Historical memory
Vinokurov, A.D. (2025). Genealogical legends about Tyuluyen-oyuun of the Bordons Yakuts of the Nyurbinsky district as a historical and ethnographic source. History magazine - researches, 1, 1–10. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2025.1.72818
The subject of the research is the study of genealogical legends about Tyuluyen-oyuun as a historical and ethnographic source about the Bordons Yakuts. The purpose of the research is a comprehensive study of genealogical traditions as a historical and ethnographic source by analyzing and verifying historical and ethnographic information with archival documents. To achieve the goal, the following tasks are set: 1) to trace the historiographical experience of accumulation and study of Yakut historical traditions; 2) to reveal the reliability of historical and ethnographic information of traditions by checking with archival documents; 3) consider the specifics of compiling, storing, and transmitting written versions of pedigrees. The folklore material collected by N.T. Stepanov occupies a central place in the research. The source base of the study is represented by published (collections of archival documents on the early history of Yakutia) and unpublished documents (revision tales, 1917 census materials, separate statements, etc.). The chronological scope of the study is limited to the period from 1632 to 1768. The research methods are based on general scientific (dialectics, comparison, system-structural) and historical methods (historicism, historical-genetic, source analysis). The novelty of the research lies in the fact that, based on the involvement of a wide range of sources and folklore materials, an attempt has been made to historically and ethnographically study Yakut genealogies using the example of the Bordons. Based on the results of the work, it was concluded that further research is necessary due to the presence of a large number of unpublished documents. The research materials can be used in the process of teaching historical subjects, developing textbooks, conducting individual and generalizing research on the history of Yakutia.
review of documents, administrative and territorial structure, nasleg, yakuts, bordons, malzhegars, Nyurbinsky ulus, Yakutia, ancestral composition, genealogy
Comparative history research
Kuznetsova, N.Y. (2025). Statistical accounting of religious groups: some data on the history of Old Believer statistics in the Olonets and Arkhangelsk provinces. History magazine - researches, 1, 11–20. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2025.1.72628
The article examines the features of the statistics of accounting for religious groups in the Russian Empire on the example of the Old Believer community in the Olonets and Arkhangelsk provinces in the XIX century. A brief digression is made into the history of the formation of statistics in Russia within the framework of the XIX century. This allows you to see on what data the registration of believers took place, as well as who and how it was conducted. Within the framework of the study, special cases of statistical accounting of Old Believers in the Olonets and Arkhangelsk provinces are considered, demonstrating the difficulties encountered in this matter. In particular, statistical tables are provided for a number of counties, which show discrepancies in the data. Such discrepancies became possible due to the difference in approaches to accounting for Old Believers among officials, the police and the clergy. The research is based on the analysis of archival data from the National Archive of the Republic of Karelia and the State Archive of the Arkhangelsk region. Materials from the funds of the provincial statistical committees are compared and compared. The author comes to the conclusion that despite all the standardization of state statistics and the importance of the issue of accounting for religious groups of the population, the statistics of the Old Believers in the northern provinces had a number of difficulties. They concerned both the field accounting itself and the data consolidation into single tables. In particular, the question of who more accurately counted representatives of other religious groups that do not belong to official Orthodoxy remained open. The statistical tables provide data from both the police and the priests of local parishes. They are often very different. Another point that the author comes to in the study is the importance of comparing data over several years and the moment they are reflected in statistics. The research was carried out at the expense of a grant from the Russian Science Foundation No. 23-28-10260, https://rscf.ru/project/23-28-10260 / conducted jointly with the Republic of Karelia with financing from the Venture Capital Investment Fund of the Republic of Karelia (FVI RK).
government statist, Old Believers, religious groups, northern frontier, Arkhangelsk province, Olonetsk province, European North, Old Believers statistics, old belief, Russian Empire