Ostrovskii N.V..
Refining of the Jupiter orbital elements by using a physical model of orbital motion
// Space Research.
2020. ¹ 1.
P. 1-9.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8817.2020.1.32895 URL:
The object of this research are orbital elements of Jupiter (length of the semimajor axis of the orbit, eccentricity, orbital period, longitude of the ascending node and argument of perihelion) and dynamics of its movement. Special attention is paid to comparison of the ephemeris of Jupiter provided by various institutions and analysis of their compliance with the laws of Kepler's motion. The relevance of this topic is substantiated by the ever-expanding scale of space exploration, which requires high accuracy in calculating the celestial bodies ephemeris. For solution of the indicated proble, the author applies the method of physical modeling based on Kepler's laws, which provides for the sequential calculation of the parameters of motion (speed and length of the radius vector) of a celestial body. The conducted research demonstrates that the known orbital elements of Jupiter, as well as the orbital elements calculated from its available ephemeris, do not accurately describe its orbital motion. Based on the calculations performed, the author offers updated values of the large semi-axis of the orbit (778080000 km) and the eccentricity (0.04901).
sidereal period of revolution, eccentricity, large semi-axis, Kepler's motion, model of orbital motion, ephemeris, orbital elements, Jupiter, animalistic period of revolution, argument of perihelion
Steganov G.B., Kargu D.L., Malenin E.N., Yanguzov A.V..
A method for estimating the thermal regime of solar panels when performing angular turns of the Earth observation satellite
// Space Research.
2019. ¹ 2.
P. 1-8.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8817.2019.2.31434 URL:
The results of modeling the thermal operation of solar panels (PSB) of the Earth observation satellite (EOS) when moving in a circular orbit are presented. Modeling of the thermal regime is carried out for two groups of photovoltaic converters (FEP). FEPs are conventionally divided into groups, depending on the strength of the influence of different heat fluxes characteristic of the movement of the satellite in a circular orbit. Analytical expressions for the heat balance equation of the PSBs and the results of numerical calculations at the end of the active life (SAC) are given. In this work, methods of deduction, induction, analysis, modeling, formalization, experiment, as well as statistical method, system and structural-functional method were used. The presented model for calculating the temperature of the solar panel of the Earth observation satellite is a set of mathematical expressions that allow calculating temperature of any FEP within a particular solar panel and make adjustments to the plan of exploitation.
the ratio of reradiation of solar cells, heat flow, photoelectric converter, earth remote sensing spacecraft, heat balance, solar panel, thermal model, output power, heat-exchange, the temperature of the solar cells
Tao Yu., Myuller Ya..
A novel method for surface exploration: Super-resolution restoration of Mars repeat-pass orbital imagery
// Space Research.
2017. ¹ 2.
P. 65-84.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8817.2017.2.68651 URL:
Higher resolution imaging data of planetary surfaces is considered desirable by the international community of planetary scientists interested in improving understanding of surface formation processes. However, given various physical constraints from the imaging instruments through to limited bandwidth of transmission one needs to trade-off spatial resolution against bandwidth. Even given optical communications, future imaging systems are unlikely to be able to resolve features smaller than 25 cm on most planetary bodies, such as Mars. In this paper, we propose a novel super-resolution restoration technique, called Gotcha-PDE-TV (GPT), taking advantage of the non-redundant sub-pixel information contained in multiple raw orbital images in order to restore higher resolution imagery. We demonstrate optimality of this technique in planetary image super-resolution restoration with example processing of 8 repeat-pass 25 cm HiRISE images covering the MER-A Spirit rover traverse in Gusev crater to resolve a 5 cm resolution of the area. We assess the “true” resolution of the 5 cm super-resolution restored images using contemporaneous rover Navcam imagery on the surface and an inter-comparison of landmarks in the two sets of imagery.
Planetology, Gusev crater, Space Science, Rover, Super-resolution, HiRISE, Repeat-pass, Orbital images, Mars, Planetary Surface