Ethnography and ethnology
Karpov, G. (2018). “White” Africans in modern Great Britain: specificity of migrants from South Africa. Genesis: Historical research, 4, 1–13.
This article is dedicated to examination of the migration from South Africa to Great Britain during the XX-XXI centuries, as well as peculiarities of establishment of the South African diaspora in the country. The author meticulously reviews the dynamics of migration flow from South Africa to Great Britain throughout the XX century, the key channels of arrival and ways of legalization of South Africans at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries. Special attention is given to analysis of discrepancies between the migration of South Africans of European ancestry and migration of the indigenous African population of South Africa. The specificity of identity of the persons of South African descent with British roots and the role of English language for the migrants from South Africa is examined in details. Before the fall of Apartheid regime in 1994, the migration of South Africans to Great Britain did not carry mass character; it has reached its pinnacle in the end of 1990’s – 2000’s. The absolute majority of South Africans in Great Britain are referred to the ethnic group of the “White” and represents the migrants of British (less commonly European) descent. The portion of the indigenous African population among the migrants from South Africa does not exceed 3-4%. South African diaspora is a rare case of extremely successful and non-confrontational integration to British society. For South Africa, the outflow of European population has resulted in a heavy shortage of qualified specialists. Overall, the attraction of migrants of European descents from South Africa, perhaps, could be favorable for the British authorities, strengthen the British identity and increase the portion of white population in the country.
racism, identity, diaspora, integration, migration, United Kingdom, South Africa, apartheid, demography, Africans
History of law and state
Beznosova, Y.V. (2018). Means of fulfilling obligations in Ancient India (on the materials of dharmasastra). Genesis: Historical research, 4, 14–19.
The subject of this research is the legal represenations of Brahmanism of procedure for regulating the mean of fulfilling obligations, and the reflected in religious-philosophical and ethical treatises – dharmasastra, of Manu Yajnavalkya, and Narada. Legal terms of Manu dharmasastra have repeatedly become the subject of analysis in examination of one or another aspect of legal regulations of obligatory relations in Ancient India; while the insufficiently studied in the Russian historical legal science dharmasastra of Yajnavalkya, and Narada in the indicated context are studied for the first time. The conducted analysis of the sources allowed concluding that the norms of dharmasastra equally protected the rights of a debtor-pledger and creditor-pledge holder. The rights of pledger were guaranteed in particular by the positions on responsibility of a creditor in case of the use of collateral against the wished of the pledger, as well as the cases of irresponsible treatment of the object of collateral, which resulted in its damage or loss. At the same time, dharmasastra ensured the rights of the creditor, enabling him to retain the collateral if the debt was not returned in double the amount, which eliminated prolongation of the fulfilment of obligations for an indefinite period of time.
Manu, dharmasastra, law, dharma, guarantee, collateral, Ancient India, Yajnavalkya, Narada, loan agreements
History of law and state
Levakin, I., Yurtaeva, E. (2018). “Economic constitutions” in the context of evolution of the states and peoples. Genesis: Historical research, 4, 20–43.
The subject of this research is the experience of origination, initial consolidation and historical development of the constitutional legal regulation of economy, fundamental economic-legal phenomena and economic rights in the national constitution of the world’s states. The goal of the work is to demonstrate the common and exceptional methods of legal mediation of economic development, determine the legal peculiarities of establishment of the material being of states and peoples, assess the political legal conditions for structuring of the constitutional “carcass” of economic life of the states and peoples. Alongside the basic historical-comparative method, the author used the systemic, logical, and normative-value approaches. The application of the indicated methods, as well as the specific, synergetic, and methodological ideas allowed revealing the objectively conditioned sustainable trends of legalization of economic pretensions, and detect the random processes that historically found reflection in constitutional regulation. As a result, the authors determined the potential and constructive capabilities of legal solution of the economic-social tasks, ensuring of legal forms of economic management, stabilization and development of economic routine. The scientific novelty consists in conclusion that the constitutions of states, as well as the system of national legal regulation overall, is a procreation of its era, serve as the reflection of the relevant placement of social forces, and manifest as an “economic portrait” of the state in a specific life cycle of the politically organized society.
constitutions of European states, human rights guarantees, economic rights, valid constitution, way of economic life, economic aspirations, economic interests, constitutionalism ethics, concept of economic constitution, constitutions of Latin American states
Regions of the world in the global historical process
Bibnev, A. (2018). Evolution of Bolivarian regionalism. Genesis: Historical research, 4, 44–57.
This article is dedicated to examination of the process of evolution of Bolivarian regionalism, which implies the Venezuela’s policy in Latin American and Caribbean basin. The author analyzes the various instruments and mechanism of the regional policy of Venezuela created in the XXI century. This work considers only such regional formation, in which Venezuela unequivocally plays the leading role. In the course of the research, the author highlights the development stages of Bolivarian regionalism, as well as analyzes the factors of its decline. Methodology is structure on the historical approach and interviews conducted by the author with the former representative of administrative office of Ecuador’s President and acting representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uruguay, who expressed their position regarding the subject of research. The scientific novelty consists in systematization of the already existing scientific conclusions made by the Russian and foreign experts, as well as detalization of aspects that have not yet received proper attention. Within the framework of this study, the author determined the main stages of evolution of the Bolivarian regionalism.
Banco del ALBA, SUCRE, Petrocaribe, Petroandina, Petrosur, Petroamerica, ALBA, Bolivarianism, Venezuela, Oil Diplomacy
History and Ideology
Nasibullin, R.A. (2018). “Relapses of the past reactionary activity of Professor Antropov are evident and not accidental. Political trust cannot be rendered”: year 1937 in Sverdlovsk Law Institute. Genesis: Historical research, 4, 58–72.
This article analyzes the collective exposure and condemnation of Professor I. A Antropov for alleged “gross political anti-Marxist perversions” in lecturing extraordinary and expanded meeting of the department of Civil and Business Law on May 19, 1937 on discussing a note in the regional newspaper “Ural Worker” of 8 May 1937. In the decree of the department on the work of Professor Antropov, all the accusations of the newspaper article were recognized as legitimate; it was proposed to strengthen control over teaching, raise revolutionary vigilance and fight against the distortions of Marxism-Leninism; it was also acknowledged that future institute activity of Professor is impossible. He was dismissed from the institute on July 2, 1937, because he “admitted a number of political mistakes” and became a victim of “witch hunt”. The unpublished archive documents and materials of the Ural State Law University and the State Archives of Sverdlovsk Region are introduced into the scientific discourse; two addendums from the previously unpublished documents from the State Archives of the Sverdlovsk Region are attached to the article.
anti-Marxist perversions, exposure, students, educators, department, institute, Ivan Aleksandrovich Antropov, political trust, control, dismissal
History of public institutions
Roshchevskaya , L.P. (2018). Control over the islands of Arctic Ocean in 1920’s. Genesis: Historical research, 4, 73–84.
The subject of this research is the activity of the branches of local executive authorities on the islands of Arctic Ocean, various responsibilities and scientific interests of the head of Administration of the Islands of Arctic Ocean I. A. Perfiliev: characteristic of economic situation of arctic land and its place in national economy; organization of control over a vast territory of the islands in 1920’s; explorations of systematics and study of flora of the islands. The goal is to analyze the documental base on history of the branches of local executive authorities and examination of plant resources of the islands of Arctic Ocean in 1920’s from the perspective of the social history of science. For periodization of activity of the Administration is applied a comparative method; the criterion for periodization is the administrative changes in control over the islands. The history of Administration counts three periods: 1917-1925; March of 1925 – June of 1927; 1927-1934. In the context of substantiation of the geopolitical and socioeconomic interests of the country, the author analyze the documental data on development of the islands as a part of Russia, reveal the geography and sizes of the region headed by I. A. Perfiliev during the 1920’s. The scientific novelty lies in introduction into the academic discourse of Perfiliev’s manuscripts preserved in the Institute of Biology of Komi Scientific Center, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The author determines the vectors of Perfiliev’s activity in Arctic in 1920’s: organization of control over the islands; characteristic of people’s occupation; development of deer farming; exploration of flora of the islands as deer forage.
floristic research, plant resources, Arctic Ocean, management of islands, social history of science, socio-cultural problems, geopolitical space, Arctic, Perfiliev Ivan Alexandrovich, National economy
Philosophy of history, historiography, chronology/source studies
Dyemina, Y.V. (2018). Modern national historiography of famine of 1891-1892. Genesis: Historical research, 4, 85–94.
The subject of this research is the opinions and assessments, main vectors and achievements of the modern Russian scholars on separate aspects of examination of famine of 1891-1892: factors, scale, demographic consequences, role of nonprofit organizations and government in elimination of aftermath of the famine, questions of food supply of the population. The object of this research is the entirety of the published historiographical sources on the topic, including scientific articles, synopses, dissertations and monographs. The author notes that at the turn of 1990-2000’s were determined the new vectors of research on the debatable questions of famine of 1891-1892; the “archival fever” of the late 1990’s expanded the problematic of examination of famine and complemented the research frame with new sources. The scientific novelty consists in carrying out a comprehensive scientific analysis of the views of modern national historians regarding the debatable questions of famine of 1891-1892. In the course of this work, an attempt was made to systematize the recent scientific results of the national scholars on the problems of famine of 1891-1892. The analysis of scientific works allowed concluding on the low attention of the modern Russian agrarian historians towards the territorial peculiarities of famine; primarily are studied the agricultural regions of Russia. At the present time there is a lack of extensive and fundamental studies of the Russian scholars on the problem of famine.
public organizations, demographic consequences, Russian empire, russian village, , crop failure, historiography, , famine, drought, charitable organizations, agricultural crisis
Philosophy of history, historiography, chronology/source studies
Kuchumov, I.V. (2018). History of the study of Russian population of Bashkortostan in the XX century. Genesis: Historical research, 4, 95–101.
The subject of this research is history of the study of Russian population of Bashkortostan in the XX century. The object is the set of major publications over the period of 1920’s until the present time. The author analyzes the publications of ethnodemography, literary studies, linguistics, and ethnography that are the key directions for studying the indicated problem over the recent years. The most profound research on the topic were created by the linguists-dialectologists; the rest of the scientific disciplines lag in studying of the topic. The article is based on the critical analysis of historiography of the problem, considering some common development trends with the historiographical situation in the country. The author is first to introduce a brief overview of the main research on the history and culture of the Russian population of Bashkortostan. Historiography of Russian of the Republic is subjected to critical analysis, with emphasis on the positive and weak aspects of the works at hand. It is established that the authentically scientific publications on the topic began to appear only over the recent years. The provided in the article material allow understanding which aspects of the topic require further research.
sociology, history, anthropology, linguistics, literary study, historiography, Bashkortostan, Russians, demography, history of science
Academic schools and paradigms
Ivkina, N.V. (2018). History of establishment and development of the German and largest American analytical centers (comparative analysis). Genesis: Historical research, 4, 102–113.
Relevance of this topic is substantiated by the fact that in the process of decision-making in the area of foreign policy in Europe and the United States constantly increases the role of non-state actors of international relations. In addition, escalates the importance of scientific research components in adoption of the new normative legal acts, signing the bilateral and multilateral agreements, and development of the new foreign political course of the state, international organizations and military-political blocks. Thus, the major impact produce such non-state actors as the analytical centers (“think tanks”. Using the general scientific method of comparison, the author analyze the structure and activity of the leading German and American analytical centers. Theoretical substantiation is the agenda theory, which declares the special influence of the non-state actors (primarily analytical centers and transnational corporations) upon the international relations. Analysis of the research of such centers allows understanding the peculiarities of the impact of various factors of foreign and domestic policy upon the foreign policy course. In the conditions of continuously growing role of the scientific-analytical component in international relations, as well as expansion of “think tanks” in separately taken country (horizontally) and across the globe (vertically), emerges the need for assessment and comparison of their activity.
historical developpement, comparative analysis, the USA, Germany, think tanks, non-state actors, international relations, model's developpement, foreign policy decisions, foreign policy goals
Social history
Igumnov, D.A. (2018). Decease of Alexander III in coverage of news media of St. Petersburg (on the example of publishers “Citizen” and “New Time”). Genesis: Historical research, 4, 114–121.
The subject of this research is the perception of the demise of Alexander II in news media, namely the materials of the publishers “Citizen”, “New Time”, and “Light”. The author examines such aspects of the topic as the assessment of persona of the deceased emperor, time that he ascended the throne, and his activity ad a monarch. Special attention is given to comprehension of relations between the “old” and the “new” during the ruling period of Alexander III, as well as the problem of legacy of the Great Reforms, liberalism, and revolutionary moods. The author compares the materials of three publishers and draws conclusions about their similarities and differences. The scientific novelty is defined by comparison of the materials that have not been previously compared. A conclusion is made that during the ruling period of Alexander III from the perspective of the reviewed in the article publishers was pivotal for choosing the path of the Russian society. At the same time, assessing the image of the deceased emperor, the publishers bequeathed the own political ideals to the future.
Russian history, monarchy, newspaper Light, newspaper New Time, magazine Citizen, Emperor Alexander II, Emperor Alexander III, policy, reign, obituary