Space Policy
Yanik, A.A. (2018). National Space Council: Historical Aspects of the Implementation of the Mechanism of Coordination of Interests in the Development of the U.S. Space Policy. Space Research, 2, 1–33.
The subject of the study is more than half a century history of the formation and development of the U. S. National Space Council, as an element of the space policy development system, that designed to harmonize the positions and interests of various stakeholders. Particular attention is paid to aspects that demonstrate the complexity of the introduction of these mechanisms into the governing practice of the space sector of the U.S. economy. Although the process is not yet completed (regarding compliance with the current state of affairs to the target model) the analysis of American experience allows identifying useful public management practices in the very competitive area of the global economy. The work was carried out with the using a comparative analysis of the legal acts and documentary sources.
Coordination of Interests, Space Law, Space Policy, Space Economy, Space Activity, Economic History, USA, National Space Council, Space Strategy, Management
Space Economics and Business
Payson, D. (2018). On a Comparative Analysis of the Space Market Structural Models. Space Research, 2, 34–52.
The international space market and associated value chain are considered. We consider the generally accepted approaches promoted by the Satellite Industry Association to analyzing the structure and quantitative parameters of the space products and services market based on the gross turnover approach as well as government funding specifics. The approach suggested by G.Graziola of Bergamo University is analyzed that is based on the space industry/space economy dichotomy. The market structure is interpreted based in the Russia national standardization and experience. The prerequisites for the formation of a substantially different market structure are considered, based on the idea of the added values calculation along the value chain.
downstream, upstream, gross turnover, added value, value chain, space economy, space services, space industry, international space market, public good
Space Economics and Business
Kosenkov, I.A., Komissarov, V.K. (2018). New Space Markets: A Blue Ocean of the Final Frontier?. Space Research, 2, 53–143.
The current state and prospects for the development of new markets for space-based products and services related to material production outside the Earth's atmosphere are considered. The analysis of the main factors that led to the growth of interest in the "material" space markets after the period of development of their information segments was carried out. A brief overview of the current state of affairs with venture financing of projects in the field of extraterrestrial resource extraction and utilization, orbital services and space production is provided. The need to address the regulatory legal issues of the use of extraterrestrial resources in the context of the international status of the “common heritage of mankind” is emphasized. The conclusion is made about the ecosystem nature of the extraterrestrial resources’ utilization projects. The methods of segmental analysis of integrated markets for goods and services are implemented taking into account the economic and legal factors causing their future development.
Additive technologies, Space manufacturing, Orbital servicing, Space resources’ utilization, New space markets, Space exploration, Space activities, Space debris, Common heritage, Venture investment
Space Law
Popova, S.M. (2018). "Hague Model" of Space Resource Activities Regulation and Prospects for the Transformation of International space law. Space Research, 2, 144–174.
The article analyzes the key approaches to the model of space resource activities regulations proposed by the Hague Space Resources Governance Working Group in view to encouraging States to engage in negotiations for an international agreement or non-legally binding instrument. Particular attention is paid to the instrumental, political and legal nature of the document under analysis, which is designed to stimulate the pace of international law-making and to create legal certainty for potential participants in the space resource activities within a reasonable period.
Space product, Space object, Space resources utilisation, Space policy, Space law, Space economy, Adaptive governing, Space resources, International responsibility, Harmful impacts
Space Law
Popova, R., Schaus, V. (2018). The Legal Framework for Space Debris Remediation as a Tool for Sustainability in Outer Space. Space Research, 2, 175–224.
The growth of orbital space debris is both a consequence of and a potential hindrance to space activities. The risks posed by space debris propagation in the most used orbital regions highlight the need to adequately address the challenges posed to the sustainability in outer space. The preservation of the access to and usability of outer space in the long-term requires that action is taken which has to be the result of both mitigation and remediation measures for existing and future space missions. As the enforcement of such technical measures will depend on adequate regulation, they need to be approached also from a legal perspective. The deficiencies in law for space debris remediation mechanisms originate from the fact that although technical concepts have been developed, the legal framework for space activities does not impose any legal obligations for debris removal and on-orbit servicing. Nevertheless, an overview of the relevant legal framework shows that there is a legal basis for the protection of the outer space environment which can, as has already been the case with space debris mitigation guidelines, be substantiated in more concrete terms by the formulation of voluntary, non-binding instruments and included in national legislation.
Reference models, Orbital propagation, Environmental protection, Space law, Sustainability, Remediation, Space debris, Space debris mitigation, Guidelines, Active debris removal