Auxiliary historical disciplines
Bogdanov, V.P. (2018). Family of Merchants, Eminent People, Barons, Counts Stroganovs in Old Cyrillic Notes of the 16th - 19th Centuries. History magazine - researches, 1, 1–16.
The presented article continues the author's research in the field of source study of notes in Old Cyrillic books. The subject of this study are the notes that mention a representative of the Stroganov family. The subject is the change in the social status of this family. Initially not possessing a privileged position, during the 17th - 19th centuries the Stroganovs entered the socio-economic, cultural and political elite of the country. The task set before the author was to trace these changes through notes in Old Cyrillic books. In addition, on the example of the Stroganovs, it became possible to trace the changes in attitude of the Russian elite towards publications in the old printed Cyrillic alphabet. The article is based on the materials of the database of notes (identified on the basis of the catalogs of the Old Cyrillic alphabet prepared by the archaeographers of Lomonosov Moscow State University), which the author has been conducting since 2008. For the sake of the conclusions' clarity, the author also used catalogs prepared on the basis of the funds of the State Historical Museum, the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts, the Russian State Library, and the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences. As a result, the author was able to trace the changes in the social status of the Stroganov family, which once again shows the systematic nature of the information contained in book notes and the possibility of utilizing them for the reconstruction of various subjects of social history. On the example of the Stroganovs it was possible to demonstrate that the Russian elite played an important role in the distribution of old printed publications of the 16th - 17th centuries. In the 18th century and in the 19th centuries, representatives of the nobility were not involved in the contribution of books to churches and monasteries. The article contains two annexes: a list of 80 books on the basis of which notes were found, and a genealogical list comprising 32 representatives of the family (11 generations) that lived in the 16th - 19th centuries.
Stroganov, genealogy, database, church, contributions, book culture, old printed Cyrillic, archeography, notes in books, social history
Auxiliary historical disciplines
Synieokyi, O.V. (2018). The Expansion of the Limits of a Phonodocument's Life Cycle from the Conceptual Position of Technotronic Archivistics (Historical-Technical and Information-Communication Aspects). History magazine - researches, 1, 17–51.
The subject of this research is the phonodocument as a means of social communication. The object of this publication is the particularities of storing phonodocuments in modern digital conditions, revealed on the basis of a systematization of the existing phonoarchive institutions in today's communication space. The relevance of this study is determined by the lack of modern fundamental theoretical and methodological studies focused on this topic. The aim of this article is to identify, within the framework of the development of the whole concept of phonoarchitecture, the trends in the expansion of the limits of the storage phase of technotronic communication in a phonodocumet's life cycle. The author examines the particuliarities of the organization of phonodocument storage systems in different regions of the world. The author notes the basic principles of function and interaction of the storage objects of sound recordings. Additionally, the author reveals the common and distinctive features behind the functioning of national and non-governmental phonoarchives, libraries and museums at the present stage. Particular attention is focused on the specifics of the organization of storage and the use of radiophonodocuments, describing in detail the specifics of the transformation of this subspecies. The methodological basis of this study is composed of the metatheory of social communication ("Noocommunicology"). The author used the methods of comparative analysis, scientific forecasting, terminological analysis, archival studies, interdisciplinary synthesis, and system-functional, historical-genetic and historical-typological approaches. The author discusses the systemic incorporation of the world system of audiovisual archives into the processes of phonodocument communication. The model of phonodocument communication is presented in the form of disconnected elements, organically assembled together and integrated into a balanced system. The novelty of this study lies in its justification of the proposed directions for improving the communication platform for the circulation of archival sound recordings in the new digital environment. The author's special contribution to this topic is his theoretical development of a set of measures for the functional-content segmentation of the logistical channels and the reconstruction of some elements in the phonodocuments' life cycles. The author also undertakes a significant expansion of this research field thanks to an in-depth representation of the innovative developments in the creation of thematic scenarios for the formation of private sound-recording collections and the modernization of corporate sound storage facilities founded on intercompany cooperation. Finally, the author outlines methodical recommendations for designing a budget home music library.
phonodocument, technotronic ommunications, life cycle, archival funds, library collections, museum collections, studio storages of master tapes, corporate sound records repositories, philophonic databanks, music cloud web-services
Historical facts, events, phenomena
Mirolyubov, I.A. (2018). On the Practice of Wearing the Diadem by Constantine the Great. History magazine - researches, 1, 52–58.
The present article is devoted to the issue of Constantine the Great's practice of wearing a diadem during his reign (306-337). This emperor is a key figure in Roman history with which scholars associate the final transition from the Principate to autarchy (the Dominate), a new socio-political structure of the Roman state that also changed the role of the emperor: from "the first among equals" he gragually transitioned into an absolutist monarch. The figure of the emperor is now surrounded by unprecedented veneration and his imperial vestiments had also changed, notably with the appearance of the diadem. Written sources, supported by imperial iconography, ascribed the practice of wearing a diadem to Constantine the Great, but modern researchers link the appearance of this insignia with the absolutization of imperial power at the turn of the 3rd - 4th centuries, leaving aside the specific circumstance (conditions and date) of its adoption by Constatntine. Meanwhile, the clarification of these points, defined as the subject of this study, could not only help to better understand the very ideology of the imperial power of Constantine and, more broadly, the Dominant, but also to trace it in its dynamics by taking into account the external factors that had an influence on it. In his study, the author analyzes the narrative and visual sources, as well as the data of the iconography on coins, comparing them with the chronology of the life and reign of emperor Constantine. Thus, at the heart of working with sources is the complex principle of their analysis. The author in general relies on the historical-genetic method, aiming to examine a specific phenomenon (the adoption of the diadem) in its dynamics in order to determine its causes, to reveal the properties and functions of this insignia and to link them with the specific political and ideological needs of Constantine the Great. The scientific relevance of this article lies in that the author makes an attempt to examine the adoption of the diadem not as the factor that ascertains the absolutization of the imperial power, but in the broader context of the specific political and ideological aims of Constantine the Great. Researchers have paid little attention to the adoption of the diadem by Constantine, for the most part limiting themselves to the simple constatation of the fact of its existence or even attributing the initiative of introducing the diadem to the predecessor of Constantine, emperor Diocletian (284-305), whose figure is associated with the beginning of the transition to the Dominant. According to the results of this research, the author comes to the conclusion that the real adoption of the diadem by Constantine, based on the information from narrative tradition, should be dated somewhat later than the appearance of the diadem on imperial images (from 324) and should be synchronized with the founding of the new capital, the city of Constantinople (330). According to the results of the presented research, Constantine can rightly be considered the creator of the vestment standard of the Roman emperors worn in the age of the Dominate and which had a strong influence on the later traditions of monastic vestments.
Constantine the Great, Diocletian, John Malalas, Eusebius of Caesarea, Roman Empire, Tetrarchy, Dominate, iconography of Roman emperors, regalia of Roman emperors, narrative tradition
Rozhdestvenskiy, I.D. (2018). "Avenged Department": the Role of Symbolic Destruction in the Fate of the War in the Vendée. History magazine - researches, 1, 59–70.
The subject of this study is the war in the Vendée (1793-1795), one of the key events of the French Revolution, which ended with the suppression and death of tens of thousands of people. The Republicans perceived the residents of the Vendée through the prism of a certain image system: within the framework of this system, the rebels appeared in the minds of the rest of the French population, as the main enemies of the First Republic. It was so important for the Republicans to put an end to this uprising that they hastened to proclaim the end of the war even before the plan for the reconciliation of the region was approved. The main methods of research of this study are the historical-problematic and systemic approaches that make it possible to study the Republicans' views from the position of imagology and anthropological history. The subject of this article is the Republican views on the Vendée. The scientific novelty of this article is determined by the author's efforts to trace the process of designing mental images in the era of the French Revolution of the 18th century. Based on a wide range of sources, the article puts forward the conclusion that since the beginning of the uprising, the Republicans had principally only discussed ways of fighting the insurgents with force. The Vendée was the first region that placed itself outside the legal field of the Republic and refused to recognize the authority of the National Convention. The Republicans had to find a way to return the Vendée back to the bosom of the state, but the peace option was ruled out because the Vendée, according to the French population, was the concentration of all counter-revolutionary forces. The "symbolic destruction" of the Vendée not only confirmed that the department fell out of the legal field but also strengthened this status. The peaceful discourse was not accepted, since the people of the Vendée ceased to be subjects of law in the eyes of the Republicans and lost the opportunity to return to the bosom of the Republic, except through vengeance.
revolt supression, Jean-Baptiste Carrier , National Convention, "colonnes infernales", general Louis Turreau, First Republic, Vendée, France, War in the Vendée, French Revolution
Apalkov, D.I. (2018). The Collective Leadership of the Bolshevik Party as a Model of Power under the Conditions of the Inner-Party Struggle of the 1920s. History magazine - researches, 1, 71–79.
The article is focused on the study of collective leadership's potential as a variant of the evolution of the system of power in the Bolshevik party in the 1920s. The subject of this article is the structure and political culture of the oligarchic power model in the Bolshevik Party in the 1920s and their influence on the inner-party struggle in the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks). Understanding the mechanisms of the functioning of the highest echelon of power in the USSR is a prerequisite for studying the inner-party struggle of the 1920s as a complex issue. The methodological basis of this study is the historical-systematic method, which allowed the author to consider the inner-party struggle in the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) in the 1920s through the prism of the functioning of the system of highest authority in the USSR. The scientific novelty of this research lies in that this view of the issue allowed the author to revise to a certain extent some ideas enrooted in historiography and to deepen the general understanding of the Stalinist dictatorship's genesis from the subsoil of the Bolshevik leadership. The author comes to the conclusion that the model of collective power was a logical continuation of the traditions that developed under Lenin. After Lenin, collective leadership was perceived in the party environment as the optimal direction of political development under the conditions of the absence of an unconditional leader of the party. In the minds of the Bolshevik functionaries, the mood of "unity" prevailed and the inner-party struggle was considered a dangerous phenomenon that represented the threat of undermining the dictatorship of the Bolshevik party and stability in the highest echelon of power. At the same time, as the study shows, the post of General Secretary of the Central Committee undoubtedly gave Stalin important advantages in the struggle for power, and yet this factor was not decisive in Stalin's victory in the inner-party struggle and the destruction of collective leadership.
Bolshevik Party, collective leadership, Politburo, Central Committee, Steering Seven, Lenin, Stalin, conflict theory, Workers’ opposition, inter-party struggle
Popova, A.D. (2018). The Meanings of October in the Mental Dispositions of Russians and their Place in the Modern Public Consciousness. History magazine - researches, 1, 80–91.
The author examines the mental dispositions of Russian society and their role in the revolution of 1917 and in the process of the formation of civil society. Using the work of V. I. Lenin, normative acts, letters and appeals of Russians to the authorities and Soviet leaders, the author investigates the particularities of the mental dispositions of Russian society and compares them with the values of civil society. The article uses documents from different historical periods: the First Russian Revolution, Stalinist collectivization and industrialization, the Perestroika. Applying the method of historical retrospect, analysis and synthesis, the author identifies a number of particularities of the mental dispositions of the Russian public consciousness and the reasons for their formation. The author demonstrates that the slow formation of private ownership of land and communal use of land slowed down the development of individualist psychology and the understanding of the inviolability of the rights and freedoms of the individual, but reinforced the notion of violence as the most optimal form of solving all social issues. The article also affirms that the mental dispositions of Russian society dictated a slightly different image of democracy than adopted in Western countries. People's ideas about democracy grew on the traditions of peasant self-government without the separation of power, based not on law, but on patriarchal customs, resulting in a strong feature of social consciousness - paternalism. The author claims that these features of public consciousness were clearly manifested throughout the 20th century and have survived to this day, which is an essential factor hampering the formation of civil society in modern Russia.
collectivism, paternalism, Soviet power, The Great October Revolution, democracy, public consciousness, civil society, mentality, the idea of violence, sense of justice
Social history
Zharova, E. (2018). Regulation of Student Courses in Universities of the Russian Empire in the Second Half of the 19th – Beginning of the 20th Centuries. History magazine - researches, 1, 92–105.
The subject of this article is the process of modifying the control of student courses in Russian universities during the second half of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. Regulation of students’ lessons is one of the most important aspects of going through a university, which is why changes in the university system always affected student exams. A significant role in the penetration of one or another examination procedure was played by initiatives of universities, which the Ministry if not supported, at least considered, and consequently could introduce into practice of university life. The article's research is based, first of all, on the use of the comparative-historical method and is also founded on the principles of historicism and objectivity. The novelty of this study lies in that the author considers the gradual change in regulating the studies of students in Russian imperial universities during the second half of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century in terms of the particular characteristics of the educational institutions and the general direction of the state's educational policy. This was a unique kind of instrument for influencing both students and university corporations, which were either given the opportunity to decide independently the issue of controlling student courses or deprived of such an opportunity. This was due to fluctuations in the educational policy of the Ministry of Education.
Russian Empire, Ministry of Public Education, examinations, grade scale, tests, semester test, subject system of education, education reforms, state regulation, natural science departments
Regions of the world in the global historical process
Zusmanovich, D.D. (2018). Cooperation of Ho Chi Minh with American Special Services and the Formation of Soviet-Vietnamese Relations. History magazine - researches, 1, 106–123.
The article addresses the little-known aspects of Soviet-Vietnamese relations and the biography of Ho Chi Minh. The subject of this study is the direction of the foreign policy of the military-political leadership of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in the period from 1945-1950. With the August Revolution, Ho Chi Minh and his associates came to power in Vietnam. The choice of foreign policy direction was not as straightforward for the Vietnamese leadership as Soviet historiography has claimed. With the help of new sources, such as the "Pentagon Documents", documents from the archive of the CIA, as well as Russian archives, it has become possible to study the formative process of the foreign policy direction of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the process of choosing an ally for this state. The author dedicates considerable attention to Ho Chi Minh's cooperation with US intelligence agents as a little-known episode, especially in Russian historiography. In the course of researching this topic, the author used the historical-genetic method, the principles of historicism and objectivity. In addition to the above-named principles, the approach from the positions of Hans Morgenthau's political realism and Kenneth Waltz's neo-realism was also applied. Vietnam, like any other state, sought to realize its national interests, but under the conditions of the beginning of the Cold War and the formation of a "bipolar world", this aspiration depended on the general structure of the global balance of power. Having analyzed the new array of sources, the author comes to the conclusion that under certain conditions, Vietnam could have followed the capitalist path of development, thus becoming a neutral state or even an ally of the United States.
South-Eastern Asia, Communist International, H. Truman, Viet Minh, "Pentagon Documents", August Revolution, Ho Chi Minh, Office of Strategic Services, First Indochina War, Soviet-Vietnamese relations
Seydametova, G.U. (2018). Housing-Municipal and Household Problems in the Cities of Karakalpakstan in the 1960s-1980s. History magazine - researches, 1, 124–129.
This article is focused on one of the most important issues in the study of the everyday life of urban populations: the housing and municipal issue. The author analyzes the life of the urban population in general, and the provision of housing in the cities of Karakalpakstan in the period from the 1960s to the 1980s in particular. A description of the state of housing and communal services during the period under study is given. The author also identifies the main problems of this industry, as well as attempts at improving the household and housing spheres of urban residents. In addition, this work is based on the principles of a critical interpretation of sources, systematization and comparative analysis of data. The methodology of this work is constructed on local material. The use of the local approach requires a concentration of research attention on the particularities of the development of housing and communal problems of a specific region, in this case, of Karakalpakstan during the indicated period. The scientific novelty of this research lies in that for the first time in the Russian historiography an analysis of the history of housing and communal policy in Karakalpakstan during the period of the 1960s - 1980s was carried out, based on the study of archival and statistical data. On the basis of detailed statistics, the author examines the problems of the social sphere of the region and ways of their resolution by the republican authorities.
household, housing, Karakalpakstan, Nukus, municipal problems, public services, construction, city, urban, culture
Beliefs, religions, churches
Mikheeva, A. (2018). L. A. Grebnev's Manuscript from the Vyatka Collection of the Scientific Library of Moscow State University: an Unsuccessful Attempt to Reform Liturgical Singing. History magazine - researches, 1, 130–142.
This article examines a unique document: a singing manuscript by to the famous Old Believer of the Fedoseevsky (Bespopovsty) movement, the typographer and educator Luka Arefyevich Grebnev (1867 - 1932). The author comes to the conclusion that the surviving draft is a draft edition of liturgical chants. The author examines in detail how Grebnev edited liturgical texts and melodies, what was his intention, and why Luka Arefievich addressed at all the issue of liturgical singing. The author also considers Grebnev's role as the organizer of the church choir at the chapel in the village of Staraya Tushka in the Malmyzhsky uyezd of the Vyatka governorate. A vast array of various sources was used for this research: singing books, documents of epistolary nature and diaries, materials from Old Believer cathedrals, the investigation file on the deprivation of the Grebnev family of electoral rights, and others. The decoding of the musical notes on the hooks of the manuscript by L. A. Grebnev was made using several singing alphabets (preference was given to the data from the Alphabet uncovered by archaeographers in Vyatka). Based on the decoding, the author conducted a musicological analysis of the edits of the liturgical chants proposed in the manuscript. The other sources allowed to restore the historical and biographical context of the manuscript. The article addresses the practically unstudied side of Luka Arefyevich Grebnev's activity in reforming liturgical singing. The author comes to the conclusion that his edits were aimed first of all at correcting the text of the hymns - the abolition of archaisms. A similar idea was actively discussed at councils of Old Believers at the turn of the 19th - 20th centuries. Grebnev's merit lies in that he intended to submit for discussion at the forthcoming All-Russian Fedoseyevsky council his finalized edition of liturgical chants. This is why the document itself is a unique source in the history of Orthodox church music. The analysis of the manuscript has made it possible to conclude that Grebnev acted within the framework of traditional for Old Russian church and singing art methods, sparing compared to the original chants. At the same time, the correction of liturgical chants in itself meant a cardinal revolution in the church life of the Old Believers.
history of Old Believers, liturgical singing of Old Believers, Old-Russian church-singing art, Luka Arefyevich Grebnev, Vyatka Old Believers, Fedoseevtsy, musical culture of Old Believers, naonnoe singing, khomoniya, Znamenny chant
Beliefs, religions, churches
Babich, I.L. (2018). The Voznesenskaya Davidova Poustinia: the Life of the Monastery in the 18th Century. History magazine - researches, 1, 143–154.
The Voznesenskaya Davidova Poustinia is one of the monasteries situated near Moscow, founded in 1515 by the monk David of the Pafnutievsky Monastery. The research subject of this article is the particularities of the monastery's development in the 18th century. The main key events were: the church reform of 1764 and the introduction of a new monastic cenobitic charter (end of the 18th century). Up to now, there have been no studies in scientific literature describing the history of the monastery Voznesenskaya Davidova Poustinia in the 18th century. To date, only one book by N. P. Vinogradov has been published (in 1915), in which a description of the history of the monastery for 400 years is given. The article was prepared on the basis of the historical method. The author, analyzing the archival materials he collected, extracted from two archives (the Russian State Archive of Ancient Documents and the Central State Archives of the City of Moscow), undertakes a historical reconstruction of the life of the monastery of the Voznesenskaya Davidova Poustinia in the 18th century. The novelty of this article lies is that, with the example of a scrupulous analysis of all aspects of the life of a monastery, one can see the key stages of monastic history in Russia in the 18th century. The study of the history of the above-named monastery presents both scientific and practical interest. Above of all, the author points out that in 2015 the monastery turned 500 years old. The monastery managed to preserve its functions for the duration of many centuries. In addition to this, the fate of the monastery during one of the most difficult historical periods is of particular interest: 1764 is the period when church reform and the secularization of church lands was carried out - an important source of life for the monasteries.
church reform, Russian authorities, clergy, peasants, lands, Voznesenskaya Davidova Poustinia, Catherine II, monasteries, Russia, Orthodoxy
Ivanovskaya, I.O. (2018). Some Aspects of the Preservation of the Cultural Heritage in the Churches of the Savior-Euphrosyne Monastery in Polotsk at the Present Stage. History magazine - researches, 1, 155–162.
The article is focused on the topic of the preservation of cultural movable objects under the conditions of operating churches, which is a current topic in the context of modern practical church and museum activity. The subject of analysis is the features of movable cultural monuments and the factors affecting their preservation. The article addresses the example of how it is permissible, for the sake of preserving a historical and cultural heritage, to reject the historically fair concept of setting up a relic in its native environment. The author identifies the main causes that influenced the adoption of this decision. To preserve movable monuments, the author selected other, more appropriate locations in churches that operate on the territory of the monastery. The study's research is based on the comparative and interdisciplinary methods. Of significant value to the work are also the descriptive, historical, analytical methods, and the method of scientific observation. The author's particular contribution to the research of this topic is that she collected and analyzed the microclimate parameters of this unique church and gives a description of some movable cultural valuables. The novelty of this study is that the author explicates the dependence of the particularities of cultural valuables' placement on the temperature and humidity regime (THR) inside and outside the room, using the example of the existing churches of the convent in the city Polotsk. The author puts forward the assumption that for the preservation of the cultural heritage it is necessary to conjoin administrative, scientific, and historical approaches.
microclimate, movable cultural monument, monumental painting, immovable cultural monument, textiles, Polotsk’s valuables, restoration, preservation, silver reliquary, Savior-Transfiguration church
History of state and law
Baibakov, S.A. (2018). The Development of Proposals to Reform the Highest State Agencies for the Drafting of the Third Union Constitution by the Apparatus of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (1961-1962). History magazine - researches, 1, 163–176.
Based on archival material for the first time introduced into scientific circulation, the author demonstrates that the staff of the apparatus of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR even before the formation of the constitutional commission on April 25, 1962, began preparatory work for writing the draft of the future third Union Constitution. The author succeeded in determining when, who and by what reasons became the initiator of this work, and what specific proposals were prepared by various departments of the apparatus for reforming the structure of the highest state agencies of the USSR, above all, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and its presidium. In the article, which is of an interdisciplinary nature, the results of the study of this problem by historians and jurists are briefly summarized, and new archival material is introduced into the scientific circulation which allows to fill the gaps identified by the author in Russian historiography. The specific contribution of the author to the study of the topic under consideration is his discussion of the preparatory work that was undertaken for the creation of the third Union Constitution even before the official formation of the Constitutional Commission of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, conducted by the staff of the apparatus of its presidium. Of particular interest are the initiatives of directorate and employees of the legal department who proposed to review the functions and competencies of the highest state authorities.
agencies of state power, Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, legal subdivision, draft of the third Constitution, chambers of the Supreme Soviet, model of all-people's state, criticism of the Stalin Constitution, Khrushchev’s Thaw, Union State Council, post of the President of the USSR
Discussion and debate
Stukalov, P.B. (2018). Questions on the Genesis and Essence of the Ideology of Russian Nationalism in Modern Russian Studies. History magazine - researches, 1, 177–186.
The subject of this article is the current state of scientific research focused on the questions of the genesis and essence of the ideology of Russian nationalism. The author places emphasis on the relevance of this issue, as well as the complexity and inconsistency of the phenomenon of "Russian nationalism." Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the differences in the study of this problem between the studies of the Soviet and modern eras. The author investigates the reasons for the intensification of the research interest in the questions concerning Russian nationalism at the present stage and describes the main dissertation research results regarding this issue. Additionally, the author identifies the main research approaches that exist for the study of the emergence of modern Russian nationalism and its essence. The methodological basis of this article is formed by the set of methods characteristic of historiographic research, of which the main ones are: the comparative-contrastive, systematic and socio-cultural methods. The article presents the following conclusion: 1. In modern dissertation research, not only the question of the essence, but also the existence of Russian nationalism as an independent ideology has not been unambiguously resolved. 2. The study of the ideology of Russian nationalism is characterized by the methodological imperfection that has not been overcome to this day, which is due, on the one hand, to the application of largely scholastic schemes of Western constructivism and instrumentalism, and, on the other hand, to the influence of the former approaches of Soviet historiography. 3. Russian nationalism is an independent ideological phenomenon that is characterized by an amorphous ideological content, subject to the influence of socio-political conjuncture, but, at the same time, is based on the fundamental idea of the existence of the Russian nation as an independent and unique historical phenomenon.
ideological amorphism, marginal political ideology, structural crisis, genesis determinants, collapse of the USSR, right-conservative ideology, Soviet social science, genesis of Russian nationalism, ideology of Russian nationalism, historiography