Cultural heritage
Kozyrenko, N.E. (2020). Russian Harbin: architecture of the mansion of P. I. Gibello-Socco. Genesis: Historical research, 7, 111.
The subject of this research is the architectural and style peculiarities of the mansion of P. I. Gibello-Socco. The object of this research is the private residence of P. I. Gibello-Socco build in 1919 in the area of a New City. The author examines the relevance topic – disappearance of the Russian architectural heritage (destruction, demolition, aggressive reconstruction) in Harbin, and possibilities of preservation of architectural landmarks in a large metropolis. Therefore, special attention is given to the questions of studying historical objects built in the early XX century (history, natural observations, measurements, current state) and their reconstructions via methods of stylistic and compositional environmental adaptation. This would allow preserving the Russian heritage abroad. The main conclusions lie in preservation of not only historical objects, reconstruction of interiors, but also restoration of their environment. The results of studying the architecture of disappeared objects of the Russian Harbin period allow conducting a fragmentary reproduction of an authentic historical environment of the city in the township “Sunny Island”. The author’s special contribution consists in examination of the objects of Russian culture, development of restoration projects, identification of disappeared constructs and their façade reconstruction. The novelty lies in description of architectural and style peculiarities of a historical object, which serves as the basis for reconstruction of P. I. Gibello-Socco’s mansion.
decor, reconstruction, composition, architectural image, mansion, building, architecture, style, ensemble, town
History and Economics
Zadorozhnyaya , O.A. (2020). River companies of Ob-Irtysh water basin (1860-1918): forms of pool of capital . Genesis: Historical research, 7, 1224.
The relevance of this research consists in the fact that modern historical literature describes an overall picture of evolution of business companies, although prevalence and peculiarities of organizational-legal form demonstrates the level of development of economic relations in the Russian Empire in a time of capitalist modernization. The subject of this research is the organizational-legal forms of river companies of Ob-Irtysh water basin over the period from 1860 to 1918 as an independent factor in development pf capitalist relations. The goal of this work is to determine the main forms of organization of river companies of Ob-Irtysh water basin, considering attraction of family and “borrowed” capital. In the course of this research, the author applied the method of modeling of commodity-money relations of Ob-Irtysh water basin, which allowed revealing the dynamics and specific characteristics of development of entrepreneurship in a separate region. The method of historical-comparative analysis illustrated the trends of choice of one or another form of pool of capital, considering the combination of family, geographical, economic, social and administrative aspects. The research results display the dynamics of distribution of various forms of business companies in the sphere of river transportation in Ob-Irtysh water basin, which describes a more objective picture of commodity-money relations in Western Siberia. The presented materials can be utilized in studying particular business companies of Ob-Irtysh river system as an institutional paradigm. The scientific novelty and conclusions lie in determination of the forms of organization of river companies of Ob-Irtysh water basin in accordance with the Russian legislation. This allows tracing the dynamic of emergence of steamship companies due to retention of strong influence of family ties in the business world.
General partner, family capital, joint stock company, General partnership, partnership on faith, shipping, business company, shipping company, depositor, Union
History of law and state
Pletnikov, V.S. (2020). Formation of the model of state of the whole people in Soviet constitutionalism . Genesis: Historical research, 7, 2538.
The analysis of sources of ideological and normative character demonstrates the process of formation of perception on the state of the whole people within the Soviet legal science and practice. The boundaries of this research are defined through correlation of the concepts: image – model – theory. This allows focusing attention on the significant, system-forming sources of legal knowledge that emerged in the period of 1947-1964, rather than paying attention to separate mentions regarding the need for building the state of the whole people. The theory of the state of the whole people started to develop after L. I. Brezhnev came to power. The author determines the stages in formation of the model of state of the whole people, which were passed by the Soviet State in its development. The three stages in formation of the model of state of the whole people with their legal peculiarities and forms of manifestation were highlighted: - The first stage is associated with the development and preparation of the draft program of the All-Union Communist Party Bolsheviks in 1947; - The second stage is characterized by adoption of the program of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1961; - The third stage is associated with the process of drafting the Soviet Constitution of 1964. Formation of the model of state of the whole people enables formation of the theory of state of the whole people, implemented with adoption of the 1977 Constitution of the Soviet Union.
draft Constitution of the USSR, CPSU program, draft Program of the CPSUb, model of the model of a, model of a, model in jurisprudence, the USSR, constitutional commission, public property, KPSS
History and Politics
Ermolaeva, E. (2020). Formation and development of foreign policy ideology of the Republic of Korea . Genesis: Historical research, 7, 3950.
This article explores the process of formation of foreign policy ideology of the Republic of Korea. The object of this research is the national ideology of the Republic of Korea, while the subject is the ideological concepts of its foreign policy. Analysis is conducted on the historical background, cultural and sociopolitical context, which affected the formation of South Korean ideology. The article describes the foreign policy concepts of the Republic of Korea, using the example of ideological course of the administrations of Lee Myung-Bak, Park Geun-hye and Moon Jae-on. The author applies the comparative-historical and problem-chronological methods, as well as content analysis in examination of the texts of documents for determining conceptual grounds of foreign policy. The Russian Korean Studies do not feature comprehensive research on the topic of ideology in the sphere of foreign policy of the Republic of Korea, which defines the scientific novelty of this work. The following conclusions were formulated: 1) Historically, Korea was in a state of foreign policy dependency, which impacted the formation of nationalistic views among the political elite; 2) The peculiarities of development of the Republic of Korea led to the division of political forces into two main groups that vector the foreign policy within the framework of genera paradigm, characterized by nationalistic context and the strive to ensure sustainable development of the country and regional security; 3) The ideological concepts of political groups mark a number of differences in the attitude to the alliance with the United States and interaction with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. However, the implementation of foreign policy strategy of the Republic of Korea depends on a particular situation, thus the ideological course of foreign policy does not always reflect the real government actions. The ideological differences in foreign policy of the rightwing and leftwing forces become more conditional – the pragmatic objectives aimed at preservation of stable relations and balance of forces, as well as maintenance of regional security, come to the forefront.
foreign-policy initiative, ideological conception, ideological attitude, political elite, national branding, inter-Korean relations, nationalism, Republic of Korea, foreign policy, ideology
History of science and technology
Borisova, N. (2020). The emergence of radar in different countries: comparative-historical analysis. Genesis: Historical research, 7, 5173.
The subject of this research is the activity of participants of the first radar projects in the pioneer countries (Soviet Union, United States, Great Britain, Germany), aimed at creation of prototype models and improvement of technical characteristics of new equipment. The goal consists in determination of the role of Soviet works in the genesis of radar. The evolutionary process of creation of the first radars, unfolded in the prewar period (1930s), is viewed individually for each country, with identification of differences and similarities. At the time of joining the World War II, all countries were armed with dozens of radars of meter and decimeter wavelength ranges, which were not too distant and accurate. Invention of a powerful multi-resonant magnetron of centimeter wavelength range (" core " of the radar) became a revolutionary event, since the transition to the centimeter range was capable to improve the radar parameters for successful accomplishment of military operations. Special attention is given to the little-known events in the history of this invention. Comparative analysis of the origin of radar in different countries (including foreign research), which was carried out for the first time, proves that the unique construct of the Soviet multi-resonant magnetron Alekseev-Malyarov had a priority, and perhaps, copied by other countries. The research results consists in illustration of the origin of radar overall, and Soviet contribution to the world history of radar in particular. Popularization of national scientific and technological achievements by the mass media, museum and educational activities may become the sphere of application of the obtained knowledge.
Alekseev and Malyarov, Randall and Boot, cavity magnetron, radar in Germany, radar in Great Britain, radar in the USA, radar in the USSR, history of radar, radar, Bonch-Bruevich
Culture and cultures in historical context
Khatanzeiskaya, E.V. (2020). Church of the Nativity of Christ in the village of Purnema of Onezhsky District of Archangelsk Region as an example of stave temple architecture of the late XIX century in the European North of Russia. Genesis: Historical research, 7, 7485.
This article is dedicated to the history of temple complex of the rural settlement of Purnema of Onezhsky District of Archangelsk Region, where in the early XX century was situated the three-part ensemble comprised of two churches – tent-roofed Nikolskaya (1618), Church of the Nativity of Christ (1860-1861), and a bell tower that survived until the early 1930s. Relevance of the topic is substantiated by the fact that the monuments of stave architecture, masterpieces of temple architecture of the Russian North are vanishing, and the North loses its cultural uniqueness. The aforementioned temple complex is one of the few preserved in the Russian North. Attention is turned to the current state of the temple complex, status and significance of monuments, their boundaries, current state protection regime, and the need for taking immediate measures to preserve them as the objects of cultural heritage in the historical environment. The goal of this research consists in determination of the distinctness of temple complex in the village of Purnema within the cultural-historical landscape of the Russian North and its present significance. The scientific novelty is defined by the fact that the history of the Church of the Nativity of Christ has not previously been the subject of special research among historians and art historians. The article employs archival data and documentary photographs that are newly introduced into the scientific discourse. The acquired results allow concluding that the monument should become state registered. The practical importance of this work is that the presented materials can be used in elaboration and implementation of the state strategy aimed at preservation and development of unique Northern and Arctic cultural landscapes, historical settlements, monuments of religious and civil architecture, their scientific restoration, museification and revalorization.
Onega Bay of the White Sea, the Church of the Nativity of Christ, Russian North, three-part ensemble, temple complex, historical settlement, wooden architecture, cultural heritage, Purnema, architecture
History of ethnicities, peoples, nations
Gunaev, E.A. (2020). Restoration of national autonomies of repressed peoples in the RSFSR in the late 1950s in the context of legal succession theory. Genesis: Historical research, 7, 86100.
The liquidation of autonomous republics, deportation of peoples to the Siberian and Central Asian regions, subsequent restoration of the national statehood in 1957-1958 remain relevant topic in studying the history of statehood of Russian peoples in the Soviet period. The subject of this article is examination of the question of continuity, legal succession and continuation of autonomies in southern of RSFSR after being restored in 1957. This is related to the fact that in discussing socially significant issues in the southern republics of Russia, arises the question of whether restoration (formation) of the autonomies of repressed peoples in the late 1950s should be considered the beginning of a new stage of statehood or continuation of the stage prior to deportation. Another aspect is territorial integrity of the republics, or rather the problem of territorial rehabilitation, when a number of territories during restoration in 1957 stayed in the neighboring regions. Analysis is conducted on the normative acts of USSR and the RSFSR, as well as archival documents on the history of national statehood of the regions. The author concludes on applicability of the concept of legal succession to the restored autonomous republics (Kabardino-Balkaria, Kalmykia, Chechen-Ingushetia) of repressed peoples in comparison to those existed prior to deportation period. Karachay-Cherkessia marked succession to the former Karachay Autonomous Oblast and Cherkess National Okrug.
the Soviet period, repressed peoples, Autonomous Republic, Autonomous region, legal succession, restoration of autonomies, national statehood, legal continuing, continuity, internal law
Issues of war and peace
Vlasov, A. (2020). Franco-Prussian campaign of 1870-1871 in perception of the novice British war correspondent A. Forbes . Genesis: Historical research, 7, 101111.
The object of this article is professional activity of the British war correspondent Archibald Forbes during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871. The subject is the perception and reflection of military realities (1870-1871) by the novice journalist. The goal consists in determination of the mechanisms of perception of participants and realities of the Franco-Prussian confrontation of 1870-1871 by the British correspondent A. Forbes. Intellectual history and imagological approach comprise the methodological framework of this research. Based on the analysis of documentary evidence left by A. Forbes, which describes the events of 1870-1871, the author was able to trace the evolution of Forbes’ perception of the Franco-Prussian campaign of 1870-1871. The conclusion is made on gradual changes in Forbe’s perception and reflection of war realities. The initial admiration was replaced by the professional subject-object description. However, his stance on parties to the conflict remained unchanged. The author assumes that A. Forbes had particular personal attitudes, but his perception of the war of 1870-1871 has evolved. The acquired results may be valuable in studying journalistic practice, as well as mutual perception of European ethnoses. The scientific novelty lies in a comprehensive approach towards the phenomenon at hand: the author examines not only the mechanisms of perception as such, but also their transformation influenced by various factors. This research made a transition from the widespread study of biographies and activity of correspondents of the XIX century to an extensive culturological and intellectual approach in consideration of professional practice of journalists of the past.
Evolution of perception, Perception of war, Journalistic practice, Professional activity, Archibald Forbes, Victorian press, Franco-prussian war, War journalism, British war correspondent, Perception mechanisms