History of science and technology
Belousov, A.S. (2020). Naval shipbuilding on the Don River during the 1721-1735. Genesis: Historical research, 2, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2020.2.32226
The object of this research is the Russian navy during the ruling time of Peter the Great and Anna of Russia under the circumstances of escalation of foreign policy situation in Azov and Black Sea regions. The subject of this research is the history of restoration and development of naval shipbuilding on the Don River during the 1721-1735. Based on the published and archival materials, the author examines the process of formation of Don Flotilla comprised of nine large and six small prams, fifteen gallivants, and thirty small vessels. Methodological framework consists of the problematic-chronological, comparative-historical and structural-functional methods. Special role belongs to the method of historical reconstruction that allowed reproducing the stages of shipbuilding works on the Don River during the 1721-1735. The article demonstrates the details of the process of construction works during the 1721-1724, their demothballing in 1733, and further construction of the ships of Don Flotilla prior to Russo-Turkish War of 1735-1739. The author also analyzes the shipbuilding process itself, which main conclusions consist in the statement that the flotilla was not ready to the beginning of large-scale military operations against the Ottoman Empire.
Anna of Russia, Peter I, XVIII, shipbuilding, Don, Russian Navy, Voronesh, Tavrov, pram, galley
History of law and state
Cherkasova, O.V. (2020). Establishment of the principle of good faith in national civil law: historical, doctrinal and law enforcement aspects. Genesis: Historical research, 2, 15–27. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2020.2.32101
The object of this research is establishment of the principle of good faith at different historical periods in the context of formation of various approaches in the doctrine and practice of civil law. Due to the absence of unanimity of opinions regarding the formation of moral-ethical categories within the national civil law, this scientific field is considered problematic and interesting for examination. The subject of this research is the historical, ideological and practical prerequisites that influenced the formation of concept of the principle of good faith in the national civil law. The scientific novelty consists in the proposed by the author principle of good faith in the historical, doctrinal and practical aspects, which leads to suggestion of future course of development of the principle of good faith in the national civil law by means of improving the current civil legislation. The conclusion is drawn that at the present stage the principle of good faith, despite the universality and crosscutting nature, initially forethought by the concept of development of civil legislation, should be concretized in the various civil legal relations, taking into account their peculiarities and specifics. Such type of circumstantiation of the general provisions of law would increase the possibility for introduction of corresponding amendments into the principle of good faith on the level of social norms.
judicial discretion, abuse of right, justice, principle of good faith, Genesis, Roman private law, the periodization of the civil law, moral categories, evaluation concept, civil legislation
History of regions of Russia
Ulchitckii, O.A. (2020). Bolshekaraganskaya Valley – a Proto-Indo-European boundary of ancient civilization. Genesis: Historical research, 2, 28–38. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2020.2.30112
The object of this research is the territory of formation of fortified settlements of the Bronze Age in Southern Ural – Bolshekaraganskaya Valley and adjacent territory within the Chelyabinsk Region. The subject of this research is the territorial-geographic complexes and historical-theoretical approaches towards studying the fortified settlements of ancient Ural in dynamics of their development. The author explores such aspects of the topic, as the formation of the center and core of resettlement of the Bronze Age in the basin of Bolshaya Karaganka River, which joins Ural River in southern part of Chelyabinsk Region, the territory also known as Arkaimskaya Valley. Special attention is given to localization and layer-wise fixation of the fortified settlements, as well as typology of their morphogenesis. Research methodology is built on the theory of historical-architectural comparativism and comparative analysis of patterns of the fortified settlements in their layer wise fixation. The main conclusion is defined by the most comprehensive review of the typology of fortified settlements of South Ural of the Bronze Age. The analysis of planning analogues determined the typological and morphological similarity of the objects, succession of construction traditions in territories with the advanced urban development systems of Middle Asia. The results of analysis provided certain clarifications in determining the unique morphology of the plans of fortified settlements related to multi-functionality of the objects, virtually first known in history at the moment of research, living and industrial fortified structures with the dominant metallurgical function. The research results allow suggesting the origin of Sintashtinsko-Petrovsky city-forming fortification system in compliance with the ancient architectural and urban traditions in Middle Asia at the early development stages of Indo-European states.
fortified settlements, historical heritage, ancient civilization, Bronze Age, Proto-Indo-European frontier, Sintashta, Ancient Ural, Bolshekaraganskaya Valley, planning structures, settlement systems
History of political and legal doctrines
Polyntseva, N.F. (2020). The worldview of Vasily Nikolaevich Leshkov. Genesis: Historical research, 2, 39–49. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2020.2.30063
The subject of this research is the identification of views of Vasily Nikolaevich Leshkov. The source base consists of the works of V. N. Leshkov, scientific article published in the periodicals, texts of scientific reports. Theoretical framework contains the works on studying the concept of public law of A. A. Vasilyev, A. A. Tesli; works involving police law of K. S. Belsky, N. S. Nizgbik, T. O, Chukaev. The historical-legal science does not pay sufficient attention to the ideas and figure of V. N. Leshkov. The scientific novelty is substantiated by the subject and methods of research. The author attempted to examine the state-legal ideas of V. N. Leshkov, taking into account the questions of interaction between the government and society, as well as the grounds of the theory of public law. The significant contribution made by Leshkov to the sphere of public law and police law is highlighted. The scientific works of Vasily Nikolaevich Leshkov have not previously undergone systemic and complex examination, while the proposed by him theories and concepts remain relevant until today.
Concept, Local government, Concervative, Police law, Community, People, Slavophile, Public law, State, Law
History and Politics
Salamatova, M.S. (2020). Bolsheviks and opposition parties at the Council elections: means of formation of the single-party political system . Genesis: Historical research, 2, 50–68. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2020.2.32146
The subject of this research is the mechanism of formation of the single-party political system in Soviet Russia, and dislodgement by the Bolsheviks of opposition parties from the political and electoral process. The article reconstructs the methods of struggle of Bolsheviks against opposition in the course of elections and between election periods, as well as reviews statistical data on the participation of parties in Council elections and different levels of the Congresses of Soviets. The author reveals the role of agitation-propagandistic, repressive, and administrative means of struggle between Bolsheviks and opposition parties, and results of implementation of such methods. The scientific novelty consists in comprehensive examination and classification of the means of struggle of Bolsheviks against opposition parties during the first Council electoral campaigns. The first methods have formed at the elections of 1918, and later undergone extensions and amendments. The range of means of struggle against opposition includes the agitation-propagandistic, repressive, and administrative pressuring. The key role in liquidation of multi-party system was carried out by the repressive and agitation-propagandistic methods, which were not the method used in elections specifically, but produced most significant effect upon the electoral process. Diverse methods of administrative pressuring , such as restriction of pre-election agitation, ban on the speeches of opposition parties representatives, prohibitions on publicizing the lists of opposition candidate (prohibition on participation in the elections), compulsory re-voting, were applied directly at the elections and served as supplements to the more coarse measures of repressive character.
methods of administrative pressure, repressive methods, propaganda methods, Social Revolutionaries, Mensheviks, Bolsheviks, elections to the Soviets, fight against the opposition, liquidation of opposition parties, political monopoly of the Bolsheviks
Personality in history
Vyrodova, M.V. (2020). Women of the bohemian circles of Paris in establishment of French theatricality of “Belle Epoque”. Genesis: Historical research, 2, 69–77. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2020.2.32168
The period of last quarter of the XIX – beginning of the XX century in France after the World War I receives a name “Belle Epoque”. It is the time of development of entertainment industry, origination of mass culture, where women play a special role. The object of this research is the life strategies of women of the bohemian circles of Paris of “Belle Epoque”. The subjects is the women in French theatricality of the late XIX – early XX century. The goal of the work consists in determining the role played by thre women with a new female life strategy in formation of the phenomenon of French theatricality of “Belle Epoque”. Methodology is based on the sociocultural approach towards the problem, and suggests detailed analysis of the rare memoires of the performers, actresses and dancers, which were not published in Russian or translated into the Russian language. It is noted that women in the bohemian circles reconsidered their strategies in achieving life goals, putting the questions of career and personal growth to the forefront. They also were able to respond to the desires of audience of the late XIX – early XX century, attracting attention to the art of dance, pantomime, theatre, bringing their personal outlook upon the manner of performing. Women performed equal to men, often superseding them in some fields of art due to their natural femininity and talent.
France, culturology, dance, theatre, life strategy, Belle Epoque, woman, cabaret, Bohemians, mass culture
The path of the Scientist: anniversaries, milestones, an epitome
Ainbinder, R.M. (2020). Leonid Pavlovich Radzishevsky – one of the prominent Soviet geometricians of the 1930’s: to 115th anniversary. Genesis: Historical research, 2, 78–87. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2020.2.30094
The object of this research is the biography of virtually unknown at the present time mathematician L. P. Radzishevsky, whose most productive period of scientific activity falls on the 1930’s. The works of Radzishevsky have been recognized by most prominent Soviet mathematicians of that time, particularly by member of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union I. M. Vinogradov. The provided biographical records demonstrate the circumstances of personal life and professional activity of Radzishevsky, since the last years of the Romanovs dynasty, throughout the civil war and first years of Soviet government, until 1942. The study is based on the various methods of historical research, such as narrative, historical-genetic, and biographical. The main results of the conducted research became the reconstruction of scholar’s life path and analysis of his contribution to the Soviet mathematics. The absence of scientific works on life and academic activity of L. P. Radzishevsky within the Soviet and Russian historiography alongside introduction of the unknown archival documents into the scientific discourse, define the novelty of the presented material.
Moscow State University, Irkutsk, abstract geometry, Acad. Vinogradov, history of science, Leonid P. Radzishevsky, GISI, Lobachevsky, I.R. Braitsev, algebra