History of regions of Russia
Tatarnikova, A.I., Churkin, M.K. (2020). Agrarian colonization of Western Siberia and Governor-Generalship of the Steppes in the sociopolitical discourse of the late XIX – early XX century. Genesis: Historical research, 1, 1–9. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2020.1.31716
The subject of this article is the content and channels of representation of sociopolitical discourse on agrarian colonization of Western Siberia and Governor-Generalship of the Steppes in the late XIX – early XX century. The article gives characteristics to sociocultural, sociopolitical and economic contexts of resettlement movement to Western Siberia and Governor-Generalship of the Steppes, which became the basis for discourse on the key questions of agrarian colonization with regards to imperial understanding of the causes and results of incorporation of Trans-Ural territories into Russia. Methodological foundation contains approaches recorded in the scientific research practices of the “new imperial history”, which allow determining the way that the authorities and Russian society “pictured” and structuralized the imperial space, developing the adequate projects and implementing the practices of incorporation of suburbs into the imperial domain. Based on the extensive circle of published sources, the conclusion is made, according to which the actualization of agrarian question in the European governorates of Russia became an objective condition for the formation of grounds of sociopolitical discourse on agrarian colonization. The current political events in suburbs of the empire, which invoked diametrically opposed response of the liberals and national conservatives in the discourse, became the background of bringing the topic into discussion.
socio-political discourse, regional identity, separatism, resettlement movement, agrarian colonization, agrarian crisis, Steppe Territory, Western Siberia, national conservatives, liberals
History of law and state
Parchenko, N.A., Danilov, I.B. (2020). Legal and theoretical framework of economic zoning as a method of administrative-territorial reform of 1920-1923 in the Siberian region. Genesis: Historical research, 1, 10–20. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2020.1.29772
The subject of this research is the analysis of theoretical and legal framework of economic zoning as a method implemented at the initial stage of administrative-territorial reforms in Russia during 1920-1923 in the Siberian region. As the legal framework, the author reviews and analyzes various legal and archival sources. The scientific basis of economic zoning contains the observation of authors covering this topic during the preceding period, as well as the materials of administrative commission and direct theoreticians of economic zoning. The scientific novelty consists in the use of a body of scientific, archival and legal sources in the context of the topic in question, which analysis in such extensive and profound form is presented for the first time. The main conclusion consists in the data on a significant amount of issues faced by a law enforcer under the particular historical circumstances. The indicated problems became the key factor of implementation by the Soviet government of the principle of economic zoning as the main method in carrying out the local administrative-territorial reform.
Siberian Revolutionary Committee, Ñounty, Province, Economic specialization, Economic district, Administrative Commission, Economic zoning, Administrative-territorial reform, Local Councils, Economic department
Factors of historical development
Sevostyanova, E. (2020). “Third year in a row the Ghulja question gives the go-around…”: Russia and China in settling the Ili Crisis on the pages of “Eastern Herald” newspaper. Genesis: Historical research, 1, 21–36. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2020.1.28981
This article examines the reflection in the Eastern Herald” newspaper of a difficult period in the history of China-Russia relations during the 1870’s – 1880’s. The goal consists in the analysis of newspaper publications, and determination of conceptual components of the discourse on the Ili (Ghulja) crisis and border demarcation. The research established that this topic was one of the principal on the pages of “Eastern Herald” during the 1882-1884; separate publications occur in the 1890-1891l; the consequences of resettlement were covered in the 1890-1891. Chronological, comparative-historical methods along with the method of content analysis were applied. The reports on the course of border demarcation carried information character and neutral language of description, while the publications on relations between the authorities and the population in the transferred territories were characterized with the negative-biased nominations. As a result of conducted analysis, the author determine six main plot lines: overall assessment of policy of the Russian Empire on transferring Ili (Ghulja) District; course of measures on demarcation of borders; main events on organization and defense of migration flows to the Russian Empire and organization of resettlement in the territory of Semirechye; formation of the image of China’s provincial officials and government overall; characteristics of China’s army and its military capability; characteristics of China-Russia trade. The parallel plot line of the publication was the reports on situation in the Far Easter borders of Russia, which created a general picture of China-Russia border relations.
the resettlement of Muslims, the Sino-Russian border, border delimitation, Ghulja, the Ili crisis, China, Russia, Semirechiye, Xinjiang, image of Chinese officials
History of science and technology
Borisova, N. (2020). Systematization and analysis of priority discrepancies in electrical telegraphy. Genesis: Historical research, 1, 37–56. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2020.1.31869
The subject of this research is the systematization and analysis of different opinions of the countries that stood at the origins of electrical telegraphy (Russia, England, Germany, United States) regarding the question of who invented an electrical telegraph. The lower boundary of the period under consideration is the time of the emergence of first electrical telegraphs (1830’s); the upper boundary – is the time of completion of the most bitter priority conflicts (1850’s). On each of the four countries, the author analyzes value judgments of the key experts; determines the priority discrepancies, both international and domestic. The scientific novelty consists in the comprehensive character of studying priority discrepancies pertaining to electrical telegraphy and determined patterns in the nature of ambiguous priority assessments. The desire to defend prestige or gain commercial profit are the key reasons for priority discrepancies, The first reason serves as the motive for scientific disputes; the second one – for conflicts and litigations between the self-professed inventors. The opinion of all indicated countries on the priority in electrical telegraphy was based on the different understanding of the term “priority”. The Russians adhered to formal interpretation of priority (the pioneer is considered the person who patented or declared an invention) and defended the priority of Schilling. The countries that succeeded at the stage of proliferation of an invention, tended to consider the invention itself as a prehistory. The research results as an example of scientifically justified explanation of the existence of priority contests may be used for popularization of the national scientific and technological achievements in mass media, museum and educational activities.
Cook, Wheatstone, Schilling, Morse, priority, history of telegraph communication, invention of telegraph, electrical telegraphy, Siemens, Steinheil
Interdisciplinary research
Nilogov, A.S. (2020). Scientific verification of Khakassian genealogical lore: from mytho- and ethno-genealogy to DNA-genealogy . Genesis: Historical research, 1, 57–65. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2020.1.29539
This article explores the problem of scientific verification of the Khakassian genealogical lore. Such variations as mytho-genealogical ethno-genealogical and oral can be determined among them from typological perspective. Using the example of oral tradition on the ancestry of Domozhakovs family, the author examines the question of establishment of authenticity through application of the new genealogical methods, The most recent DNA genealogical methods allow objectifying a specific genealogical lore, which is impossible to verify using the approaches of classical genealogy. This refers to DNA-testing of contemporary representatives trough the patrilineal ancestry. The article applies such methods as analytical, genealogical, linguistic, descriptive, paleographic, synthetic, comparative, and heuristic. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the author is first to propose a systemic research approach on verification of Khakassian genealogical lore, including different levels of genealogical verification: crossover verba;, archival-documental, and DNA-genealogical. Viability of the latter scientific method would allow pursuing correlation between the legendary primogenitors and actual biological ancestors.
antiword, Butanaev, audit book, DNA-genealogy, mythogenealogy, ethnogenealogy, Domozhakovs, genealogy, khakass, antilanguage
Interdisciplinary research
Kovalev, A.N. (2020). Influence of the autumnal Halley's Comet upon formation and preservation of myth on Gemini and inclusion of Christ therein. Genesis: Historical research, 1, 66–81. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2020.1.29112
This article analyzes the astronomic gravure of 1553 regarding determination of the link between peculiarities of the trajectory of comets among constellations and medieval legends, Hellenistic moods of Renaissance Era, and ancient Greek mythologemes. The author clarifies the influence of some astronomic events upon formation of the details of ancient Greek myth on Dioscuri, as well as creation of medieval legends. The article reveals the factors that allowed Giotto in the early XIV century to select Halley’s Comet as Star of Bethlehem, which coincided with the modern perspective of some scholars. Comparative analysis is conducted on the trajectory of a single comet in its five various occurrences spread throughout 2,800 years and its correlation with repetition of a single myth. The likelihood of such coincidence is being estimated. A hypothesis is put forward that the trajectory of autumnal Halley’s Comet among constellations led to its designation as a stellar sign for the birth of divine Gemini and determine details of the myth. This resulted in the emergence of a chain united by a single myth and astronomic phenomenon: Dioscuri – Christ – Lohengrin (VI century) – Hugo (X century, great-grandfather of Godfrey of Boulogne) possibly supported by realistic coincidence of their birth dates with emergence of this comet. Discussion is conducted on the existence of interconnection between the proposed conception/birth of Christ in the 12th year BC, in the year of the origination of Halley’s Comet and idea on the existence of his twin brother.
The Renaissance and the Dioscuri, Christ's birth date, Estimate of probability, astronomical engravings of the Renaissance, Godfroy, Boulogne and the Swan, Lohengrin the Swan knight, twin brother of Christ, mythologization of astronomical phenomena, Autumn comet of Halley, The Dioscuri and Christ
Social history
Ippolitov, S.S. (2020). Russian émigrés in Germany: psychological situation as a humanitarian program (1917-1920). Genesis: Historical research, 1, 82–93. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2020.1.31903
The author examines the psychological adaptation of Russian émigré in the German society during the period in question. Special attention is paid to the Russian humanitarian organizations as communication channels between the Russian refugees and authorities of the hosting countries with regards to distribution of humanitarian aid, solution of legal and administrative issues; humanitarian situation among former Russian prisoners of the World War I in Europe; psychological state of Russian emigrants as a humanitarian problem of white émigré. Methodological framework consists of the principles of historicism and systematicity. The latter implies studying the problem in inseparable connection with the processes and events taking place in society at the particular moment in history. The author examines the history of Russian humanitarian activity in emigration as an element of general historical context in development of the country. This article is first within the Russian historiography to consider the psychological peculiarities of adaptation of Russian émigrés in the European society; as well as introduce into the scientific discourse previously unpublished autograph of the prominent émigré writer and publisher Roman Borisovich Gul. Depressive trends, cultural famine, transformation of moral image were frequent occurrences in the moral-psychological climate of Russian communities, due to the circumstances of long-term isolated living in the refugee camps in Germany. As a counterbalance to the gradually vanishing hopes, as a so-called compensation for the emerged spiritual vacuum, in the moods of Russian émigrés have formed the centripetal tendencies, desire to unite national groups, isolate from antagonistic external environment, create the own “Russian” world in a foreign land.
humanitarian organization, pow camp, social adaptation, emigration in Germany, psychological state, adaptation of emigrants, Russian refugees, Russian humanitarian activities, charity, marginalization