Regions of the world in the global historical process
Evloeva, R.D. (2024). The reaction of London newspapers to the proclamation of the Monroe doctrine. History magazine - researches, 5, 1–7.
The presented article analyzes the reaction of the British press to the proclamation of the Monroe Doctrine by the American president in 1823. The reaction of leading London periodicals such as The Examiner, The Monthly Magazine, The London Magazine and The Morning Post is considered. The author describes in detail the diversity of opinions: from support for Republican ideals and their contrast with the monarchical aspects of the policy of the Holy Alliance to expressing concerns about the negative impact of the doctrine on Britain's trade and economic interests in Latin America. The author concludes that the London newspapers have a balanced, albeit emotional assessment of the influence of the Monroe Doctrine on international relations and the specific interests of Great Britain. The article focuses on the period of the 1820s and the British reaction to American foreign policy activity, neglecting to consider the British position in the context of the War of Independence of the Spanish colonies of 1808-1819. In the study of newspaper materials by domestic and foreign scientists, general philosophical (deduction and induction, systematic approach, synergetic approach, etc.), general scientific (observation, comparative method, etc.) and private scientific methods specific to a particular field of knowledge. The Monroe Doctrine provides a rare example of a 200-year-old speech that remains the subject of regular references when discussing the current international political agenda to this day. The article examines the reaction to the Monroe Doctrine, which is one of the fundamental documents of American public policy, which became one of the first steps for the formation of American strategic culture in its current state. The relevance of the article is based on the need for a comprehensive study of the reports of the leading London press to identify their impact on international relations and the specific interests of the United Kingdom. Despite the fact that the Monroe Doctrine has been around for two hundred years, it does not lose its relevance in relation to Latin American states with the United States, and, more importantly, in relation to the United States, with other actors in world politics.
Anglo-American contradictions, State sovereignty, Legitimacy, Anglo-American relations, UK Foreign Policy, International relations, London newspapers, British Press, U.S. Foreign Policy, Monroe Doctrine
Sinin, E.I. (2024). “Party principles” in the views of Grigory Evseevich Zinoviev. History magazine - researches, 5, 8–22.
The subject of the article is the views of one of the founders of the Soviet state and the Bolshevik party, G. E. Zinoviev (1883-1936), on the essence and functions of the communist party. This topic is analyzed through the prism of the political biography of the hero, which determined the emphasis placed on the following three points: 1) understanding of the Communist Party, 2) the place of the Party in the Soviet political system, 3) the boundaries of intra-party pluralism. The sources for the analysis are the texts of books, speeches, articles, drafts, brochures and statements of G. E. Zinoviev. In addition to the specified range of sources, the presented work is based on the existing historiography about G. E. Zinoviev (the works of Yu. N. Zhukov, S. S. Voitikov, V. N. Samokhodkin, E. D. Fliginskaya and other researchers). In his work, the author used a materialistic concept (in particular, historical determinism), as well as historical-genetic and historical-typological methods. It is established that Grigory Evseevich Zinoviev had his own formal views on the essence and functions of the Communist Party, which followed the general course of Bolshevism, but also had their own characteristics. Zinoviev's definition of the Communist Party boiled down to recognizing it as the only vanguard and political organization of the proletariat, and the possibility of the existence of only one Communist Party was emphasized, and within this Communist Party the impossibility of forming internal factions was postulated. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that it systematizes the views of such a major Bolshevik and Soviet figure as G. E. Zinoviev on the role and functions of the Communist Party, as well as their inclusion in the history of Marxist and Bolshevik political thought.
Soviet political system, VKPb, RCPb, RSDLP, Bolshevism, Marxism, Bolshevik party, party, Grigory Evseevich Zinoviev, discussions in the party
Khusnulin, A.R. (2024). Issues of the functioning of soviet industrial cooperation in the restoration of the Bryansk region (1943–1945). History magazine - researches, 5, 23–43.
This study is devoted to industrial cooperation in the Bryansk region in the context of the restoration of this region after the Nazi occupation. Based on archival materials presented by the records of cooperative industry officials of the Bryansk region directly and their capital authorities, as well as reporting data from industrial cooperation and the State Planning Committee of the RSFSR from the funds of two federal and one regional archives, an attempt is being made to restore the history of industrial cooperation in the Bryansk region, highlighting features of the functioning of this system in the economy of the USSR using the example of a specific liberated subject of the Russian Federation. The article is based on a descriptive method using technology geographic information systems in the QGIS program. The author states the presence of serious obstacles in the work of Soviet industrial cooperation associated with the low material and technical equipment of industrial cooperative artels, as well as the complexity of the planned tasks assigned to them, but at the same time concludes that there is a certain limit of trust on the part of the state in terms of attitude towards the cooperative industry, which was expressed in the release of industrial cooperation with more serious plans compared to the main competitors of industrial cooperation in the form of local industry. Despite the low labor productivity, cooperators demonstrated high survival rate due to the combination of the active use of state resources, which provided all possible assistance to artels and the trade unions that form them, and the use of their own potential, expressed in the form of the possibility of simplified organization of production and investment long-term lending of intra-cooperative origin.
Service sector, Consumer goods, Economic recovery, Post-war reconstruction, Bryanshina, Bryansk region, Cooperative industry, Artels, Soviet industrial cooperation, Socialistic competitions
Podmoloda, K.S., Timonina, E.S. (2024). The Yugoslav historiography of the Russian emigration of the first wave. History magazine - researches, 5, 44–60.
The article examines the Yugoslav historiography of the Russian emigration of the first wave. The article highlights several main stages in the history of the study of the phenomenon of the Russian diaspora, identifies the key thematic areas of the work of Yugoslav historians on a given issue, analyzes the main issues related to individual works. The study of this topic allows us to reconstruct the change in attitude to the problems of a certain phenomenon in historical science, depending on political and social transformations. This issue is especially relevant when analyzing scientific and journalistic works within a certain political and regional community. It is important to note a certain specificity of the research literature of Yugoslavia on the history of Russian emigration. The authors of the works considered in the article mainly focused on the problems associated with the stay of Russian emigrants in Yugoslavia, since in the 1920s the kingdom was one of the main centers of emigration. The present study has a scientific novelty, since the works of Yugoslav researchers on the topic of Russian emigration were previously considered only as part of the historiography of the Russian diaspora as a whole. Most of the papers on this topic have been published in the last 30 years. However, the works of the first half and the middle of the 20th century devoted to the problems of the Russian diaspora are of particular historiographical value, since they reflect the transformation of attitudes towards Russian emigration of the first wave of the Government of Yugoslavia and its public. In turn, studies published over the past three decades highlight the vast range of activities of Russian emigration in the 1920s – 1930s. They were written using a large amount of archival data and other sources.
Aleksey Borisovich Arsen’ev, Toma Milenkovich, Zagreb, Novi Sad, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Russian diaspora, Russian emigration, historiography, Miroslav Yovanovich
Issues of war and peace
Belousov , L.S., Bueverov, A.A., Manykin, A.S., Romanova, E.V. (2024). Nuclear powers’ reaction to the US development and testing of thermonuclear weapons in the early 1950s. History magazine - researches, 5, 61–77.
The article examines US, Soviet and British reaction to the development and testing of American thermonuclear weapons. Based on the analysis of published documents and the press of the three countries, archival materials, debates in the British Parliament and the American Congress, the authors assess the perception of how the emergence of new super-powerful weapons influenced the state of international relations, Soviet-American confrontation, and the position of Great Britain. The development of thermonuclear weapons, which became a new factor in the emerging bipolar system of international relations, was largely the result of an irreconcilable conflict between the superpowers. The risk of universal destruction associated with the advent of "superbomb" did not stop the arms race, but the emerging trend to achieve relative parity in the nuclear sphere gradually turned into a guarantee of stability, based on the fear of retaliation. However, at the dawn of the nuclear era, thermonuclear tests seemed to increase the degree of unpredictability on the world stage, raising questions not only about how new developments would affect the balance of power and strategies of the leading powers, but also whether thermonuclear explosions could be properly controlled, what their consequences would be and how serious the dangers of radiation contamination could be. That is why the hydrogen bomb tests prompted both statesmen and the public to address the issue of nuclear arms control. However, the high degree of conflict and uncertainty, and most importantly, the perception of power as the basis of the position held by a state in the system of international relations led to the fact that issues of arms control receded into the background before the imperatives of the arms race.
Soviet-US relations, British foreign policy, Soviet foreign policy, US foreign policy, nuclear deterrence, Cold War, arms race, hydrogen bomb, thermonuclear weapons, arms control
Auxiliary historical disciplines
Tergyuleva, I.P. (2024). On the issue of the formation and development of archival work in Yakutia (1920-1936). History magazine - researches, 5, 78–87.
The subject of the research is the issue of the formation of archival records management in Yakutia, as well as its development in the period from 1920 to 1936. At the moment, the archival fund of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) includes more than two million storage units, including management documentation with a permanent storage period and personal documents with a temporary storage period. The archives of Yakutia play an important role in the preservation and enrichment of the historical and cultural heritage of the region, contributing to the formation of a reliable information field and providing access to the documents of the archival fund of the republic. Therefore, the issue of the formation of the archival service in Yakutia as an independent body of the archival industry, with a management function, is gaining its relevance. In the work, the author used the method of scientific description, analysis of archival materials and bibliographic sources on the topic of the study. The novelty of the study is the considered process of formation of archival work in Yakutia as an independent body, in the first years of its development with the help of studying and analyzing archival materials contained in the funds of the National Archive of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). As a result of the work, the author comes to the conclusion that the resolution of the Revolutionary Committee of the Yakut ASSR on archival work is becoming a key factor in the formation and development of archival work in Yakutia as an independent body in the archival industry.
National Archive of Yakutia, Yakut ASSR, E.D. Strelov, Yakutia, archival fund, archival sources, archival work, archives, archival service, archives of Yakutia
Social history
Tkhamokova, I.K. (2024). The number and composition of the serving people of the city of Turki in 1660-1670. History magazine - researches, 5, 88–103.
For a long time, Turki was the only Russian city in the North Caucasus, so without the military men who defended it, it simply could not exist. The study of the number and composition of these people, as well as the causes and consequences of their changes, is the main task of the study. The chronological framework of the work is 1660-1670. It was a very difficult period in the history of the city, when it experienced economic difficulties, famine, sea level rise, which forced the city to be moved to a new location, and the hostile actions of some neighbors. At the same time, the serving people of the Tersk city took an active part in military operations not only in the Caucasus, but also far beyond its borders – near Azov, in the Crimea, near Chigirin. Studying the background of these events is another goal of the study. The research is based on the study and analysis of documents. Some of them have been published, others are kept in archives and are being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. The article contains many new facts about the size and composition of the Tersk garrison, about the factors of their change. It is concluded that increasing the number of Russian military personnel was one of the most important tasks of the state. To do this, residents of other cities were transferred to the city for permanent or temporary service – Streltsy, Cossacks, soldiers, exiles who were enrolled in Streltsy. However, the disadvantage, the delay in the "bread salary", which all the people who served in the city received, led to their mass escapes and understaffing of the garrison. Representatives of the peoples of the Caucasus who served in the city – Princes Murza, Uzdeni, Okochans, Novokreschens – partially made up for the lack of military forces. Another opportunity to maintain the city's combat capability was military cooperation and mutual assistance with the peoples of the Caucasus and neighboring regions, for example, with the Kumyks.
deti boyarskie, cossacks, streltsy, Kaspulat Mutsalovich Cherkassky, the city of Terki, North Caucasus, Okoks, muirzes, novokreshcheny, uzdens
Historical memory
Kurbatova, A.G. (2024). Memorial symbols of historical heritage in educational projects of the European Association of History Teachers (EuroClio). History magazine - researches, 5, 104–118.
The subject of the research is the role of international non-governmental organizations in the implementation of the European policy of historical revisionism in relation to the cultural and historical heritage and memorialization of symbols of the historical past. The author examines this topic through the prism of the activities of the European Association of History Teachers EuroClio, which is the initiator of a whole area of public programs (international seminars, conferences) dedicated to rethinking the significance of memorial monuments and determining the legitimacy of their preservation in public places. In the course of the analysis, the author highlighted the most large-scale projects of EuroClio in the near abroad, emphasized the contribution of individual historians to the development of new approaches of these organizations to the assessment of 20th century memorials, as well as on the methods of historical propaganda and memory policy aimed at decommunization of the countries of the "transitional period". The study is based on the method of systemic, legal and institutional analysis in combination with the chronological principle and the principle of objectivity. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that in Russian historiography this topic is covered mainly through the prism of the activities of the Council of Europe and its resolutions, while the work of European specialized organizations remains poorly studied. Based on the results of the analysis of events held by EuroClio and studies by historians, the author formulates a conclusion confirming the significant contribution of the association to the implementation of the European policy of historical revisionism and its conciliatory position in relation to state vandalism in the destruction of memorials and burials.
teaching controversial history, Maria Grever, Monument(al) Challenges, Barbara Christoph, historical revisionism, totalitarian regimes, glorification, victimization, EuroClio, neighboring countries
Borisov, A.A., Arkhipova, A.I. (2024). Historiography of epidemic control in Yakutia of the XIX century. History magazine - researches, 5, 119–131.
The study is devoted to the historiography of the fight against epidemics in Yakutia in the 19th century. The purpose of the study is to present the development of historical knowledge about this sequential process, taking into account the characteristics of the stages of historiography. The materials and methods used were the studied works, typical for historiographical works, devoted to the fight against epidemics in the specified period, typological and comparative analysis. For the first time, the most important works were developed, which studied the measures taken by state authorities to prevent epidemic diseases that caused significant harm to the population of the region (smallpox, measles, venereal diseases, etc.), to treat them, and to create conditions for successfully combating them. Also of interest were works examining the history of healthcare institutions (in fact, the first on the territory of Yakutia) and the first medical personnel who contributed in this direction. All this is presented for the first time in this article and brings a lot of new things into the understanding of the historical processes that took place on one of the remote outskirts of the Russian Empire. Particular attention is paid to exactly what problems occupied a leading place in this area of historiography. For example, researchers were more interested not only in organizing a network of medical institutions that maintained a positive epidemiological level in the region, but also in specific measures taken by the authorities to combat the spread of certain diseases. The authors drew comparative material from historical experience from other regions of the Empire, where the fight against epidemics was also carried out with varying degrees of success. All this allowed the authors to identify the features of the development of Yakut historiography in this area of scientific knowledge.
works, Problems, studying, struggle, epidemics, authorities, history of medicine, Yakut region, historiography, vaccination
Pribytkova, K.P. (2024). Motivation of labor in the Siberian industry during the industrialization period of the late 1920s - 1930s: results and prospects of historical research. History magazine - researches, 5, 132–148.
During the industrialization period of the late 1920s – 1930s, a new system of motivation for industrial workers and employees was formed in the USSR, which determined the directions and results of Soviet labor policy for a long time. The effectiveness of the application of specific incentives was influenced by factors related to the peculiarities of the development of individual regions and industries. Local research, therefore, is able to expand and deepen our understanding of how labor stimulation was carried out in the Soviet economy. The subject of this study is the historiography of the problem of labor motivation in the Siberian industry in the late 1920s – 1930s. The purpose is to characterize the results of studying this problem and identify promising areas for scientific research. In modern historiography, a theoretical approach has developed to study the problem of motivation of industrial labor in various periods of the USSR's existence. Its basis is the division of incentives into material, compulsory and moral, as well as the idea that labor stimulation solves the tasks of attracting workers to production and encouraging them to improve work results. Historians use local and microhistoric approaches to take into account the impact of various factors on the implementation and effectiveness of labor incentives. The study showed that the motivation of labor in the Siberian industry in the late 1920s – 1930s did not act as a subject of special and comprehensive historical research. Soviet and post-Soviet historiography has accumulated a wealth of factual material related to solving the first of these tasks of labor motivation in the Siberian industry. The solution of the second problem has not yet been studied based on the application of modern theoretical approaches and techniques. The following are promising for study: differentiation of wages for industrial workers and employees, the use of various wage systems at enterprises (piecework, piecework-progressive, etc.), the impact on the consciousness of workers through the materials of the periodical press, the organization of various forms of socialist competition.
socialist competition, wages, Siberia, industry, industrialization, Soviet economy, work incentives, labor motivation, working class, economic history
Gmirya, L.B. (2024). The Rubassky architectural complex (Eastern Caucasus) of the VIII century : new data on excavations in 2023. History magazine - researches, 5, 149–162.
The object of this study is a monumental hydraulic engineering structure of the late 8th century, discovered in 2014 in the lower reaches of the Rubas River, 20 km south of Derbent (Russia). Excavations have established the complex composition of this structure, which included 6 buildings of different types connected by building bundles. The functional purpose of 3 structures has been fully determined - wall No. 1, arched structure and main wall No. 2. The subject of this study is the analysis of new data on the design and functionality of 3 structures obtained during excavations in 2023 - step structure No. 6, walls No. 3 and structures No. 5 in the form of a platform.The full form of the structure No. 6 of the stepped structure has been established. Its length was 8.6 m. The methodology used by the author for substantiating chronology and functional orientation is: analysis of structural features; dating according to written sources. The study of the eastern section of wall No. 3, in the direction of the South-South was made. A preserved section with a length of 3.0 m and a thickness of 2.2 m was opened. The northern and southern facades of this section of wall No. 3 with a height of 1.4-1.5 m were constructed of large blocks installed according to the "poke-spoon" masonry system. The blockage consisted of a crushed stone. Within the excavation site of 2023, Wall No. 3 continues to the east. The length of the western and eastern sections of wall No. 3 in 2023 was 9.5 m. The southern section of structure No. 5 in the form of a platform has been studied to determine its length. A 1.5 m long section of this structure has been preserved on the new site. The total length of the facade of building No. 5 was 9.7 m, the rest of it was destroyed. Large and small fragments of stone blocks were recorded at the lower level of the excavation. Determining the functional purpose of the Rubassky architectural complex, based on its complex structure, layout, construction technology used, location in the valley of the Rubas River, as well as the high level of processing of stone blocks and the quality of building materials, is a difficult task.
stone blocks, front, excavations, design features, Derbent, Rubass architectural complex, hydraulic engineering structure, Rubas river, East Caucasus, wall
Historical facts, events, phenomena
Sivkina, N.Y., Guseva, A.S. (2024). The Legend of Stratonics: political and religious aspects. History magazine - researches, 5, 163–173.
The issues of family and marriage relations have traditionally been of concern to historians and politicians since ancient times. In this regard, the unusual circumstances of the marriage of the sole heir of the Seleucid empire, Antiochus, and his stepmother Stratonica could not remain without the attention of ancient authors who tried to rationally explain this event. The purpose of this work is to study one incident from the life of the Seleucid queen Stratonica, compare different versions in the sources and clarify the factors that influenced the historical and literary tradition about her. The identification of two aspects within which the plot of the marriage of Antiochus and Stratonica should be considered will allow changing modern ideas about the exclusively political nature of this decision of Seleucus Nicator. The researñh used traditional methods for ancient history: comparative historical, comparative genetic, retrospective. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the authors examined the legend not only from the point of view of its content, but also the form of presentation of the material in the context of politics and religion of the early Seleucids. This approach allowed us to assert that during their reign, the historical myth of Seleucus and his family began to form, into which the incident with the queen's second marriage organically fit. As a result of the study, the authors conclude that the legend of Antiochus's infatuation with Stratonica was artificially created at the royal court, it strengthened the political image of the dynasty with the help of religious symbols and external similarities with the policy of "merging peoples" of Alexander the Great. At the same time, it was the interrelationship of the political and religious aspects that influenced the form and content of this legend.
religion, politics, queens, Seleucids, Syrian Kingdom, Stratonics, Antiochus, Seleucus Nicator, Hellenism, mythology
Logvenkov, I.S. (2024). Relations between central and regional executive authorities in the context of preparation for radical market reforms in Russia at the end of 1991. History magazine - researches, 5, 174–185.
The paper examines the features of interaction between the central government and the regions within the RSFSR (oblasts, krais), the status of which implied direct subordination of the regional authorities to the central government, at the final stage of the Soviet Union. A detailed analysis of the first steps in creating the institute of presidential representatives, as well as the problems that hampered its functioning, is carried out. The results obtained are correlated with the main tasks of «shock therapy» to assess the conditions for implementing radical market reforms. The formulation of the problem and revision of the existing scientific concepts based on the inclusion of sources that have not been previously introduced into scientific circulation predetermine the scientific novelty of the work. An appeal to the office documentation of government bodies made it possible to identify a vast discrepancy between law enforcement practice and the legislation in force during the period under study in matters of organizing the work of the executive vertical. The regions within the RSFSR were excluded from the unified management system, and the policy of the leadership of the territories and regions turned out to be inconsistent with the general state course. An attempt to overcome this problem by creating an institution of presidential representatives by the end of 1991 did not yield significant results, since it did not receive the necessary personnel, organizational and resource support. It did not allow the country's leadership to overcome the trends of destruction of a unified economic space and increased social tension. Under these conditions, the success of the government's stabilization and reform efforts turned out to be unattainable in the short term.
State building, dismantling of the USSR, Representative of the President, President, economic reforms, federal relations, Public administration, Shock therapy, The economic crisis, market reforms
Okonova, L.V. (2024). The professional composition of the population of the Kalmyk steppe of the Astrakhan province based on the materials of the 1897 census: source analysis. History magazine - researches, 5, 186–201.
Currently, researchers are paying special attention to one of the branches of historical science — historical professionology. Research in this area is devoted to the study of the historical development of various types of occupations, professions, the main sources of which are the results of population censuses. This study is devoted to the source analysis of the materials of the First general population census of pre-revolutionary Russia. The subject of the research of the scientific article is the study of the professional structure of the population on the example of the Kalmyk steppe of the Astrakhan province. The research object is the materials of the First General Population Census of the Russian Empire in 1897, since the population census of 1897 became not only the first informative source in the history of the Russian state about the entire population, but also the basis for new promising studies of socio-economic and statistical-demographic conditions. The research methodology includes conducting a source study, within the framework of which one of the stages of source analysis was carried out — an analysis of the content of census materials for the Astrakhan province, providing for the use of structural and functional analysis, historical and comparative method and classification method, which allowed to identify the information potential for studying the occupations of the population of the Kalmyk steppe. The novelty of this scientific article lies in the fact that for the first time in Russian historiography, a critical analysis of the professional composition of the population of the Kalmyk steppe of the Astrakhan province was carried out at the end of the XIX century. The author came to the conclusion that the Astrakhan province has been in economic development since the beginning of its successful colonization in the XVI century. It became an agricultural and cattle-breeding region of Russia, in which the migrant population from virtually agricultural provinces, while continuing to preserve the traditional type of their occupations, was reorganized, adapting to local types of management in the new conditions of the capitalistically transforming All-Russian market. This could not but influence nomadic farming, in particular the Kalmyks, which contributed to the transition to a pastoral and agricultural form of farming in the Kalmyk steppe, and subsequently to a sedentary lifestyle. The research was carried out through the implementation of the project of the Russian Scientific Foundation No. 23-18-20019 "Between East and West: the civilizational and cultural development of Kalmyk society as part of pre-revolutionary Russia" ( /).
professional composition, source analysis, Kalmyks, Kalmyk steppe, Astrakhan province, population census, demography, history of Russia, main activities, side activities
History of ethnicities, peoples, nations
Albogachiev, M.M. (2024). Dzheyrahovtsy – issues of origin and migration. History magazine - researches, 5, 202–218.
The subject of the research in this article is some questions of the history of the Ingush ethnoterritorial society – Dzheyrakhovtsy (ing. Zhiyrakhoi), localized in the sources of the XVI-XVIII centuries on the territory of the Dzheyrakh gorge, in the lower reaches of the Armkhi river, as well as in the gorge of the Terek River to S. V. Lars. The purpose of the article is to study the question of the origin of this society and to identify the reasons for its inclusion in the Ossetian tribe by some authors of the XIX century. And also to show the unreasonableness of such an assignment. As a theoretical basis, the works of researchers from different periods who studied the issue of the Vainakh population on the left bank of the Terek River and the origin of Ingush ethnoterritorial associations of the XVI-XIX centuries are involved. The analysis of information from historical sources related to the issue under study is carried out. Using the historical and systematic method, the processes that led to the formation of the Jeyrakh society and the reasons for their classification as Ossetians are studied. The relevance of the topic is determined by the fact that the Dzheyrakh society is one of the Western Vainakh ethnoterritorial associations that formed the modern Ingush people. Therefore, the history of this society is directly connected with the history of the entire Ingush people. In the course of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that the main reason for classifying the Dzheyrakhovs in some sources of the XIX century to the Ossetian tribe was that this Ingush society was formed by Vainakh settlers from the left bank of the Terek River, who underwent significant Iranization due to long-term cohabitation with the numerically predominant Ossetian population. The choice of a new place of residence by the settlers was determined, as a rule, by its geographical location, economic significance, as well as the attitude of the local population towards them. Therefore, in some cases, migrants settled in Ingush farms and completely dissolved among the indigenous inhabitants, while in others they founded new villages and societies. One of these societies, formed by them, was the Dzheyrakhov society.
Ossetians, migration, vainakhi, Ingush, migrants, shimity, Tagaurians, The Jeyrahovs, The Dzheyrakh Gorge, Daryal Gorge
Chesta, S.O. (2024). The motif of «imitation of ancestors» in Saxo Grammaticus's «Deeds of the Danes» as a means of reconstructing the author's idea. History magazine - researches, 5, 219–236.
This article is intended to contribute to the research of the political pragmatics of Saxo Grammaticus’ «Deeds of the Danes» (c. 1208/1216). In modern historiography, the opinion has strengthened that the «Deeds of the Danes» expressed the interests of the customer of the historical work – archbishop Absalon of Lund (1177-1201), as well as the aristocratic family of Hvide, to which the prelate belonged. According to this point of view, the main purpose of the work was to preserve the influence of the Hvide family at court, which was to be achieved by demonstrating the dependence of royal power on the archbishop and his relatives. Therefore, the work of Saxo Grammaticus contains numerous examples of criticism of the rulers of the Valdemar dynasty (1157-1241), Valdemar I (1157-1182) and his son, Canute VI (1182-1202), cited to encourage the sovereigns to listen to the advice of magnates. The article presents arguments in favor of the opposite interpretation of the text of the «Deeds of the Danes»: the historical work was used to legitimize the royal power. Textual analysis and study of the motif of «imitation of ancestors» – a method of representing power in a narrative based on the tradition of name-giving – have shown that Saxo's contemporary, Danish king Canute VI, is compared in the work with his namesake ancestors. These comparisons serve to glorify the ruler and find correspondence in the official privilege of the Lund Cathedral (1186), thus being elements of the «court ideology». The fact that the «Deeds of the Danes» contains criticism of Canute VI is explained by the later editing of the text. Hypothetically, the reworking of the text could have been caused by the death of Absalon and Canute VI, to whom the work was intended.
the image of the ruler, Canute IV the Saint, Canute VI, royal power, legitimation of power, medieval Denmark, name-giving, historiography, Saxo Grammaticus, the «Deeds of the Danes»
Beliefs, religions, churches
Okhlopkova, V. (2024). The distribution of patriarchal alms to non-beggarly categories of the population in the second half of the 17th century. History magazine - researches, 5, 237–245.
The subject of the study is the records of the expense books of the Patriarchal State Order, which provide information about the financial assistance provided by the Moscow patriarchs to non-beggarly categories of the population: servants of the Patriarchal orders, participants in memorial services for secular and spiritual persons, prisoners of war who had previously been released from captivity, prisoners of prisons of all orders. The purpose of the study is to determine what the significance of patriarchal alms was for representatives of these categories. The author examines in detail the mechanism of giving alms in relation to each of them. Special attention is paid to the source aspect: petitions of potential recipients of alms were an important element of the clerical system of the Patriarchal State Order. They were part of the primary documentation that has not reached our days and can be partially reconstructed based on the texts of the expense books. The research is based on the methodological tools of auxiliary historical disciplines: first of all, Russian paleography, which opens up opportunities for analyzing the handwriting of officials who issued patriarchal alms and its recipients, as well as historical metrology and historical chronology. The analysis carried out allows us to form a detailed picture of the recipients of patriarchal alms who are not beggars. It should be noted that insufficient attention is paid to non-poor categories of the population in the modern historiography of Russian church charity. The results of the study indicate that such recipients could be those who are not necessarily poor in general, but currently in need of financial assistance, for example, servants of the Patriarchal Court who have fallen into difficult life situations. The same remark applies to former prisoners and "prison inmates and prisoners". Payments for participants of memorial services for secular and ecclesiastical persons – primarily for monarchs and patriarchs – were substantially closer to salaries and were carried out for performing certain functions at these ceremonies, however, in the text of the source they were also referred to as alms. It is concluded that the patriarchal alms was intended not only for the urban poor, but for those in need in the broadest sense of the word, which indicates its great importance for the Moscow society of the second half of the XVII century, makes it not a formality and exclusively part of the ceremonial, but a really important action from a socio-economic point of view of the Moscow patriarchs.
expense books, polonyaniks, patriarchal alms, alms, Patriarchal charity, Patriarchal House, Patriarchal orders, Patriarchal Government Order, The Russian Church, account books
Beliefs, religions, churches
Pavlov, N.M. (2024). The concept of polis religion: content, historical-religious argumentation, criticism. History magazine - researches, 5, 246–258.
This article is devoted to a review analysis of the theory of polis religion in relation to ancient Greek culture. The article examines both arguments supporting this concept and critical opinions questioning it. The subject of the study is the concept of polis religion, the object is historio-graphical literature dealing with the comprehension and formation of ideas about the concept. In the first section you can find a review of the arguments in favor of polis religion, the work of leading experts in the field of ancient history and the history of religion involved in the analysis. The key theses that substantiate the existence and importance of the polis religion for the life of the city-states of Ancient Greece (polis) are highlighted. The role of religion in the political life of the Greek policy is discussed, as well as its influence of religious institutions on social structures. In the second section, the focus shifts to criticism of the concept of polis religion. The works of historians who question the universality and unambiguity of this theory are presented. Critics point to the diversity of religious practices and beliefs in different policies, the presence of individual cults and personal religious beliefs that do not always meet policy standards. The final section summarizes the results of the study. In this part of the article, the author seeks to offer a balanced view of polis religion, recognizing both the importance of this concept and the limitations of its use. A consensus point of view is formulated, which takes into account both supporters and critics of this concept. The scientific consensus on the theory at the moment can be formulated as follows: the concept of polis religion can be preserved only in its weak formulation.
historiography, history of religion, antiquity, Ancient Greece, Greek culture, religion, Greek religion, polis, polis religion, social network
Naumova, N.N., Slesarev, I.Y. (2024). The problem of diplomatic recognition of the USSR by the Third Republic in the autumn of 1924: a view from France. History magazine - researches, 5, 259–275.
The article examines the reaction of the French press to the diplomatic recognition of the USSR by the Third Republic, which took place on the initiative of the government of E. Herriot on October 28, 1924. The authors pay special attention to the role of the press in preparing public opinion for the future establishment of diplomatic relations. The study of the public discussion that broke out on the pages of newspapers allows us to analyze the attitude of various political forces of the Third Republic to the problem of prolonged recognition, as well as views on the evolution of the young Soviet state in the international arena, solutions to the problem of paying off debts of the Russian Empire and the future of Franco-Soviet trade relations. The centennial anniversary of the diplomatic recognition of the USSR by France serves as an additional incentive to explore new aspects of a landmark event in the history of international recognition of the USSR and Franco-Soviet relations in the interwar period. The scientific novelty of the proposed research lies in the involvement of a wide range of sources, as well as in the generalization of scientific literature on the studied problem. The authors of the article conclude that the active public discussion of France's recognition of the Soviet state on the pages of the central press lasted no more than a week, but demonstrated a clear polarization of opinions. The problems of "Russian debts", the rapprochement of the USSR with Germany, as well as the risks of "exporting the revolution" were discussed particularly acutely. The socialist newspapers, though restrained, undoubtedly welcomed the recognition of the USSR, while the right-wing bourgeois French press did not hesitate to express its extreme wariness and even hostility to the consequences of the decision.
G.V. Chicherin, diplomatic isolation, E. Herriot, New economic policy, public opinion, french press, diplomatic recognition of the USSR, franco-soviet relations, The Third Republic, trade relations
History of state and law
Ryzhikova, E.S. (2024). The history of studying the problem of transformation of the Spanish political system on the example of the activity of the party «Citizens» (2015-2022). History magazine - researches, 5, 276–290.
The paper offers an analysis of modern research devoted to the qualification of the state of the modern political system in Spain. The author's attention is focused on the interpretation of systemic changes, the indicator of which was the activity of a new national party – "Citizens". The activities of the "Citizens" revealed the crisis of the traditional political system, based, in particular, on bipartisanship, within which two national forces dominated the country for more than 30 years – the conservative People's Party (NP) and the center-left Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE). Therefore, the activity of the Citizens Party in 2015-2022 is an illustrative example of the changes taking place in the country's political system. The author systematized the main directions of modern historiography, both Spanish and Russian, paying attention to the logic of their formation, the focuses of research interest, the source base and the methods used by specialists. The methodological basis of the work is based on the principles of historicism, objectivity, systematic analysis; historical and genetic method and comparative approach, which is due to the research logic of studying works on the transformation of the Spanish political system over time, and involves a comparative analysis of domestic and foreign literature. The conclusion is made about the similarity of methodology and sources; the "turn" in the study of Spanish Transit and the party-political system formed in 1975-1982 is defined – the transition from "modeling" to historical specifics. The main characteristics of the Spanish political system that exist in modern research are revealed, and the controversial prospects for the evolution of the system are noted. The author's qualification of the party system (the movement from bipartism to unstable multiparty system) dominates both modern historical works and political analysis. Modern researchers and analysts mainly paid their attention to the bright Podemos party, which is associated with its loud rhetoric and opposition to the constitutional foundations of Spain, but the activities of "Citizens", despite their activity in a crisis situation, turned out to be on the sidelines of research interest.
modern historiography, bipartism, party system, hispanism, Foreign historiography, Transitology, transformation of traditional system, Citizens party, evolution of the political system, Spain
History of science and technology
Suleymanov, A.A. (2024). The ways of development of the academic science of Yakutia in 1947-1991. History magazine - researches, 5, 291–304.
The purpose of the article is to determine the main ways of organization of the activity of the USSR Academy of Sciences in Yakutia during 1947-1991. The initial chronological boundary is connected with the creation of the Yakut branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The final boundary is due to the reorganization of the USSR Academy of Sciences in The Russian Academy of Sciences, accompanied by profound changes in the management and functioning of domestic science. The research is based on the analysis of scattered documentary evidence identified in the archival collections of Moscow, Novosibirsk and Yakutsk, as well as data from the scientific literature relevant to the issue under consideration. In this regard, the history of the formation of a network of institutions subordinate to the USSR Academy of Sciences in Yakutia is considered, the main mechanisms of the organization of academic institutions and the key drivers of this process are traced. When processing the accumulated materials, special historical methods of scientific cognition were used (the principle of historicism, historical-typological, historical-comparative and historical-genetic methods, etc.) As a result of the work carried out, for the first time in historiography, it was established that the organization of institutes of the USSR Academy of Sciences in Yakutia during the period under review took place in three ways: transition to the Academy a research institute that already existed in Yakutia; the creation of institutes based on existing departments, as well as outside it; the formation of a functioning academic institute on the basis of the department. At the same time, the expansion of the network of institutes, in addition to the natural, geographical and ethnocultural specifics of Yakutia, was caused by a significant deepening of the specialization of scientists' research and was based on an increase in the number of employees, as well as the number of internal structural units. Such a development, as shown, was impossible without changes in the ways of recruiting personnel and strengthening the role of specialists trained directly in the region, who by the end of the period under review managed to take a leading position in the management of academic science in Yakutia.
The history of science, recruitment of personnel, science management, Yakut branch, The Soviet period, academic institutions, organization of science, scientific research, The USSR Academy of Sciences, Yakutia