Interdisciplinary research
Babintseva, E.A. (2018). To the question of history of environmental protection in Germany of the XI-XX centuries. Genesis: Historical research, 6, 1–6.
In the course of this research, the author focuses attention on the combination of historical processes that unfolded in terms of the establishment of modern environmental concept in Germany. The object of the article is the process of formation of the environmental consciousness as an aspect that throughout the centuries affected the fundamental spheres of social life. In the subject review the author refers to the indicated process through the prism of development of environmental protection in Germany. An analysis is conducted of the internal processes, their space and time metamorphoses and correlation with the establishment in the late XX century of the concept of enviromentalization of the German territories – the way to understand the reason of German establishment as one of the leading environmental states that support the paradigm of ecocentrism in Europe and the world. The article applies the inversion and deductive characters of analysis of the historical events since the postwar period and industrialization era until the ancient times of existence of the state (XI-XX centuries). The main conclusion consists in consideration of Germany as a state with an invaluable experience of environmental protection with the centuries-long history, which currently can be implemented in a number of destitute countries in the world. In the second half of the XX century, the country being in the state of severe crisis, in the short period of time took the center stage with regards to environmental indexes, as well as became a benchmark on multiple aspects. Germany must be viewed as a country with rich history of establishment of the ecocentric paradigm in society.
history of ecological development, environmental legislation, ecocentrism, renewability of resources, Germany, environmental protection, North-German Union, industrial revolution, natural monument, ecology
Beliefs, religions, churches
Barinov, N.N. (2018). The development of two practices at the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts since the first centuries of Christianity until the XIV century (historical-theological analysis). Genesis: Historical research, 6, 7–15.
This article examines the historical-theological aspects of origination of in Church of the two different practices at the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts. Relevance of the topic is substantiated by the occurred at the present time polemics on correspondence of the indicated practice to the apostolic tradition and patristic tradition. An attempt is made to review the historical context alongside the sources of origination of the two practices of preparation of the Presanctified Gifts since the first centuries of Christianity until the XIV century. The analysis is conducted based on the critical examination of the historical-theological studies dedicated to the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts. The goal of the article lies in the analysis of historical and theological documents for the indicated timeframe, as well as the historical-theological materials on this topic. A conclusion is made that one of the practices stems from Monophysites and the Latin West, as well as manifests as a continuation of the practice of self-oblation of the laypeople in ancient Church by a single Body of Christ, which is constitutes deviation from the apostolic tradition, justified only during the persecution. The second one, more ancient practice, takes its roots from the undistorted apostolic tradition and ritual of the Eastern Orthodox Churches. The article proves the inconsistency to the apostolic tradition and patristic tradition of religious faith into translation of the wine by dipping the sacramental bread into it.
monophysites, church of Constantinople, ecumenical Patriarchate, history of Christianity, theology, transubstantiation, Of The Presanctified Gifts, Liturgy, Theodore The Studite, Gregory Dialogus
Social history
Vasil'eva, Y.S., Biryukova, A.B. (2018). Portrait of a high official of the second half of XVIII – first quarter of XIX century (on the example of I. V. Lopukhin and I. P. Yelagin. Genesis: Historical research, 6, 16–20.
The officialdom has always played a big role in social life of the Russian Empire. Russian bureaucracy greatly affected the political and economic development of the country, and over the recent decades drew attention of the national and foreign historians. The subject of this research is the characteristic personal and behavioral features of the highest officialdom of the Age of Enlightenment. The article attempts to create a composite image of high official of the second half of XVIII – first quarter of XIX century on the example of the prominent representatives of the era Ivan Vladimirovich Lopukhin and Ivan Perfilievich Yelagin. The scientific novelty consists in examination and analysis of the personal qualities and political activity of the distinguished representatives of highest officialdom of the indicated timeframe. The demonstrated example prove that the representative of authority were educated and well-rounded individuals with multiple talents, who diligently carried out their duties and cared about the welfare of the state.
order, official, enlighteners, Enlightment, masonry, service, nobility, senator, state, charity
Social history
Shebalin , D.D. (2018). Holy See in international relations: vision of modern Europe and democracy. Genesis: Historical research, 6, 21–28.
The subject of this research is the foreign policy of the Holy See that experiences transformations in the context of modern international relations. The object of this research is the positions of the Holy See with regards to Europe (particularly European Union) and modern democracy. The author meticulously reviews such aspects of the topic as the Vatican’s representations on the European integration processes, political crisis in the EU, as well as economic and migration problems of the European states. Special attention is given to examination of proposition of the Holy See aimed at reforming the institution of democracy. Methodological base includes the historiographical analysis (historical aspects of policy of the Holy See in Europe), logical methods such as synthesis, induction, deduction of the collected material, as well as comparative-historical method that helps the author in structuring the periodization of transformation of the aforementioned positions of the Holy See. The scientific novelty lies in relevance of the phenomenon that experiences constant transformation in terms of the modern international relations. The main conclusion is defined by the thesis that Europe, which used to be a traditional sphere of influence of the Roman-Catholic Church, is viewed by Vatican from the new perspective. The author highlights that unlike the policy of his predecessors, Pope Francis suggested an alternative solution of the European political crisis, based on respecting of the international law, history and traditional values. The author’s special contribution consists in the thesis that according to Vatican’s opinion, the democracy cannot be achieved only at the political level; first and foremost, it is necessary to formulate the democratic principles at the civic and economic levels.
European integration, Modern international relations, Political crisis, Papal diplomacy, Democracy, European Union, Vatican, Holy See, Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis
History of ethnicities, peoples, nations
Chyrgalan, S.Y. (2018). The activity of Oirot Autonomous Oblast in training of domestic personnel for the Tuvan People’s Republic over the period of 1925-1944. Genesis: Historical research, 6, 29–40.
The subject of this research is the activity of Oirot Autonomous Oblast in training of domestic personnel for the Tuvan People’s Republic (TPR). The goal is to analyze the process of formation of the domestic personnel of TPR in Oirot Autonomous Oblast over the period of 1925-1944. The author meticulously examines such aspects of the topic as qualification criteria for training, questions of financing, specialization, adaptation problems of the Tuvan students. Particular attention is given to the dynamics of formation of the domestic personnel, which is reflected in statistical data contained in the historical documents. Methodological foundation is the methodology of historical science; the use of general scientific principle of historicism allowed giving assessment to the formation of domestic personnel of TPR in the Oirot Autonomous Oblast in relation to the social, economic and political processes unfolded in the territory of Tuva and Altai over the indicated timeframe. The main research method is the historical analysis of archival materials of the second half of XX century. The classification method allowed determining the key vectors in the policy of TPR and Oirot Autonomous Oblast regarding the formation of domestic personnel; statistical method was applied for identification of quantitative changes in the number and structure of educational facilities and graduates. The author comprehensively studied the processes of formation of the staff reserve considering the ethnocultural and ethno-economic factors. In conclusion, the author gives assessment to the activity of Oirot Autonomous Oblast in the area of formation of domestic personnel for the Tuvan People’s Republic; as well as defines the key directions in training of the Tuvan specialists, taking into account the economic and social program of development of TPR and functional assignment of the staff, having underlined the major practical issues in personnel training.
national intelligentsia, tuvan students, national staff, training courses, education system, Oirot autonomous region, Tuvan People's Republic, Soviet-party School, Soviet Union, party workers
History and Politics
Kozcaz, U. (2018). Signing of Ankara Agreement (Anglo-Franco-Turkish Treaty) and its impact upon the Turkish Press. Genesis: Historical research, 6, 41–48.
The subject of this research is the examination of news texts in Turkish newspapers through the prism of the Russia-Turkey relations. The object of this research is the basic Turkish newspapers published following the execution of Ankara Agreement. Particular attention is given to the reception of Turkish newspapers over the period of September 28 through October 29, 1939. The author reviews the materials of the publishers “Cumhuriyet” (the Republic), “Ulus” (the People), “Tan” (the Dawn), “Son Posta” (the Last Message), “Akşam” (the Evening), “İkdam” (the Promotion), and “Vakit” (the Time). The article compares the materials of seven publishers, as well as make conclusions on their similarities and discrepancies. The scientific novelty is substantiated by comparing the materials of the publishers that have not been previously examines in the Russian language literature. A conclusion is made that the indicated timeframe (September 28 – October 29, 1939), from the perspective of the considered in the article publisher, was paramount for the Republic of Turkey in selection of the political course.
Negotiations, USSR, Mass Media, Turkish Press, Neutrality of Turkey, The Second World War, Foreign Policy of Turkey, History of Turkey, Ankara Agreement, The Anglo-Franco-Turkish Treaty
History of regions of Russia
Kozlova, S.A., Beshentsev, A.N. (2018). Transformation processes of the resettlement of Old Believers of the Western Transbaikal Region (Semeiskie) over the period of XX – XXI centuries. Genesis: Historical research, 6, 49–56.
The subject of this research is the transformation processes in resettlements of the Semeiskie Old Believers in the Western Transbaikal Region throughout the XX and XX centuries. The authors examine the population dynamics in the Old Believer settlements of the Western Transbaikal Region. A conducted geographical chart traces the population decline from the rural areas into the district administrative centers. The three time periods are determined: pre-Soviet, Soviet and post-Soviet, marking the historical events that affected the resettlement of the Semeiskie of the indicated region. The authors consider the transformations within the system of resettlement of the Semeiskie, trace the population dynamics among the Old Believers, as well as the development of localities within the limits of the main range of their resettlement. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that this article is first to reveal the discussed topic from the perspective of cartographic analysis. The author observe a high natural population increase in the first half of the XX century, the expansion of Old Believer communities in the poorly inhabited territories. By the end of the XX century, the population sized in the district centers has increased due to the inflow of population from the surrounding rural areas and villages, so the previously inhabited territories have become neglected. At the present time, the demographic development and resettlement of the local Semeiskie communities and Old Believers’ descendants do not differ from the national urbanization trend.
cartographic evaluation, consolidation of settlements, settlement, dispersement, transformation processes, West Zabaykalye, semeyskie, oldbelievers, urbanization, depopulation
History of law and state
Egorov, N.Y. (2018). I. T. Tarasov on the limits of government intervention into the public life in terms of realization of the social function . Genesis: Historical research, 6, 57–65.
The subject of this research is the actualized part of theoretical-legal heritage of the prominent Russian lawyer of the late XIX – early XX century Ivan Trofimovich Tarasov (1849-1929); his representations of the specificities of realization of social function of the state; correlation of the police, legal, and social states; concept of the social state; potential government intervention and its limits into the various spheres of public life in solution of the socially important issues; as well as maintenance of the balance between exercising the social function and ensuring the human rights and freedoms. The methods of interpretation of the legal ideas and normative legal acts were used in the course of this work. The contemporary legal science has not yet performed a comprehensive problem-theoretical reconstruction of the theoretical-legal heritage of I. T. Tarasov. Leaning on the achievements of the Western European and Russian police-legal theory, I. T. Tarasov determined the circle of paramount issues that are subjected to solution in terms of establishment of the social state and execution of social functions. I. T. Tarasov was one of the first national police scientists who raised a question about the reasonable limitation of government intervention into the public life, as well as the need for determination of the mechanism of such intervention and its legislative consolidation. Such ideas proposed by I. T. Tarasov were revolutionary for his time.
the rights of the individual, the limits of state intervention, state interference, the social function of the state, the social state, the rule of law, the police state, Tarasov, the restriction of the rights, and Russian police
History and Economics
Pu, J. (2018). Contribution of the Soviet specialist into the restoration and development of PRC in the late 1940’s – 1950’s: stages and their main characteristics. Genesis: Historical research, 6, 66–72.
This article generalizes the data and materials regarding the main characteristic and peculiarities of contribution of the Soviet specialists to China during the second half of 1940’s – a950’s, based on which the author determines the stages in the work of Soviet specialists, as well as the USSR’s aid to China altogether. The overall situation in the field of personnel training in PRC; the stay of the Soviet specialist in China and certain difficulties emerged in the course of their activity are described. The article contains the archival materials collected by the author in the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History, compilations of the published documents and materials, as well as examines the historiography of the topic. A conclusion is made on the existence of stage-by-stage approach applied by the Soviet specialists in providing aid to China. The first stage (second half of 1940’s) marks the sporadic nature and latent character in the help of Soviet specialists; the second stage (first half of 1950’s) notes a large volume of the invited specialists from USSR and significant coverage of the areas they were involved within; the third stage (second half of 1950’s) the number of the invited specialists is replaced by the quality of their selection and involvement into the solution of high-tech tasks of the China’s industrial sector.
training in the USSR, 1950s, help the USSR to China, economic recovery of China, industry in China, Soviet specialists, engineers of the USSR, decade of friendship, Chinese specialists, heavy industry
Ethnography and ethnology
Lidzieva, I.V. (2018). Foreign social capital: sources of formation and vector of the depletion. Genesis: Historical research, 6, 73–86.
The subject of this research is the foreign social capital as the means of integrating the nomadic people into the imperial legal, economic, and sociocultural space. Particular attention is given to the formation revenues and expenditures of the financial foundations of the nomadic people from South Russia: Kalmyks, Nogais, and Turkmens. The analysis of documental materials demonstrated that the indicated financial foundations used to have the Kalmyks of Astrakhan Governorate, Stavropol Governorate and Bolshederbetovsky Ulus, as well as the secular capital at the societal level. Methodological bases contains the principles of historicism and objectivism. The author also uses the statistical method that allowed giving a quantitative characteristic to the social capitals of the nomadic people, as well as the reconstructive method thaet rstored the budget mechanism. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time leaning on the analysis of documental materials, has been reviewed the problem of formation and depletion of the means of foreign social capitals of the nomadic people of South Russia in the context of imperial policy aimed at integration of the regional suburbs in terms of economic modernization in the XIX – early XX centuries.
South of Russia, nogays, kalmyks, income, expenses, budget, social capital, foreigners, turkmen, nomadic people