History of regions of Russia
Ugryumova, M.V., Fomenko, M.V. (2024). Production and sale of handicraft toys by Russian Zemstvos. Genesis: Historical research, 4, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2024.4.70198
The activities of the zemstvo self-government bodies to support handicrafts occupied a special place in many territories of pre-revolutionary Russia. Through the creation of workshops for the production of handicrafts, special schools, creative associations, museums and connections with individual handicrafts, the zemstvo productively established the production of artisanal domestic toys. Individual zemstvos were actively engaged in advertising the toy, its sale both domestically and abroad through regional, Russian and European exhibitions. The organization of sales outlets and a specialized Moscow store, coordination of packaging and shipment of individual toys or their batches were also included in the scope of activity of the zemstvos. The subject of this study is the activity of Russian zemstvos in organizing the production and sale of handicraft toys in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries. The main methodological foundations of this research are the principles of scientific objectivity, consistency and historicism. The center, of course, is the method of searching for archival documents, and a retrospective method of studying the activities of individual zemstvos in organizing training in the art of creating toys, its production and sale on domestic and foreign sites. During the research, the author discovered, analyzed and for the first time introduced into scientific circulation documents containing data on the organization of production and sale of handicraft toys by the zemstvo authorities, which were deposited in the fund of the Moscow Provincial Zemstvo (both in the cases of structural divisions of the zemstvo, the Handicraft Museum, and in individual cases of the county zemstvos of the Moscow province) and are stored in The Central State Historical Archive of Moscow (TSGIA of Moscow), various reports and indexes of handicraft, industrial and art exhibitions. Of course, the main centers of the appearance of handicraft toys, in the production and marketing of which the zemstvo participated, were the Moscow province with handicrafts from Sergiev Posad and S. Bogorodsky, Nizhny Novgorod, Vyatka, Tambov, Perm and Kazan provinces.
the zemstvo authorities, zemstvo worker, Bartram, workshop, artists and craftsmen, artisans, exhibition, handicraft museum, an artisanal toy, zemstvo
History and Politics
Vishnyakova, I.A. (2024). Sociodemographic Characteristics of the Iranian Revolutionary Community in Syria and Lebanon in the 1970s. Genesis: Historical research, 4, 14–22. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2024.4.70380
The article is devoted to the comprehensive sociodemographic analysis of the local community of Iranian Islamists acting in Syria and Lebanon in the decade preceding the Islamic revolution of 1978-79. Thus far, history of everyday life and the multitudinous activities of the Iranian Islamic opposition in Syria and Lebanon in the 1970s has never become the principal subject of a historic research and has barely received attention from Western specialists in the history of the Islamic Revolution and modern Middle Eastern history, as well as from Iranian historians, scholars and researchers working in the field of the modern history of Iran. However, for a more comprehensive understanding of the Islamic Revolution, revolutionary processes and their logical premises and outcomes, it is highly necessary to carefully consider the sociodemographic characteristics of the active representatives of the Iranian opposition movement in the pre-revolutionary period namely in the 1970s. Throughout the comparative historical analysis of the reliable memories of longtime supporters of the Iranian Islamic movement acting in Syria and Lebanon, the fundamental sociodemographic characteristics of the active members of Iranian revolutionary movement abroad (e.g. gender, age, birthplace and place of living, educational and religious background, social marital status, etc.) are thoroughly highlighted, properly described and analyzed and their sociodemographic portrait is carefully created. The received sociohistorical data may properly serve as a valuable source on the social history of the Iranian society in the pre-revolutionary period, as well as on the complex history of Iranian revolutionary movement and the modern history of the Middle East region.
Syria, Sociodemographic analysis, Palestine, The 20th Century, Islamic movement, Modern history, Middle East, Lebanon, Islamic Revolution, Iran
Ethnography and ethnology
Iliasov, L.M. (2024). Reflection of sacred symbols in folklore and dance culture of Chechens. Genesis: Historical research, 4, 23–31. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2024.4.70446
The article is devoted to the study of sacred symbols represented in the petroglyphs of Chechnya and widely used in the material culture of the local population of the ancient and late medieval era: in the decoration of metal products, the ornament of carpets and ceramics. The author believes that sacred symbolism is reflected in spiritual culture. The circle, the cross, the spiral and other sacred symbols have been embodied in a variety of forms in oral folk art, dance culture, ritual traditions, the Nart epic, thereby defining the stylistic features of the culture of the North Caucasus. Sacred meanings are imprinted not only in the images of dancing anthropomorphic figures on the walls of residential and combat towers, but also the pattern of their movements and gestures repeats the outlines of ancient symbols, thereby testifying to the ritual nature of the origin of folk dance and many genres of oral folk art. The methodological basis of the research is a set of general historical, ethnographic and archaeological research methods, the use of which is determined by the nature of the material being studied. Thus, the internal space and structure of the phenomena of spiritual culture correspond to the forms of the main sacred symbols that existed in the culture of the peoples of the region in ancient times, thereby creating a special style of North Caucasian culture, which is characterized by inner sacredness. The reflection of mythological plots and symbols in petroglyphs and bronze plastics of the Koban culture of late Bronze and early iron testifies to the deep antiquity of folk dance and many genres of oral folk art of the population of the North Caucasus and speaks about the close intertwining of the phenomena of material and spiritual culture in that period, about the sacredness of being in its representations. Ritualism penetrates into all spheres of life (labor, funeral rite, wedding ceremony), protecting the ancient man from all bad things.
ritual of making rain, myth, folklore, petroglyphs of architectural structures, medieval folk architecture, sacred symbols, totem, Koban archaeological culture, North Caucasus, dance culture
Culture and cultures in historical context
Katagoshchina, M.V., Panaev, N.S. (2024). The revival of traditional culture as an element of the national security policy of the Central Asian countries in the 1991-2010's. Genesis: Historical research, 4, 32–42. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2024.4.70464
The subject of the study is the formation of one of the ideological components of national security policy in the countries of the Central Asian region (CAR) - the concept of preserving historical, cultural and religious traditions as the basis of social stability and security. The authors focus on the process of incorporating this concept into the theory and practice of ensuring the national security of the CAR countries at different historical stages of their development after 1991. The objects of the research are scientific theories and legal acts reflecting the relationship between culture and security in the Central Asian states, official statements and writings of the first President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, and other political leaders of Central Asia. The article touches upon the problems of countering radical religious movements and other ideological influences from outside by the CAR states, and shows the controversial nature of the measures taken in this area by the authorities of Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan. Methodologically, the research is based on a civilizational approach to understanding the historical process, as well as on the idea of the influence of geopolitical trends on the internal life of countries and peoples of the modern world, including the Central Asian region. The work is based on the principles of historicism and consistency, using chronological, synchronous, dichronous, comparative and other methods of historical research. The novelty of the study lies in the generalization of data revealing the role of traditional values in the security systems of the CAR countries. The results of the work include a set of facts and theoretical provisions on the evolution of the security ideology of the CAR countries and can be used in scientific projects in the field of universal history and political science. The authors conclude that the revival of traditional culture and the local version of Islam (Hanafism) in the 1991-2010's were consistently considered by the leaders of the CAR countries as one of the most important factors in strengthening the state, its independence and international authority. This line was carried out most fully and consistently in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, which was reflected in the development programs, legislation, scientific and journalistic literature of these countries. There is a tendency in Kazakhstan to integrate cultural policy based on traditional civilizational values with national security policy.
non-governmental organizations, traditional culture, civilizational values, Halafism, Islamization, public safety, national security, modern history, history of post-Soviet states, Central Asian region
World history: Eras and seasons
Gurin, G.G. (2024). The foreign policy of the United States of America towards Iran in the period from 1953 to 1974. Genesis: Historical research, 4, 43–52. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2024.4.70372
The article examines the foreign policy of the United States of America in the Greater Middle East region, which acquired strategic importance after the end of World War II and the beginning of the Cold War with the Soviet Union. The subject of the study is the American-Iranian relations of 1953-1974, within the framework of which the Iranian Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi consistently built cooperation with D. Eisenhower, J. Kennedy, L. Johnson and R. Nikson. Despite the fact that their approaches to the implementation of American foreign policy in the Greater Middle East underwent significant changes, the desire to maintain influence in the country, consolidate control over cheap Iranian energy resources and prevent the return of Soviet influence on Iran remained the main directions of American activity. The methodological basis of the research is based on the principles of historicism, objectivity and consistency. The following methods were used in the work: historical-comparative, historical-typological and historical-systemic methods. The reviewed diplomatic documents of the United States of America "Foreign Relations of the United States" allow us to establish that the influence of the oil factor on American-Iranian relations in 1953-1974 remained high, despite changes in the approaches of the presidents to the implementation of foreign policy in the region. The return of Iranian oil to the global market allowed Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi to initiate the start of the "white revolution", supported by the United States, among others. Huge oil revenues allowed Iran in a short time not only to realize its claims in the region, but also to become an important ally of the United States, responsible for regional security during the presidency of R. Nixon. The work illustrates the changing role of the United States of America and Iran in the Greater Middle East, due, among other things, to the influence of the oil factor.
oil factor, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, oil, foreign policy, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy, Eisenhower, Iran, USA
History of political and legal doctrines
Tushkanov, I.V. (2024). Issues of justice in the political and legal doctrine of I.A. Ilyin. Genesis: Historical research, 4, 53–60. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2024.4.70544
The work of the outstanding Russian lawyer and philosopher I.A. Ilyin attracts the attention of researchers from various branches of humanitarian knowledge. At the same time, his political and legal ideas are of particular interest to modern legal science, which is the object of the presented research. The subject of the study is the views of Ivan Alexandrovich on justice, set out in his writings, both Russian and emigrant periods of his life. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the relationship between justice and fairness in the teachings of I.A. Ilyin; his ideas about responsibility and legal awareness. Special attention is paid to Ilyin's ideas about justice in post-Soviet Russia. The purpose of the presented article is to consider the ideas of I.A. Ilyin using dialectical, systemic and comparative legal methods united by the principles of historicism and objectivity. The main conclusion of the conducted research is the reasoned statement that in the political and legal doctrine of I.A. Ilyin, the issues of ensuring justice and fairness in law enforcement occupy an important place. The author's special contribution to the research of the topic is the substantiated conclusions about the relevance of I.A. Ilyin's views on an independent, well-organized judicial system, equal, objective and adversarial proceedings, as well as on the developed legal awareness and sense of personal responsibility of the law enforcement officer as factors in ensuring fair justice. The novelty of the research lies in the generalization of I.A.Ilyin's views on justice as a state activity to ensure justice in society. The author has put forward a practical proposal on the formation of judicial districts that do not coincide with the administrative-territorial division.
legal proceedings, judicial power, justice, Russian thinkers, Justice, Legal awareness, Political and legal doctrine, judicial system, Ilyin, emigration of the first wave
History and Ideology
Avetisyan, A.A. (2024). The history of the formation of "soft power" resources in the foreign cultural policy of the Italian Republic. Genesis: Historical research, 4, 61–70. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2024.4.69826
The subject of the research in this article is the history of the formation of the resources of the "soft power" of the Italian Republic. The object of research in this article is the activities and experience of the Italian Republic in the XX century within the framework of foreign cultural policy to promote a positive image of the country on the basis of its own national culture and its components. The article aims to provide an overview of the development of the concept of "soft power", the history of its formation, as well as the study of Italy's experience in using its cultural heritage as tools for forming a positive image of its national culture abroad. The study of this issue in several directions, depending on the goals of the state, allowed us to consider in dynamics what was the basis for the current state and functioning of foreign cultural policy, in Italian practice based mainly on elements of national culture. One of the key aspects of the formation of Italy's soft power resources is its rich cultural heritage. Italy is known for its great works of art, architecture, music, cuisine and fashion. These cultural elements have become an important tool for attracting attention and respect to the country abroad. When using general scientific methods of information analysis and synthesis, observation, systematization, classification, interpretation and forecasting, the main milestones of the development of "soft power" in the Italian Republic are examined in detail, which makes it possible to trace on which resources the popularization of national culture is based and which areas have been allocated by the state over time to increase the attractiveness and prestige of the country, as well as establishing trusting relationships with potential partners. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that today the connection between national culture and soft power is an important aspect of the state's foreign policy, which arouses some interest in the topic. The interest in studying this aspect is also explained by the fact that today the skillful application of the policy of "soft power" comes to the fore in cultural diplomacy, which shows the country's ability to achieve its goals through the attractiveness of its lifestyle, values and culture, and not through military force, implying the emergence of certain threats. In connection with the conclusions obtained, it is possible to identify how the development of modern trends in the transmission of the image of national culture developed, which are now actively promoted by the Italian Republic through the policy of "soft power", contributing to the establishment of friendly relations, increasing prestige and increasing influence in the international arena.
soft power resources, Italian culture, cultural and historical heritage, soft power, national culture image, national culture promotion, national culture, external cultural policy, soft power history, Italian cultural policy
Historical sources and artifacts
Tesaev, Z.A. (2024). On the issue of cataloging the orders of Chechen mudirs, naibs and murtazeks from the times of the Imamat (1840–1859). Genesis: Historical research, 4, 71–85. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2024.4.70548
The article examines a number of awards and official badges (orders) from the times of the Imamat (1840–1859), awarded both by Shamil himself and his subordinates to the Chechen mudirs, naibs and murtazeks. Not only the surviving medals themselves are described, but also sources, illustrations, as well as material monuments that preserve information on the subject of research. In particular, for the first time, the awards of the naibs Baysangur Benoevsky, Gazi-Hadzhi Zandaksky, Tyurshi Tsikaroysky, the supposed medals of the naibs Eski and Uma, as well as epigraphic monuments (grave steles), which depict the lifetime awards of the buried, are being introduced into scientific circulation. An attempt is being made to catalog newly identified and previously known signs associated with the Chechen vilayat (region) of the Imamate. An analysis of graphic images of signs recorded on epigraphic monuments is also carried out. There is a shortage of works on the topic of the article, which determines the relevance of the issue and indicates the long-term nature of the task set by the author (compiling a catalog of Imamate awards given to Chechens). Previously, no attempts were made to catalog the Imamate's awards in the context of the Chechen region. An important result of the work carried out is the introduction into scientific circulation of five Imamate award signs, two of which have the names of the owners written on them, and another sign is dated; attribution of at least five signs depicted on funeral steles; attribution of medals shown in illustrations, as well as photographs from 1885. In addition, it has now been established that for the 19 individuals discussed in the article, there are 28 awards and 4 official categories, with the record holders being Atabi Ataev (4 awards) and Eski Khulkhulinsky (3 awards).
awards of the Imamate, naibs, Caucasian War, Chechnya, Chechens, medals of the Imamate, insignia of the Imamate, Imamate, funeral steles, churts
Social history
Makeev, V.O. (2024). The socio-economic policy of the Breuning government (March 29, 1930 - May 30, 1932) in the coverage of the Soviet newspaper Pravda. Genesis: Historical research, 4, 86–98. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2024.4.69857
The article examines the socio-economic policy in the Weimar Republic under Chancellor Heinrich Breuning from 1930 to 1932 through the prism of the Soviet newspaper Pravda, which is the main source of expression of the official position of the Soviet Union on the issue of international relations. In addition to evaluating the Chancellor's activities and the events taking place in Germany, the newspaper's materials highlight the specifics of the development of the German communist movement during this period. The authors also highlight events related to the development of the National Socialist movement in Germany during the period under review in the context of the strengthening of the political influence of the National Socialist Party of Germany and the development of government interaction with its leaders. It is concluded that the newspaper Pravda in its publications about the events in Germany during this period focused on the proletarian struggle and did not differ in an analytical approach.The following research methods were used: analysis of special sources and materials, including archival ones; method of classification and systematization; content analysis of materials of the newspaper Pravda. The main conclusion of the study is that the ambiguous and contradictory policies of the Breuning cabinet led to a new political crisis in the country. Instability and the lack of socio-economic and political prospects led to an increasing polarization of German society and its inclination towards the right-wing radical party of the National Socialists.In addition, the publications of Pravda, reflecting the events in Germany during this period, were more tendentious in the nature of the proletarian struggle and did not differ in analytics.
democracy, Reich Chancellor, social crisis, National Socialism, fascization, The German Communist movement, The Communist Party of Germany, The newspaper Pravda, The Weimar Republic, government
Social history
Buyarov, D.V. (2024). The social credit system in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China. Genesis: Historical research, 4, 99–108. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2024.4.70522
The subject of this study is the social credit system introduced in the People's Republic of China in the 2000s. The object of the study is the Chinese population and in particular representatives of national minorities living in Xinjiang. The author examines the system of social control in historical retrospect, since its manifestations have been reflected in the history of China, from antiquity to the present day. In the mid-2000s, this system was "reanimated" in new conditions and in a new form and began to be actively used for comprehensive control of broad strata of Chinese society. The new realities of the information society also required new approaches from the state. The purpose of the study is to analyze the socio-economic policy of the central government of the People's Republic of China in order to understand the causes, mechanisms and significance of the social rating system. The main conclusions of the study are the following provisions. Initially, the introduction of the social credit system was due to the desire of the central government to improve the level of order in the field of entrepreneurship. Somewhat later, the system began to be used for total control over wide segments of the population and proved its effectiveness in such a problematic region as the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. The attitude towards the social credit system in China is ambiguous: the majority of Han Chinese (ethnic Chinese) loyal to the government have adopted this model. At the same time, representatives of national minorities, including some Uighurs, perceive it as a system of harassment. This system is based on the principles of total control of the population, the use of hybrid intelligence and the use of social rating as a system of encouragement and punishment.
national minorities, Han Chinese, Xinjiang, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Xi Jinping, China, social rating, social credit system, reward system, rating points