Issues of war and peace
Fedyushko, D.I. (2017). Discussions About the "Safeguard" Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) System on the Pages of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists (1969-1972). History magazine - researches, 6, 1–6. doi: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.6.23896 Retrieved from
The subject of this article is the stance of the academic community in the United States on the "Safeguard" anti-ballistic missile (ABM) system as formulated through the pertinent discussions on the pages of the specialized "Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists" journal in the late 1960s-early 1970s. The article reviews the opinions within the American scientific circle of the proponents and opponents of anti-ballistic missile defense, analyzes the pro et contra of the installation of the "Safeguard" system, and also demonstrates the interaction between the scientists and US politicians. As the main research method, the author chose to apply the comparative analysis approach to the works of the American scientists published in the "Bulletin" journal from 1969 to 1972. This article is the first research work in Russian historiography focused on the study of the archive of one of the biggest scientific-journalistic magazines published in the United States. The author clearly shows the mechanisms behind the emerging attitudes of the US scientific circle towards anti-ballistic missile defense. At the same time, the author demonstrates how the "Bulletin" became one of the tribunes of the anti-military movement in the scientific community.
ABM, Safeguard, System, Academic community, Cold War, USA, Senate, Stance, Journal, Pentagon
Question at hand
Fedyushko, D.I. (2017). The Reforms of the United States' National Security Council in the late 1960s. History magazine - researches, 6, 7–13. doi: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.6.24343 Retrieved from
The article's research is focused on the reforms to the US National Security Council (NSC) carried out in the late 1960s by President Nixon's National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger. The author allocates special attention to the organization's role in the development of the United States' foregin policy, as well as its place in the consulting structure of the White House. The article examines in detail the changes made to the National Security Council's structure, introduced at the turn of the 1960s-1970s, with the aim of improving its efficiency. The methodological basis for this study is the historical-genetic approach and the descriptive method, which allow to describe in detail the history of the establishment and development of the National Security Council, as well as its reform under H. Kissinger. The study's novelty lies in its detailed analysis of the structural changes made to the National Security Council, undertaken by the United States' authorities at the turn of the 1960s-1970s. The article for the first time in Russian historiography clearly shows the establishment of the Council as the main consulting mechanism of the White House and its subsequent decrease in importance due to the increase in H. Kissinger's personal contribution to the development of the United States' foreign policy.
United States of America, Cold War, Foreign Policy, Council, National Security, Henry Kissinger, Richard Nixon, White House, Modernization, President
History and historical science
Bakhareva, A.Y. (2017). The History of Using Dogs in Military and Guard Duty in Russia. History magazine - researches, 6, 14–21. doi: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.6.24266 Retrieved from
The topic of this research is the history of using dogs in Russia, while dedicating particular attention to the importance of using dogs in patrol and guard duty, in military warfare, and in protecting state borders and conducting customs controls. The principle aim of this article is to undertake an analysis of the possible uses of dogs in the service of man and to study the experience of using them. The author also examines the topic of using dogs during the Great Civil War in Russia. Particular attention is paid to the particularities of the development of service dog breeding in Russia, the usage of service dogs in in law enforcement agencies, including in customs control. The research was conducted on the principles of historicism and objectivity, and the methodological base of the research is the historical-genetics method, through the help of which the sequential detection of properties, features and changes in the topic under study during the process of its historical movement, allowing to achieve to the greatest extent a reconstruction of the real history of the studied phenomena. The scientific novelty of this study lies in the very way the topic was set: the article carries out an analysis and substantiates the possibilities and ways of using dogs in law enforcement agencies, including in the customs control sphere. The author comes to the conclusion that the use of service dogs remains in demand in all law enforcement agencies. The abilities and capacities of service dogs allow for a more effective prevention, repression and detection of crimes and offenses within the competence of law enforcement agencies. The main contribution of the author in the advanced of the examination of this topic is the study of the ways of using dogs in law enforcement agencies, including the customs control.
guard dog, service, dog, customs control, border protection, cutoms security, law enforcement agencies, service dog, abilities of dogs, use of dogs
Question at hand
Fedyushko, D.I. (2017). The Laying of the Foundations of the United States Anti-Missile Defense in the 1950s-1960s. History magazine - researches, 6, 22–29. doi: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.6.24591 Retrieved from
The subject of this article is the evolution of the anti-missile defense concepts in the United States of America during the 1950s-1960s. The author examines in detail the origin of the very idea of protecting the US territories from strategic weapons with the help of missile defense complexes, as well as the implementation of the main programs of the Pentagon in this field. Particular attention is paid to the anti-missile systems developed by the national defense industry during this period. The author examines in detail the transition from abstract anti-missile defense concepts to specific projects for its realization. The author extensively applies the historical-systematic method, which has allowed to trace in detail the origin and evolution of the idea of anti-missile construction in the United States in the early stages of the Cold War. The novelty of this work consists in its investigation of the origins of the American anti-missile defense system and its influence on the formation of the US strategic forces during the period of the "cold" war, which has not been given much attention to previously in Russian historiography. The author pays special attention to the process of financing the anti-missile defense and demonstrates the transition of the US military leadership from the abstract idea of protecting the territory of the entire country to the defense of particular sites that are of key importance for national security.
Cold War, USA, national security, anti-missile defense, Sentinel, Pentagon, strategic weapons, development, projects, missiles
Romanova, E.N., Stepanova, L.B. (2017). The Diary of A. N. Nikiforov: Biography as a Communicative Space. History magazine - researches, 6, 30–38. doi: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.6.24879 Retrieved from
The personal context of history, the individual world of experience and the perception of historical events are today the main topics of modern historical sciences. Into the circle of the research space of this article, the authors have included a range of sources of personal origin (diaries, memoirs, letters) that project the national-cultural experience and scientific strategies of the first intellectuals. The subject of this study is the life and fate of a representative of the Yakut national intelligentsia through the lens of autobiographical evidence (his personal diary) in the context of social communications and strategies. The object of this study is the history of academic training and the formation of the Yakut national intelligentsia in the context of the activities of Russian intellectual communities. In this article, the authors have undertaken an attempt at creating a historical comprehension of the "self-narrative" within the framework of a biographical discourse, where the interpretation of the autobiography acts as social practice. The conducted biographical analysis of the diary entries of A. N. Nikiforov has allowed to reveal only a fragment of an important "story about self" as a representative of a certain spiritual and religious community. The reconstruction of the "life" world of the first intellectual A. N. Nikiforov in the context of social communications and strategies of practice is one of the methodological novelties of this study. The analysis of the behavioral code of the first intellectuals, characterized by selfless service to science with a deep sense of duty and responsibility for the preservation of the disappearing life of the northern ethnicities, makes it possible to talk about the formation of a special intellectual culture in Yakut society during the period under study.
national intelligentsia, retrospective analysis, invisible college, correspondent, museum and ethnographic collecting, ego-documents, biographical discourse, personal context, social communication, intellectual culture
Regions of the world in the global historical process
Markelov, N. (2017). The Interethnic Conflict Between the Belarusians and the Poles in 1944-1950: Political and Nationalistic Aspects. History magazine - researches, 6, 39–52. doi: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.6.24710 Retrieved from
The subject of this article is the entity of the relations that existed between the main ethnic groups (primarily Belarusians and Poles) on the territory of the Bialystok region of the BSSR, most of which was transferred to postwar Poland by the Soviet Union. The chronological frame of the study is the period from the time of the end of the German occupation up to the peak of the Polish nationalist underground activities in the region (1944-1950). The choice of the postwar period makes it possible to analyze the interethnic relations in all their acuteness, as characteristic of a period of unstable borders, crises caused by ethnic and ideological conflicts, and weakness of the authorities under the conditions of restoring a peaceful life after the cruelest wartime turmoil. Within the framework of this research based on archival evidence, the author analyzes such key phenomena for the understanding of the Polish-Belarusian relations as the policy of the Polish armed anti-Soviet underground against the Belarusian population and the reaction of Belarusians and Poles to the postwar settlement of the region in the context of the establishment of the socialist system. The conclusions presented by the author indicate that the political and interethnic conflicts in the post-war years were closely intertwined on the territory of Western Belarus. The article demonstrates their influence on the principles of coexistence of the two main national communities in the region. Their tracks are still making themselves felt today, materializing in the form of ethno-confessional ideological notions, which to this day echo in Polish regions tightly inhabited by Belarusians.
Belarus, Poland, history of the USSR, sovietization, World War II, ideological conflict, nationalism, interethnic relations, terror, armed anti-soviet underground
History of ethnicities, peoples, nations
Markelov, N. (2017). The Belarusian Language in the Context of Interethnic Relations on the Western Belarus Borderland: from the Pre-War Period to the Great Partiotic War (1930-1940). History magazine - researches, 6, 53–62. doi: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.6.24909 Retrieved from
The territory of the Belarusian-Polish borderland during the first half of the 20th century was the arena of a conflict between two important political and cultural centers — the USSR and Poland, that fought for supremacy in Eastern Europe and dominance on the territory of Belarus. Within the framework of this conflict, interethnic relations developed between the Poles and the Belarusians, in particular, on the territory of Bialystok, Brest, Grodno and Western Polesia. The subject of this study is such aspects of the relations between the two peoples as identification by language. One of the most important manifestations of this confrontation was the status of the Belarusian language, as well as its codification. In the period under study, there were regional variants of the Belarusian language, any of which could potentially be taken as the basis for the creation of the grammar of the literary language, which is why the normativization of this language became one of the collision fields of the two historical centers towards which the region's population gravitated — Moscow and Warsaw. The article's main research method is the comparative method, which has allowed to uncover the particularities of the language policies of the Soviet power and the Polish administration, including the influence of their underground agencies during the years of the war on the ethnic conflict. The novelty of this article lies in its attempt to move away from the common in works of Polish, Belarusian and Soviet scholars presentation of the total opposition (based on undeniable historical facts and the logic of state- and nation- building in the 20th century) of the two ethnic communities of the region: the Poles and the Belarusians, in favor of illuminating the particular regional "local" identity, which never ceased to form despite the objective existence of the Belarusian-Polish conflict.
Poland, assimilation, language, national identity, regional identity, nationalism, interethnic relations, Russian world, Belarusia, History of the USSR
Interdisciplinary research
Dudin, P.N. (2017). The Contractual Mechanism for Ensuring the Russian Strategic Presence in the Far East (on the Example of the Chinese Eastern Railway). History magazine - researches, 6, 63–71. doi: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.6.24596 Retrieved from
The subject of this study is the treaties and agreements that served as the normative basis for the construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway, one of the most successful foreign policy enterprises of the Russian Empire at the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries. The object of this study is the Russian national interests in the Far East. The railway project presented in the form of a concession solved several important geopolitical and strategic problems, among which the provision of the security of the Far Eastern borders of the empire, transport accessibility and access to the non-freezing ports of the Eastern seas were of primary importance. The methodology of this study involved an analysis of the treaties and agreements concluded between Russia and the Chinese side, as a result of which the Chinese Eastern Railway was built and successfully functioned for 40 years. For the first time, an attempt has been made to implement a systematic analysis of Russia's participation in the international relations in the Far East through the mechanism of concluding international treaties and agreements. Acting as the normative basis of Russian policy in the region, the author presents them for the first time as part of a comprehensive mechanism for ensuring national interests and also comes to the conclusion that the railway line was tied to the power of Russia, the presence of her own interests on the territory of Northeastern China and the ability to defend them.
Chinese Eastern Railway, concession, Far East, Russian world, Russian empire, China, East Asia, Manchukuo, USSR, contract
Ethnography and ethnology
Nadyrshin, T.M. (2017). The Relevance of the Field of Education for Ethnography, Ethnology and Anthropology. History magazine - researches, 6, 72–78. doi: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.6.24796 Retrieved from
The aim of this theoretical article is to discuss the relevance of the field of education for the subject area of the specialization "Ethnography, Ethnology and Anthropology." The content of the specialization "Ethnography, Ethnology and Anthropology" is the study of the history and of the modern state of mankind in the form of its specific groups - ethnoses. The directions indicated in the passport of the named specialization cannot be limited to only the study of ethnoses. The field of application of ethnography and of the ethnographic method can be linked to the study of such a sphere of culture as education. The conclusions of this study are based on an analysis of domestic and foreign scientific anthropological theoretical literature on education. The study of the field of education for the specialization "Ethnography, Ethnology and Anthropology" is tied to the following reasons: education is part of culture; education is an important element of everyday life; education as a state institution can influence and level out certain elements of ethnic culture; the interaction of different ethnic groups with the sphere of education is different from one another; education is the tracing-paper with the ethnic processes in society; the state provides the variability of the forms of individual elements within the content of education in view of the ethnic factors; education is an important part of research within applied ethnology.
education, anthropology of education, transmission of culture, ethnography of school, cultural anthropology, Soviet ethnography, cultural universals, cultural dominant, George Spindler, ethnic identity
Regions of the world in the global historical process
Barabanov, O.A. (2017). The Role of the E. U. and the U. S. in the Movement of Montenegro Towards an Independence Referendum. History magazine - researches, 6, 79–93. doi: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.6.25077 Retrieved from
At the turn of the 20th - 21st centuries Yugoslavia disintegrated, ending with Montenegro’s proclamation of independence. The author of this article demonstrates the role of outside international actors in the detachment of Montenegro. The United States supported the establishment of the Belgrade agreement, developed with the active participation of the European Union, and the adoption on its basis of the Constitutional Charter of Serbia and Montenegro, which provided for the possibility of holding a referendum after three years on the withdrawal of one of the republics from the state community. Having taken part in the preparation of the referendum and renouncing the right cemented in the Belgrade Agreement to regulate disputes between Belgrade and Podgorica in the economic sphere, the European Union effectively contributed to the secession of Montenegro. The author convincingly argues with critics who do not see the guilt of the European Union in taking responsibility for the region but not wishing to take real steps to preserve the unified union state of Serbia and Montenegro. The author examines the issues from the positions of universal, general and global history, applying the multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches, and using the historical and logical methods. The author comes to the conclusion that in the 2000s the United States and the European Union played an important role in resolving the internal political issues of the states in the post-Yugoslavia space (including monitoring the change in the Yugoslavian constitution and the transformation of one state (the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) into another (Serbia and Montenegro), and the regulation of the rules for conducting a referendum on the independence of Montenegro), which is unacceptable from the standpoint of respecting the principles sovereignty, freedom and democracy. The results of this research are not only new but can also be of practical use both in scientific research and in the activity of political forces.
external intervention, independence referendum, E.U. foreign policy, U.S. foreign policy, Milo Djukanovic, Javier Solana, Venice Commission, Montenegro, Serbia, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Stepanova, L.G. (2017). The Natural Resources of Peasant Farms in the Borovichi Uyezd of the Novgorod Governorate According to the Estimates of the First Russian Land Cadastres. History magazine - researches, 6, 94–104. doi: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.6.25187 Retrieved from
The subject of this study is the natural resources of the peasant economy in the Borovichi Uyezd of the Novgorod Governorate which became the basis for its existence and land use throughout the 16th-18th centuries. The sources on which this work is based are the Reference Scribal Books of the Derevskaya Pyatina from the middle of the 16th century and the Economic Notes to the General Survey of the uyezd's land from the end of the 18th century. The study pays particular attention to the information contained in the first Russian cadastres concerning the animal and plant world, woodlands, quality and fertility of the land. The author used quantitative research methods. To solve the posed research problem with the aid of the Access 2010 interface, an electronic database was created based on the information from land cadastres of the 16th and 18th centuries and containing data on the composition of the forest and fauna world and soil resources of the Borovichi Uyezd. In order to extract information from the material of the Reference Scribal Books and Economic Notes, the method of continuous sampling was used. The research's novelty lies in its comparative analysis of the information regarding natural resources for the duration of several centuries on comparable territories. The main conclusion of this study is that the natural resources of the Borovichi Uyezd were more scarce compared to neighboring territories. This is evidenced by the species composition of animals and birds, of which no rare or valuable species were recorded in the uyezd's forests, as well as the rare occurrence of large animals. The mixed forests of the Borovichi Uyezd were not much different in its composition of trees from the neighboring uyezds, but the timber forest was of a lesser value. The soil of the uyezd in the main massif was considered average in terms of its fertility.
peasant economy, birds, animals, forests, natural resources, Reference Scribal Books, cadastres, General Survey of Land, Novgorod Governorate, Borovichi Uyezd
Question at hand
Pozdnyakova, A.S. (2017). "You Are Road Crew..." (from the History of the Vyatka Branch of the Emergency Commission on the Czechoslovak Front). History magazine - researches, 6, 105–111. doi: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.6.24392 Retrieved from
The article is focused on the study of one of the lesser-known Emergency Commissions of the Civil War period: the Cheka (the All-Russian Emergency Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage) on the Czechoslovak front. On the basis of previously unstudied documents from the State Archive of the Kirov Oblast, the State Archive of Socio-Political History of the Kirov Oblast and the State Archive of the Russian Federation, the author examined the conflict between the uyezd party workers and the chairman of the Vyatka branch of the Cheka at the Council of People's Commissars, revealed its causes and demonstrated the work of the local authorities. The article describes in detail the polemics of the Urzhum Bolsheviks on the issue of interacting with the emergency structure. In solving this study's research questions, the main approach used was the historical-typological method, and as auxiliary ones: the comparative-historical and the historical-systemic methods. The novelty of this research lies in the fact that the author introduces into scientific circulation previously unknown archival materials. One of the work's main conclusions is that the conflict between party workers and representatives of the Emergency Commission in the Urzhum Uyezd of the Vyatka Governorate was provoked, mainly, by a material factor.
Red Terror, emergency justice, establishment of Soviet power, conflict, crime in office, Urzhum Uyezd, Civil War, Czechoslovak front, Emergency Commission, Vyatka Governorate
Question at hand
Mikheev, D.V. (2017). The Migration Policy of Northern European Countries and its Changes Under the Conditions of the Migration Crisis (2014-2016). History magazine - researches, 6, 112–120. doi: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.6.25250 Retrieved from
The subject of this article is the evolution of the migration legislation of Northern European countries, which were initially monoethnic in the composition of their population. In the 20th - early 21st centuries, due to the high level of development of the social sphere and the lenient migration legislation, the countries of the named region became the final destination on the route of numerous settlers coming from both the EU member states and from outside of Europe. This process, because of the growing inflow of migrants in the context of the migration crisis of 2014-2016, led to the modernization and tightening of the migration policies of Northern European countries. The article's research is based on the principles of historicism and objectivity, while the methodological base of the study is the historical-genetic method, which allows to trace the successive evolution of the attitude towards migrants and migration legislation in the countries of Northern Europe. The article summarizes the information concerning the changing attitude towards migrants and migration legislation in Northern European countries. The author notes the current trends in migration processes in this region. The main conclusions of the conducted study can be attributed to the assertion that the migration legislation of Northern European countries had the tendency to tighten in a number of states already before the outbreak of the migration crisis. The remoteness of the region's countries from the main routes of illegal migration did not guarantee their safety from the excessive influx of immigrants who penetrated into the countries of Northern Europe both through the territory of the European Union and through the North-Western region of Russia, which acted as a transit territory and was the so-called Northern route for refugees headed for the European Union.
migration, European Union, Northern Europe, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Baltic region, migration crisis, refugees
Comparative history research
Bibnev, A. (2017). The Evolution of the Regional Concept of Simon Bolivar. History magazine - researches, 6, 121–133. doi: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.6.24572 Retrieved from
The subject of this research is the regional concept of Simon Bolivar, known in scientific and journalistic literature as the "Bolivar's dream". This concept originated at the beginning of the 19th century and proclaimed the idea of the independent development of the countries of Latin America and Caribbean basin that was supposed to be implemented through the creation of a single regional confederation. The article pays particular attention to the substantive aspects of "Bolivar's dream", as well as to the debated issues regarding the set of countries that Bolivar included in his concept. The chronological frame of this work covers the period from 1811 to 1830. The research is constructed on the examination of the historical base that reflects the regional concept of Simon Bolivar. As the directing methodology, the author uses the theory of comparative regionalism. The study allows to understand the content and evolution of the concept, as well as the issue of the different interpretations of "Bolivar's dream" that appear as a result of the fragmented nature of how this topic has been studied. The conducted analysis has allowed to identify a series of key provisions. "Bolivar's dream" was finalized completely in 1815; in this period the virtual confederation included the biggest set of countries that almost completely encompassed all colonial possession in the New World. In the middle of the 1820s, in the attempt to practically implement his regional concept, Bolivar, realizing the difficulty in converging together all the states of the region, sought to limit the number of members in the confederation, every year reducing it more and more. In connection with this, Bolivar encountered opposition among the political elite of the region, in the first place, the vice-president of Gran Colombia Francisco Santander. The author spells out the reasons that prevented "Bolivar's dream" of being embodied into life.
Bolivar's Dream, Simon Bolivar, early regionalism, Spanish America, war for independence, Panama congress, Andean confederation, Gran Colombia, Latin America, supranational management system
Historical facts, events, phenomena
Krasilov, O.V., Manannikov, S.V., Klochkov, R.V. (2017). Ski Training in the Divisions of the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs of the Far East in the 1930s-1940s. History magazine - researches, 6, 134–139. doi: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.6.24582 Retrieved from
This article focuses on the issue of the formation of ski training and the development of mobility skills during the winter period in the divisions of the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs of the Far East in the 1930s-1940s. The authors analyze the development stages of ski training in the internal affairs agencies during the pre-war and war periods. The threat of Japanese invasion in 1941-1942 into the territory of the Soviet Far East contributed to the intensification of professional training among members of the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs. The article is dedicated to a detailed analysis of the formation and special preparation of fighter squads of skiers aimed at combatting paratroopers of German-Fascist invaders and their allies in the years of the Great Patriotic War in 1941-1945. The methodology and main research methods are the fundamental principles and methods of scientific research, specifically: objectivity, comprehensiveness, and historicism. The principle of historicism gave the possibility of examining ski training at the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs as a significant part of the professional training of members of the agencies of internal affairs. The study's main conclusions are the inference that the results of the Soviet-Finnish campaigns and military clashes with German-Fascist troops led to the activation of ski preparation training among members of the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs. The particular contribution of the authors to the study of this topic is the introduction into scientific circulation of previously unknown to the scientific community documents, which are preserved in the archive of the Informational Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Khabarovsk krai. The study's novelty lies in that the authors demonstrate the positive dynamics of ski preparation and the development of mobility skills during the winter period of the members of the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs during the pre-war and war periods.
People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs, Far East, fighter battalions, staff competition, Great Patriotic War, composition of cadre, winter period, skills development, professional training, ski training
Kutueva, N.A. (2017). The Political Significance of Russian Liberals in the Perception of Socialists (1901-1904). History magazine - researches, 6, 140–146. doi: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.6.23500 Retrieved from
The research subject of this article is the attitude of Russian socialist parties towards the liberal movement and their evaluation of its political significance on the eve of the Revolution of 1905-1907. The understanding of this aspect of the Russian socialists' ideology allows to clarify the origins of the tactical principles of the Socio-Democrats and Socialists-Revolutionaries to which they adhered during the time of the first Russian revolution, as well as to identify the differences in their perception of the essence of the political regime. The article examines the issue of alliance in the Russian opposition movement at the beginning of the 20th century as seen by the Socialist parties. The methodological basis of this study is the comparative-historical method, which permits to identify the essential features of the ideology of two Russian socialist parties by means of comparing their relations towards representatives of liberal ideology during the time of the latter's growth of degree of opposition. The novelty of this research lies in its use of the comparative method for studying the issue of alliance in the Russian opposition movement at the beginning of the 20th century. This approach has allowed to reveal that both the Social-Democrats and Socialists-Revolutionaries were prepared to consider liberals as their allies in the fight against the existing regime, viewing them as an oppositional force. However, the demands put forward by the Russian liberals were not sufficiently democratic for the socialists to consider it possible to support them in any practical way.
unity of opposition, Bolsheviks, Mensheviks, socialist-revolutionary, political struggle, universal election law, issue of alliance, liberalism, socialism, social movement
Personality in history
Matveichev, O.A. (2017). Controversial Issues Regarding Plato's Biography. History magazine - researches, 6, 147–154. doi: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.6.25005 Retrieved from
The subject of this research is the "white spots" in Plato's biography. Despite the thousand-year history of studying this subject, there are quite a few of these "spots". The author notes that the number of not only reliable but even merely available sources on the life of Plato is very small. This, however, never hindered biographers of the philosopher in constructing a complete and consistent picture of his life, filling-in gaps arbitrarily at their own will. One of the better-known facts of Plato's biography is his noble origins. Ancient authors traced Plato's family to the legendary king Codrus, and record Solon and Anacreon as among his relatives. In writing this article the author conducted a critical analysis of historical written sources, a hermeneutic analysis of the texts, as well as a comparative analysis. The study's novelty lies in the author's detailed analysis of the prosopography of the Codri and of the origins and family ties of Plato's ancestors, on the basis of which the author comes to the conclusion of the incorrectness of the unquestioned attribution of Plato to this ancient Athenian clan. The author also uncovered the philosopher's motives and methods of persuading his circle of his belonging to the aristocratic elite, as well as the problem of Plato's real name. Additionally, the author analyzes two hypotheses according to which the philosopher could either have chosen for himself the pseudonym of Plato in order to highlight the breadth of his word and thought, or, indeed, could have been called Plato from his birth. The legend of the Aristocles name was invented later, during the period of Hellenism. The author is certain that the reconstruction of Plato's biography has significant heuristic value and that this topic deserves further painstaking research.
Ancient Greece, biography, Plato, prosopography, onomastics, Codri, origin, relatives, history of philosophy, genealogical tree
Social history
Dzagurova , N.K., Dzagurova, N.K. (2017). The Involvement of Women of Northern Ossetia in Industrial Production in 1925-1937. History magazine - researches, 6, 155–160. doi: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.6.25004 Retrieved from
The aim of this article is to examine the role women of Northern Ossetia played in industrial production in the period between 1925-1937. The subject of this research is the policy directed at involving women of Northern Ossetia in industrial production on the basis of a wide range of activities implemented by the government at the time of industrial building. The object of this study is the formation process of the Soviet industry in the region. The choice of the chronological frame is defined by the necessity to encompass the period most representative for understanding the specifics behind the state policy of the Bolsheviks, directed at the assimilation of the forming Soviet space by women-highlanders. The research's methodological base is the historical-genetic method, which has allowed to achieve to the greatest extent the reconstruction of the reality of the examined events and processes. The study is constructed on the principles of historicism and objectivity. The scientific novelty of the research consists of the article's undertaken analysis, based on archival documents and published materials, of the ties between the dynamics of the increase in women workers in industrial enterprises of the region during the examined period and the success of the implemented set of measures on the use of women's labor. The author comes to the conclusion that the undertaken state policy contributed to the involvement of women of Northern Ossetia in industrial production and the creation in the region of a qualified workforce from among women workers, which became massively possible under the conditions of an emerging huge labor shortage.
women-highlanders, workers, industrialization, industrial production, factory-plant building, labor, 1925-1937, region of Northern Ossetia, Northern Caucasus, women of Northern Ossetia
Leonova, T.A. (2017). The Faidas of Late Medieval Catholic Parishes. History magazine - researches, 6, 161–177. doi: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.6.24123 Retrieved from
The subject of this research is the conflicts between laity and clergy, known in historical literature under the name of "faidas", as a commonplace phenomenon in Catholic parishes during the Middle Ages. The study examines two types of conflicts in parishes: conflicts as a result of a struggle to preserve the customs of local communities and conflicts of interpersonal relations between flock and shepherd. The author analyzes the arguments of modern Medievalists regarding the concept of anti-clerical and pro-clerical sentiments of the laity in conflict situation in parishes. The study is based on documents contained in episcopal registers of the 13th-15th centuries, in ecclesiastical and lay courts. The author sets out to undo the stabilized views concerning confrontations between state and church, taken to the lower strata of Medieval society. The article's research is based on the methods of historicism and the use of the historical-genetic method and the interdisciplinary approach, which take into account the historical context not only from the point of view of the approaching Reformation but also the persistent mental attitudes generated by the corporate connections within the Medieval society. The main conclusions drawn from the conducted research is the affirmation that the relationship between priests and laymen is not only a complex but also always an unstable phenomenon. This relationship reflected both the prevailing views of society on the status of the priest, as well as the particularities tied to the specific circumstances of the parish life of local communities in which parish clergymen had integrated. The scientific novelty of this study is that the author established that the conflicts in parish life were not the normal behavior of the clergy at those parishes. Neither the nature of the confrontation of the members of the conflict, nor their quantity, nor the systemic action of both sides are not evidence of a widespread popular anti-ecclesiastical attitude on the eve of the Reformation.
Middle Ages, Catholic parish, laity, local community, secular clergy, priest, clerics, visitation, ecclesiastical court, faida
History of science and technology
Mironova, N., Koroleva, V. (2017). The Studies on the Introduction of Fodder Plants by Agrobiologist K. A. Moiseyev in the 1950s-1980s in the Komi Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. History magazine - researches, 6, 178–191. doi: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.6.24447 Retrieved from
The subject of this article is the development of the scientific direction on the introduction of new fodder plants in the Komi Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences during the Soviet era and within the context of the interaction between government and science. The research object of this study is the scientific biography of the scientist-agrobiologist Konstantin Alekseevich Moiseev (1904-1984). On the basis of archival documents, the article analyzes the scientific biography of the scholar and his contribution to the development of a new scientific direction - the introduction of fodder plants in the North. The research is based on the principle of historicism in the analysis of events and phenomena. Additionally, the author uses the methodology of scientific biography, which allows the examination of the scientist's personality in the general historical context. The study's scientific novelty consists in its examination of the scientific biographies of specific scholars who worked during the Soviet era, since through the lens of "scientific" and "personal" biography one can trace the historical background and conditions, socio-cultural orientations and values of the time. These questions are covered in the article on the example of the scientific biography of K. A. Moiseyev, whose life and activity is closely tied to the history of the foundation and development of scientific studies in the North in general and in Komi Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the Academy of Sciences in particular. The analysis of the scientific biography of this scholar has allowed to trace not only the vicissitudes of the becoming and the professional growth of a specific person, but also gave the possibility to demonstrate the most general processes of interaction between science, the Soviet state, the official ideology and the personality of the scholar during various periods of time: from the fall and accusations at the end of the 1940s to the universal recognition and fame in the 1970s-1980s.
Komi branch, scientific biography, introduction, fodder plants, ideology, Soviet state, Heracléum sosnówskyi, Soviet scientist, popularization, Konstantin Alekseevich Moiseev