Beliefs, religions, churches
Barinov, N.N. (2018). Origination and evolution of two practices at the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts in Ruthenia (Historical-theological analysis). Genesis: Historical research, 8, 1–10.
This article examines the historical-theological aspects of the emergence and evolution of two different practices at the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts in Ruthenia. The acute importance of this topic is substantiated by the fact that it directly touches upon one of the key Sacraments – the Sacrament of Eucharist, as well as the major divine service – the Liturgy. The relevance is stipulated by the currently occurred polemics regarding the correspondence of these practices to the Church Canons and patristic doctrine. The goal of the work lies in analysis of the historical and theological documents on the matter. The author considers the historical context and theological questions of the evolution of two different practices at the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts in Ruthenia. The analysis is conducted based on the critical examination of historical documents and historical-theological research dedicated to the topic at hand. A conclusion is made that with the adoption of Christianity in Ruthenia has originated the practice to imbue the consecrated bread with the blood of Christ for conducting the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts. However, there is no reliable date on the existence in Ruthenia of other practice of not saturating the consecrated bread. The article also demonstrates the merits of Saint Peter Mogila, particularly such associated with the establishment of the Orthodox Practice at the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, as well as argues the unjust accusations against him. Based on this fact, as assumption is made regarding his church-wide canonization.
Saint Theophan the Recluse, Saint Peter Mogila, Moscow Eucharistic disputes, scholasticism, transubstantiation, Presanctified Gifts, Liturgy, Professor Uspensky, Smirnov-Platonov, Professor Karabinov
Memorable date in history
Zipunnikova, N., Kalinina, A., Elisova, N. (2018). From the Law Faculty of Irkutsk University to Siberian Institute of Soviet Law: Irkutsk roots of university history (dedication to the centenary of Ural State Law University). Genesis: Historical research, 8, 11–28.
The authors carefully examines the problems of establishment of legal education in the east of Russia, namely the Irkutsk State University. Opened in the fall of 1918 university’s law faculty was an organizational academic structure that laid the foundation for the history of the Ural State Law University. Being transformed repeatedly, in 1931 in terms of a big reform of preparation of the Soviet legal personnel, the law faculty became a Siberian (Irkutsk) Institute of Soviet Law; later, in 1934, it was transferred to Sverdlovsk (Ural Region), attaining the name Sverdlovsk Law Institute since 1936. The article uses the groundwork of the so-called anniversary genre and anniversary strategies of cognizing the history of legal education and science. Based on the broad circle of sources, including archival materials, the author demonstrates advancement of the idea of Siberian University, education in the most difficult circumstances of shift of power and regimes, civil war, as well as various aspects of its operation from the perspective of systemic approach. Particular attention is given to the normative-legal, political-ideological, organizational-administrative bases of the work of the faculty. The author also traces the evolution of the content of preparation of highly qualified legal personnel; on the example of difficult fates of the faculty members is demonstrated the “link of times”.
political and ideological context, regulatory framework, history, centenary, USLU, Siberian Institute of Soviet Law, Irkutsk State University, Faculty of Law, professors and teachers, the students
History of regions of Russia
Bleikh, N.O. (2018). The origins of formation of martial art skills among North Caucasian peoples. Genesis: Historical research, 8, 29–34.
This article considers the specificity of formation of martial art skills among the ethnoses of North Caucasus. Particular attention is given to the history of genesis of mountain peoples, analysis of the external and internal factors of advancement of soldiery among them. It is noted that the origins of warrior skills among the locals, which aroused admiration of the contemporaries, emerged back in the ancient times thanks to the Scythian-Sarmatian-Alanian tribal alliances that developed a strictly outlined system of the military physical upbringing aimed at health strengthening, skills of weapon and horse possession, training of will, character and athletic skills. The article leans on the principles of historicism, objectivity, systematicity, which allows analyzing the events and facts of the past in a certain historical situation in accordance with chronological sequence. A conclusion is made that the ancient history of existence of the North Caucasian peoples deeply intertwined with the military art. It was associated with their nomadic lifestyle, which forced them to either protect or defend. Thus, is affected their mentality and spiritual culture, which up until the XIX century preserved its militarized foundation, permeated with martial spirit and saturated with warrior skills, inherited from the Scythians-Sarmatians-Alanians, the ancestors of the Ossetians.
Sarmatians, Scythians, habitat, mountain peoples, military craft, martial arts, North Caucasus, Russian Empire, Alans, Ossetians
History of regions of Russia
Putilin, S.V. (2018). Cognitive values of service population in Western Siberia of the XVII century. Genesis: Historical research, 8, 35–39.
The subject of this research is the service population in Western Siberia of the XVII century; the object is their intellectual values, particularly cognitive. The author examines the questions of cognitive attitude towards reality of the service people: language instruments of cognition and consciousness. Special attention is given to the subjective perception of cognitive values, revealing their structure and content, conceptual meaning and interrelation. The definitions of cognitive values from the standpoint of service people – language and knowledge are provided; the peculiarities of interpretation of cognitive values from the perspective of the context of events are described. Among the main conclusions of the conducted research is the understanding of the value of cognition and information for service population as paramount from the perspective of professional activity, variety of cognitive values in form of verbal and written speech, knowledge, mentality and mind in different forms. The author’s contribution lies in the interdisciplinary method of research, historical-anthropological approach to studying service population, implementation of contemporary information technologies and comprehensive analysis of the sourced. The scientific novelty is defined by formulation of practical mechanisms on conceptualization of the socio-psychological phenomena of service people and their intellectual values.
values, cognition, sovereign, governors, cossacks, XVII century, Western Siberia, service people, language, consciousness
History of regions of Russia
Chyrgalan, S.Y. (2018). The activity of medical expedition of RSFSR National Healthcare Committee in Tuvan People’s Republic during 1928-1933. Genesis: Historical research, 8, 40–49.
The subject of this research is the activity of medical expedition of RSFSR National Healthcare Committee in Tuvan People’s Republic (TPR) during 1928-1933; while the objects is the relationship between USSR and TPR. The author focuses attention on the establishment of relationship between the USSR and TPR by means of dispatching medical personnel to the Tuvan People’s Republic, makes an assumption about the number of expedition participants, as well as characterizes the main results of the activity of the National Healthcare Committee during their stay. The scientific novelty is defined by conclusions built on the basis of the archival materials from the State Archive and sources of the Aldan Maadyr National Museum. The historical-hermeneutic method alongside the historical-comparative method were applied in the course of this work. The author also analyzes the activity of medical expedition in the context of cultural relationship between the Soviet Union and Tuvan People’s Republic.
Culture of the Tuvan National Republic, Tuvan National Republic, ASCRFC, USSR, National Healthcare Committee, Cultural relations, Medical or paramedical expedition, Health care system of the Tuvan National Republic, Medical centers of the Tuvan National Republic, National staff of the Tuvan National Republic
History of science and technology
Fando, R.A. (2018). Nicholas Sergeevich Obraztsov (1906-1966): life journey of the forgotten scholar. Genesis: Historical research, 8, 50–57.
The object of this research is the Russian scientific emigration to the United States. The subjects is the biography of the prominent entomologist Nicholas Obraztsov, who emigrated during the Great Patriotic War from the Soviet Union to Germany, and later the United States. His life journey is an illustration of a challenging fate of the Russian native, who happened to live in a foreign country, and was condemned to oblivion on his motherland. Referring to the scholar’s biography allows filling the gaps in the history of Russian natural science, which appeared due to a longtime suppression of the achievements of Russian emigrant scholars. The biography of N. S. Obraztsov is viewed with consideration of the psychological, sociocultural and thematic-disciplinary aspects. The main results lies in reconstruction of the life journey of the famous entomologist. The author analyzes the scientific contribution made by Obraztsov to the development of morphology and systematics of various groups of insects, publishing of scientific and reference literature, as well as creation of museum collections. The absence in the national historiography of the works and scientific activity of N. S. Obraztsov underlines the novelty of the presented material.
The Kiev University, museum collections, Natural History Museum, scientific emigration, taxonomy of insects, entomology, history of science, Obraztsov Nicholas Sergeevich, Lepidopterology, the international cooperation
Culture and cultures in historical context
Gurianova, M. (2018). “Revolution” in fashion industry: history of the phenomenon of “couturier”. Genesis: Historical research, 8, 58–67.
In the late XIX century, the emergence of the persona of Charles Frederick Worth signified somewhat a “revolution” in fashion industry, changing its concept through putting to the forefront the persona of the designer, rather than a dress wearer. Up to the late XVIII century, the authorship of innovations was appointed upon the bright individuals (the powerful persons) who demonstrated them, but not who stood behind its creation. As a profession, the design of fashionable novelties, which founder was C. F. Worth, transformed the clothing manufacturing industry from the craft activity at the service of high officials, to a creative act inherent only to couturier. Such shift of accents regarding the identification of a fashionable novelty from the wearer to manufacturer was significantly associated with “switching” of the costume’s semantics under the influence of French Revolution, after which fashion became perceived as platform for self-expression”, and the dress turned into an important symbol of taste and individual differences. Namely the discourse that a fashionable product is an expression of individual taste in many ways contributed to putting clothing designers to the forefront, as it was also enhanced by the reorganization of guild system in the late XVIII century.
tailor, mercer, milliner, guid, couturier, individual taste, fashion, bourgeoisie, costume, novelty
Quantitive methods in history
Ryazanov, S.M., Kosmovskaya, A.A. (2018). Russian official – a permanent wonderer: social image of the prison and police officer-migrant of the late XIX – early XX century (on the materials of Perm Province). Genesis: Historical research, 8, 68–80.
The object of this article is the Russian officialdom. The subject is the social image of the officials arrived to Perm Province for servicing in the police and prison departments (end of the XIX – beginning of the XX century). The authors meticulously review the social and professional characteristics of the officials-migrants, comparing them with the “local personnel” (confessional affiliation, family composition, social class, education, term of service, post and rank). The article specifically analyzes the causes and directions of migration of the “police and prison officers” to and out of Perm Province. The scientific novelty lies in introduction to the scientific discourse of new sources from the Perm State Archive systematized in form of the two prosopographic databases. For the first time the officials-migrants are subjected to analysis using such databases. A conclusion is made that the officials-migrants significantly outstripped the local police and prison officers by educational, class and professional characteristics.
penitentiary system, police, Ural, Russian empire, bureaucracy, migration, collective portrait, prosopography, database, social mobility
Anthroposociogenesis and historical anthropology
Pererva, E.V. (2018). Anthropology of population of the pre-Sarmatian period from near Kurgan graves of the Lower Volga territory (paleopathological aspect). Genesis: Historical research, 8, 81–93.
The subject of this research is the paleopathological peculiarities detected on the anthropological materials of pre-Sarmatian period from graves of the Lower Volga Region. Bioarcheological approach applied in examination of the skeletal remains expands the representation on the lifestyle of population of the pre-Sarmatian period. As the foundation for this research served the anthropological materials of 14 adult individuals; all of them had braincase and only five people the bones of postcranial skeleton. Paleopathological analysis of skeletal remains was based on the descriptive macro-morphological methodology developed by A. P. Buzhilova (1992, 1995, 1998). In archeological and historical science much attention was given to the problems of chronology and periodization of artifacts of the pre-Sarmatian period, as well as the questions of ethnic and language affiliation of population. In the course of paleopathological study of skeletal remains from the graves of pre-Sarmatian period of the Lower Volga territory, the author established the existence of the specific age and gender disharmonies. Examination of the state of dentition demonstrated that the people likely had a nomadic lifestyle and their diet consisted of the meat and dairy products. The proofs of belonging of the skeletons of Cimmerian period to the nomadic world of the early Iron Age could also be the signs of cold stress, specific injuries and a rare disease frontal hyperostosis.
stress markers, skeleton remains, archaeology, paleoanthropology, paleopathology, Lower Volga region, cimmerians, presavromatians time, nomads, transition period
Historical facts, events, phenomena
Babich, I.L. (2018). Monastery of the Ascension of David Desert: beginning of journey (XVI – XVII centuries). Genesis: Historical research, 8, 94–105.
The subject of this research is the peculiarities of monastery construction in Russia over the period of the XVI – XVII centuries. The object is the history of one of monasteries outside of Moscow – the Ascension of David Desert. This period signified the change in ideological paradigms: the Russian Orthodox ideology, which takes its roots in the history of ancient Byzantium, shifts towards the Western influences and trends. This is also the beginning of monastery colonization of Russia, when in the overall monastery’s decline have emerged many medium-sized monasteries. The goal of this article lies in examination of the questions related to the Russian power (princely and imperial) and monastery construction, as well as the status of Monastery of the Ascension of David Desert, claustral rule, specificities of allodial possessions, establishment and church construction. The works is prepared on the basis of materials from the three archives: Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts, Central State Archive, and archive of documents preserved in the Monastery of the Ascension of David Desert; the method of historical reconstruction was applied for analyzing these materials. The beginning of monastic life in the David Desert along with its establishment during the first two centuries (XVI – XVII) yet remains a little-known part of history, which defines the relevance of this article.
religious practice, princes, David' pustin', power, Russia, monastery, Orthodoxy, monks, archives, Moscow