Historical facts, events, phenomena
Loshchilova, T.N., Nosova, E.S. (2019). “Good King Henry”: to the history of one myth. Genesis: Historical research, 4, 1–23. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2019.4.29389
The object of this research is the image of Henry IV de Bourbon as the “Good King Henry” that was born in the consciousness of French society in the early XVII century and became one of the elements of the new dynasty’s legitimation process, which substantiated a significant consolidation of the royal power during the country’s recovery from economic, social, political and cultural crisis. The subject of this research is the methods, means and circumstances of forming the concept about the “Good King Henry”. The article examines the pivotal stages in establishment of the image through the prism of the representation of power. Methodological foundation contains the works of foreign and Russia medievalists aimed at studying the problems of representation of the royal power and “potestary imagology” in the various spheres of political culture. The scientific novelty consist in analyzing the image of the “Good King Henry” from the interdisciplinary perspective. Examination of the representation of power and political symbolism, within the framework of potestary imagology, is a dynamically developing vector in historical science. Of particular interest are the kings who were able to grasp the benefits of public self-representation and role of the images of power for successful governance.
medals, mythologizing of power, legitimacy of power, Bourbon dynasty, good king Henri, Henry IV, coins, works of art, France, XVI-XVII centuries
History of regions of Russia
Azarenko, I.S. (2019). Country healthcare system in Kaluga Governorate during the 1864-1871. Genesis: Historical research, 4, 24–30. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2019.4.29566
The object of this research is the social sphere of the Russian Empire in the late XIX century as a result of implementation of Zemstvo Reform in 1864. The subject of this research is the peculiarities of changes in organization of healthcare system in Kaluga Governorate during the 1864-1871, occurred due to Zemstvo Reform. Based on the studied materials, the author provides data on the situation in medicine prior to the reform of 1864 in the region; as well as analyzes particular examples of such transformations related to implementation of new regulations of Zemstvo Reform in the area of healthcare. The scientific novelty consists in examination of the previously unused archival documents of the State Archive of Kaluga Oblast, which allowed the new factual material on conducting Zemstvo Reform in Kaluga Governorate during the viewing 1864-181 and its implementation in healthcare. It is concluded that even though the Kaluga Governorate provided significant aid in country healthcare and solutions to the number of issues in medicine, they did not have freedom in decision-making and spending for this paramount component of life of the county.
county, land council, paramedic, doctor, reform, zemstvo, Kaluga province, health care, hospitals, local health care
World history: Eras and seasons
Dibas, O.A., Milokost, L.S. (2019). Martti Ahtisaari: outlook upon solution of Kosovo Conflict (2004-2007). Genesis: Historical research, 4, 31–42. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2019.4.29479
This article explores the outlook upon the process of settling Kosovo Conflict by one of the most successful and renowned mediators, President of Finland, Nobel prizewinner – Martti Ahtisaari. The object of this research is the conflict in Kosovo; while the subject is the position of Martti Ahtisaari in Kosovo Conflict and his outlook upon the conditions of its settlement. The article examines the attitude of M. Ahtisaari towards the conflict in Kosovo over the period from 2005 to 2007; methods and means of searching for a compromise between the government of Serbia, Kosovo and Contact Assembly represented by Russian Federation, Germany, France, Italy, as well as the United Nations Organization and NATO. The scientific novelty consists in the attempts of comprehensive analysis of mediation of Kosovo Conflict from the perspective of the Western European community represented by Martti Ahtisaari, and attraction of a wide variety of sources in form of reminiscences of Martti Ahtisaari, Kofi Annan’s archive, UN documents. Within the framework of this research, it is established that the negotiation process and development of the “Ahtisaari Plan” took place in the conditions of the preliminary structured position and commitment of the European counterparts to achieve the sovereignty of Kosovo; the method and means applies in negotiations were called to impose upon the Serbian side and Russian Federation the foregone conclusion.
independence, negotiations, UN, Kosovars, Serbia, Kosovo, Martti Ahtisaari, autonomy, special status, peacemaking
History and historical science
Davydova, A.O. (2019). The activity of book stores of state trade system in the districts of industrialization of the north of Western Siberia during the 1970’s – 1980’s. Genesis: Historical research, 4, 43–48. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2019.4.29482
The subject of this research is the book stores of state trade system during the period of intense development of the north of Western Siberia during the 1970’s – 1980’s. The author analyzes their activity on realization of printed goods in the new cities and townships of the region, formed as a result of development of gas and oil resources of the territory; analyzes the forms and methods of work of the book-trading companies with customers, as well as the ways of expanding the range of book trade, delivery of literature and coordination of efforts of the book stores with public distributors. The scientific novelty consists in the analytical review of the published and unpublished documents on the development of book trade in the north of Western Siberia during the 1970’s – 1980’s. as well as determination and comparison of the specificities of realization of printed goods in the conditions of industrialization of this territory. The conclusion is made that the advancement of state book-trading chain tended to follow the dynamic development of the north of Western Siberia; while the state chain of book trade, which specialized in selling literature attracting the resources of businesses and organizations of the region, was the main system of books distribution in the territory.
sales literature, goskywatch, buyers, Western Siberia, he North of Western Siberia, book trade, book stores, books, exhibitions, industrial development
History and Economics
Bespal'ko, D.N. (2019). Post-graduate student, the department of Psychology, North Ossetian State Pedagogical Institute . Genesis: Historical research, 4, 49–58. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2019.4.27738
The subject of this research is the economic experiment aimed at rationalization of the muskrat hunting activity in the middle of the XX century on the territory of the Kalarsky District of Chita Region. Through a special decree, the regional authorities push the muskrat and other color peltry industry towards autonomous balance with right to procure in the territories assigned to them. The decision led to creation of two competing peltry and fur procurement offices in the region, and correspondingly, sharp conflict of economic interests between them. The muskrat industry had to become the first experimental industry in the north of Chita Region, developing based on original accounting models. The applied measures qualitatively improved the management structure and economic results of the industry, while the planned innovative solutions had to take the barely functioning industry into the forward positions of the Socialist economy. The main conclusions consists in the following positions: the muskrat industry must develop autonomously, based on cost accounting; proper organization of labor and planned industrialization of production sectors is the cornerstone for successful implementation of economic development program of an industry.
economic experiment, fur, states, fur raw materials, procurement office, trade economy, independent balance, cost accounting, regional consumer union, labor organization
Philosophy of history, historiography, chronology/source studies
Bezverkhova, S.V. (2019). Kubcheka in law enforcement system of Kuban: the analysis of session protocols of executive committee and panel of Kuban-Chernomorskaya Cheka (May 9 – December 5, 1920). Genesis: Historical research, 4, 59–69. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2019.4.27385
The object of this research is the activity of Kubcheka, reflected in the session protocols of executive committee and panel, as well as archival documents of the regional committee of the Russian Communist Party of Bolsheviks of Kuban-Chernomorskaya Oblast in 1920. The subject of this research is the organizational and substantive aspects of the activity of Kubcheka in 1920. The organizational aspects imply the organizational decisions adopted by the Kubcheka panel. The substantive aspects implies the decisions related to execution of the key task – struggle against counterrevolution. The author applies the comparative-historical and historical-textual methods, synthesized within the framework of hermeneutics of history, structural-functional approach towards history, which principles allow structuring the historical models of social relations, describing their functions. The scientific novelty consists in the conclusion that besides departmentalization and secret-service network, the activity of Kubcheka in 1920 included the conduct of special operations, investigative and judicial work, repressive actions, organizational and political enlightenment activity on delineation of responsibilities of other subjects of law enforcement system, self-governance bodies and government institutions.
bor'ba s kontrrevolyutsiyey, Kubcheka's activity, Kubcheka board, Kuban-Chernomorskaya oblast, state security, law enforcement system, Kubcheka, Cheka, Kubcheka party leadership, Kubcheka organization
Beliefs, religions, churches
Ostapenko, R.A. (2019). Motivation for adopting Christianity by Adyghe people (1842-1869): documents from the funds of Krasnodar Krai State Archive. Genesis: Historical research, 4, 70–76. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2019.4.27782
The subject of this research is the examination of factors that impelled certain representatives of Adyghe society to adopt Christianity in the second of the XIX century. Based on the archival documents, describing various aspects of such phenomenon, the author conducts a comprehensive analysis of Christianization of the Adyghe people. Three groups differ in motivational message were determined: 1) Adyghe people imprisoned during the Caucasian War; 2) Russian people taken captive by highlanders; 3) Adyghe people who were eager to adopt Orthodoxy not by the dogmatic, but worldly interest, particularly for liberation from servitude. The author was able to systematize the factors that became a motivation for changing religion, which allowed arranging and generalizing the case material. The relevance lies in the fact that the determined motivation requires a detailed examination from the perspective of increasing the effectiveness of interethnic and interreligious relationships, forecasting and levelling the possible negative results. The problem of adopting Christianity by Adyghe people in the second half of the XIX century represents a complicated question that requires a comprehensive grasp ad the established source framework. The scientific novelty lies in introduction into the scientific discourse of the documents discovered by the author in the funds of Krasnodar Krai State Archiive that allow expanding the representations on the topic of adopting Christianity by Adyghe people formed within historical science.
muhajirism, missionary, Orthodox Church, Kuban region, North-Western Caucasus, christianization, Circassians, Islam, Caucasian war, peasant question
Syrovatskiy, V.V. (2019). Burial of Vladimirovka (XVII century): a new monument with secondary burial rite in Central Yakutia. Genesis: Historical research, 4, 77–83. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2019.4.29488
The object of this research is the Yakut burial rite of the XVII century. The subject of this research is the ritually disturbed burials of Yakuts. The article presents a detailed review of the types of ritually disturbed burials. The author makes an attempt of interpretation of the materials of earthen burial of Vladimirovka, explored in the course of fieldwork of Srednelensky archeological expedition crew from the Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences within the limits of Yakutsk. This burial is referred to one of the types of ritually disturbed gravesites, namely secondary burial, which was widespread during the Late Middle Ages in Yakutia. The archeological data is compared to the ethnographic records, historical sources and natural scientific methods. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the rite of secondary burial is rarely reflected in the archeological materials and is rather considered as deviation. Moreover, the use of natural scientific methods of age determination allows identifying the specifics of burial rite and help in further dating of other monuments with similar features. The author puts forward a hypothesis on secondary burial on the monument, related to the changes in traditional beliefs of the people due to arrival of Russian population in the XVII century. Special attention is given to determination of social status of the buried based on the comparison with the existing data on burial rites of the Yakuts.
structure inside the tomb, burial, yakutia, reburial, arangas, the secondary burial, burial rite, the Yakuts, earthen burial, disturbed burial