Artemov, N. (2023). Crypts in the History of the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin: Discovery, Origin, Dating. History magazine - researches, 2, 1–16.
The article is devoted to the crypts recorded during earthworks in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin and next to it. In different years, brick, white stone and underground crypts were recorded in the cultural layer on this territory. These funerary structures are atypical both for temples-tombs of the XIV- XV centuries North-Eastern Russia, as well as for the medieval dirt cemetery, which was located on this site before the construction of the cathedral. The subject of the study is the origin of these crypts and the history of their discovery. The purpose of the study is to review the history and details of the discovery, summarize all known information about the objects of research and, based on this information, propose hypotheses about the origin and dating of these burial structures. The results of the study were the generalization of information about the crypts, the interpretation of their origin and dating. The results obtained can be applied in the field of studying the history of the formation of the oldest cult center of Moscow. The scientific novelty of the article is the generalization of fragmentary information about the crypts found in the underground space of the Assumption Cathedral and next to it. For the first time, the question of the origin of these crypts is considered, on the basis of which their typology and dating are proposed.The brick and white-stone crypts found near the cathedral, apparently, were disposable structures. In this case, their origin is connected with the secondary reburial of the disturbed remains of a medieval cemetery located on this site before the construction of the Assumption Cathedral. The time of construction of the white stone crypt can be attributed to the 1470s, the brick one - to the middle of the XIX century. The crypt found directly under the floors of the cathedral should be dated to the end of the 1470s. This structure, apparently, marks the burial place of the only prince buried in the temple - Yuri Danilovich. External crypts will be considered in the article in the order of their discovery. The intra-temple crypt will be considered last.
burial, burial structure, vault, headstone, brick tomb, crypt, Assumption Cathedral, Moscow Kremlin, reburial, cemetery
Historical facts, events, phenomena
Chasovitina, O.V. (2023). About the single combat of Prince Mstislav and Rededya: a comparative historical analysis of the culture of single combats in Ancient Rus at the end of X - the first half of XI centuries. History magazine - researches, 2, 17–29.
The article examines the story of the "Tale of Bygone Years" about the single combat of Prince Mstislav and Rededya as an evidence of ancient Russian military culture of single combats. The evidence is correlated with other written and archaeological sources to establish its connection with the actual political history. For comparative study, the evidence is correlated with other Old Russian written sources about single combats and contemporary narrations about single combats in the monuments of Byzantine historiography. During the comprehensive study of the text of Mstislav's prayer, the evidence of the military veneration of the Mother of God in Byzantium and in Russia, including references to prayers to the Mother of God, is considered. The conducted research allows us to conclude about the influence of the Byzantine military tradition and religious culture on the military culture of Russia. The relationship is most clearly traced in the religious appearance of the single combat, while the chronicle narration in question is attributed to the earliest evidence of the military veneration of the Mother of God in Russia. There are similar ideas about single combats as events that deserve to be preserved in historiography. It is not easy to determine the relationship between the organization and conduct of single combats, due to the scarcity of chronicle data. The Byzantine influence, presumably, was expressed both in the rethinking of ideas about single combats, and in the veneration of the Mother of God as an assistant or intercessor in the event of war.
kasogs, Byzantium, Leo the Deacon, pre-Mongolian period, single combat, military culture, The Tale of Bygone Years, Medieval Russia, Ancient Rus, Tmutarakan
Akberdeeva, D.I., Zagorodnyuk, N.I. (2023). The Network of Railway Settlements of the Tobolsk Province in the Late XIX - Early XX Century. History magazine - researches, 2, 30–41.
Based on the analysis of mass sources – archival documents of the First General Population Census of the Russian Empire in 1897 and information published by the Tobolsk Provincial Statistical Committee for 1903 and 1909, the number, typical diversity, and population of settlements formed in the exclusion zone of the Perm-Tyumen and West Siberian railways on the territory of the Tobolsk province is determined. A set of statistical methods was used to analyze the sources. A comprehensive interdisciplinary approach allows not only to identify the historical and genetic features of individual documents, but also to give a certain assessment of their representativeness and information potential for specific historical research. Intensive construction of railways has led to the emergence of new types of settlements: stations, independent settlements at stations and on the railway line, barracks and semi-barracks, booths, barracks, guard houses, etc. In 1897, at least 128 railway settlements were functioning on the territory of the province, which was about 2.5% of the total number of all settlements in the studied region. More than two thousand people lived in them permanently and temporarily; on average, there were 18 people per settlement. The major settlements were the Tyumen and Kurgan stations. It is concluded that the primary materials of the 1897 census have the most complete information. In connection with the further construction of the Trans-Siberian railway at the beginning of the XX century, there is an increase in the population of stations and pier settlements, their merger, the emergence of new types of railway settlements.
settlement, Population Census, dvornost settlements, population of settlements, the scale settlement network, the size of settlements, typical structure, railway, Tobolsk province, Network of railway settlements
Historical sources and artifacts
Zaitsev, I.A. (2023). Sanskrit titles of two Pagan kings in Pali and Sanskrit inscriptions. History magazine - researches, 2, 42–53.
This article deals with the issue of recording royal titles in inscriptions in the languages of the Indian cultural tradition: Sanskrit and Pali. Using the example of a study of sources, the phenomenon of using the notation of titles is demonstrated, taking into account the use of Sanskrit spelling norms in inscriptions in the Pali language written using the Mon script. Such a phenomenon is of a non-permanent, variable in nature, which indicates the absence of a clear standard for recording the royal title in Pagan. The significance of this phenomenon is betrayed by the fact that Pagan was a political center that was under the overwhelming influence of Theravada Buddhism, which suggested an orientation towards the Pali language as one of the main languages of the canon and political culture. Possible reasons that prompted the Pagan rulers to use Sanskrit titles include the support of Brahmin cult shrines, which influenced the description of the figure of the ruler. The presence of such a phenomenon allows us to clarify some of the conclusions of historiography about the use of specific writing systems for recording texts in specific languages.
brahmins, Sanskrit, Orthography, Title, material, Pagan, King, Pali, Inscriptions, influence
History of ethnicities, peoples, nations
Bobrov, V.V., Majar, F. (2023). Demographic reconstruction of the Halaf culture society on the territory of the Eastern Euphrates. History magazine - researches, 2, 54–64.
The study of the problem of the population of the Halaf culture in the 6th millennium BC in the territory of the North-Eastern Syria is conducted for the first time in order to study the demographic situation of this region in the Late Neolithic. The statistical approach in paleodemographic reconstruction is the basis of the scientific procedure, because it’s source are the materials of the settlements. It also includes methods used in both Russian and foreign archeology. The basis was taken as the average population density, proposed by foreign anthropologists for the Neolithic in the Eastern Mediterranean, which was compared with the indicators of the southern part of Western Europe and Southwestern Iran. According to the calculations, 30-35 thousand people lived in the territory of northeast Syria during Halaf culture. These results were verified by the method of C. Reed and R. Braidwood, using the method of population density per settlement area by C. Renfrew as well as an indicator of natural annual population growth. This verification confirmed the obtained quantitative indicators of the Khalaf population in Eastern Euphrates. A variant of determining the population of the Halaf settlement of Sabi Abyad I by the residential buildings of the “Burnt Village”, which makes up 1/10 of the area of the monument, is proposed. This result can be an independent baseline for the reconstruction of the paleodemographic characteristics of the Late Neolithic culture of Mesopotamia. Conclusion based on the obtained paleodemographic data: Despite the high infant mortality, Khalaf society is characterised as developing. For comparison, this article presents the demographic indicators of the modern Syrian Arab Republic
archaeology, settlements, methods, Syria, Eastern Euphrates, Mesopotamia, paleodemography, Halaf culture, Neolithic, population size
Issues of war and peace
Prigodich, N.D., Vasil'ev, A.V. (2023). Comparative analysis of aviation losses of the Leningrad Front during the blockade. History magazine - researches, 2, 65–74.
The subject of the research in this article is the loss of aviation forces on the Leningrad Front during the blockade. The authors consider in detail the statistical data on losses in the composition of the aviation defending Leningrad from the perspective of an integrated approach to the study of the history of the blockade of the city as a single unbroken process, which is an important expansion of scientific knowledge about the affected problem. In addition, this study is based on the materials of the Leningrad Front Air Force headquarters, which are being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. Particular attention is paid in the article to the comparative analysis of losses among personnel with aircraft losses for the same period. The main conclusions of the presented study demonstrate that the periods of increasing losses of personnel and materiel are naturally associated with the stages of massive counter-offensive operations in September 1942, January and September 1943, in January 1944. However, the data provided also indicate a number of unique provisions. As a result, the presented information allows us to somewhat expand the available data on the actions of aviation in the defense of Leningrad. The use of statistical materials allows us to ask some important questions, the scientific answer to which will be inextricably linked to the more general problems of the history of the defense and blockade of Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War.
Baltic Navy, Air defense, offensive, losses, Leningrad Front, aviation, Air Force, Leningrad, defense, blockade
Historical facts, events, phenomena
Shilnikova, I. (2023). Financial aspects of the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway: the structure of budget expenditures. History magazine - researches, 2, 75–98.
The article deals with issues related to the financing of the construction of the Trans–Siberian railway in the late XIX - early XX centuries. In the course of the study, the total cost of construction was determined, as well as the reasons for the differences in the amounts spent for individual sections of this railway were identified. The comparison of planned and actual expenses, both total and for individual items, was carried out, as well as the reasons for overspending the originally planned amounts and the circumstances that made it possible to reduce costs for certain types (stages) of work were identified. The structure of expenses is determined, the share of various items in the total amount of construction costs is estimated. A comparison of the cost structure of different parts of the Trans-Siberian Railway is carried out. The basis of the source base of this study is the materials of reports on the construction of individual lines of this railway. In the structure of expenses for all sections of the road, the most significant items are allocated, which take over the bulk of the allocated funds. At the same time, the existing differences can be explained, first of all, by the conditions of construction work, the need to construct various infrastructure facilities, bridges, tunnels. Despite the presence of miscalculations at the planning stage during the construction of the West Siberian, Tomsk branch of the Middle Siberian, both sections of the Ussuri Railway, the cost amounts did not exceed the initial estimates.
transport policy, railway construction, Trans-Siberian Railway, Siberia, Chinese Eastern Railway, West Siberian Railway, Circum-Baikal Railway, Russian empire, Russian history, Ussuriysk Railway
History and historical science
Vasil'ev, A.V., Prigodich, N.D. (2023). Roman Republican Statehood in the works of S. I. Kovalev. History magazine - researches, 2, 99–106.
The subject of this article is the scientific work of the outstanding Soviet historian of antiquity S. I. Kovalev, related to the history of the Roman Republic and its state institutions. The authors analyze the hypotheses expressed by Kovalev on the most controversial problems of the history of republican statehood and compare them with the theories that existed at that time in Western historiography, as well as pre-revolutionary Russian historiography. The authors refer not only to the works of the Soviet scientist himself, his predecessors and contemporaries, but also to archival materials, namely to the correspondence of S. I. Kovalev with his foreign colleagues. The appeal to the study of Soviet historiography of ancient history is currently becoming more and more relevant among Russian antiquarians, but there is still no detailed analysis of S. I. Kovalev's scientific work in Russian historiography. The authors show the validity of many assumptions made by S. I. Kovalev for the level of development of scientific knowledge in the study of the history of ancient Rome in the middle of the XX century, as well as the continuity of many of its provisions from the hypotheses of the outstanding pre-revolutionary Russian antiquarian I. V. Netushil. In addition, the paper demonstrates the groundlessness of the widespread point of view about the complete isolation of Soviet historical science from the global one.
dictatorship, theory of formations, Netushil, magistrates, statehood, Roman republic, historiography, soviet classical studies, Kovalev, oligarchy
Culture and cultures in historical context
Tikhonov, A.A. (2023). Musical and creative life in the Tarsky Priirtyshie in the second half of the 20th century: periods, communities, personalities. History magazine - researches, 2, 107–116.
The author examines the theatrical life in a small town on the example of the city of Tara, Omsk region. The theatrical life of the second half of the XX century is studied in dynamics, the key creative associations, personalities, periods are identified. In this article, we rely on such concepts as "local history" (meaning the consideration of the theatrical life of a separate locus - the Tarsky Priirtyshie region through the influence of individuals, associations and processes on the cultural process, referring both to written sources and historical memory), "cultural nest", "cultural environment" (as a complex of social and cultural characteristics, preferences, connections in the territory under consideration, in the local space). Three main stages of the development of the theatrical life of the Tarsky Priirtyshie region are identified. The first stage of the 1940s - 1950s, the time of work in the Container of the theater under the direction of Evgeny Prosvetov. It is characterized by the appearance of a professional theater troupe in a small provincial town, involving residents of Tara in theatrical life; the second stage - the 1960s - 1990s – the time of the functioning of the people's theater in Tara, the wide involvement of city residents in the creative environment, the emergence of theatrical traditions and connections with professional theater figures from the regional center. The third stage - since the beginning of the 2000s - is the time of the appearance of a professional theater in Tara and its development, taking into account the theatrical traditions of the city. The cultural life of the Tarsky Priirtyshie region is considered through the study of the interaction of creative associations, cultural institutions and individual ascetics.
music community, cultural space, amateur performance, musical group, small town, cultural life, cultural nest, Tarskoe Priirtyshye, local history, succession generations
History and historical science
Kapsalykova, K.R. (2023). Nina Nikolaevna Belova and ancient city studies at the Ural University. History magazine - researches, 2, 117–126.
Interest in biography is steadily growing in modern Russian society. Mythologized concepts, stamps and "dark spots" are increasingly discredited by archival data. The article is devoted to the scientific biography of the candidate of Historical Sciences, associate professor of the Department of General History N. N. Belova (1917-2012). The author reconstructs the course of work of the Soviet epigraphist on the problems of dialectical continuity based on archival materials. In the second half of the 1960s, N. N. Belova worked on a set of problems concerning the Gallo–Roman villa as an economic unit connected with the city. N. N. Belova considered the history of the late Roman Republic and the Gallia of the principate era as the history of the relationship between Rome and Italians, i.e., the struggle of Italian communities against Roman-Italian slavery. The author used a biobibliographic method, as well as developments in the field of everyday history. The article presents for the first time a letter from M. Ja. Sjuzjumov to N. N. Belova. The materials presented in this article allow us to highlight an important aspect of the scientific work of the outstanding Soviet historian M. Ja. Sjuzjumov (1893-1982) - the study of the genesis of the ancient city. The most important result of the work was the formation of the most important milestones of the scientific biography of N. N. Belova, a historian who is part of the "inner circle" of M. Ja. Sjuzjumov.
USSR, scientific biography, dialectical continuity, Sjuzjumov, Belova, epigraphic studies, epistolography, source studies, historiography, Ural University
History of ethnicities, peoples, nations
Karpov, G. (2023). The health care system of colonial Kenya. History magazine - researches, 2, 127–139.
The object of research of the presented article is the health care system of colonial Kenya (1890-1950-ies). The subject of study is the state of health of the bulk of the native population, the principles of the colony's medical service, the management of hospitals and first aid stations, sanitary and preventive measures. The author reviewed the spread of various kinds of infections and tropical diseases, as well as ways to combat them. Special attention is paid to the contribution of South Asians to the development of rural and private medicine. The methodological basis of the work is the concrete historical and problem-chronological approaches combined with synthesis and comparative analysis. The British authorities have made significant progress in this area, although in conditions of limited resources, priority was given to caring for European settlers. By the turn of the 1950s and 1960s, plague, smallpox, cholera, onchocerciasis, yellow fever and recurrent typhus were almost completely eradicated, malaria and sleeping sickness were localized. Vaccination has become the norm for the indigenous population, the risks of neonatal tetanus and polio have been reduced. The process of training indigenous personnel has been established in specialized training centers. The accumulated basis was subsequently used by the leadership of independent Kenya for the further development of this sphere.
segregation, self-government, colonialism, healthcare, infections, diseases, medicine, migration, Great Britain, Kenya
History of ethnicities, peoples, nations
Ilikaev, A. (2023). Myths about the world creation from an egg of Baltic-Finnish peoples in comparison with cosmogonomic myths of Mary and Udmurts. History magazine - researches, 2, 140–153.
The subject of this study is the motives of the myth of creation from an egg among Mari and Udmurts. Until now, the myth of the world creation from an egg (MCE) has been noted in the tradition of the Baltic-Finnish peoples, as well as the Mordvins and Komi. An analysis of Mari cosmogonic myths and folk songs reveals two mythological motives related to MCE: 1) a cuckoo builds a nest on an oak tree with six branches; 2) a duck (goose) breeds five, six, seven, twelve chicks right on the water (the top of the grass growing in the river middle). The main conclusions of the study are the following provisions. The image of a duck of the Eastern Mari is not so popular and is replaced by the images of a cuckoo and a swan. A wagtail and an ermine are also mentioned in the Mari folklore which finds parallels in Ainu and Nenets myths. Udmurt variants of folk songs include the mythologem of a duck (goose) with ducklings. The myth of a creator eagle and two ducks was perhaps characteristic not only of the Finns, Hungarians and North American Indians but also of the Mari. The Udmurt myth of creation is characterized by the presence, in addition to Inmar and Shaitan, of a cancer which finds a parallel in the Buryat cosmogonic myth. The motif of primordial ice and frozen primordial earth was probably widespread in the traditions of Izhora, Mari, part of the Bashkirs who were descendants of the Finno-Ugric peoples, Nganasan. And, thus, this motif was apparently present in the Proto-Uralic mythology.
swan, the cuckoo bird, goose, duck, Udmurts, myth of a bird, Mari, Baltic-Finnish peoples, creation from an egg, eagle
Historical facts, events, phenomena
Starikova, E.V. (2023). The Polish Uprising of 1863-1864 and the Rebels through the Eyes of Russian Military and Officials. History magazine - researches, 2, 154–168.
The article is devoted to the study of the problem of perception by Russian officers and officials of the participants of the Polish uprising of 1863-1864 in the Kingdom of Poland and the Western Region. Russian-Polish Uprising of 1863-1864 is the most important milestone in the history of Russian-Polish relations and the formation of the image of the Pole in Russian society. In the inner provinces, most people received information about the uprising mainly from the periodical press, thanks to which the image of a tough enemy was superimposed on the already existing idea of the Poles. But there were also those among the Russians who were in the thick of things during the uprising. These were the military and officials sent to the Kingdom of Poland and the Western Region. Thanks to the personal experience of the participants of the events, a much more multifaceted image was formed. The topic of mutual perception of Poles and Russians has been of scientific interest to Russian and Polish researchers for many years. There is a large body of scientific works in historiography devoted to the study of images and mutual stereotypes of Poles and Russians. The relevance of the article lies in the absence of comprehensive studies in which the subject of study would be the personal perception of Russian officers and officials of the participants of the uprising. In the course of the study, the memories of direct participants in the events who took part in the suppression of the uprising and the reform of the administration of the Western Region were studied. The article attempts to show the Polish rebels as they were seen by the Russian military and officials. In addition, their perception of such aspects of the uprising as the degree of its preparedness, the reasons for the victories and defeats of the rebels is also of interest. The result of the study was the construction of the image of the rebel, as well as the identification of factors that influenced the formation of this image.
perception, the image of the rebel, memories, the image of the enemy, the image of a pole, Western Region, poles, Kingdom of Poland, Polish uprising, suppression of the uprising
History of ethnicities, peoples, nations
Burdin, E.S. (2023). P. F. Unterberger's Policy and Views on Korean Migrants in the Far East of the Russian Empire. History magazine - researches, 2, 169–183.
The object of the study is the migration policy of the Russian Empire in the Far East. The subject is the views and approach of the military Governor of the Primorsky Region (1888-1897) and the Governor-General of the Amur Region (1905-1910) P. F. Unterberger to the resettlement from Korea and the economic activities of Koreans in the Amur Region. The purpose of the study is to analyze P. F. Unterberger's policy on the settlement of the Korean issue in the Russian Far East. The author examines in detail the assessments of the regional administrator regarding the degree of assimilation of Korean immigrants with the Russian population, reveals his approach to the acceptance of Koreans into Russian citizenship. Special attention is paid to the negative aspects of the economic detail of Koreans in the Russian Far East and the political risks associated with their stay in Russia, which P. F. Unterberger highlighted in his essays. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the conclusion about the key role of the official in the development of measures of the Far Eastern administration to formalize the legal status of Koreans in Russia. The main reasons for the administrator's negative attitude towards immigrants from Korea are identified. The main principles that guided the official in carrying out the policy on the settlement of the Korean problem are formulated. The author stressed that the views expressed by P. F. Unterberger in his works contradict the basic principles of the national policy of the Russian Federation. Individual formulations of an official by modern standards are politically incorrect and cannot be used either in official documents or in scientific or journalistic materials.
korean question, Far Eastern administration, Amur region, citizenship, Koreans, colonization, governor, assimilation, aliens, oath