History and Politics
Torosian, A. (2020). “Evolution of normative-legal aspects of UN peacekeeping activity and position of the Russian Federation with regards to this question”. Genesis: Historical research, 4, 1–11. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2020.4.32439
This article examines the evolution of the normative-legal aspects of UN peacekeeping activity as one of the key phenomena of peacekeeping under the aegis of the United Nations. The author also analyzes the position of the Russian Federation on this question, since Russia is one of the major players on the international arena and active participant of peacekeeping activity within the UN system. Special attention is paid to the normative documents of the Russian Federation, which reflect a clear position of Russia on peacekeeping. Currently, peacekeeping plays an urgent role in world politics, helps to prevent escalation of multiple conflicts, despite the existence of problem clusters within the United Nations peacekeeping activity. Peackeeping also yielded great benefit to the international community; however, it needs changes and improvements to increase its effectiveness in regulation of drawn-out conflicts on the world arena.
Russian Federation, Brahimi Report, General Assembly, Security Council, UN Charter, United Nations Organization, Peacekeeping, Gromyko, Kissinger, Cold War
Historical sources and artifacts
Shubin, V.I. (2020). Greek mercenaries in Sais Egypt. Genesis: Historical research, 4, 12–19. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2020.4.32577
This article is dedicated to examination of the history of emergence of Greek mercenaries during the riling time of XXVI Sais Dynasty. The author reviews the status and role of Greek mercenaries in the armed forced of Sais rulers, organization of their service and living conditions. Considering the fact that the use of Greek mercenaries in Egypt army was a part of the traditional policy of Sais rulers and carried mass character, the author refers to the problem of social origin of the phenomenon of mercenarism in the Greek society of Archaic era. The research applies comparative-historical method that allows viewing the phenomenon of mercenarism in the historical context – based on the comparative data analysis of ancient written tradition. By the time of Sais Dynasty, control over regions that traditionally provided mercenaries to the Egypt army was lost. Under the circumstances, in order to compensate such losses, Egypt conscripted into military service the hailed from the Greek world. Mercenaries became the first Greeks settled on the Egyptian land. The conclusion is made that the Greek colonization, in absence of other ways to enter the formerly closed to the Greeks Egypt, at its initial stage manifested in such distinct form.
sourses, colonization, Strabo, Herodotos, Ctratopedes, Psammetichos, mercennaries, Egypt, Sais, Amasis
History of law and state
Sidorkin, Y.V., Orlov, D.V. (2020). Police surveillance over prostitution as an intrinsic element of ethical discipline in the conditions of regulation. Genesis: Historical research, 4, 20–31. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2020.4.32648
The authors examine the aspects of law enforcement practice of the local police authorities of the Russian Empire with regards to surveillance over prostitution in the conditions of its regulation since the late XIX century. Emphasis is made on analysis of the activity of police in Nizhny Novgorod Governorate, which was among the first alongside the capital to establish medical-police committee. However, attention is focused not on the sanitary control, but rather surveillance carried out by the police officers over prostitutes and persons involved in organization of prostitution, multiple administrative norms and rules regulating such activity. The research is based on dialectical method of cognition that allows examining police surveillance over prostitution in evolution and interconnection of all its manifestations. The events and facts related to the process of regulation of prostitution were studied in accordance with the principle of historicism, Formal-legal method was applies in analyzing the departmental regulatory legal acts and police law enforcement practice of surveillance activity. The authors’ main contribution consists in examination and introduction into the scientific discourse of archival sources that helped to restore the mechanism of surveillance activity, which includes a range of organizational measures of local police authorities over prostitution and its organization.
medical police committee, brothel, pandering, piety, prostitution, police surveillance, Russian empire, police, regulation, moral
History of regions of Russia
Sutyagina, O.A. (2020). Size and composition of Siberian merchantry in the early XIX century. Genesis: Historical research, 4, 32–45. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2020.4.32703
The object of this research is the different merchant classes of Siberian cities. The subjects is the size and composition of Siberian merchantry of the early XIX century. The goal of this work consists in tracing the process of establishment of Siberian merchantry in the conditions of economic and estate policy of the empire. The author highlights and analyzes the three stages in the process of formation of Siberian merchantry in the early XIX century, which reflects the socio-legal transformations in functionality of merchantry, as well as the changes in economic life of the Siberian region. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that by generalization of previous experience and attraction of other materials, including archival that have not been considered before by the experts, the author explores the dynamic pattern of size and density of merchantry in the Siberian cities throughout half of a century, as well as traces the influence of various factors upon its formation. The conclusion is made that throughout the period in question the size of merchantry has undergone significant changes associated with the government policy, namely raise of property requirements for enrollment into merchant guilds, tax rates for merchantry, economic development of the region and its separate cities.
the commercial class, the merchant class, Siberian merchants, merchants, merchant class, trade, Siberia, the 19th century, history of Siberia, taxes
History and historical science
Domogashev, O.S. (2020). Current trends in development of wrestling in the Altai Republic, Republic of Khakassia and Tyva Republic (on the materials of regulatory legal acts). Genesis: Historical research, 4, 46–58. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2020.4.32436
The object of this research is the wrestling in the Altai Republic, Republic of Khakassia and Tyva Republic. The subject is the current trends in development of wrestling in these regions. The goal consists in examination of the key vectors in development of wrestling in the period from 1990’s to the first decade of the XXI century based on the materials of regulatory legal acts. The insufficient knowledge on this topic within the framework of historical science is underlined. The research material broadens the scientific knowledge on the history of wrestling in the Altai Republic, Republic of Khakassia and Tyva Republic. The main source for this research became the federal and regional regulatory legal acts on physical education and sports. The novelty of this work consists in the analysis of individual regulatory legal documents on physical education and sports, and their impact upon the development of wrestling in the aforementioned republics. A conclusion is drawn on the intensive development of wrestling, including its national varieties – khuresh, kures, kuras; as well as female wrestling, future development prospects of this sport in the named republics.
regulatory legal acts, Khakass, Tuva, the Altai republics, modern trends, national wrestling, women's wrestling, Wrestling, physical culture, sports of the highest achievements
History and Ideology
Konovalov, A.A., Zhurtova, A.A., Kugotov, Z.A. (2020). Doctrinal grounds of ideology of Slavophiles: European intellectual tradition and its Russian modification. Genesis: Historical research, 4, 59–70. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2020.4.32726
The subject of this research is the conceptual grounds of Slavophilic ideology that formed under the influence of European sociopolitical thought of the late XVIII – early XIX centuries, and undergone substantial transformation in the process of adaptation to the Russian sociocultural reality. The article analyzes such concepts as nation, collective subject, national spirit (Volksgeist), special path (Sonderweg), etc., which were partially borrowed by Slavophiles from intellectual production of the German national romanticism, and gained further development having become the theoretical framework for studying different problems of Russian society and the state. Methodology is based on the comparative and historical-genetic methods, which allowed determining and examining the elements of similarity between the ideas of European and sociopolitical thought and Slavophilic conceptual ground, as well as their modification within the Russian intellectual environment. The main conclusion consists in the thesis that Slavophilism cannot be unequivocally attributed to liberal or conservative ideology. It combined the principles and postulates of both philosophical systems that acquired new synthesized content within the framework of Russian intellectual space. Slavophilic attitude toward Russian society, which marked the defining meaning of spiritual beginning of social life, also drastically differed from the national patriotism in the context of the theory of official nationalism, with its vividly expressed statist principle.
liberalism, Orthodoxy, special path, folk spirit, collegiality, collective subject, nation, German romanticism, Slavophilism, conservatism
History of economy and business
Sutyagina, O.A. (2020). Trade advertising of Siberian merchants during the 1880’s (based on the materials of “Siberian Newspaper”). Genesis: Historical research, 4, 71–85. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2020.4.29890
The object of this research is the entrepreneurial activity of Siberian merchants. The subjects is the advertisements placed in the “Siberian Newspaper” as a reflection of professional activity of Siberian entrepreneurs. The goal consists in the analysis of information contents of the advertisements, determine the peculiarities and main types of merchant advertising. The article reveals the key advertising providers, as well as marketing strategies applied by the merchants for sales increase. Analysis is conducted on the groups of advertised goods and services based on studying the materials of “Siberian Newspaper”. In the course of research, the methods of content analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction were implemented. The scientific novelty lies in the first ever content analysis of trade advertising of Siberian merchants using the advertisements from the “Siberian Newspaper”. The conclusion is made on the importance of advertisements as a source on the history of Siberian merchantry that allows determining the prices that were set, the goods that were sold, outlining he scheme of commercial relations of Siberian merchantry, and fill the gaps pertinent to separate merchants.
history of advertising, advertising, advertising in Russia, Siberian merchants, merchants, merchant class, Siberian newspaper, Siberia, commercial advertising, newspaper advertising
Culture and cultures in historical context
Tikhonova, V.B. (2020). Russian landowners in the XVII century: lifestyle and mentality. Genesis: Historical research, 4, 86–109. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2020.4.32213
The subject of this research is the mentality of Russian landowners of the XVII century. This topic remains insufficiently studied, therefore the author sets a goal to identify the peculiarities of lifestyle and most characteristic mental features of the Russian provincial landowners of the XVII century. The authorial concepts is based on the assumption on possibility of deriving the mental attitudes of this social estate from their typical lifestyle. Due to the lack of direct testimonies on everyday life and apperception of the landowners of the period prior to Peter the Great, the author uses the research and sources on the social, military and agrarian history of the XVII century. A better understanding of the topic is achieved by means of attracting most substantial sources on the history of Russian nobility. From the perspective of the history of mentality, within the framework of interdisciplinary approach, the article generalizes the studies of various scientific disciplines that contain records on the typical lifestyle of Russian landowners of the XVII century. At the same time, features of the mentality of Russian landowners are viewed on the background of cultural worldview of Moscovian State of the XVII century. The mentality of Russian landowners of the XVII century was substantiated by a number of factors defining their lifestyle. The character and conditions of service contributed to mobility, modesty and adaptability. The specificity of conditional landownership, perhaps, accustomed to self-reliance and responsibility. The need to defending interests of the estates formed situational awareness. A peculiar factor for the mentality of landowners was an affiliation to the privileged estate. The “borderline” position with regards to unprivileged ranks classified the poorest landowners to the lowest ranks of service classes; actualized distancing with the latter and imparted e mentality of country landowners of the XVII century with such trait as a desire to preserve their privileged status.
service city, local estate system, noble cavalry, service class, cultural picture of the world, mentality, county landowners, fatherly honor, regiments of the new system, privileged estate
Social history
Bukalova, S.V. (2020). Wounded in the everyday life of a provincial city during the World War I (on the materials of the Central Black Earth Economic Region). Genesis: Historical research, 4, 110–120. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2020.4.30715
The subject of this research is the multi-aspect impact produced by the system of medical care for the ill and wounded soldiers during the World War I upon the social life of provincial towns that accommodated the military hospitals. The article determines the role of the Central Black Earth Economic Region in treating the wounded; provides information on the number of hospital beds; describes organizational moments of operation of hospitals, as well as the forms of public participation in work of the hospitals. Attention is given to the common and symbolic aspects associated with the figure of a wounded soldier. The study is based on systematization of records on functionality of the medical military facilities in the Central Black Earth Economic Region, making emphasis on the changes and new occurrences in everyday of the city folks caused by establishing and operation of hospitals. The acquires results state that the system of medical care for the wounded during the World War I has become the subject of social consolidation, invoking new forms of charity and active cooperation of various social classes of a provincial city. At the same time, concentration of the wounded was a destabilizing factor of urban life.
Voronezh region, charity, hospitals, wounded soldiers, home front mobilization, Russian Empire, World War I, Orel region, Kursk region, Tambov region
Orfinskaya, O.V. (2020). From Egypt to China: methodological approach towards preservation of a special object of heritage – the historical textile technologies. Genesis: Historical research, 4, 121–138. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2020.4.30880
The subject of this research is the methodological approach aimed at preservation of archeological textile, which is an extremely fragile material and require delicate care. It is insufficient just to find textile, but it needs to be preserved throughout the entire chain – from the area of finding to sending over to restoration. Information that can be obtained as a result of further research is comprehensive: textile itself, costume, trade relations, development level of textile technologies in a particular society. The article reveals a chain of actions that must be acknowledged by an archeologist not to miss the archeological textile. The main conclusion consists in the statement that an archeologists must be prepared for finding textile, possess certain skill for its proper extraction, packaging and delivering to the nearest scientific and restoration laboratory. The author demonstrates which information can be lost at each state in an archeologist lacks knowledge on the subject matter.
costume reconstruction, climatic conditions, textile technology, investigation, environmental factors, field conservation, archaeological textile, material fixation, restoration, restoration training