subject is the recommendations for the European Space Strategy projects based on the assessment of the existing space programs and the prospects of their modernization. The author applies the general logical methods and comparative analysis (comparative-legal and comparative-historical). The author also uses the methods of the general system theory, risk assessment and management, and prognostication of safety of space infrastructure objects. Besides reinforcing the existing Copernicus and Galileo programs and further developing the Governmental Satellite Communications (GOVSATCOM) project, the EU should make a significant investment in space security, particularly through boosting its Space Surveillance and Tracking (SST) capabilities and actively working on the international fora to promote a responsible behavior in outer space that could be eventually transformed into a voluntary international code of conduct. Through a comprehensive space policy and by reinforcing its autonomy in outer space, the EU will not only strengthen its foreign and security policy, but also reconfirm its relevant role in global affairs.
Space Surveillance, Copernicus, Governmental Satellite Communications, Galileo, Space Strategy, Space Security, Security Policy, Space Tracking, International code of conduct, European Union
Yanik A.A..
Innovations in management of space technologies development in the United States: analysis of the NASA experience
// Space Research.
2016. № 1.
P. 22-35.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8817.2016.1.20315 URL:
The object of this research is the methods of state management over the development of science and innovations in the area of space exploration. The subject of this research is NASA’s experience in development and refinement of priorities of the scientific-technological development in the conditions of the rapidly changing world. In addition to assessment of the more significant changes in the institutional legal bases of NASA’s function as a whole and the space industry in particular, a special attention is given to the analysis of the technological roadmaps of NASA (implemented in 2010) and the results of the 2016 arrangement of technologies based on their level and priority. The author notes that the modern national innovative system of the United States has an advanced network structure, which allows it to potentially realize a full innovative cycle, ranging from scientific research to formation of the corresponding market. The elements of this system are in a state of constant development and improvement with consideration of the realities of the rapidly changing world. A conclusion is made on the progress of the scientific capacity of the state policy of the United States in the area of development of space technologies. The NASA experience demonstrates the efficiency of the flexible decentralized solutions for management of technological development in the context of new challenges.
NASA, USA, Technology Priorities, Technology Roadmaps, Space Technologies, Science Policy, Space Policy, Innovations, Disruptive Technology, Space Studies