Verenich I.V..
Historical aspect and essence of the doctrine on overcoming obstruction of criminal investigation
// Genesis: Historical research.
2019. № 12.
P. 159-165.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2019.12.31774 URL:
The subject of this research is some questions in the history of emergence of the elements of obstruction of criminal investigation, as well as establishment of forensic doctrine of overcoming obstruction of criminal investigation. The article studies the theoretical concept on obstruction of criminal investigation and measures for its overcoming, structure of the doctrine, consideration of separate opinions on division of the structure of doctrine into general and special parts, including the information system. The research is aimed at the historical aspect of development of forensic doctrine on overcoming of obstruction of criminal investigation and its integral system and concept, as a set of interrelated ideas of the comprehension of the essence and patterns of organizational grounds of activity at the high stage of development of forensic science. The scientific novelty is defined by the historical aspects of studying the emergence of elements of obstruction of criminal investigation and establishment of forensic doctrine on the matter; need for formulating the integral doctrine on overcoming obstruction of criminal investigation; possibility to provide the original definition of overcoming obstruction of criminal investigation; formation of the structure and objects of forensic doctrine.
forensic doctrine structure, objects of forensic doctrine, subjects of forensic doctrine, theme of forensic doctrine, counteraction to the crimes investigation, overcoming the counteraction, counteraction, criminalistics, mechanism of crime, special knowledge
Vasin A.V..
Normative legal interaction of the state and mass media in covering military conflicts during the period of 1991-2015
// Genesis: Historical research.
2017. № 11.
P. 1-12.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2017.11.24495 URL:
The subject of this research is the experience, status, and problems of activity of the Russian mass media in covering the local military conflicts throughout the period of 1991-2015. The object is the historical experience of mass media in covering the military conflicts. The author meticulously examines such aspects of the topic as the key directions in interaction of the government authorities and mass media regarding the question of covering military conflicts in terms of the changes of legal framework. Special attention is given to the forms and results of such interaction. Methodological base is comprised by the principles of historicism, scientific objectiveness, systematicity and complexity that allow examining the experience of mass media in covering the military conflicts during the indicated timeframe in the context of interaction with the state and society as a systemic problem, analyzing the factual content cumulatively and with reference to each other. The main conclusion consists in peculiarities of interaction of the state and mass media in covering the local military conflicts. Author’s main contribution into the research of this topic lies in the comprehensive analysis of evolution of the activity of mass media as regulator of public opinion in covering the local military conflicts throughout the period of 1991-2015.
information policy, freedom of media, mass information, local military conflicts, state policy, public organizations, mass media, information war, information threat, information security
Myurberg I..
Labor pains of the “new identity” in light of Russian discourses on revolution (2008-2012)
// Genesis: Historical research.
2015. № 4.
P. 1-26.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2015.4.14882 URL:
The subject of this research is the analysis of the yet another stage of realization of the project of formation of national idea by the Russian political thought. The author affirms that the start of the search for national idea coincided with the establishment of the concept of identity within the sociopolitical discourse of the nation; a link is identified between these two processes. The author formulated a thesis on the nature of the connection between the search for Russian identity and a number of trends and movements within the sociopolitical life of the country. Thus, during the 1990’s this search has spontaneously became a chain reaction of “sovereignization” of the many constituents of the Russian Federation. Later, at the brink of the centuries, the search for the new Russian identity became one of the main factors of the formation of interest towards the topic of revolution. The critical analysis of the content of most representative, in author’s opinion, works on revolution, emerging in the country during 2008-2012, allowed us to demonstrate the intrinsic to the Russian discourse on revolution internal tendency to fade, which formed prior to the unfolding of the events in Ukraine of 2014-2015. This conclusion allowed the author to forecast the emerging public demand for a conservative alternative to the aforementioned forms of search for modern Russian identity.
national idea, identity, sovereignization, social-political discourse, ethico-political defaults, models of democracy, elitism, social inquiry, concept 'revolution', discourse-analysis
Romanovskaya L.R..
To the Problem of an Import Phase-out in the Ideological and Legal Framework of Russia
// Genesis: Historical research.
2015. № 3.
P. 460-471.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2015.3.15163 URL:
In 2014-2015 the strategy of an import phase-out became one of the main directions of the Russian government’s activity. There are several industries where the import phase-out is not just desirable but strategically necessary. But is it just a question of Economy? The author of the article believes that the scientific community should think of the import phase-out in other spheres: ideology, education, political and legal framework. On the state level it is necessary to re-focus from the Western models and paradigms to the national-oriented ones. To solve the researcher’s tasks the following methods have been used: dialectic general philosophy method, general scientific methods of system-oriented analysis, a method of synthesis, induction and deduction and such particular legal methods as rather-legal, historical and legal, technical and others. The author makes a conclusion that Russia needs a new national idea to keep its real sovereignty, for further development, for a chance to keep Russia as a world leader, to build a multipolar world, to deepen the integrative processes in Eurasian community and beyond in the conditions of globalization.
national idea, criticism of liberalism, globalization, traditional values, spirituality, state sovereignty, development strategy, state ideology, Ilyin I.A., consumer society
Popova S.M..
Analysis of Foreign and Russian Experience in the Development of Digital Infrastructure of Socio-Humanitarian Researches
// Genesis: Historical research.
2015. № 1.
P. 208-251.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2015.1.13820 URL:
The subject of the present research is the contemporary Russian and foreign experience in the development of the digital research infrastructure in the field of social studies and humanities including history. Internet Revolution and the transfer to the 'information society' have drastically changed not only the place and role of information and communication technologies in science and everyday life but even our image of possible forms of scientific researches. Special attention is paid to the encouragement of creation of sustainable scientific 'ecosystems' based on digital research infrastructures and deliberate support of the processes of self-organization of the research community. To achieve the objectives of the research the author has applied the methods of analysis, synthesis, data systematisation, comparative-historical, systems, structural and other scientific methods. The author makes a conclusion that the digital infrastructure of socio-humanitarian researches in the Russian Federation is quite behind such infrastructures of the global and European levels. One of the reasons for that is the opinion that the research infrastructure should be represented only by the centers of collectively used scientific equipment and unique researches in the field of natural sciences. In addition, a serious obstacle for the development of the digital research infrastructure in our country in social humanities is that digital technologies are usually excluded from the priorities of the state science advancement policy. The author provides a review of the Russian Internet resources (2000 - 2014) that can be important elements of the Russian digital infrastructure in the field of history.
history of modern Russia, digital research infrastructure, digital humanitarian sciences, Digital Humanities, priorities, science advancement, state scientific policy, CLARIN, DARIAH, ADHO
Romanovskaya V.B., Romanovskaya L.R..
Law, Religion, Morals and the Absolute Good in Soloviev's Creative Work
// Genesis: Historical research.
2014. № 6.
P. 187-198.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-420X.2014.6.13686 URL:
As subject of the real research the creative heritage of the great Russian philosopher Vladimir Sergeyevich Solovyov acts. During an era of individualism, a priority of human rights, ideologies of society of consumers, expansion of the western values with special sharpness in Russia rise problems of moral improvement of the personality, preservation of traditional moral and legal way, providing a personal freedom not through permissiveness, and through the spiritual growth and development of ability to self-restriction. Answers to all these questions given at the end of the XIX century in works of Vl. Solovyov, don't lose the relevance and to this day. Now, more than ever, the world needs Good "justification". Authors of article analyze the main ideas of the philosophical and legal concept of the final period of creativity of Vl. Solovyov. On the basis of application of methods of the comparative analysis, a hermeneutics, the contextual analysis, historical and legal and others authors come to a conclusion that the highest purpose of the right consists in serving the purposes of moral progress of society, and this idea is the cornerstone of legal philosophy of V. S. Solovyov.