Issues of war and peace
Avatkov, V.A., Polyskalov, A.O. (2017). The Armed Forces of the Turkish Republic: the Formation Process. History magazine - researches, 3, 1–13. doi: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.3.22779 Retrieved from
In this article the authors examine in detail the issue of the changes taking place in the Armed Forces of the Turkish Republic, drawing the reader's attention to the historical reasons for their role in the country, analyzing the reforms undertaken by the Justice and Development Party with relation to the army, and highlighting the importance of the government's development of its own military-industrial complex. The object of this research is the early stage of the new Armed Forces of the Turkish Republic. The study's subject is the key factors that determined the nature and dynamics of the process of changing the army's role in the government. As a methodological base for this study the authors used elements of the systematic approach, examining the studied object as a complex, whose properties are not the summation of the properties of all of its elements. The collection of variables obtained a practical meaning, being placed in the framework of a single system, thus allowing a full overview of the issue from all sides. The scientific novelty of the presented material lies in the study's results, which demonstrate the complete picture of the process that as a consequence allows to analyze the events taking place in Turkey with relation to the subject of the research. The study's results permitted the authors to come to the conclusion of the extreme importance of the development of the Turkish government and its future, and of the political solutions that will soon be decided upon by the country's authorities.
Justice and Development Party, Ottoman Empire, arms industry, putsch, formation of armed forces, Turkish Republic, reforms, army, military coup, internal policy
Zakharova, E. (2017). Daily-Life Activities of Provincial Tourists in Saint Petersburg and Moscow at the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th Centuries. History magazine - researches, 3, 14–23. doi: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.3.22993 Retrieved from
The article deals with the urban daily life in the capital cities of the Russian Empire within the context of the tourist activities that provincial visitors partook in Saint Petersburg and Moscow at the end of the 19th to the beginning of the 20th centuries. Based on guidebooks about the Russian capitals, tourist memoirs and the descriptions of guided tours, the author analyzes life on the streets, public transport, shops and restaurants, and church services from the point of view of their position of significance in tourist visits. Special attention is paid to the possibility of a tourist's chance meeting with the imperial family that could happen in the daily space of the capital city. Using the comparative historical method, the author compares the place of urban daily life in the idealized activities offered to the reader of guidebooks with the real practices that tourists partook in. The examined material allows to come to the conclusion that during the studied period, the familiarization with the daily activities of the inhabitants of the capital cities was an essential part of the tourist experience and the city daily life was fascinating for the tourist in all of its aspects. Living out the practices inherent to the capital's residents and taking part in the daily life of Saint Petersburg and Moscow, the tourist , so to speak, appropriated the city for himself thus becoming a resident of the capital city in his own mind.
daily life, capital city, tourism, guidebook, city daily life, excursions, leisure, tourists, transport, shops
Historical sources and artifacts
Fomenko, I.K. (2017). The "Belt of Orthodoxy". The Shrines of Constantinople According to the Material from Medieval Journeys of Russian Pilgrims. History magazine - researches, 3, 24–38. doi: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.3.21859 Retrieved from
The subject of this research is the localization of Orthodox shrines in Constantinople. This city was not only a place abounding in symbols, but also a sacred space confined within city walls. The heiropotia of Constantinople developed and grew as relics arrived that came from all corners of the Oikomena. Russian pilgrims went there even before Moscow was pronounced to be the Third Rome. The journeys of the Russian pilgrims are the main source for the identification of the location of shrines, relics, objects of worship, pilgrim routes. The study's author reconstructs the topography of churches, localizes relics and pilgrim routes in Constantinople. On the basis of the study of medieval journeys of Russian pilgrims, the author drew maps of reconstructions, which reflect the topography of the places of worship in the shrines of Constantinople. The main contribution of the author to the study of the given topic is the examination of the topography of Orthodox shrines in Constantinople as a complex. The work's novelty lies in its visualization of the location of relics in the city's churches. The author's proposed reconstruction of the location of relics in the church of Hagia Sofia is particularly significant. The author's reconstructions reflect the close spiritual connection between Byzantium and Rus.
Hagia Sofia, Orthodoxy, miracle-working icons, holy relics, relics, hills of Constantinople, journeys, shrines, pilgrims, Constantinople
Bystritskiy, N.I. (2017). The Study of Networks in Historical Sciences. History magazine - researches, 3, 39–51. doi: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.3.21919 Retrieved from
This article is an overview of the research methodologies used in the study of networks with consideration of the recently opened wide possibilities for its effective application for a more wide-ranging comprehensive study of historical facts. The study of networks in historical sciences could help to deepen our understanding of the formation and development mechanisms of various social groups and structures in historical perspective. Their functioning is mainly conditioned by the relationships characteristics between the elements, which are determined by the interactions in the exchange of information and resources, and social capital. The professional use of the analytical apparatus and visualization tools in the study of networks allows a scientist to more clearly and in greater detail understand the essence of a complex historical phenomenon and to present the results with clear evidence. The article examines the general methodology of social network analysis (SNA) and offers examples of its application in various fields of modern historical studies. Today, the study of networks gained significant popularity among specialists in various scientific and industrial spheres around the world. The relevance of network studies in history will increase, as the effectiveness of its methods is already confirmed in many areas of historical knowledge: economic history, archeology, genealogical studies, numismatics, sigillography, art history, linguistics, etc. But despite the growing interest of scientists, the material for the application of the methods of network studies in historical sciences, published in Russian, are extremely few. This article aims to fill this gap.
study of networks, historical research methods, historical sciences, historical research tools, scientific methodology, complex networks, science of complexity, social network analysis, historical network science, historical networks
Yumasheva, J.Y. (2017). Secondary Archival Documentation and Its Role in the Informational Support of Historical Sciences. History magazine - researches, 3, 52–80. doi: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.3.22319 Retrieved from
The subject of this study is the main component in the system of the scientific and reference apparatus of archives (secondary document information) - archival inventories and its containing archival descriptions of storage units. Archival inventories and archival descriptions are analyzed from the point of view of how the results of archival search (archival heuristics) conducted on their basis is representative of the body of information, in order to form a source base for specific historical studies. The author poses and consequently answers the three key questions of archival heuristics: are archival inventories uniform throughout their entire existence? What is the subject of the archival description? And what were the methods of creating the archival descriptions of the different types of storage units? The answers to these questions are key in determining the degree of "reliability" of the scientific and reference apparatus of the archives and the possibility of using it for archival search. This study used the following methods of research: historical-systematic, historical-genetic, comparative-historical, historical-typological, historical-descriptive.The main findings of the study are:- the establishment of the fact of the existence of various types and kinds of documentation (more than 200) used in the archival practice for archival inventories;- the establishment of the fact of the lack of uniformity in the view of an object's archival description;- the identification of the inadequacy of the methods for creating archival descriptions for the described objects and the purposes of using the created descriptions in research practice within the framework of archival heuristics.
secondary archival documentation, archival inventory, archival description, storage unit, description object, description methods, archival heuristics, historical sciences, source study, archives
Shimbireva, O. (2017). The Image of the Union of the Russian People and its Leaders in the Perception of Contemporaries: According to the Material from the Archives of the Union of the Russian People. History magazine - researches, 3, 81–91. doi: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.3.22964 Retrieved from
The article allocates particular attention to the source study of the documental complex of the "Letters of the Chernosotentsy and other people" from the aspect of their informational value in the reconstruction of the perception by the letters' authors of the role, authority and significance of the Union, the publication of "the Russian Znamya" and their leaders in solving critically important to the writers issues, disputed conflict situations and daily struggles. The analysis of the information contained in these letters was conducted from the point of view of the communicative approach: messages are examined as consisting of three components: author, transmitted message, addressee, which has allowed to analyze them in the context of a certain dialogue between contemporaries and the Union, including the examination of the relation of the correspondents to the addressees. The source study analysis included a series of stages: classification of correspondence according to addressee, characteristics of the "types" of messages depending to who's name they were addressed, analysis of the informational value of the messages for the study of the perception of the Union by its contemporaries. The examination of the letters has allowed to make the following conclusions: in the first place, the correspondents, as a rule, deliberately chose a particular addressee for their messages. The Union of the Russian People was for them an organization whose heads and governing bodies were well-known to them. Secondly, the authors shared the main ideas of the Union, which they clearly demonstrated through their messages. The correspondents sought those powers’ protection that were close to their views. Thus, the analysis of the perception of the Union by the letters' authors offers information not only for the reconstruction of the image of the Union in the eyes of its contemporaries, but also provides the basis to analyze the social mood in general. Thirdly, the characteristic trait of the letters is the paternalism actively broadcast by the authors that points to the preservation of the behavioral stereotypes characteristic of patriarchal society, including such a component as the desire to delegate the worry of solving one's daily problems to the political power capable of protecting and solving the conflict "in fairness".
legislative material, letters, Russian Znamya, General Assembly, Poluboyarinova, Dubrovin, monarchical sentiments, State Archive of the Russian Federation, archival material, Union of the Russian People
Zhupanin, O.F., Zhupanin, S.O. (2017). The Discovery of the Princely Sign of the Rurik Dynasty on the Territory of the Taman Peninsula. History magazine - researches, 3, 92–112. doi: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.3.22164 Retrieved from
The subject of this study is an artifact discovered during the archaeological excavations of the medieval settlement "Beam Hreeva-1" in the Temryuk district of the Krasnodar region, undertaken in 2015 – 2016 by the "Taman" archeological group NCR "The Heritage of Kuban". The object is a piece of an elk horn with graffiti drawn on its surface in the form of different symbols, as well as a rare type of the princely sign of the Rurik dynasty in the 11th century – a trident without legs with a cross-shaped end of the middle prong. In the process of studying the finding, determining its date and functions, the authors used the comparative-historical, historical-cultural and typological methods. As a result, the authors came to the conclusion that the symbol is affiliated to one of the princes who ruled in Tmutarakan and clarified the previously existing personalization, attributing it to Vseslav Brjachislavich of Polotsk. This finding also allows to affirm the genealogy of the personal and dynastic symbols of the Rurik dynasty and the message from "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" on Vseslav that provides the opportunity to clarify the little-known pages of the history of Tmutarakan, linked to the likely stay there of the Polotsk prince. The particularities of the symbols on the artifact, their typological proximity to the Khazar sacral symbols, the presence of the princely tamga, all suggest that the artifact may have had ritual significance, as well as perform the functions of a kind of sign of credentials. The published finding, along with other material from the excavations of the settlement, also allow scientists to have a new look at the problem of the ethnic composition of the Tmutarakan princedom and the presence there of Slavic components.
Rurik dynasty, Tmutarakan principality, Vseslav of Polotsk, Tale of Bygone Years, medieval settlement, Taman peninsula, tamga, Ancient Rus, graffiti, princely symbol
Konovalov, I.A. (2017). The Specifics of Local Government in Siberia in Early 19th Century. History magazine - researches, 3, 113–121. doi: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.3.22199 Retrieved from
Based on pre-Revolutionary legislation and previously unknown documents from state archives, the article comprehensively examines the specifics of local government in Siberia in the beginning of the 19th century. The subject of this research are the changes in the system of the governorate and general-governorate administrations of the region. The growing interesting in the history of local government is tied not only to the aim of scientists to have a more profound look into the past, but also driven by strictly practical needs. Turning to the forgotten traditions of local government, it is important to consider more cohesively the historical experience that was accumulated for centuries. Considering modern realities, it is also essential to have a new look on the already known facts and events in order to overcome old myths and fallacies and prevent the appearance of new ones. The theoretical-methodological base of this study consists of the principles of historical cognition: objectivity, historicism, determinism, alternativity and the social approach that presume an objective approach to the analysis of the examined topic, as well as a critical treatment of sources. Upon writing this article, the author made a reassessment of some well-known and established historical phenomena, introduced into scientific circulation new archival material and normative-legislative acts earlier unknown to a wide circle of scientists. The author comes to the conclusion that the power of the administrative-police bodies in the region had their specifics and were to a significant degree more broad than in the central governorates of the Russian Empire. The article pays special attention to the attempts to reorganize regional local governments. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the aim of the Supreme Power to place under their control the almost independent power of the governors and general-governors without introducing a social element into the system of governing. The «Institutions for governance of the provinces» of 1775 was extended to the region without taking into account the huge Siberian distances, the presence of only a small number of people capable of carrying out the administrative powers, and the small population of the province. The «Institutions» of 1775 also did not consider the stratification of the confessional and multi-ethnic composition of the Siberian population, extending European principles on native peoples of the region of Siberia. The socio-economic development of the region and the growth of colonization at the beginning of the 19th century caused the necessity of a more flexible organization of the local administration.
administration, governor, police, authority, national policy , elections, reform, self-government, power, history of Siberia
Social history
Medvedeva, T.A. (2017). The Specifics Behind the Creation and Activity of the Volost Zemstvo in the Nizhny Novgorod Governorate During the Period of February–October 1917. History magazine - researches, 3, 122–136. doi: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.3.21889 Retrieved from
The article is devoted to a topic that is still little studied in the history of the local government of the Nizhny Novgorod governorate – the establishment of the institute of volost zemstvo in 1917. The subject of this research are the specifics behind the creation and activity of the volost zemstvo of the rural self-government of the Nizhny Novgorod governorate during the period of February-October 1917. As the basic source for the research of this problem the author for the first time in historiography used material from local periodicals were first used. Their analysis allows us to more accurately assess the socio-economic and political situation in the governorate between February and October of 1917, the mood of the voters during the election campaign, and to identify the main reasons for its failure. The study is based on the main methodological principles of historical science - the principles of historicism, objectivity and social approach. In addition, it also used specific historical methods - logical, comparative-historical, problem-chronological. The author focuses particular attention on the study of the reasons for the failure of the volost zemstvo reform in 1917 in the Nizhny Novgorod governorate. The author analyzes in detail the confrontation between the volost zemstvo administration and local peasant committees in the struggle for influence over the peasant masses. It is concluded that the emerging volost zemstvo has become hostage to the inability of the Provisional government to resolve the two main issues for peasants: land and food.
Russian revolution, February revolution, October revolution, Provisional government, local government, volost zemstvo, local periodicals, zemstvo elections, local peasant committees, Nizhny Novgorod governorate
Beliefs, religions, churches
Sekirin, A.A. (2017). The Statistics on Sectarianism and the Old Believers in the Voronezh governorate in the Second Half of the 19th – early 20th Centuries (Based on Material from the Voronezh Governorate Committee on Statistics). History magazine - researches, 3, 137–154. doi: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.3.21888 Retrieved from
The article investigates the policies of local provincial organs of state power of the Russian Empire on the collection and analysis of statistical information regarding sectarianism and the Old Believers on the example of the work conducted by the Voronezh Governorate Committee on Statistics. The article reviews the history of the establishment of provincial statistics committees and the main normative legal acts that regulated their activities. It is shown that the activity of the Voronezh Governorate Committee on Statistics in the collection and study of statistical data concerning sectarianism and the Old Believers in the Voronezh governorate, and the author also considers the many statistical materials released by the Committee which allowed to determine the numerical and religious composition of the population in the Voronezh governorate during the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries. The article examines the various statistical materials published by local Voronezh provincial authorities: the collections of official reference information about the province: «commemorative books» and «address-calendars», which were published annually by the Voronezh Governorate Committee on Statistics, and «overviews of governorates», which were an annex to the governors' annual reports. These materials, regarding the Voronezh governorate, were collected by the governorate statistics committee and annually sent to the Central Committee on Statistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and enable us to investigate the numerical and religious composition of the population of the governorate, according to various sects and directions of the Old Believers. This article, based on an analysis of these sources, presents extensive statistical information on sectarianism and the Old Believers in the Voronezh governorate by counties and settlements, in different years, and also shows the changes in the numerical composition of the governorate's population, according to various sects and directions of the Old Believers during the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries.
commemorative book, governorate committees on statistics, Voronezh governorate committee, committee on statistics, Voronezh governorate, counties, schism and schismatics, sects and Old Believers, sectarianism and sectarians, statistics and statistical information
Lu, S. (2017). Chinese "Feudalism" in the Textbooks of the Communist University of the Toilers of China (1928-1929). History magazine - researches, 3, 155–166. doi: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.3.22476 Retrieved from
The article examines the main stances concerning Chinese history that were reflected in the textbooks of the Communist University of the Toilers of China (CUTC) in 1928-1929: the "feudal phenomenon in China" and the "History of the revolutionary movement in China in the 19th and 20th centuries". The author pays particular attention to the principal part of the textbooks, written by the faculty member of the CUTC – M. G. Andreev, highlighting the importance of his definition of China’s medieval society as "feudal" and his emphasis on the elements of "feudal remnants" in modern-day China. The article's research method is the historical-comparative. The author compares the points of view of M. G. Andreev regarding Chinese society with the opinion of the first rector of the university – K. B. Radeka. The article's novelty lies in its revisit of the scientific heritage of M. G. Andreev through the prism of the ideological and political struggle inside the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in the 1920s. The author proves that the scientific studies of M. G. Andreev were written under the direct influence of the authoritative statements of I. V. Stalin about China, and the predominant place of the concept of "feudalism" in CUTC meant the victory of the "Stalinist sinology" in the university. The author points to the dual nature of the scientific heritage of M. G. Andreev – a particular value in itself and theoretical dogmatism.
CUCT, textbooks, sinology, social formation, Chinese feudalism, feudal remnants, Marxist historiography, political struggle, ideological orthodoxy, Stalinism
Zadorozhnaya , O.A. (2017). The Steam Fleet of the "Comradeship of the West-Siberian Steamship and Trade» (1898-1917). History magazine - researches, 3, 167–178. doi: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.3.22338 Retrieved from
The relevance of this research lies in the fact that modern historical literature practically does not discuss the topic of the formation and replenishing of the river fleet of business companies, which is reflected in the unilateral approach of analyzing the activity of capitalists’ associations. The subject of this research is the steam fleet and its qualitative characteristics, which were the foundation for the "Comradeship of the West-Siberian Steamship and Trade" to have the leading position in carrying out river transportation from 1898 to 1917. The article's aim is to highlight the specifics of the process of "acquiring" steamships by the river association with the consideration of the technical and qualitative characteristics. The study focuses on the characteristics of the steam fleet, the dynamics of its numbers, reflecting the general trends in the development of steam transport in Russia. The research is based on the chronological approach and the analytical method, as well as the principles of scientific objectivity and historicism. The study's results can be used in the field of studying the economic history of the outskirt territories of the Russian state. The novelty of this study is that it introduces for the first time to scientific the use unpublished sources on the history of the largest shipping company, Ob-Irtysh Water Basin. The particular contribution of the author to the development of the named topic is the indication of the question of the formation of the river boat part of the "Comradeship pf the West-Siberian Steamship and Trade" in view of their technical characteristics. During the research process, the author discovered that the shareholders in the course of their activities focused not on the acquisition of the newest types of steamboats, but on the repair and reconstruction of old ships, which was cheaper.
steamer, river fleet, Ob-Irtysh Water Basin, steam boiler, chassis, steam engine, capacity, power, river, shareholder